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针对战争设计工程中专家群体研讨问题,根据研讨的主题以及目标,将专家群体研讨划分为三类:寻求信息研讨、质询研讨和商议研讨。在研讨类型划分的基础上,建立了战争设计工程群体专家研讨模型。该模型主要用于对战争设计工程中专家群体研讨过程建模,有利于专家对研讨进程的了解。最后阐述了该模型在战争设计工程中的应用。  相似文献   

一种研讨信息组织模型及其在研讨厅中的应用*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在群体研讨过程中会产生大量的研讨信息,群体共识则蕴藏在这些研讨信息之中,因此有必要对研讨信息进行分析处理。为此,提出一种面向群体共识涌现的研讨信息组织模型(DISM)。该模型根据Toulmin逻辑对专家发言进行结构化处理,将专家发言分解为根据、论证、模态限定和主张等几个部分。其中,模态限定是一个可量化的部件,反映了专家对主张的态度;根据和论证则为主张提供支持。该模型是对研讨信息的全面描述,可以有效处理研讨信息并支持共识达成,最后阐述了该模型在综合集成研讨厅中的应用。  相似文献   

倪娜  刘凯  李耀东 《计算机应用研究》2010,27(11):4058-4062
针对在综合集成研讨环境中,由于存在时间压力,传统的网络信息获取方法难以直接使用,提出了一种面向综合集成研讨环境的主动信息获取方法。该方法将领域词条与通用词条相结合,从发言文本流中实时提取话题,并在话题发生变化时自动生成检索词送入搜索引擎进行检索,再通过多个用户之间的协作推荐实现对重要检索结果的筛选。实验结果表明,这种方法可为综合集成研讨系统的用户提供及时、准确、上下文相关的信息服务。  相似文献   

重点介绍了智能可视化的各种形式和内容,包括研讨信息统计可视化、关注水平及其状态可视化、共识水平及其状态可视化、共识分析可视化、共识变化预测与建议可视化等,并最终在ECBAR系统中实现了其功能。  相似文献   

随着CAD技术的蓬勃发展和广泛引用,设计重用受到了越来越多的关注,然而由于缺乏有效的底层模型表征,现有的三维CAD模型检索算法普遍存在难以支持设计重用的问题.针对设计重用需求,提出一种设计特征模型的表征结构及构建方法.通过扩展特征树的设计模型表征结构,准确地刻画设计模型中不同粒度、不同形式的特征及特征间的关联关系,有效地捕捉模型中包含的设计语义;通过人工交互定义主形状特征和辅形状特征、系统自动建立特征间关系的方式构建设计特征模型,确保模型表征的唯一性及稳定性.实验结果表明,文中提出的设计特征模型表征结构及构建方法能够有效地捕捉工程零件中包含的设计语义,进而支持面向设计重用的检索.  相似文献   

本文笔者以十多年来在安防领域的学术研究,及超过一千个工程项目的检测实务经验,对CCTV这几年的发展状况与所产生的问题和需求有独到看法;文中主要针对CCTV的技术和功能指标、检测、验收等方面,提出其研究的成果和心得与读者相长。  相似文献   

戴超凡  王明利 《计算机工程》2010,36(14):238-240
针对传统研讨信息静态可视化视图杂乱、难以辨认等问题,提出研讨信息可视化框架和基于交互式可视化技术的解决方案。利用Java、XML技术,借助JFreeChar、Prefuse软件包实现交互式可视化平台。该平台基于节点链接结构,允许用户交互式操作,支持可视化检索和分析。运行结果表明,该平台改善了研讨信息的可访问性,具有较强的可扩展性。  相似文献   

电子公共大脑视听室为群体研讨提供了动态的可视化信息显示模式,深入研究了其群体研讨信息的自然可视化、自主可视化和智能可视化实现的算法和功能,有助于促进达成共识并有效辅助决策。  相似文献   

面向参数设计的工程数据库管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CAD中参数化设计是一个重要应用,文中介绍了单变量和双变量数据库的建立和检索方法。  相似文献   

面向产品造型设计的形态风格描述模型构建*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择风格作为研究用户感性需求与设计元素关系的突破口,采用系统论的方法从功能、结构、组成要素等方面分析了产品风格的内涵,构成了风格描述的理论基础。基于感性设计的思想,建立了风格设计中不同空间的映射关系,并应用感性工学、模糊理论、语义区分等方法论述了风格描述模型建立过程和结构框架,并给出了风格的数学表达、类别的判断方法、风格间相似性计算和产品风格的识别算法。通过面向对象技术建立了风格基类和操作方法,结合风格形态设计过程探讨了风格描绘模型的应用模式。  相似文献   

Designing software involves good perception, good reasoning, and a talent to express oneself effectively through programming and interactive languages. Semiotic theories can help HCI designers increase their power to perceive, reason and communicate. By presenting some of the results we have reached with semiotic engineering over the last few years, we suggest that the main contributions of semiotic theory in supporting HCI design are: to provide designers with new perceptions on the process and product of HCI design; to bind together all the stages of software development and use, giving them a unique homogeneous treatment; and to pose innovative questions that extend the frontiers of HCI investigations.  相似文献   

The complexity of current engineering design demands the collaboration of specialists. Collaboration involves both communication between and coordination among members of a design team. Currently, design collaboration is carried out through the use of schedules, specifications and drawings which only capture the end results of the design process. They fail to record important design information such as the reasoning behind design decisions. In this paper, we describe a tool CADS, that supports collaboration in engineering design. CADS is based on an extension to the Axiomatic Design methodology which not only captures the design elements but also the rationale used to conceive them. CADS serves as a shared database of design information with facilities that support communication and coordination in engineering design.Currently at the Media Laboratory, MIT.  相似文献   

舰艇编队信息战火力分配微分对策模型及求解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
火力分配问题一直是军事理论工作者和参战双方指挥员关心得最多的重要问题之一. 针对舰艇编队信息战的特殊性, 本文利用兰彻斯特战斗方程和微分对策理论建立了相应的火力分配优化模型, 并进行了模型分析和求解. 通过分析、求解一个实例的最优策略, 从另一层面证明了“集中优势火力”这一战术思想的正确性. 研究结果可为作战指挥决策提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Analogical planning provides a means of solving engineering problems where other machine learning methods fail. Unlike many machine learning paradigms, analogy does not require numerous previous examples or a rich domain theory. Instead, analogical planners adapt knowledge of solved problems in similar domains to the current problem. Unfortunately, the analogical planning task is an expensive one. While the process of forming correspondences between a known problem and a new problem is complex, the problem of selecting a base case for the analogy is virtually intractable.This paper addresses the issue of efficiently forming analogical plans. The Anagram planning system is described, which takes advantage of the massively parallel architecture of the Connection Machine to perform base selection and map formation. Anagram provides a tractable solution to analogical planning, with a complexity that is sublinear in the size of the plans.This paper describes the Anagram system and its parallel algorithms. The paper also presents theoretical analyses and empirical results of testing the system on a large database of plans from the domain of automatic programming.  相似文献   

Modular design to support green life-cycle engineering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The severe competition in the market has driven enterprises to produce a wider variety of products to meet consumers’ needs. However, frequent variation of product specifications causes the assembly and disassembly of components and modules to become more and more complicated. As a result, the issue of product modular design is a problem worthy of concern. In this study, engineering attributes were added to the liaison graph model for the evaluation of part connections. The engineering attributes added, including contact type, combination type, tool type, and accessed direction, serve to offer designers criteria for evaluating the component liaison intensity during the design stage. A grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) is then employed for clustering the components and crossover mechanisms are modified according to the need of modular design. Furthermore, a reasonable green modular design evaluation is conducted using the green material cost analysis. According to the results, adjusted design proposals are suggested and materials that cause less pollution are recommended to replace the components with pollution values higher than those in the module. Finally, the authors use Borland C++ 6.0 to evaluate the system and clustering method. To illustrate the methodology proposed in this study, a table lamp is offered as an example.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in an industrial context, cost and delay reduction, as well as quality improvement are of major interest in engineering design. Therefore, in order to make a decision as early as possible and according to the product specifications, mechanical analysis is used more and more, and earlier and earlier in the engineering process. Then, a multitude of mechanical models are elaborated during engineering design, and management difficulties appear with engineering changes or evolution of specifications. Moreover, when the designer is faced with design or modelling options, previous analysis could answer the choice of options for decision making. Then, the reuse of a previous analysis must be envisaged. The paper presented deals with the aim and the different use of mechanical analysis in embodiment design. Afterwards, different levels of models handled by the designer during the engineering process are proposed. A particular type of analysis, namely instructional' is identif ied in a further step and its interest in a reuse context is emphasized. Finally, information structuring is proposed in order to allow mechanical analysis reuse during engineering design.  相似文献   

Developments in CAD and CAE are described, with particular reference to the area of solid modelling. This paper also outlines the efforts and successes (or otherwise) of some of the leading CAD companies. The need for standards and the problems inherent in their development are discussed. Finally, future trends in CAD are anticipated.  相似文献   

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