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How computers in schools impact on children's learning has been studied through research that explores student achievement at one point in time or by comparing different classroom contexts with differing results. The introduction of an optional netbook purchasing scheme for children in a low socio‐economic community provided an opportunity to compare the academic improvement for those who joined the scheme with those who did not with both groups learning within the same context with the same teachers. Using nationally calibrated assessment tools that test reading, writing, and mathematical skill progression, the student achievement data from six schools across a 2‐year period were analysed using chi‐square testing, regression analysis, propensity score matching, and cumulative logit modelling. The results identified few significant differences between the students in most aspects of achievement and no significant difference in academic improvement between the two groups.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the implementation of a self - assessment procedure in a Physics class, extended during a seven weeks period in a European secondary level school. The researchers used three modes of assessment based on paper and pencil, computer-web and mobile devices respectively. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of each mode of assessment on students' motivation and achievement. Analysis of pre- and post-motivation tests revealed a more positive motivational orientation of students towards computers and mobile devices as assessment delivery mediums. Also, student evaluation implemented after the phase of the experimental procedure showed a significant increase in learning achievement for low-achieving students who participated in the mobile-based and computer-based assessment. The positive effects of computers and mobile devices on students' learning motivation suggest that they can be used as a promising alternative to paper and pencil assessment procedures.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of supervisors' close monitoring on employees' creativity and knowledge sharing, both of which are important to the enhanced performance and survival of organizations in this era of uncertainty and change. We also identify the mechanism through which supervisors' close monitoring affects employees' creativity and knowledge sharing. A survey was conducted with military officers in South Korea, among whom supervisor–employee interactions occur daily. A regression analysis of 163 supervisor‐employee dyads shows that supervisors' close monitoring has a negative impact on employees' creativity and knowledge sharing; a mediation test using a bootstrapping methodology shows that supervisors' close monitoring has a significantly negative indirect impact on employees' creativity and knowledge sharing with leader‐member exchange (LMX) as the mediator. Our theoretical contribution is to provide an improved understanding of the relationships among the variables. We also offer a practical implication because our findings show that supervisors' close monitoring may hinder employees' creativity and knowledge sharing by undermining LMX.  相似文献   

This study is an examination of how objects can influence creativity. Through a qualitative inquiry involving 22 consumers, the study sheds light on how objects can inform, inspire, and facilitate creativity. Specifically, the findings show that objects can physically inform and facilitate the creative process because of their material properties (i.e., colors, densities, masses, lengths, and shapes) and their embeddedness in object–human interaction networks. Although object agency is initially latent and located in the materiality of objects, it is unlocked during object–human interactions, ultimately enhancing creativity. The findings highlight an overlooked role of objects in creative processes. Further, this study contributes to the existing corpus of creativity research, which attributes creativity mostly to human agency, as rooted in human personality, human social systems, and human collaborations. The study also extends and supports object agency and service‐dominant logic discourses.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new individual creativity model divided into seven main constructs: creative self-efficacy, individual knowledge, IT support, individual absorptive capacity, exploration, exploitation, and individual creativity. We assumed that creative self-efficacy, individual knowledge, and IT support positively affect individual creativity through the mediating effect of individual absorptive capacity, exploration, and exploitation. Additionally, we examined the moderating effects of subjective well-being by dividing the sample into a high subjective well-being group and a low subjective well-being group. After collecting 706 valid questionnaires from IT companies in South Korea, we applied a structural equation modeling technique to analyze the data. Empirical results reveal the following: (1) creative self-efficacy, individual knowledge, and IT support influence individual creativity through individual absorptive capacity, exploration, exploitation; and (2) subjective well-being moderates the relationship between the two constructs of the research model.  相似文献   

Abstract  The present study analysed the strategies and interactions of 60 7-year-old children working on LOGO tasks in gender pairs (girls, boys and boy/ girls). The results revealed that initially there were significant differences on some performance variables, based on gender, in one of the tasks. However, these disappeared when the task was changed to one with a focus on accuracy. By the end of the study differences in performance were found to be associated with the application of higher order strategies for problem-solving. The research investigated the nature of the early differences between the groups by examining the strategies and interactions of the pairs of children. The study highlights the importance of considering both the type of task and performance over a reasonable period of time when describing the nature and extent of young children's learning when problem solving in a novel environment.  相似文献   

There is a large volume of published studies describing the positive role of Augmented Reality (AR) in educational settings. However, there is a paucity of empirical work that explores its role in supporting primary school pupil's motivation and creativity. Moreover, numerous studies have confirmed that pupils have difficulties in learning geometry and thinking geometrically. In this context, this paper explores the possibility of using AR software for low-grade primary school pupils to enhance their creative thinking and increase their motivation during the informal geometry training course. A research-based design process is adopted to replicate the primary school pupil's learning in this study, where pupils in the experimental group used mobile application to access AR virtual manipulatives, pupils in the control group used physical manipulatives. The applied AR technology allows pupils to handle 2D and 3D rounded corners and simple closed curves to find the most effective solutions for some learning challenges. Sixty-two pupils from the first-grade primary school in Egypt have participated in this study with the aim of investigating: (a) the primary school pupil's achievements and creative thinking in using AR techniques, and (b) the specific strategies that can increase their motivation and engagement. The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in geometry learning achievement, while statistically significant differences were found between the groups in the motivation and creative thinking skills in favour of the experimental group.  相似文献   

Forty-eight college students participated in an ABAB analysis; the A condition was online study groups and the B condition was online practice tests. Students prepared for two in-class examinations under the A condition and two in-class examinations under the B condition. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, all examinations contained items that assessed student mastery of course content in terms of: (1) knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, and (4) synthesis. Ten questionnaire items established that participating students preferred online practice tests over online study groups. Such preference, however, was not significantly related to any measure of academic achievement. While small sample size renders generalization of findings tenuous, the results of the investigation suggest that various online study tools may have differential effectiveness for knowledge, comprehension, application, and synthesis instruction objectives. Although student preference is an important consideration, instructors should select online study tools on the basis of established learning benefits.  相似文献   

Accessing external knowledge is an important part of work for Research and Development (R&D) employees to get high creative performance. Currently, Professional Virtual Forum (PVF) in internet is becoming an important virtual knowledge source for R&D employees. However, up to now the impact of R&D employees’ connect with PVF on their creativity still waits to be explored. Furthermore, the interactive effects of connect with PVF and person-to-person knowledge sources on creativity are not clear. This paper empirically studied the 163 R&D employees came from 16 companies in China, and the results turned out that the R&D employees’ frequency of connect with PVF and intra-team, as well as with external person all significantly improved their creativity. Frequency of connect with PVF moderated the relationship between centrality of intra-team knowledge network and employee creativity, in such that when the frequency of connect with PVF was higher, the positive influence of centrality of intra-team knowledge network on employee creativity was also higher. Suggestions for future study on PVF and creativity are discussed.  相似文献   

LOGO !是SIEMENS公司推出的可编程通用逻辑控制模块 ,它不仅集成了与、或、非等各种基本控制逻辑 ,还能完成定时、计数和时钟等功能 ,并具有AS - 1通信功能。由于其操作简单 ,使用方便、可靠 ,应用成本低等许多突出优点而被广泛应用于各种民用产品和工业控制系统中。通风系统是楼宇自动化中众多控制设备及子系统中的一部分 ,多采用继电控制或PLC控制 ,而采用LO GO !的通风系统 ,不仅替代了传统的继电控制 ,控制更可靠 ,方案修改方便 ,而且与通用的PLC控制相比 ,系统设计、操作更简便 ,具有较高的性价比。1 LOGO !控制系统设计通…  相似文献   

Abstract Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of a period of training in the use of the turtle graphics aspects of LOGO on both attitudes towards computers and the learning of BASIC and statistics. A group of 15 subjects spent 10 hours learning LOGO . Their performance on subsequent learning of BASIC was significantly better than that of a control group, but no differences were found in attitudes towards computers or in the learning of statistics.  相似文献   

本文介绍了LOGO!在空压机控制系统中的应用,给出了由一台自耦变压器控制两台空压机起动的控制电路.此法是一种经济,实用的控制方法,系统具有高可靠性,经实际应用,效果良好.  相似文献   

Blended learning, thoughtfully combining the best elements of online and face-to-face education, is likely to emerge as the predominant teaching model of the future. In this paper, we present a blended learning environment combining mobile learning, web-based learning, and classroom teaching to provide realistic, practical opportunities for learners and teachers to engage in problem solving activities. The purpose of this study was to explore problem solving patterns and their impact on learning achievement in a blended learning environment. Through quasi-experimental instruction, we collected all of the data of the learning processes from 34 students in a blended learning environment using classroom instruction, mobile and web scenarios. By combining cluster analysis and content analysis, we were able to identify three groups with distinct characteristics: the hybrid-oriented group, the technology-oriented group, and the efficiency-oriented group. Learners in the hybrid-oriented group used the classroom, mobile and web scenario almost equally. They displayed a regular manner in following the instructor’s teaching procedure, and tended to passively accept whatever the teacher said. Students in the technology-oriented group spent most of their time using mobile and web technologies but they revealed superficial problem solving abilities such as a lack of understanding and planning. The efficiency-oriented group was characterized by the efficient monitoring of learning processes. It was more task-oriented and performed better than the other two groups.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2002,38(1-3):117-126
The present study set out to investigate the impacts of incorporating e-mail, one of the most accessible, convenient, and easy to use computer-mediated communications, into a classroom setting on student academic achievement and attitudes. A posttest-only control-group design was adopted. Two classes from a “Computers in Education” course participated in the study and were randomly assigned to different conditions, namely, the e-mail diffusion group and the non-e-mail diffusion group. Two criteria-referenced performance-type posttests were used for individual student computer capabilities assessment. “Prospective Teacher Computer Attitudes Scale” was adopted to assess e-mail's effects on student attitudes toward computers. Results from the data analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference in student academic performance. However, no statistically significant difference was found in student attitudes toward computers. The obtained results provided empirical evidence supporting the usefulness of e-mail as a promising aid to promote student cognitive growth pertaining to computer knowledge and skills. Based on the collected data, it was concluded that without additional investment in equipment and software, incorporating e-mail into the learning process might be a promising enhancement to instruction that teachers could readily adopt.  相似文献   

本文介绍了LOGO!在空压机控制系统中的应用,给出了由一台自耦变压器控制两台空压机起动的控制电路。此法是一种经济,实用的控制方法,系统具有高可靠性,经实际应用,效果良好。  相似文献   

本文介绍了SIEMFNS公司的通用逻辑模块LOGO!的功能和特点,以及LOGO!在医疗器械自动控制中的应用。  相似文献   

系统由压力传感器、压力、可编程控制器、水泵、按钮等组成,编程控制器程序是按照一定顺序开机或停机,保持系统压力相对稳定。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been heralded by many as the next source of business value. Grounded on the resource-based theory of the firm and on recent work on AI at the organizational context, this study (1) identifies the AI-specific resources that jointly create an AI capability and provides a definition, (2) develops an instrument to capture the AI capability of the firms, and (3) examines the relationship between an AI capability and organizational creativity and performance. Findings empirically support the suggested theoretical framework and corresponding instrument and provide evidence that an AI capability results in increased organizational creativity and performance.  相似文献   

Abstract A classroom-based evaluation study examined the process of children's collaboration when using one or two mice at a desktop computer. Pairs of children worked together to re-create a poem in pictorial format. In-depth qualitative examination of interaction using 'collaboration networks' highlighted differences in working styles between conditions. Children using two mice divided up their task, worked in parallel, and showed limited reciprocity and elaboration of ideas. Children sharing one mouse demonstrated varied behaviours ranging from highly collaboratively work to extreme domination by one partner. The implications of these results for the organisation of tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

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