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针对电子政务建设过程中涉及的异构资源即时共享和跨部门业务协同等核心问题,提出一种基于云服务的电子政务框架eGovCloud,其核心思想是通过“虚拟资源中心”实现资源物理上的分布存储和逻辑上的集中管理,并建立政务领域元数据规范作为统一的语义基础设施,进而支持跨部门异构信息资源的共享和统一管理,以此为基础进一步提出支持跨部门业务协同的“政务虚拟组织”。探讨了eGovCloud体系结构以及涉及的关键技术,并展示了其在构建电子政务系统中的应用。  相似文献   

在信息技术推动政务创新方面,IBM在全球和中国看到一些最新的趋势和应用。[编者按]  相似文献   

介绍了基于Struts框架的电子政务系统设计和实现过程,系统遵循J2EE规范和MVC设计模式,并且采用了可重用的设计思想和一些组件技术。实现跨平台、低成本、开发高效快捷,可裁剪和移植性强等优点,解决了目前小城镇电子政务系统推广普及的一些瓶颈问题,适用于小城镇信息化建设项目的需求。  相似文献   

电子政务总体框架的设计是电子政务建设的关键,实现“以人为本”的服务性电子政府是电子政务研究的根本目标。本文针对服务性电子政府的建设目标,提出了一种面向公民的电子政务服务框架(CCeGSF),该框架采用面向服务的架构(SOA)和业务流程管理(BPM)等先进技术为支撑,符合通用性、标准化和柔性的设计要求,具有耦合性松、灵活性大、资源共享性强、可扩展性强等优点。基于CCeGSF的大连市高新技术开发区电子政务服务系统运行效果良好,能够为用户提供便捷、优质的服务。  相似文献   

介绍了基于Struts框架的电子政务系统设计和实现过程,系统遵循J2EE规范和MVC设计模式,并且采用了可重用的设计思想和一些组件技术。实现跨平台、低成本、开发高效快捷,可裁剪和移植性强等优点,解决了目前电子政务系统推广普及的一些瓶颈问题,适用于电子政务系统建设项目的需求。  相似文献   

为解决电子政务系统的多版本、异构、分布、松散耦合等问题,提出了一种基于工作流技术的电子政务支撑系统框架.针对框架的核心--工作流管理系统,建立了支持多过程定义方法的工作流管理系统模型.该框架已实际应用于科技奖励网络评审平台,解决了多版本的异构数据处理及系统集成问题,取得了良好的效果.最后,介绍了在电子政务支撑系统框架下基于XML,Web Services技术的工作流管理系统的设计与实现过程.  相似文献   

2002年17号文指出,电子政务优先次序是监管、效率、服务;2006年11号文对电子政务的功能进行了调整,将服务排在了第一位,即公共服务、公共管理、市场监管、宏观调控。国家发改委高技术司司长顾大伟在“2008中国电子政务论坛”上曾指出,我们电子政务建设的最大问题就是“重建设、轻应用”,面向公众服务的功能不到3%,面向决策支持的业务应用功能不到8%,电子政务提高政府行政能力和普惠大众的效能尚未充分显现。电子政务如何更好地服务公众?且听五位当事者如何解读。  相似文献   

目前全国电子政务建设正在如火如荼的展开,但是对于实施完成的电子政务系统则还有紧随而来的问题:运营。电子政务的建设最终目的是为公众和企业实现高效方便的服务。因此,如何为公众和企业提供方便的贴身服务是电子政务运营的关键点,也是运营策略的根基。但是具体的电子政务的运营该何去何从呢?笔者从自身的实践中体会到以下几点:  相似文献   


Governments globally are leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) growth towards improving the quality of public procurement services for socio-economic development. However, the extent of its application differs across nations. Notwithstanding the extant theoretical and empirical literature on IT for development, knowledge on how to assess readiness for adopting a full e-procurement system in the public sector of lower and lower-middle income countries (LMICs) begs for understanding. With the narrative of Ghana, we address this gap by drawing on the institutional and economic theory and the United Nations E-Government Development Index towards a holistic framework beyond the dyad of linear website functionalities and internet focus of prior e-government adoption models. Elite interviews gathered from multiple cases from Ghana’s public sector reveals the key readiness determinants for a full public sector e-procurement system. This study has significant implications for shaping the process-oriented management of government e-procurement projects towards socio-economic development in LMICs amid their complex institutional and socio-technical environments.  相似文献   

In order to face new regulation directives regarding the environment and also for improving their customer relationship, enterprises have to increasingly be more able to manage their product information during the entire lifecycle. One of the objectives among others in this paper is to deal with product traceability along the product lifecycle. To meet this objective, the information system has to be designed and, further built in such a way all information regarding products is recorded. The IEC 62264 standards define generic logical models for exchanging product and process information between business and manufacturing levels of enterprise applications. Thus, it can be a base for product information traceability. However, its complexity comes from the fact it mixes conceptual and implementation details while no methodology exists that defines how to instantiate it. Product traceability is then needed to increase its abstraction level in order to concentrate on its concepts and managing its application by providing a methodology for its instantiation. In this paper, we propose to map the IEC 62264 standard models to a particular view of Zachman framework in order to make the framework concrete as a guideline for applying the standard and for providing the key players in information systems design with a methodology to use the standard for traceability purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an evaluation framework for Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). The framework builds on the theoretical foundations underlying organizational Knowledge Management (KM) to identify key KM activities and the KMS capabilities required to support each activity. These capabilities are then used to form a benchmark for evaluating KMS. Organizations selecting KMS can use the framework to identify gaps and overlaps in the extent to which the capabilities provided and utilized by their current KMS portfolio meet the KM needs of the organization. Other applications of the framework are also discussed.
Brent FurneauxEmail:

制造执行系统柔性应用框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对制造执行系统应用开发的复杂性,提出了一个制造执行系统的柔性应用框架。在多层服务体系结构的基础上,该应用框架通过运用面向过程的对象分析技术、基于规则的事件服务机制和业务工程分析技术,提供可重构的组织结构、可伸缩的业务流程和可定制的业务规则,使得系统开发和实施的柔性得以提高。同时,运用该柔性框架,对一个实例进行分析和实现。  相似文献   

错误的频繁发生已经成为阻碍网格稳健发展和大规模应用的主要障碍之一,网格系统的容错性研究显得尤为重要。根据网格计算的特点,提出了网格环境下的特殊容错需求;结合用户的服务质量要求,建立了包括网格错误检测与网格错误管理的动态容错服务架构,阐述了错误检测服务与错误管理服务的组织结构、各组成模块的具体功能;最后,给出了一个完整的容错服务实现过程。  相似文献   

移动电子政务是基于无线网络技术的新型电子政务模式。移动电子政务具有不受网络拓扑结构限制、配置简单、应用灵活等特点。移动电子政务借助移动终端设备,以便捷的方式随时随地提供服务。但是由于移动通信自身的特点,与有线系统相比,移动电子政务系统中的安全问题需要考虑的问题更多。  相似文献   

Simulation studies often fail to provide any useful result due to its success being highly dependent on the skills of the analyst to understand a system and then correctly identify all the required data parameters and dependent variables. This paper describes a template-based framework to help identify and specify the components and data parameters for developing models of physical security systems. The layered framework consists of 15 templates built on top of 14 data primitives representing 119 data parameters. The modeling framework has been programmed as an internet-based web application and is simulation language-independent. The usefulness of the framework was tested and shown to have a significant impact on improving the identification of system components and their associated data parameters.  相似文献   

P. Holden 《Knowledge》1992,5(4):258-268
Current approaches to expert systems technology transfer have tended to focus upon the marketing and servicing of technology capabilities and potential whilst remaining uncertain about the process factors which determine how this technology may be applied and adopted effectively. Furthermore, much of current expert systems research work and literature addresses these issues from the viewpoint of the supplier or donor whilst overlooking the importance of human and organisational perspectives which shed light on the means of delivery and take-up within the recipient organisation. The paper, the second of two that look at expert systems innovation in manufacturing, argues for greater consideration of the characteristics, processes and mechanisms of technology transfer. It defines a new conceptual basis for technology transfer which stresses a ‘needs-driven’ process of change; this highlights the importance of context as well as content in expert systems transfer and implementation. From this, a management framework is outlined and is used to rationalise the transfer problems and needs described in the first paper following a survey of 145 manufacturing users. It is also shown how this framework may be used to understand more about the multi-level and multi-dimensional needs and effects of technology induced change and therefore how it may be used to help senior management strategically plan and co-ordinate expert systems programmes in their organisations.  相似文献   

Service science, management and engineering (SSME) research is to study the methodology and technology for service innovation, design, development and delivery. Since service industry is very quality-sensitive and trust-dependent, we propose a service accountability management framework to detect, diagnose, defuse and disclose the root cause for any problematic service process. The accountability support is important for SSME since service processes often rely on external service providers to deliver part of the service functionalities. A service system must have effective yet efficient mechanisms to ensure that every external service is delivering a consistent and acceptable level of performance to meet the end-to-end quality of service (QoS) of the whole service process. In this paper, we present the accountability framework, identify the components in an accountable service architecture, and design an accountability diagnosis methodology. We also briefly present the inteLLigent Accountability Management Architecture (LLAMA) project which implements the accountability service bus (ASB), an agent-based middleware to support the monitoring, diagnosis, and reconfiguration of e-services. LLAMA ASB interacts with accountability agents to monitor services and the Accountability Authority to automatically diagnose faulty situations. The LLAMA technology is useful to ensure the QoS in SSME-based systems.  相似文献   

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