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Functional MRI (f-MRI) is a non-invasive technique developed to permit functional mapping of the brain with a better temporal and spatial resolution than that offered by PET techniques. In our study, f-MRI was performed using blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging based on the magnetic properties of hemoglobin. This method relies on changes in the blood supply to the brain that accompany sensory stimulation or changes in cognitive state. All the images were obtained at 1.5 T on a Signa GEMS without ultrafast imaging. The vestibular stimulation was cold irrigation of the external auditory meatus (caloric stimulation). A population of normal healthy volunteers without a history of vestibular dysfunction was studied. The hippocampal formation as well as the retrosplenial cortex and the subiculum were activated by vestibular stimulation, suggesting that this activation may be related to spatial disorientation and a sensation of self-rotation experienced by the subjects during vestibular stimulation. The other results are similar to those obtained using PET.  相似文献   

The involvement of structures in the medial temporal lobe during the encoding of visual associations was studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging. In 11 out of 12 normal healthy volunteers this task resulted in activation in posterior portions of the parahippocampal region, close to the collateral sulcus. In seven subjects activation was encountered in the hippocampal formation. The visual association task as adapted for this study may provide a sensitive measure to study anterograde amnesia prevalent in Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the present paradigm enables the study of individual changes in learning and memory capacities over time.  相似文献   

It has been the goal of this article to provide the reader with a brief background of fMRI, a basic understanding of the techniques of fMRI, and, more importantly, the potential for clinical and experimental studies using fMRI. In contrast to the limited number of installed PET and MEG units, the large installed base of MR imaging scanners (over 1000 installed at least at 1.5 T in the United States) makes fMRI potentially widely available. Initial studies (both clinical and experimental) have been validated and are reproducible in mapping the sensorimotor and visual cortices. The areas of language lateralization and memory are still preliminary at best. As methods to reduce the effects of head motion (due to both bulk head motion and physiologically induced motion) arise, the reliability of fMRI should improve, allowing for more definitive identification of task activation.  相似文献   

Echoplanar functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to monitor activation changes of brain areas while subjects viewed apparent motion stimuli and while they were engaged in motion imagery. Human cortical areas MT (V5) and MST were the first areas of the 'dorsal' processing stream which responded with a clear increase in signal intensity to apparent motion stimuli as compared with flickering control conditions. Apparent motion of figures defined by illusory contours evoked greater activation in V2 and MT/MST than appropriate control conditions. Several areas of the dorsal pathway (V3A, MT/MST, areas in the inferior and superior parietal lobule) as well as prefrontal areas including FEF and BA 9/46 responded strongly when subjects merely imagined moving stimuli which they had seen several seconds before. The activation during motion imagery increased with the synaptic distance of an area from V1 along the dorsal processing stream. Area MT/MST was selectively activated during motion imagery but not during a static imagery control condition. The comparison between the results obtained with objective motion, apparent motion and imagined motion provides further insights into a complex cortical network of motion-sensitive areas driven by bottom-up and top-down neural processes.  相似文献   

Probability theory is applied to the analysis of fMRI data. The posterior distribution of the parameters is shown to incorporate all the information available from the data, the hypotheses, and the prior information. Under appropriate simplifying conditions, the theory reduces to the standard statistical test, including the general linear model. The theory is particularly suited to handle the spatial variations in the noise present in fMRI, allowing the comparison of activated voxels that have different, and unknown, noise. The theory also explicitly includes prior information, which is shown to be critical in the attainment of reliable activation maps.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been performed on a standard 1 T system using a pulse sequence developed to utilize blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast and an off-line analysis routine using correlation techniques. The sequence and the data analysis routine have been validated by reproducing the conventional hand movement paradigm studies reported by numerous other workers. Our work has then been extended to investigate cerebral foci for a tonic pain stimulus and the cortical representation of oesophageal stimulation. Both these studies relate to paradigms where the expected BOLD signal is significantly less than that encountered for motor or visual cortex paradigms. The results show good agreement with other modalities (positron emission tomography, magnetoencephalography and cortical evoked potentials). Performing fMRI at 1 T is slightly controversial. However, our successful study of demanding paradigms, using a standard clinical 1 T imaging system, has important implications for many other users operating at this field strength.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study noninvasively the functional anatomy and pathophysiologic characteristics of the globus pallidus external (GPe) and internal (GPi) divisions. DESIGN: Structural and functional neuroimaging using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. SETTING: University medical center research facility. SUBJECTS. Seven patients with pallidal lesions, 4 with an akinetic-rigid syndrome and 3 with a dystonic syndrome, and 15 age-matched volunteers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: T2-weighted anatomical magnetic resonance imaging and number of activated voxels in the GP during rapid supination and pronation of the hand. RESULTS: T2-weighted images showed hyperintense bilateral lesions in the GP of all patients. Patients with dystonic syndromes had isolated lesions in the GPi. Patients with signs of akinetic-rigid syndromes showed abnormalities in the GPe or in central portions of the GP (GPc). Patients with lesions in both parts of the GP had akinetic-rigid or dystonic syndromes. All patients showed activation in the areas of the lesions. The number of activated voxels in the GP was significantly smaller (P < .005, Wilcoxon signed rank test) in patients than in control subjects. Activation of the GP was predominantly contralateral to the moving hand. CONCLUSIONS: Lesions in the GPi result in a loss of inhibitory pallidal projections to the thalamus, which may explain the hyperkinetic signs. Lesions in the GPe lead to an increased inhibition of the thalamus, which may explain the hypokinetic signs. Neuronal activation in lesion sites suggests the presence of remaining functionally vital tissue.  相似文献   

A method for generating olfactory stimuli for humans within a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experimental design is described. The system incorporates a nasal-mask in which the change from odorant to no-odorant conditions occurs in less than 500 ms and is not accompanied by visual, auditory, tactile, or thermal cues. The mask provides an ordorant-free environment following prolonged ordorant presence. Specific imaging parameters that are conducive to the study of the human olfactory system are described. In a pilot study performed using these methods, the specific patterns of activation observed converged with published experimental and clinical findings.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging has become an invaluable tool for cognitive neuroscience, despite the fact that many of the physiological mechanisms giving rise to the effect are not well understood. We review the known biochemical and physiological basis of the technique and discuss how, within the noted limits, one might fully exploit the spatial and temporal resolution that is intrinsic to the very high magnetic fields that we use for human studies. This noninvasive brain mapping technique relies on the changes in blood oxygenation, blood volume, and blood flow, and we discuss some of the issues influencing the effects of these hemodynamic parameters on image intensity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The principal MRI features of hippocampal sclerosis are volume loss and increased T2 weighted signal intensity. Minor and localised abnormalities may be overlooked without careful quantitation. Hippocampal T2 relaxation time (HT2) can be quantified, but previously has only been measured on a few thick coronal slices with interslice gaps. In this study HT2 was measured along the entire length of the hippocampus on contiguous slices and used, with quantitative measures of hippocampal volume (HV) and distribution of atrophy, to better define the range of hippocampal sclerosis. METHODS: Thirty patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, 10 patients with extratemporal localisation related epilepsy and extratemporal lesions, and 20 control subjects were studied using MRI T2 relaxometry and volumetry. RESULTS: In controls and patients, HT2 was higher in the anterior than the posterior hippocampus. Using HV, morphometric, and HT2 data, patients with temporal lobe epilepsy were classified as unilateral diffuse hippocampal sclerosis (n=16), unilateral focal (n=6), bilaterally affected (n=6), and normal (n=2). In patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis, the anterior hippocampus was always affected. In three patients with normal HV, HT2 measurements disclosed unilateral focal abnormalities that corresponded to the EEG lateralisation of epileptic activity. Patients with bilateral hippocampal involvement had an earlier onset of epilepsy than patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of regional abnormalities of HT2 along the length of the hippocampus provides further refinement to the MRI assessment of the hippocampi in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and is complementary to volumetric and morphological data.  相似文献   

We report a novel method to identify brain regions generically activated by periodic experimental design in functional magnetic resonance imaging data. This involves: 1) registering each of N individual functional magnetic resonance imaging datasets in a standard space; 2) computing the median standardised power of response to the experimental design; 3) testing median standardised power at each voxel against its nonparametrically ascertained distribution under the null hypothesis of no experimental effect; and 4) constructing a generic brain activation map. The method is validated by analysis of 6 null images, acquired under conditions when the null hypothesis was known to be true; 8 images acquired during periodic auditory-verbal stimulation; and 6 images acquired during periodic performance of a covert verbal fluency task.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the EEG features of ring 20 syndrome in two patients and determine the characteristic pattern of this syndrome. The features of our cases and 24 patients reported in the literature will be discussed. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Report of two patients and review of literature. RESULTS: The two patients had intractable epilepsy since childhood. Their clinical seizures were mostly complex partial seizures. Often the patients seizures were of prolonged duration. Ictal EEG revealed characteristic slow waves, and sharp waves. The slow waves were (1) usually synchronous high-voltage slow waves with or without a spike component predominantly in the frontal and frontopolar areas, (2) sometimes showed a change in frequency every several seconds, (3) continued for a long period, and (4) easily spread diffusely. The sharp waves were 5-6 Hz irregular and diffuse discontinuous sharp waves, and sometimes appeared predominantly in the centroparietal area. The clinical seizure pattern and EEG findings were similar in the 24 published cases. CONCLUSIONS: These EEG findings may be a characteristic feature of ring 20 syndrome and thus may be useful as a diagnostic clue.  相似文献   

Leech neurons exposed to salines containing inorganic Ca(2+)-channel blockers generate rhythmic bursts of impulses. According to an earlier model, these blockers unmask persistent Na+ currents that generate plateau-like depolarizations, each triggering a burst of impulses. The resulting increase in intracellular Na+ activates an outward Na+/K+ pump current that contributes to burst termination. We tested this model by examining systematically the effects of six transition metal ions (Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Cd2+, La3+, and Zn2+) on the electrical activity of neurons in isolated leech ganglia. Each ion induced bursting activity, but the amplitude, form, and persistence of bursting differed with the ion used and its concentration relative to Ca2+. All ions tested suppressed chemical synaptic transmission between identified motor neurons, consistent with block of voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in these cells. In addition, a strong correlation between suppression of synaptic transmission and burst amplitudes was obtained. Finally, burst duration was increased and the rate of repolarization decreased in reduced K+ saline, as expected for pump-dependent repolarization. These results provide further support for the hypothesis that a novel form of oscillatory electrical activity driven by persistent Na+ currents and the Na+/K+ pump occurs in leech ganglia exposed to Ca(2+)-channel blockers.  相似文献   

He often begins to answer before you have finished asking your question, but his replies are to the point. He speaks with emotion about the people he hopes to help, particularly children with fatal genetic diseases. 'I prefer to do something: the outcome of doing nothing is perfectly clear', he says. He began sequencing human genes while others were discussing how and when to do so. His methods have been called inelegant, redundant, wasteful, and too 'industrial'. Will his method fail to detect some infrequently transcribed genes? That's all right with him. He is not concerned with finding all the human genes, but rather with the fastest possible route to a useful catalog of most human genes.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the field of endocrine cell biology and pathology at both morphological and molecular levels are briefly outlined and discussed as a basis for endocrine tumor characterization. The main tools available for identifying the endocrine nature of the tumors, their pathogenetic interpretation. and experimental reproduction with special emphasis on tumor antecedents are reported. Based on this, classifications of endocrine tumors of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are developed, covering most clinical (hyperfunctional syndromes included), pathological, and biological patterns, with special emphasis on tumor prognosis.  相似文献   

Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) have elevations of fasting plasma insulin that are hypothesized to be associated with disrupted brain insulin metabolism. We examined paired fasted plasma and CSF insulin levels in 25 patients with AD and 14 healthy age-matched adults and determined whether insulin levels were related to severity of dementia and apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 homozygosity, a known genetic risk factor for AD. The AD patients had lower CSF insulin, higher plasma insulin, and a reduced CSF-to-plasma insulin ratio when compared with healthy adults. The differences were greater for patients with more advanced AD. Patients who were not apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 homozygotes had higher plasma insulin levels and reduced CSF-to-plasma ratios, whereas epsilon4 homozygotes with AD had normal values. Both plasma and CSF insulin levels are abnormal in AD, and there are metabolic differences among apolipoprotein E genotypes.  相似文献   

Imaging of activated brain areas based on changes of blood deoxyhemoglobin levels is now possible with MRI. Acetazolamide (ACZ) increases cerebral blood flow (CBF) without changing cerebral oxygen consumption; this results in signal changes observed in gradient echo MR images from the areas with an increase in CBF. We assessed signal changes after ACZ application in seven healthy subjects with a conventional 1.5-T MRI scanner. The susceptibility-sensitized three-dimensional fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequence was used to visualize signal changes induced by ACZ. We analyzed anatomic localization of different ranges of detected signal changes. ACZ caused significant signal changes in the gray matter and at the edge of the cerebral cortex, the latter corresponding to draining surface veins. No significant differences were seen among different brain areas within the same slice. Using the maximal intensity projection technique, we were able to partially separate signal changes originating in draining veins from signal originating in the gray matter microvasculature. Signal changes from the microvessels reflect cerebrovascular reserve. Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) based MRI can evaluate CBF reserve with high spatial and temporal resolution. To assess cerebrovascular reserve, it is necessary to separate signal changes originating in large vessels from signal from brain microvasculature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to elucidate mental functions that subserve human consciousness, brain activation was investigated in 12 normal, right-handed volunteers who performed tasks of selective attention, working memory, and sensorimotor coordination during the collection of multislice echoplanar functional magnetic resonance images. HYPOTHESIS: These functions are located in (and controlled by) distinct anatomical regions that can be identified by functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques. METHODS: In each subject, 100 10-slice data sets were acquired using a 1.5-T scanner and the blood oxygenation level dependent contrast technique. Time-series regression modeling estimated power in the magnetic resonance signal during the on/off phases of task performance. Comparison between subjects was made possible by the transformation of each data set into standard Talairach space. RESULTS: Activation maps were based on the median value of the fundamental power quotient at each voxel. Results showed the activation of prefrontal and parasagittal cortices in both the selective attention and working memory tasks, but they also revealed activation in both insular cortices and the posterior cingulate gyri. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide evidence for structures in the anterior right hemisphere and left medial frontal lobe for attentional tasks, although there appears to be an engagement of a widespread network of anterior brain structures, possibly with the inhibition of some posterior regions, during task performance. The sensorimotor coordination task showed activation regions similar to those seen in selective attention. Once learned, this task probably demands attention rather than overt conscious motor control. Clearly, the functions of attention, working memory, and sensorimotor coordination are not located in single, discrete brain areas. However, interactions and interplay between related areas were demonstrated, giving supporting evidence that complex mental operations rely on the coordinated activity of widely distributed brain regions that contribute to neural networks.  相似文献   

Objective: The present investigation assessed the severity, course, and cerebral implications of serial reaction time (SRT) procedural learning deficits in schizophrenia. Method: Hemodynamic changes on fMRI were assessed during an SRT task in 17 unmedicated first episode psychosis (FEP) patients and matched healthy controls. Results: The groups demonstrated comparable procedural learning and associated activation of anterior cingulate cortex, subcortical structures, and many left frontal structures. The groups also demonstrated comparable increased activation of right parietal structures on trials with demands for spatial localization without procedural memory. Relative to healthy controls, the schizophrenia sample showed less activation of one region of the left middle frontal cortex and more activation of left superior temporal cortex on procedural trials, but more activation of right medial frontal cortex on localization trials. Conclusions: Intact SRT procedural learning and normal or enhanced hemodynamic response in subcortical and right cortical structures diverges from prior results with medicated samples, suggesting a more focal cerebral dysfunction in the left middle frontal cortex before the onset of treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast has been proposed as a noninvasive diagnostic test for evaluation of suspicious ("index") lesions noted on mammography and/or clinical breast examination (CBE). However, women may have incidental ("serendipitous") lesions detected by MRI that are not found on mammography or CBE. To understand better whether or not biopsy procedures should be performed to evaluate serendipitous lesions, we estimated the breast cancer risk for women with this type of lesion. METHODS: A decision analysis model was used to estimate the positive predictive value (i.e., the chance that a woman with a serendipitous lesion has cancer) of MRI for serendipitous lesions in women who had an abnormal mammogram and/or CBE suspicious for cancer (where a biopsy procedure is recommended). We restricted the analysis to data from women whose index lesions were noncancerous and used meta-analysis of published medical literature to determine the likelihood ratios (measures of how test results change the probability of having cancer) for MRI and the combination of CBE and mammography. The positive predictive value of MRI was calculated using the U.S. population prevalence of cancer (derived from registry data) and the likelihood ratios of the diagnostic tests. RESULTS: Under a wide variety of assumptions, the positive predictive value of MRI was extremely low for serendipitous lesions. For instance, assuming sensitivity and specificity values for MRI of 95.6% and 68.6%, respectively, approximately four of 1000 55- to 59-year-old women with serendipitous lesions would be expected to have cancer (positive predictive value = 0.44%, 95% confidence interval = 0.24%-0.67%). CONCLUSION: In women with a suspicious lesion discovered by mammography and/or CBE that is found to be benign, serendipitous breast lesions detected by MRI are extremely unlikely to represent invasive breast cancer. Immediate biopsy of such serendipitous lesions may, therefore, not be required.  相似文献   

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