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A double fluorescence staining protocol was developed to facilitate computer based image analysis. Myofibers from experimentally treated (irradiated) and control growing turkey skeletal muscle were labeled with the anti-myosin antibody MF-20 and detected using fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC). Extracellular material was stained with concanavalin A (ConA)-Texas red. The cross-sectional area of the myofibers was determined by calculating the number of pixels (0.83 mu m(2)) overlying each myofiber after subtracting the ConA-Texas red image from the MF-20-FITC image for each region of interest. As expected, myofibers in the irradiated muscle were smaller (P < 0.05) than those in the non-irradiated muscle. This double fluorescence staining protocol combined with image analysis is accurate and less labor-intensive than classical procedures for determining the cross-sectional area of myofibers.  相似文献   

Metastasis usually presents in the different courses of tumor diseases and associates with poor prognosis. Cir-culating tumor cells (CTC) are considered to be essential for conforming metastasis and can be detected in tumor patients' peripheral blood. CTC are not easily detected by conventional cytology methods because of their low frequency in peripheral blood. Our article reviews the recent research results on this subject, and also discusses the problems and prospects in this area.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We studied various methods for harvesting retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) biopsies from cadaver human eyes of donors over age 60 years. Our goal was to harvest cells for possible autologous RPE cell transplantation in patients with age-related macular degeneration and to test the viability of the RPE after isolation by evaluating explant growth in culture. METHODS: Choroid-RPE biopsies were excised from enucleated human eyes. The RPE was separated from the choroid by treatment with type IV collagenase. RPE patches were cultured. After 100-500 cells had grown out from the explant, the primary cultures were passaged. RESULTS: There was no clear effect of donor age on the ability to establish primary RPE cultures with good morphology from biopsies 2 x 2-10 x 10 mm2 in size. Biopsies 6 x 6 mm2 or larger produced satisfactory primary cultures more than 70% of the time. The number of viable RPE cells (defined as the number of cells adherent to the culture dish 24 h after plating) obtained after enzymatic separation of the RPE and choroid was an important determinant of our ability to establish primary cultures and passage the cells. Primary cultures with good cellular morphology were obtained 100% of the time when RPE explants > 4 mm2 in size were obtained from the biopsy specimen. Seventy-three percent of the biopsies yielding explants > 4 mm2 in size were successfully passaged. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that peripheral scleral flap biopsies in aging donors can be used to establish RPE explant primary cultures. These cultures may be suitable as a source for autologous RPE transplantation in patients.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-secreting cells were measured in healthy uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in vitro. The percentage of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells in adult PBMCs was 0.053, 0.099 and 0.065%, respectively. The percentage of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells was 0.73, 5.2 and 3.8% of surface IgM-, IgG- and IgA-bearing cells, respectively. The numbers of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells increased with age in childhood. However, the numbers of all three classes were slightly decreased in adults compared with children aged 9-15 years. These results may explain the difference in immunity in vivo.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report initial clinical experience with a novel high-precision stereotactic radiotherapy system. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Sixty patients ranging in age from 2 to 82 years received a total of 1426 treatments with the University of Florida frameless stereotactic radiotherapy system. Of the total, 39 (65%) were treated with stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) alone, and 21 (35%) received SRT as a component of radiotherapy. Pathologic diagnoses included meningiomas (15 patients), low-grade astrocytomas (11 patients), germinomas (9 patients), and craniopharyngiomas (5 patients). The technique was used as means of dose escalation in 11 patients (18%) with aggressive tumors. Treatment reproducibility was measured by comparing bite plate positioning registered by infrared light-emitting diodes (IRLEDs) with the stereotactic radiosurgery reference system, and with measurements from each treatment arc for the 1426 daily treatments (5808 positions). We chose 0.3 mm vector translation error and 0.3 degrees rotation about each axis as the maximum tolerated misalignment before treating each arc. RESULTS: With a mean follow-up of 11 months, 3 patients had recurrence of malignant disease. Acute side effects were minimal. Of 11 patients with low grade astrocytomas, 4 (36%) had cerebral edema and increased enhancement on MR scans in the first year, and 2 required steroids. All had resolution and marked tumor involution on follow-up imaging. Bite plate reproducibility was as follows. Translational errors: anterior-posterior, 0.01 +/- 0.10; lateral, 0.02 +/- 0.07; axial, 0.01 +/- 0.10. Rotational errors (degrees): anterior-posterior, 0.00 +/- 0.03; lateral, 0.00 +/- 0.06; axial, 0.01 +/- 0.04. No patient treatment was delivered beyond the maximum tolerated misalignment. Daily treatment was delivered in approximately 15 min per patient. CONCLUSION: Our initial experience with stereotactic radiotherapy using the infrared camera guidance system was good. Patient selection and treatment strategies are evolving rapidly. Treatment accuracy was the best reported, and the treatment approach was practical.  相似文献   

As part of the evaluation of porcine cells, tissues, and organs intended for transplantation into humans, we investigated the conditions required to induce expression and release of porcine endogenous retrovirus (PoEV) from primary cells. Pigs contain endogenous retroviral sequences encoding infectious retrovirus, yet little is known about the conditions required to activate the expression and release of PoEV from primary cells. We show here that mitogenic activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) miniature pig and the Yucatan pig resulted in the activation and release of an infectious type C retrovirus. Coculture of activated porcine PBMC with pig or human cell lines resulted in the transfer and expression of PoEV-specific sequences and the establishment of a productive infection. Sequence comparison of portions of the PoEV pol gene expressed in pig cell lines productively infected with virus derived from NIH miniature pig and Yucatan pig PBMC revealed marked similarity, suggesting that one or a few loci may be capable of being activated to yield an infectious virus. These findings demonstrate that the presence of endogenous viruses in source animals needs to be carefully considered when the infectious disease potential of xenotransplantation is being assessed.  相似文献   

The dissociation kinetics of a series of doubly deprotonated oligonucleotide 7-mers [d(A)7(2-), d(AATTAAT)2-, d(TTAATTA)2-, and d(CCGGCCG)2-] were measured using blackbody infrared radiative dissociation in a Fourier-transform mass spectrometer. The oligonucleotides dissociate first by cleavage at the glycosidic bond leading to the loss of a neutral nucleobase, followed by cleavage at the adjacent (5') phosphodiester bond to produce structurally informative a-base and w type ions. From the temperature dependence of the unimolecular dissociation rate constants, Arrhenius activation parameters in the zero-pressure limit are obtained for the loss of base. The measured Arrhenius parameters are dependent on the identity of the nucleobase. The process involving the loss of an adenine base from the dianions, d(A)7(2-), d(AATTAAT)2-, and d(TTAATTA)2- has an average activation energy (Ea) of approximately 1.0 eV and a preexponential factor (A) of 10(10) s-1. Both guanine and cytosine base loss occurs for d(CCGGCCG)2-. The average Arrhenius parameters for the loss of cytosine and guanine are Ea = 1.32 +/- 0.03 eV and A = 10(13.3 +/- 0.3) s-1. No loss of thymine was observed for mixed adenine-thymine oligonucleotides. Neither base loss nor any other fragmentation reactions occur for d(T)7(2-) over a 600 s reaction delay at 207 degrees C, a temperature close to the upper limit accessible with our instrument. The Arrhenius parameters indicate that the preferred cleavage sites for mixed oligonucleotides of similar mass-to-charge ratio will be strongly dependent on the internal energy of the precursor ions. At low internal energies (effective temperatures below 475 K), loss of adenine and subsequent cleavage of the adjacent phosphoester bonds will dominate, whereas at higher energies, preferential cleavage at C and G residues will occur. The magnitude of the A factors < or = 10(13) s-1 measured for the loss of the three nucleobases (A, G, and C) is indicative of an entropically neutral or disfavored process as the rate limiting step for this reaction.  相似文献   

In a pilot study to establish fetal nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) detection in maternal blood, trisomy 13 was diagnosed by FISH analysis at 11 weeks' gestation. The NRBCs were detected after a single-step ficoll density gradient enrichment. In blood samples taken both before and after CVS, 52 and 80 NRBCs, respectively, were found to be positive for fetal haemoglobin. In 47 per cent of these cells, FISH analysis for X and Y chromosomes confirmed the fetal sex. Moreover, 48 per cent of these NRBCs showed three fluorescent signals for a chromosome 13 probe, which confirmed the diagnosis of trisomy 13, previously detected at CVS karyotyping. This is the first report of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 13, i.e., pre-CVS, in the first trimester. The high number of fetal NRBCs detected indicates a connection with aneuploidy, probably due to early impairment of the feto-maternal barrier.  相似文献   

Fasudil is a potent inhibitor for various protein kinases such as myosin light chain kinase and protein kinase C. It has been used as a drug for improvement of intracranial vasospasm and following ischaemic diseases. In this report, we demonstrate that fasudil suppressed the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our finding shows that fasudil may be useful as a new and distinct chemotherapeutic agent against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the differentiation of human NK cells from bone marrow, cord blood and mobilized peripheral blood purified CD34+ stem cells using a potent culture system. Elutriated CD34+ stem cells were grown for several weeks in medium supplemented with stem cell factor (SCF) and IL-15 in the presence or absence of a murine stromal cell line (MS-5). Our data indicate that IL-15 induced the proliferation and maturation of highly positive CD56+ NK cells in both types of culture, although murine stromal cells slightly increased the proliferation of NK cells. NK cells differentiated in the presence of MS-5 were mostly CD56+ CD7 and a small subset expressed CD16. These in vitro differentiated CD56+ NK cells displayed cytolytic activity against the HLA class I- target K562. The CD56+ CD16+ subset also lysed NK-resistant Daudi cells. Neither of these NK subsets were shown to express Fas ligand. Total CD56+ cells expressed high amounts of transforming growth factor-beta and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, but no IFN-gamma. Investigation of NK receptor expression showed that most CD56+ cells expressed membrane CD94 and NKG2-A mRNA. PCR analysis revealed that p58 was also expressed in these cells. The role of CD94 in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity was assessed on human HLA-B7-transfected murine L cells. While a low cytotoxic activity towards HLA-B7 cells was observed, the HLA-DR4 control cells were killed with high efficiency. These studies demonstrate that cytolytic and cytokine-producing NK cells may be derived from adult and fetal precursors by IL-15 and that these cells express a CD94 receptor which may influence their lytic potential.  相似文献   

This study examines the decision of people (N = 56) living in retirement communities to quit driving, and the role of their physician and family in making this decision. Most of the elderly stopped driving when a threshold was reached after an accumulation of compensatory behaviors. Few stopped because of their doctor's advice, although all felt a physician was in the best position to evaluate driving, and family involvement received limited support.  相似文献   

The results of the present study demonstrate that cells with the morphologic and phenotypic characteristics of blast cells that are obtained from the peripheral blood of patients with newly-diagnosed or recurrent acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can be stimulated by gamma interferon + lipopolysaccharide (IFN/LPS) to mediate in vitro cytolysis of an NK-insensitive hepatoma cell line. The conditions of IFN/LPS induction and subsequent assessment of cytotoxicity that were employed were identical to those used conventionally to test macrophage-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity. What was totally unexpected was that these same blast cells, in the absence of stimulation with IFN/LPS, were also found to mediate high levels of spontaneous cytotoxicity against autologous bone marrow cells and against the U937 human promonocytic leukemia cell line in vitro. This high level of spontaneous cytotoxicity against autologous bone marrow or U937 promonocytic leukemia cells was not enhanced by IFN/LPS or MCSF under conditions that stimulated cytotoxic function in normal blood monocytes and was markedly reduced by pretreatment of the blast cells with IL2 under conditions that induced potent NK/LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. Neutralizing antibodies against TNFalpha and/or IL1alpha/beta eliminated the cytolytic function of blast cells against autologous bone marrow or U937 promonocytic leukemia targets. These findings demonstrate the existence of a population of cells with the morphologic characteristics of blast cells in the peripheral blood of AML patients which has the capacity to mediate spontaneous cytolysis of autologous bone marrow cells or a promonocytic leukemia cell line. These cells may be an immature variant of normal precursors produced as a consequence of the disordered hematopoietic environment in the marrow of AML patients. Alternatively, this function may be mediated by a subset of the leukemic blasts themselves.  相似文献   

In vitro effects of graded concentrations of diheptyldiselenide (DDS) on human tumor cell proliferation, and on the proliferative responses and immunological functions of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) were investigated. The agent significantly decreased tumor cell proliferation in a dose and time dependent manner. Proliferative responses of MNC to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) were also significantly depressed when MNCs were exposed to DDS (250 microM for 18 h) led to a significant increase in NK activity only in MNC samples showing very limited baseline NK function. On the other hand, generation of LAK cells was significantly inhibited by DDS. However, when the agent was added to the effector and target cell mixture during the 4 h 51Cr release cytotoxicity assay, no influence was found on NK and LAK-mediated target cell lysis. These studies show that high concentrations of DDS inhibit tumor cell proliferation and could also impair certain proliferative-dependent immune functions, without directly affecting cell-mediated cytolytic activity of effector cells.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 29 patients with infectious mononucleosis (IM) in phases of acute disease and convalescence were obtained. Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) activity was detected in sera of patients both in: acute and convalescence phase, however when IFN titers were higher in the acute than convalescence phase, TNF titers were the highest in convalescence. In the whole blood assay Newcastle disease virus (NDV), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (ConA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used as cytokine inducers. A significant decrease in IFN titer induced in vitro with NDV, PHA and ConA was observed in blood leukocytes of patients in the acute IM phase. In convalescence the ability of blood leukocyte of IM patients to produce IFN returned to normal, comparable with control. However, blood leukocytes of IM patients in the acute phase produced more TNF in response to LPS than in convalescence. The role of the observed overproduction of TNF in the course of IM similar to that in HIV infection should be elucidated.  相似文献   

Accumulation of mast cells and eosinophils in the nasal epithelial layer occurs in nasal allergic reaction, However, the mechanism of accumulation of these cells has not yet been well clarified. We hypothesized that cytokines generated from the nasal epithelial cells contributed to the accumulation of these cells in the nasal epithelial layer. Recently tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was shown to promote polymorphonuclear neutrophils and eosinophils migration. And also TNF increased eosinophil binding to vascular endothelial cells. In this in vitro study we examined whether or not nasal epithelial cells can produce TNF-alpha and also whether or not glucocorticosteroid fluticasone propionate (FP) can modulate TNF-alpha production from nasal epithelial cells. Nasal epithelial cells constitutively produce TNF-alpha in accordance with the nasal epithelial cells' number and this was substantially increased in the state of nasal epithelial cell's proliferating. FP significantly reduced the level of TNF-alpha in the supernatant of cultured nasal epithelial cells for a period of 6 days. In addition, preincubation of nasal epithelial cells with FP for 6 days caused significant reduction of TNF-alpha level in the supernatant of cultured nasal epithelial cells during a further period of 6 days without FP. These data support the concept that structural cells play an active role in the control of allergic and related inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood B cells from normal individuals have been less than ideal as a resource for "fusible" cells for the generation of human hybridoma antibodies. In vitro stimulation of normal peripheral blood B cells by CD4+ T cells (HUT 78) that had been activated by a solid phase anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (OKT3) was investigated to see if differentiation of B cells would result in an increased pool of B cells that could be immortalized. A comparison of the rate of successful fusion, an estimation of the frequency of the fusible cells from the input peripheral blood, and the amount of immunoglobulin secreted both in vitro, prior to fusion, and by the resulting clones in two different in vitro immunization protocols, with and without activated T cells indicated that inclusion of the activated T cells provided the necessary help to drive the B cells to a fusible state. Stimulation by activated T cells improves the efficiency of generating B cell hybrid clones from peripheral blood 10-fold compared to in vitro immunization with antigen alone.  相似文献   

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