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Cavallo RA  Stabili L 《Water research》2002,36(15):3719-3726
During the spring-summer period, vibrios were detected in water and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected in 30 sampling sites located in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy). In order to evaluate the degree of microbial pollution of the investigated area, fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli densities were also determined. Vibrio alginolyticus constituted the predominant component of the total culturable vibrios. Some Vibrio species such as V. mediterranei, V. parahaemolyticus, V. diazotrophicus, V. nereis, and V. splendidus were present in water as well as in mussel samples; selective retention in mussels, however, was demonstrated for other vibrios (V. vulnificus, V. cincinnatiensis, V. orientalis, V. anguillarum, V. marinus, V. hollisae). The isolation of some potential pathogenic vibrio species shows the importance of Vibrio research to estimate water quality and to avoid transmission of infection to man and to other marine organisms.  相似文献   

Samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis collected in different sites of the Venice lagoon (Italy) were investigated for total arsenic concentrations by ICP-AES and for single arsenic species by HPLC-ICP-MS. For this purpose, an analytical procedure for the sensitive and efficient speciation of the arsenic species As(III), As(V), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), arsenobetaine (AB), arsenocholine (AC), and four arsenosugars was optimised. The total arsenic and the single arsenic species were determined in both the hepatopancreas (digestive gland) and the remaining soft tissues in order to verify the different arsenic accumulation in the body parts of mussels. Arsenic compounds were extracted from the mussels with a methanol/water mixture; the extracts were evaporated to dryness, redissolved in water, and chromatographed in an anion-exchange column, a Hamilton PRP-X100. Only small quantities or traces of inorganic arsenic were detected in the mussels. The majority of arsenic compounds detected in the extracts were organic species, with a predominance of arsenobetaine and of an arsenosugar. In addition, a greater arsenic accumulation in the digestive glands of mussels was observed.  相似文献   

In a preliminary biomonitoring study, accumulated trace metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn) have been measured in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis collected in the Black Sea, at 100 km from the Danube Delta in February 2001 and February 2002. Mussels were collected from four sites. In 2001 metal concentrations were determined in the whole soft body whereas, in 2002, the distribution of metals was evaluated in three different organs (gills, visceral mass and remaining tissues). The results obtained in 2002 confirmed those of 2001. For a given site, concentrations were always higher in the gills and visceral mass of mussels than in the remaining tissues. Principal component analysis allowed separating stations as a function of the metal concentrations in the organs. It is concluded that the mussels M. galloprovincialis are suitable biomonitors to assess changes in metal pollution in this coastal area of the Black Sea.  相似文献   

The paper gives consideration to the experience of carrying out a short-term (one-moth) geoecological investigation in the territory of Comune di Grosio (Northern Italy). The investigations were aimed at: estimating the geoecological conditions of the given territory and building up cartographic models showing the character, degree and scale of pollution of surface waters, soil, bottom sediments and vegetation; geochemical estimate of water resources used for engineering and drinking water supply; compiling a schematic map of the location of architectural and historical monuments, and their inventory; estimating the decorative and building properties of feldspar.  相似文献   

Coastal waters are burdened with different contaminants of anthropogenic origin due to intensive urbanisation and economical development. Bays, semi-enclosed areas with limited water renewal ability, are particularly endangered by contaminant inputs. Kastela Bay (Dalmatia, Eastern Adriatic) has earlier been identified as an area loaded with diffuse sources of pollution, including genotoxic agents. However, there is lack of data on the effects of these contaminants on the local marine fauna. The aim of this study was to assess genotoxic impacts in Kastela Bay and the neighbouring Trogir Bay using the micronucleus test and Comet assay with mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) haemocytes. Native and caged mussels were included in the studies. Our results confirmed that mussels in Kastela and Trogir Bays are affected by genotoxic contaminants. In addition to mussels from the most known polluted site (Vranjic), there was evidence for genotoxic effects in mussels collected at other locations. The response in the micronucleus test and the Comet assay differed somewhat between sites, the latter apparently being more sensitive, but the two methods complement each other and it is therefore desirable to use them both in monitoring the impacts of genotoxic pollution in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Mussels are farmed in the coastal inlets of Galicia by means of floating raft culture. The growth of these bivalves is due to their great capacity to filter the water column, which unfortunately, also exposes them to dangerous contaminants, including heavy metals. Thus, it is imperative that mussels be monitored for metals. Size has sometimes been shown to be an important variable, but contradictory results have been found. In order to monitor metals in raft mussels, it is necessary to compile information regarding the number of size classes according to shell length, which must be taken into account to obtain a representative sampling, as well as the number of sample replicates that must be included. Also, to be considered is the cost incurred by carrying out the collection, preparation and analysis per sample. The purpose of this study is to provide information about the effect of size, indicated by shell length on the metal content of raft mussels. The ability of 10 mussel-pooled samples to discriminate real differences in metal concentration was also studied. In general, a positive relationship between metal content and shell length was observed; a similar relation was found between the weight of soft tissues and shell length. As expected from the similarity encountered between relationships of metal content and dry weight-length, the concentrations of the different metals in the soft tissues would not seem to depend on the shell length. Metal concentrations, in this study, were found to be approximately 45 ppm of Hg, 0.5 ppm of Cd, 0.7 ppm of Pb, 0.5 ppm of Cr, 0.6 ppm of Ni, 8 ppm of As, 5 ppm of Cu and 122 ppm of Zn; on a dry weight basis. No significant differences between metal concentrations at different shell lengths were detected. Another important observation was the high variability observed within one size, indicating poor homogeneity in subgroups of similar size, which must be minimized if the number of samples is not enhanced as indicated by power and size analysis.  相似文献   

The autometallographic approach was applied to three filter-feeder bivalves from differently polluted sites of the Lagoon of Venice. The area density (AD) values of black silver deposits (BSDs) were therefore seasonally quantified by image analysis in digestive cell lysosomes. Sediments were characterised in terms of grain size, organic content and metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn). The physiological status of the bivalves was also evaluated by applying the "survival in air" test as a generic stress index. Chemical results showed that Zn contributed to the total metal load for more than 60% in sediments and for 85%-94% in mussel and clam digestive glands, respectively (data processed from published results obtained on the same samples). Regression analyses between extent of BSDs and both total metal and Zn concentrations in digestive gland followed a linear pattern in mussels and clams, but not in arks. Similarly, in mussels and clams only, BSD amount was significantly correlated with total metal concentrations in sediments according to a logarithmic model. Consequently, results obtained from autometallography can discriminate sites on the basis of their metal pollution levels, like chemical analyses on both sediments and digestive glands, evaluations being supported by the results of the physiological stress index. As a conclusion, it is suggested that autometallography in bivalves may provide overall estimates of metal fractions moving from sediments towards organisms through the ingestion of metal-enriched particles. Future work is needed to define the bioaccumulation model in arks and to clarify their possible use as metal biomonitors.  相似文献   

The Cullera Estany is a coastal lagoon located in a highly intensified agriculture and tourist area in Valencia. This coastal lagoon has connections with the sea that produce marine intrusion and generate a freshwater interface. Four sampling campaigns were carried out during 2010 in order to analyse the phytoplankton composition and its relation to nutrient content through a Redundancy Analysis. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrite and salinity are the main factors controlling the dynamics of phytoplankton community. During July and October, there is water column stratification; meanwhile in March, there is a well‐mixed water column. In addition, in May and July campaigns, hypoxia/anoxia conditions are detected at the bottom. The most abundant phytoplankton groups are Diatoms and Cryptophyceae. Diatoms and Cyanophyceae respond positively to temperature while Cryptophyceae, Prasinophyceae and Dinophyceae respond to high salinity and dissolved oxygen values. Furthermore, picoplankton is correlated inversely with nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Temporal trends for heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Galician and Cantabrian areas in Spain, where samples were yearly collected from 1991 to 1999, are presented. This study was carried out by the Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo of the Instituto Espa?ol de Oceanografia (I.E.O.) as part of the Spanish contribution to the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) of the OSPAR Convention. The experimental work and subsequent statistical treatment, following OSPAR procedures and guidelines, are described. In order to carry out the statistical treatment of the data, median values of the different shell length classes were used for each contaminant, year and area. The Kendall T-b correlation coefficient was used with the purpose of demonstrating the existence of a downward significant temporal trend in the pollution levels, according to the advice of ICES Working Group on Statistical Aspects of Environmental Monitoring. A decrease of copper levels was detected in Vigo, Pontevedra and Arosa, of mercury in Pontevedra and A Coru?a, of lead in Vigo, Pontevedra, A Coru?a and Bilbao and of zinc in Pontevedra and A Coru?a. However, a cadmium positive trend was registered at Ria de Vigo. No significant trends were detected in the other cases.  相似文献   

This work analyses urban growth, in terms of quality and quantity, in one of the vastest lowlands in southern Europe, the Po Valley (PV). Research on the PV is part of a wider project dealing with the whole of Italy and, to allow a comparison with the other national geographic realities, it was carried out using municipal data. The main objective is to analyse the dynamics of the phenomenon of land uptake from the post-war period to the noughties, highlighting some territorial and environmental effects, and to prepare a future risk scenario for this area which is the cornerstone of the European economy. In this geographical district, urban conversion of land is a territorial ‘disease’ resulting from complex economic dynamism and ongoing population growth. These scenarios may seem justified by the fact that the PV is the most productive territory in the country, but the PV is one of the most heavily polluted areas in Europe with a highly deteriorated environmental matrix. The PV extends over five Italian regions with different settlement histories and different urbanization models, models which are evaluated and compared even with some European cases in the study. They are, however, always urban forms that are spread sparingly over the territory. This is why, in its conclusions, the research proposes criteria of compacting and reducing sprinkling, and improving the quality of the environmental matrix.  相似文献   

Consequences of short-term changes in thermotolerant coliform loads on their spatio-temporal distribution in a Mediterranean lagoon with large-scale mollusk farming (Thau lagoon, France) were explored using a simulation approach. Simulations were based on bacterial transport and survival coupled models forced by the input of bacterial loads from the two main rivers (Vène and Pallas) that flow into the lagoon. Different flow types (reference, sudden and constant), bringing the same bacterial load, were considered and subsequent spatial and temporal bacterial contamination of lagoon surface water and shellfish was estimated. Simulation results showed that as long as loads were high, hydrodynamical processes governed the distribution of bacterial abundance in receiving areas. As soon as loads decreased or when time supply increased, biological die-off processes became dominant. Bacterial contamination of shellfish induced by the different flow types appeared to depend on the receiving area. In the case of Pallas River area, a sudden input of bacteria led to a high bacterial contamination of shellfish but only during a short period ( approximately 1 day). A constant input of the same amount of bacteria induced a lower but significant contamination during all the simulation period (10 days). On the contrary, bacterial inputs from the Vène River led to shellfish contamination only when bacteria were delivered through a flood event. Exposure time of bacteria to adverse environmental conditions appeared to be the main explanation to the above-mentioned differences. Consequences of our results in terms of environmental management strategy were discussed.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected from the Messaieed Marine Area that is subject to industrial and sewage discharge, thermal pollution, as well as oil loading and unloading activities. Copepods formed 74% of the zooplankton community followed by bivalves (7.6%) and Gastropod veligers (5.5%), Ostracods (4.7%) and Cladocera (3.4%). Industrial discharge not only impacted the total number of zooplankton but also species diversity. Diversity indices were higher for inner coastal waters. Pollution levels more than reduction in food source impacted the distribution of main zooplankton groups. The pollution stress changed the structure of zooplankton community rather than impacting the total population. Copepods showed resistance to oil pollution but were reduced in numbers at areas affected by oxygen demanding wastes. Polychaete larvae and Chaetognatha withstand elevated temperature, ammonia and pH levels.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out in a coastal area of the Tyrrhenian Sea, which receives wastes from a chemical manufacturing industry. Industrial wastes are combined with domestic sewage prior to discharge into the sea. Warm and alkaline wastewaters carry large amounts of whitish suspended solids, mainly composed of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate and magnesium hydroxide, which are responsible for an evident visual pollution of the sandy shore and of the facing sea-water body. Alterations of physical parameters (temperature and pH values) were found to affect the investigated coastal area only to a limited extent. Conversely, aerial photographic investigations afforded a more complete picture of pollution spreading. Infrared and chiefly water-penetration images provided information on the underwater environment, and the resulting findings could be correlated with the particle size analysis of sediment samples. Faecal streptococci represented a considerable proportion of total heterotrophic bacteria in waste and sea-water, whereas concentration of total and faecal coliforms was relatively low. These figures suggested a possible selective inactivation of bacteria in industrial waters, which was supported by the findings of survival tests with three bacterial species (E. coli, Strep. faecalis and S. typhi). Survival of a virus (type 1 poliovirus) and of a virus antigen (hepatitis B surface antigen or HBsAg) was also investigated under various conditions. Clearance of industrial solids around some bacterial colonies growing in agar plates could be ascribed to aspecific acidification of the medium by bacterial metabolism. Finally, unconcentrated samples of the industrial wastewater failed to elicit any toxic or mutagenic effects for his strains of S. typhimurium, both in the presence and absence of rat liver microsomal preparations.  相似文献   

Studies on PM 10, total particulate matter (TSP), elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations were carried out in the Polish coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, in urbanized Gdynia. The interaction between the land, the air and the sea was clearly observed. The highest concentrations of PM 10, TSP and both carbon fractions were noted in the air masses moving from southern and western Poland and Europe. The EC was generally of primary origin and its contribution to TSP and PM 10 mass was on average 2.3% and 3.7% respectively. Under low wind speed conditions local sources (traffic and industry) influenced increases in elemental carbon and PM 10 concentrations in Gdynia. Elemental carbon demonstrated a pronounced weekly cycle, yielding minimum values at the weekend and maximum values on Thursdays. The role of harbors and ship yards in creating high EC concentrations was clearly observed. Concentration of organic carbon was ten times higher than that of elemental carbon, and the average OC contribution to PM 10 mass was very high (31.6%). An inverse situation was observed when air masses were transported from over the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. These clean air masses were characterized by the lowest concentrations of all analysed compounds.Obtained results for organic and elemental carbon fluxes showed that atmospheric aerosols can be treated, along with water run-off, as a carbon source for the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. The enrichment of surface water was more effective in the case of organic carbon (0.27 ± 0.19 mmol m2 d1). Elemental carbon fluxes were one order of magnitude smaller, on average 0.03 ± 0.04 mmol m2 d1. We suggest that in some situations atmospheric carbon input can explain up to 18% of total carbon fluxes into the Baltic coastal waters.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation evaluated the concentrations of a selected number of trace elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in carbonates of the benthic foraminifera Ammonia tepida collected from surface sediments of the highly polluted harbour of Naples. Application of cleaning procedures, combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy investigation (SEM) of the analysed shells allowed reliable quantification of the elements in the carbonate lattice. Adoption of biogenic carbonate/seawater distribution coefficients reported in the literature provided the ranges of variability of total dissolved trace elements in the studied marine environment. Very high concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Cu calculated in seawater (from 100 to 10,000 times higher than those reported for uncontaminated Mediterranean seawaters) testify to intense effects of anthropogenic impact on the harbour mainly related to the industrial and commercial activities carried out in the neighbouring area. The ensemble of the obtained results emphasizes the high potential of measurements of trace elements in the biogenic carbonates of benthic foraminifera as tracers of anthopogenic pollution of seawater and reliable proxies of potentially bioavailable forms (as free ions and/or more labile organic complexes) of seawater dissolved metals.  相似文献   

The beaches are sites where the human influence may be strong and the beach ecosystems have often shown a high sensibility to environmental alterations. These zones may be affected by a large series of anthropogenic-derived pressures, such as unbalanced inorganic nutrient input, that may cause anomalous development of primary production, altering the structure of the trophic webs. Furthermore, the utilisation of cosmetic sunscreen products is reaching unexpected levels, thus assuming a potentially important as well as unknown role in the contamination of marine environments. The present study was planned to test the response of the beach ecosystem to increases in inorganic nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) and to the input of a widely used cosmetic sunscreenproduct. A short-term laboratory experiment was carried out on microsystems consisting of sediments and seawater from the swash zone of a Ligurian city beach (Sturla). The processes related to organic matter (OM) recycling and some microbial food web components (bacteria and micro-autotrophic organisms) were analysed. The multivariate statistical analysis of the results showed that the increase in inorganic nutrients and sunscreen caused only a transient alteration in the OM recycling processes in the seawater. The sedimentary processes, instead, were different in the different systems, although starting from the same condition. In the sediment, surprisingly, an increase in inorganic nutrients did not lead to an increase in the primary biomass nor to significantly higher bacterial abundance, while the sunscreen caused increased OM recycling, especially devoted to protein and lipid mobilisation, supporting a growing bacterial and autotrophic community by reducing the bottom-up pressure. Additional toxicity tests performed on protozoa highlighted that, while the inorganic nutrients seemed to show no effects, sunscreen decreased the protozoan viability, thus likely favouring microautotrophic and bacterial increases by reducing the top-down pressure.  相似文献   

Daily samples of fine aerosol particles (i.e., PM1, aerosol particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1.0 μm) were collected in Tito Scalo — Southern Italy — from April 2006 to March 2007. Measurements were performed by means of a low-volume gravimetric sampler, and each PM1 sample was analyzed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) or Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS and FAAS) techniques in order to determine its content in fourteen trace elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn). During the period examined, PM1 daily concentrations ranged between 0.3 µg m− 3 and 55 µg m− 3 with a mean value of 8 µg m-3, a standard deviation of 7 µg m− 3 and a median value of 6 µg m− 3. As far as PM1 chemical composition is concerned, the mean values of the trace element concentrations decreased in the following order: Ca > Fe > Al > Na > K > Cr > Mg > Pb > Ni ≈ Ti ≈ Zn > Cd ≈ Cu > Mn. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) allowed the identification of three probable PM1 sources: industrial emissions, traffic and re-suspension of soil dust. Moreover, the results of a procedure applied to study the potential long-range transport contribution to PM1 chemical composition, showed that trace element concentrations do not seem to be affected by air mass origin and path. This was probably due to the strong impact of the local emission sources and the lack of the concentration measurements of some important elements and compounds that could better reveal the long-range transport influence on PM1 measurements at ground level.  相似文献   

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