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Tube–tube heat exchanger (TTHE) is a low cost, vented double wall heat exchanger which increases reliability by avoiding mixing of fluids exchanging heat. It can be potentially used for heat recovery from engine cooling circuit, oil cooling, desuperheating in refrigeration and air conditioning, dairy, and pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, refinery, etc. These tube–tube heat exchangers are successfully demonstrated for superheat recovery water heating applications, condenser and evaporator in heat pumps, lube oil cooler for shipboard gas turbines, milk chilling and pasteurizing application. This paper presents an experimental study on various layouts of TTHE for water-to-water heat transfer. The theoretical and experimental results on this type of heat exchanger configuration could not be located in literature. Overall heat transfer coefficient and pumping power were experimentally determined for a fixed tube length and surface area of serpentine layouts with different number of bends and results are compared with straight tube TTHE. In the case investigated, serpentine layout TTHE with seven bends has shown optimum performance, with overall heat transfer coefficient 17% higher than straight tube TTHE. Two out of five serpentine layout TTHE have shown poor heat transfer performance than straight tube TTHE. The experimental results also indicate that there is a definite optimum for a number of bends in serpentine layout TTHE. An analytical model for prediction of thermo-hydraulic performance of straight layout has been developed and validated experimentally.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(5-6):877-885
A theoretical model that predicts the thermal and fluidic characteristics of a micro cross-flow heat exchanger is developed in this study. The theoretical model is validated by comparing the theoretical solutions with the experimental data from the relative literature. This model describes the interactive effect between the effectiveness and pressure drop in the micro heat exchanger. The analytical results show that the average temperature of the hot and cold side flow significantly affects the heat transfer rate and the pressure drop at the same effectiveness. Different effectiveness has a great influence upon the heat transfer rate and pressure drop. When the micro heat exchanger material is changed from silicon to copper, the thermal conductivity changes from 148 to 400 W/m K. The heat exchanger efficiency is also similar. Therefore, the (1 1 0) orientation silicon based micro heat exchanger made using the MEMS fabrication process is feasible and efficient. Furthermore, the dimensions effect has a great influence upon the relationship between the heat transfer rate and pressure drop. Therefore, the methodology presented in this paper can be used to design a micro cross-flow heat exchanger.  相似文献   

Thermal modeling and optimal design of compact heat exchangers are presented in this paper. ε–NTUεNTU method was applied to estimate the heat exchanger pressure drop and effectiveness. Fin pitch, fin height, fin offset length, cold stream flow length, no-flow length and hot stream flow length were considered as six design parameters. Fast and elitist non-dominated sorting genetic-algorithm (NSGA-II) was applied to obtain the maximum effectiveness and the minimum total annual cost (sum of investment and operation costs) as two objective functions. The results of optimal designs were a set of multiple optimum solutions, called ‘Pareto optimal solutions’. The sensitivity analysis of change in optimum effectiveness and total annual cost with change in design parameters of the plate fin heat exchanger was also performed and the results are reported. As a short cut for choosing the system optimal design parameters the correlations between two objectives and six decision variables with acceptable precision were presented using artificial neural network analysis.  相似文献   

The optimal design of the hybrid energy system can significantly improve the economical and technical performance of power supply. However, the problem is formidable because of the uncertain renewable energy supplies, the uncertain load demand, the nonlinear characteristics of some components, and the conflicting techno-economical objectives. In this work, the optimal design of the hybrid energy system has been formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. We optimize the techno-economical performance of the hybrid energy system and analyse the trade-offs between the multi-objectives using multi-objective genetic algorithms. The proposed method is tested on the widely researched hybrid PV-wind power system design problem. The optimization seeks the compromise system configurations with reference to three incommensurable techno-economical criteria, and uses an hourly time-step simulation procedure to determine the design criteria with the weather resources and the load demand for one reference year. The well-known efficient multi-objective genetic algorithm, called NGAS-II (the fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm), is applied on this problem. A hybrid PV-wind power system has been designed with this method and several methods in the literature. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to the other methods. It can handle the optimal design of the hybrid energy system effectively and facilitate the designer with a range of the design solutions and the trade-off information. For this particular application, the hybrid PV-wind power system using more solar panels achieves better technical performance while the one using more wind power is more economical. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用CFD软件对某板式换热器内流体流动进行了数值模拟,发现板式换热器流道数目和角孔低槽对板式换热器流体分配有很大的影响。模拟结果表明:在一定流速下,通道数目大于39以后,流动状况开始恶化,开始出现部分流道没有流体分配的状况;流道数目大于20以后,随着角孔低槽直径的增大,通道内流量分配状况也会发生急剧恶化。  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2001,21(13-14):1407-1427
Methods exist for algorithmic process-network synthesis (PNS) as well as for heat-exchanger-network synthesis (HENS); nevertheless, such methods cannot be easily integrated for a variety of reasons. For instance, both PNS and HENS are complex problems; thus, their combination is naturally even more complex. Our previous effort to establish the combinatorial foundation of PNS has yielded a highly effective method involving the P-graph representation; the present approach to the integrated synthesis of process and heat-exchanger networks resorts mainly to hP-graphs adapted from the P-graphs in conjunction with the appropriate selection of inherent intervals of temperature range. This work focuses on the establishment of an appropriate technique for the integration of PNS and HENS. The resultant technique is largely based on combinatorics and combinatorial algorithms. The efficacy of the proposed approach is illustrated by solving an industrial problem.  相似文献   

We perform in this paper a multi-objective design optimization concerning the blade shape of a heat exchanger, considering the coupled solution of the flow/heat transfer processes. For this, a genetic algorithm is used. The aim of the procedure is to find the geometry most favorable to simultaneously maximize heat exchange while obtaining a minimum pressure loss. An in-house computer package, called OPAL, performs the optimization process in a fully automatic manner. It calls the pre-processor to generate the computational geometry as well as the mesh, it then performs the numerical simulation of the coupled fluid flow/heat transfer problem using Fluent, calculates the output parameters, and iterates the procedure. The genetic algorithm relies on a relatively large number of simulations, which may result in a considerable computational effort, depending on the configuration. The procedure can thus be performed in parallel on a Linux PC cluster to reduce user waiting time. A nearly optimal speed-up is obtained for the present configuration.  相似文献   

A general endo-reversible heat engine model is presented for a combustion driven system. It is composed of a Carnot heat engine and a combustor operating at a specified temperature. The model is inspired by past work on ideal engine/combustor systems and the need for an analysis technique incorporating heat losses suffered by all practical micro engines. This latter consideration results from the necessary structural connections existing between the hot and ambient temperature sections of the engine. In the model developed here, a counterflow heat exchanger provides this structural connection while recovering a portion of the sensible heat in the exhaust flow. A thermal shunt resistance to the surroundings is used to account for conductive heat loss. Finally, a high degree of idealization is employed to obtain a closed form analytical solution for the operating conditions of the engine/combustor system which, in this case, is assumed to be at the maximum power point of the device.  相似文献   


Fluid flow distribution is related to the performance of heat exchangers. Gross flow distribution is often linked to conventional headers and thus jeopardizes the thermo-hydraulic performance. The objective of this paper is to design several configurations of printed circuit heat exchanger headers to enhance its flow uniformity while leveraging its etched nature. Four kinds of inlet headers, i.e., trapezoid header, double header with detail of bypass holes, core integrated header with one layer, and core integrated header with multilayers, are compared. It is found that the traditional headers induce poor flow distributions. Based on the flow characteristics in traditional headers, a novel core integrated header with seven merged channels is proposed. The flow nonuniformity of the heat exchanger with this novel inlet and outlet headers is reduced by 91%, but the pressure drop is increased by 114% compared with the baseline configuration, whereas it shows the best heat transfer performance as well due to the improvement of flow uniformity.  相似文献   

An improved method combining numerical simulation with multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) was applied to study the flow and heat transfer characteristics of shell-and-tube heat exchanger with helical baffles (STHXsHB). It overcomes the dependence on empirical correlations. The helix angle and overlapped degree of helical baffles were chosen as optimization parameters, while the overall heat transfer coefficient K and pressure drop ΔP of STHXsHB were optimized by MOGA. The results showed that both overall heat transfer coefficient K and pressure drop ΔP varied adversely with the helix angles. The pressure drop ΔP was favorably affected by the overlapped degrees. The overall heat transfer coefficient K did not vary significantly with the overlapped degree. Three optimum configurations were obtained by the MOGA to maximize the overall heat transfer coefficient K and minimize the shell-side pressure drop ΔP. Compared with the original heat exchanger, the overall heat transfer coefficient K increased averagely by 28.3%, while the average pressure drop reduced averagely by 19.37%.  相似文献   

管翅式换热器作为一种高效的换热设备,提升其换热效率和降低投资成本显得至关重要.通过单目标遗传算法(GA)和多目标非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)对管翅式换热器进行优化设计,设置翅片高度、翅片间距、管长、横向管数和纵向管数5个自变量的合理设计范围,单目标优化选用换热器效率、压降熵产和最大收益3个目标函数,根据热力学第一...  相似文献   

The Volume-to-Point (VP) problem is a base problem of heat conduction optimization. The nonlinear two-dimensional optimization problem of VP is discretized and transformed to a combinatorial optimization problem, which can be solved by some modern optimization algorithms. Algorithms for VP problem using simulated annealing and genetic algorithm are developed. Results for different cases are obtained using these algorithms. Analyses of the results and algorithms are also presented, that shows these algorithms are better than bionic optimization algorithm and constructal theory for VP problem, and can be generalized to complex conditions.  相似文献   

Anita Kova Kralj 《Energy》2010,35(12):4748-4753
The heat exchanger network (HEN) can be optimized using the stage-wise model of superstructure representation, as proposed by Yee and Grossmann. This model can be easily solved regarding both trivial problems, and serious and complex new industrial design plants. In this paper, a stage-wise model for new designs is extended for retrofits by using a stage-wise model for a retrofitted HEN. This method using a stage-wise model is very general; it can be used in new designs as well as during existing process integration. The methodology of the stage-wise model for retrofitted HEN can be used to solve HENs easily and well enough, over a short time, and simultaneously. A mathematical model of stage-wise for retrofit HEN can include additional equations and limitations for retrofits. This model was tested by using a retrofitted methanol process generating an additional profit of 189,200 EUR/a.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(14-15):2385-2393
A steady-state simulation scheme for heat exchanger networks is presented. This proposal is based on a matrix approach composed by linear equations where network connectivity is addressed in the model explicitly using graph theory. The structure of the algorithm is flexible allowing the inclusion of the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients, physical properties variation in relation to temperature and pseudo-stationary simulations. The application of the proposed scheme is illustrated by the simulation of a heat exchanger network during a certain period considering the fouling rate.  相似文献   

王敬凯  霍兆义  尹洪超 《节能》2012,31(3):27-29
提出考虑压降的有分流换热网络合成的优化策略,在分级超结构的基础上,建立换热网络同步综合的MINLP数学模型,以年度总费用最小为优化目标,采用改进粒子群算法对模型求解,并通过两个算例验证了模型和方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于WORKBENCH,研究了雨滴型凹坑流道换热板的流动换热性能,并对其进行多目标优化研究。以努塞尔数Nu,阻力系数f,综合传热性能η为目标函数,考察了凹坑的前缘半径R_1,后缘半径R_2,凹坑深度H_d,凹坑间距P等结构参数对雨滴型凹坑流道各优化目标的影响。结果表明:雨滴型凹坑流道内的流动分离和涡流碰撞增强了湍流强度,有效强化了传热,并且高传热区出现在凹坑后缘。雨滴型凹坑板的Nu是平板的1.9~4.5倍,阻力系数是平板的2.3~3.5倍,η可达1.42~3.04。凹坑深度H_d对Nu、f、η影响都比较显著,而凹坑间距P对这三者的影响都比较小,当3.5mmH_d4.5mm且25.0mmR_130.0mm时有较好的η。通过对雨滴型凹坑板在1 358≤R_e≤6 926的数据结果进行关联,得到了凹坑板流动换热的准则关系式。  相似文献   

The present work aims to investigate the influence of extended surfaces (fins) on the multi-objective optimization of a tubular heat exchanger network (THEN). An increase in the heat transfer area using various extended surfaces (fins) to enhance the performance of the heat exchanger was used while considering the effectiveness and total heat transfer area as two objective functions. In addition to the simulation of simple fins, a new set of fins, called constructal fins, was designed based on the constructal theory. Tubular heat exchanger network design parameters were chosen as optimization variables, and optimization results were achieved in such a way as to enhance the effectiveness and decrease the total heat transfer area. The results show the importance of constructal fins in improving the objective functions of heat exchangers. For instance, the simple fins case enhances the effectiveness by up to 5.3% compared to that without fins (usual heat exchanger) while using constructal fins, in addition to the 7% increment of effectiveness, reduces the total heat transfer area by 9.47%. In order to optimize the heat exchanger, the heat transfer rate and cold fluid temperature must increase, and at the same time, the hot exiting fluid temperature should decrease at the same constant total heat transfer area, which is higher in the constructal fins case. Finally, optimized design variables were studied for different cases, and the effects of various fins were reported.  相似文献   

氟塑料换热器以其耐腐蚀、耐磨损等优点而备受关注,但氟塑料热导率较低,换热能力差,限制了其广泛应用。石墨烯-PFA复合材料兼具石墨烯优异的导热性和可熔性聚四氟乙烯(PFA)良好的耐酸碱腐蚀性,是新一代的换热器材料。搭建了余热回收测试实验台,对石墨烯-PFA复合材料换热器和金属换热器的传热性能进行对比。研究了不同烟气流速、不同进口烟气温度以及不同石墨烯配比对复合材料传热性能的影响。结果表明:对于金属换热器和复合材料换热器,当烟气流速从2.0增加到4.0 m/s时,传热系数分别增加到原来的1.19和1.34倍;随着进口烟温的升高,两种材质的传热系数分别降低了15.6%和14.7%;随着石墨烯含量增加,复合材料的导热系数以及传热系数均增加。  相似文献   

Although fouling on heat exchanger tubes is extensively investigated, due to the lack of energy resources, the effects of fouling on heat exchangers is still an important area of study and gaining more and more attention every day. In this study we investigated the effects of fouling on heat transfer and flow structures numerically for cross-flow heat exchanger tube geometry. The distributions of temperature, heat transfer coefficient and heat flux at the surface of fouling were obtained for single and double layer fouling cases. In the analysis, Reynolds number and the blockage ratio were fixed to 100 and 0.1 respectively. We used ANSYS software in our analyses and compared some of our results with the literature.  相似文献   

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