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In response to the Dougherty thesis that contemporary human reliability analysis (HRA) methods are inadequate, this paper proposes that credible assessments of these HRA methods adequacy can be obtained only by means of their full exploitation by human factors specialists as part of the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) process. The paper traces the history of human factors in PRA. It concludes that regarding PRA, only peripheral attention has been given to human factors; further that there has been almost a total absence of human factors specialists involved in the PRA process. The paper introduces and discusses a recent US Nuclear Regulatory Commission research initiative on a task analysis-linked evaluation technique (TALENT) concept for integrating human factors expertise into the PRA process, and fully exploiting state-of-knowledge HRA methods and data. The paper concludes that by means of TALENT implementation: (1) more credible assessments of HRA methods adequacy can be made, and (2) more realistic estimates of the overall impact of human error on complex high reliability systems' reliability and risk can be achieved.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and discusses implications of a largely probabilistic regulatory framework using best-estimate, goal-driven, risk-informed, and performance-based methods. This framework relies on continuous probabilistic assessment of performance of a set of time-dependent, safety-critical systems, structures, components, and procedures that assure attainment of a broad set of overarching technology-neutral protective, mitigative, and preventive goals under all phases of plant operations. In this framework acceptable levels of performance are set through formal apportionment so that they are commensurate with the overarching goals. Regulatory acceptance would be the based on the confidence level with which the plant conforms to these goals and performance objectives. The proposed framework uses the traditional defense-in-depth design and operation regulatory philosophy when uncertainty in conforming to specific goals and objectives is high. Finally, the paper discusses the steps needed to develop a corresponding technology-neutral regulatory approach from the proposed framework.  相似文献   

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published the Maintenance Rule on July 10, 1991 with an implementation date of July 10, 1996 [1]. Maintenance rule implementation at the Duke Power Company has used probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) insights to help focus the monitoring of structures, systems and components (SSC) performance and to ensure that maintenance is effectively performed. This paper describes how the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)1 group at the Duke Power Company provides support for the maintenance rule by performing the following tasks: (1) providing a member of the expert panel; (2) determining the risk-significant SSCs; (3) establishing SSC performance criteria for availability and reliability; (4) evaluating past performance and its impact on core damage risk as part of the periodic assessment; (5) providing input to the PRA matrix; (6) providing risk analyses of combinations of SSCs out of service; (7) providing support for the SENTINEL program; and (8) providing support for PSA training. These tasks are not simply tied to the initial implementation of the rule. The maintenance rule must be kept consistent with the current design and operation of the plant. This will require that the PRA models and the many PSA calculations performed to support the maintenance rule are kept up-to-date. Therefore, support of the maintenance rule will be one of the primary roles of the PSA group for the remainder of the life of the plant.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the historical development of the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods and applications in the nuclear industry. A review of nuclear safety and regulatory developments in the early days of nuclear power in the United States has been presented. It is argued that due to technical difficulties for measuring and characterizing uncertainties and concerns over legal challenges, safety design and regulation of nuclear power plants has primarily relied upon conservative safety assessment methods derived based on a set of design and safety principles. Further, it is noted that the conservatism adopted in safety and design assessments has allowed the use of deterministic performance assessment methods. This approach worked successfully in the early years of nuclear power epoch as the reactor design proved to be safe enough. However, it has been observed that as the conservative approach to design and safety criteria proved arbitrary, and yielded inconsistencies in the degree to which different safety measures in nuclear power plants protect safety and public heath, the urge for a more consistent assessment of safety became apparent in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s, as a result of public and political pressures, then the US Atomic Energy Commission initiated a new look at the safety of the nuclear power plants through a comprehensive study called ‘Reactor Safety Study’ (WASH-1400, or ‘Rasmussen Study’—after its charismatic study leader Professor Norman Rasmussen of MIT) to demonstrate safety of the nuclear power plants. Completed in October 1975, this landmark study introduced a novel probabilistic, systematic and holistic approach to the assessment of safety, which ultimately resulted in a sweeping paradigm shift in safety design and regulation of nuclear power in the United States in the turn of the Century. Technical issues of historic significance and concerns raised by the subsequent reviews of the Rasmussen Study have been discussed. Effect of major events and developments such as the Three Mile Island accident and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Nuclear Industry sponsored studies on the tools, techniques and applications of the PRA that culminated in the present day risk-informed initiatives has been discussed.  相似文献   

An important part of the AP600 design, as well as of the design certification review by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is devoted to ensuring defense in depth through deep consideration and management of severe accidents. Going beyond the traditional Level 2 PRA, in this article we show how this defense in depth was achieved and demonstrated in a consistent manner between prevention and mitigation, through application of the Integrated ROAAM approach. This requires the up-front integration of probabilistic and deterministic thought, which leads naturally to clear and coherent safety goals as an overall guide toward closure.  相似文献   

This article examines the calculation and treatment of uncertainty in risk-based allowable outage times (AOTs) for operational control at nuclear power plants, where an AOT is defined as the time that a component or system is permitted to be out of service. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has explored the possibility of using a nuclear power plant's probabilistic risk assessment results to determine component or system AOTs. The analysis and results from previous work prepared for the NRC on determining risk-based AOTs are presented. As part of the discussion, the article examines the inherent uncertainty in calculating risk-based AOTs and presents the difficulties in calculating these risk-based AOTs. It is noted that care should be taken when dealing with uncertainty analysis results where a time-interval is the outcome of the analysis. In addition, potential improvements in the mechanism of calculating risk-based AOTs are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an original model-based method for blind robotic tactile recognition of three-dimensional objects. Conveniently shaped geometric symbols representing terms of a pseudorandom array (PRA) are embossed on object surfaces. Symbols recovered by tactile probing are recognized using a neural network and then clustered in a PRA window that contains enough information to fully identify the absolute coordinates of the recovered window within the encoding PRA. By knowing how different object models were mapped to the PRA, it is possible to unambiguously identify the object face and the exact position of the recovered symbols on the face.  相似文献   

Inclusion of fatigue effects in human reliability analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of fatigue on human performance has been observed to be an important factor in many industrial accidents. However, defining and measuring fatigue is not easily accomplished. This creates difficulties in including fatigue effects in probabilistic risk assessments (PRA) of complex engineering systems that seek to include human reliability analysis (HRA). Thus the objectives of this paper are to discuss (1) the importance of the effects of fatigue on performance, (2) the difficulties associated with defining and measuring fatigue, (3) the current status of inclusion of fatigue in HRA methods, and (4) the future directions and challenges for the inclusion of fatigue, specifically sleep deprivation, in HRA.  相似文献   

The basis for personal dosimetry performance testing in the United States is ANSI/HPS N13.11 (2001). Now in its third edition, this standard has been in place since 1983. Testing under this standard is administered by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program (NVLAP), and accreditation of dosimetry processors under this program is required by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations. The US Department of Energy (DOE) also maintains a testing program for its laboratories and contractors, administered by the Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP). A focus in recent years has been the modification of ANSI/HPS N13.11 to allow acceptance by both testing programs in order to bring harmonisation to US personal dosemeter processing testing. Since there is no type testing program in the US for personal dosemeters, the testing philosophy of ANSI N13.11 has always combined elements of type testing and routine performance testing. This philosophy is explored in detail in this presentation, along with trends in the development of the document to its present state. In addition, a look will be taken at what the future holds for the next revision of the document, scheduled to begin in 2005.  相似文献   

To support the development of probabilistic risk assessments of US commercial nuclear power plants, significant effort has been expended to develop generic failure rates for components. Generic failure rates indicate industry-average performance of components, rather than component performance at a specific plant. Most publicly available, generic failure rate databases are typically based on data collected in the 1970s and 1980s for US nuclear power plants. Recent data analysis programs sponsored by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and data collection programs sponsored by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations provide an opportunity to compare more recent failure rate estimates with those obtained in the 1970s and 1980s. These recent results indicate that many component generic failure rates are now lower than observed in the 1970s and 1980s. Suggestions for up-to-date failure rates are presented. Also, failure to run rates for standby components are presented for both short- and longer-term run times.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Accident Sequence Precursor Program. The objectives of the program are delineated; the screening, review and analysis methods for events involving an accident initiator are reviewed. The quantitative calculations are illustrated using an ASP event. A Bayesian framework for using ASP information to estimate annual core damage frequencies is then introduced. This method uses both failure and success information to estimate the core damage frequency. In addition, an alternative procedure is proposed to estimate the frequency of severe core damage accidents. The estimated occurrence rate is then used to define a retrospective accident sequence precursor measure of closeness to a core damage accident. The retrospective measure is the a posteriori probability of at least one core damage accident during a given period of time. Expressions for both the conditional and unconditional severe core damage probabilities are developed. The paper also shows that the sum of conditional severe core damage probabilities overestimates the rate at which severe core damage events occur.  相似文献   

S Mandal 《Sadhana》2018,43(1):2
The rising complexity of real-life optimization problems has constantly inspired computer researchers to develop new efficient optimization methods. Evolutionary computation and metaheuristics based on swarm intelligence are very popular nature-inspired optimization techniques. In this paper, the author has proposed a novel elephant swarm water search algorithm (ESWSA) inspired by the behaviour of social elephants, to solve different optimization problems. This algorithm is mainly based on the water search strategy of intelligent and social elephants during drought. Initially, we perform preliminary parametric sensitivity analysis for our proposed algorithm, developing guidelines for choosing the parameter values in real-life problems. In addition, the algorithm is evaluated against a number of widely used benchmark functions for global optimizations, and it is observed that the proposed algorithm has better performance for most of the cases compared with other state-of-the-art metaheuristics. Moreover, ESWSA performs better during fitness test, convergence test, computational complexity test, success rate test and scalability test for most of the benchmarks. Next, ESWSA is tested against two well-known constrained optimization problems, where ESWSA is found to be very efficient in term of execution speed and best fitness. As an application of ESWSA to real-life problem, it has been tested against a benchmark problem of computational biology, i.e., inference of Gene Regulatory Network based on Recurrent Neural Network. It has been observed that the proposed ESWSA is able to reach nearest to global minima and enabled inference of all true regulations of GRN correctly with less computational time compared with the other existing metaheuristics.  相似文献   

The need for harmonisation of the procedures for internal dose assessment has been recognised within an EU research project under the 5th Framework Programme. The aim of the IDEAS project was to develop general guidelines for standardising assessments of intakes and internal doses. It started in October 2001 and ended in June 2005. The project is closely related to some goals of the work of Committee 2 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and since 2003 there has been close co-operation between the two groups. The general philosophy of the guidelines is focusing on the principles of harmonisation, accuracy and proportionality. The proposed system of 'level of task' to structure the approach of internal dose evaluation is also reported. Some details of the internal structure of the guidelines for the different pathways of intake are provided.  相似文献   

巨项目决策的核心原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章用工程哲学的思想方法,基于可持续发展的理念,探究巨项目决策问题。提出了要用新的思想、新的方法去解决复杂的巨项目决策;构建了巨项目决策模型,其主要内容是巨项目决策的"核心三原则",即以功能发挥时间最长为原则,以能否带来社会发展质变为原则,以民众和社会发展受益为原则。  相似文献   

Planning and preparation in advance for radiological emergencies can help to minimise potential public health and environmental threats if and when an actual emergency occurs. During the planning process, emergency response organisations think through how they would respond to each type of incident and the resources that will be needed. In Malaysia, planning, preparation for and response to radiological emergencies involve many parties. In the event of a radiological emergency and if it is considered a disaster, the National Security Council, the Atomic Energy Licensing Board and the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) will work together with other federal agencies, state and local governments, first responders and international organisations to monitor the situation, contain the release, and clean up the contaminated site. Throughout the response, these agencies use their protective action guidelines. This paper discusses Malaysian preparedness for, and response to, any potential radiological emergency.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest from both the regulatory authorities and the nuclear industry to stimulate the use of Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) for risk-informed applications at Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Nowadays, special attention is being paid on analyzing plant-specific changes to Test Intervals (TIs) within the Technical Specifications (TSs) of NPPs and it seems to be a consensus on the need of making these requirements more risk-effective and less costly. Resource versus risk-control effectiveness principles formally enters in optimization problems. This paper presents an approach for using the PRA models in conducting the constrained optimization of TIs based on a steady-state genetic algorithm (SSGA) where the cost or the burden is to be minimized while the risk or performance is constrained to be at a given level, or vice versa. The paper encompasses first with the problem formulation, where the objective function and constraints that apply in the constrained optimization of TIs based on risk and cost models at system level are derived. Next, the foundation of the optimizer is given, which is derived by customizing a SSGA in order to allow optimizing TIs under constraints. Also, a case study is performed using this approach, which shows the benefits of adopting both PRA models and genetic algorithms, in particular for the constrained optimization of TIs, although it is also expected a great benefit of using this approach to solve other engineering optimization problems. However, care must be taken in using genetic algorithms in constrained optimization problems as it is concluded in this paper.  相似文献   

A probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) procedure is developed which can predict risks of explosive blast damage to built infrastructure. The present paper focuses on window glazing since this is a load-capacity system which, when subject to blast loading, has caused significant damage and injury to building occupants. Structural reliability techniques are used to derive fragility and blast reliability curves (BRCs) for annealed and toughened glazing subjected to explosive blast, for a variety of threat scenarios. The probabilistic analyses include the uncertainties associated with blast modelling, glazing response and glazing failure criteria. Damage risks are calculated for an individual window and for windows in the facade of a multi-storey commercial building. If threat probabilities can be estimated then the paper shows illustrative examples of how this information, when combined with risk-based decision-making criteria, can be used to optimise risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a set of practical and conceptual guidelines useful for introducing composite reliability studies in the realm of power systems short-term operations planning. The steps, procedures and analyses described in the paper are currently being tested by several utilities in Brazil. These guidelines, with minor changes or adaptations, are deemed to be useful to other systems as well. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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