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We present an integrated light‐electron microscope in which an inverted high‐NA objective lens is positioned inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM objective lens and the light objective lens have a common axis and focal plane, allowing high‐resolution optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on the same area of a sample simultaneously. Components for light illumination and detection can be mounted outside the vacuum, enabling flexibility in the construction of the light microscope. The light objective lens can be positioned underneath the SEM objective lens during operation for sub‐10 μm alignment of the fields of view of the light and electron microscopes. We demonstrate in situ epifluorescence microscopy in the SEM with a numerical aperture of 1.4 using vacuum‐compatible immersion oil. For a 40‐nm‐diameter fluorescent polymer nanoparticle, an intensity profile with a FWHM of 380 nm is measured whereas the SEM performance is uncompromised. The integrated instrument may offer new possibilities for correlative light and electron microscopy in the life sciences as well as in physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

A method of direct visualization by correlative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence light microscopy of cell structures of tissue cultured cells grown on conductive glass slides is described. We show that by growing cells on indium–tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides, secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images of uncoated cells can be obtained in high-vacuum SEM without charging artefacts. Interestingly, we observed that BSE imaging is influenced by both accelerating voltage and ITO coating thickness. By combining SE and BSE imaging with fluorescence light microscopy imaging, we were able to reveal detailed features of actin cytoskeletal and mitochondrial structures in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We propose that the application of ITO glass as a substrate for cell culture can easily be extended and offers new opportunities for correlative light and electron microscopy studies of adherently growing cells.  相似文献   

Correlative microscopy is a collection of procedures that rely upon two or more imaging modalities to examine the same specimen. The imaging modalities employed should each provide unique information and the combined correlative data should be more information rich than that obtained by any of the imaging methods alone. Currently the most common form of correlative microscopy combines fluorescence and electron microscopy. While much of the correlative microscopy in the literature is derived from studies of model cell culture systems we have focused, primarily, on correlative microscopy in tissue samples. The use of tissue, particularly human tissue, may add constraints not encountered in cell culture systems. Ultrathin cryosections, typically used for immunoelectron microscopy, have served as the substrate for correlative fluorescence and electron microscopic immunolocalization in our studies. In this work, we have employed the bifunctional reporter FluoroNanogold. This labeling reagent contains both a fluorochrome and a gold-cluster compound and can be imaged by sequential fluorescence and electron microscopy. This approach permits the examination of exactly the same sub-cellular structures in both fluorescence and electron microscopy with a high level of spatial resolution.  相似文献   

An instrument for combined scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) to which a photometer unit is attached is described. A special stage in the vacuum chamber of a scanning electron microscope incorporates light microscope optics (objective and condenser) designed for transmission and epi-illumination fluorescence LM. An optical bridge connects these optics to a light microscope, without objective and condenser. The possibility of performing quantitative DNA measurements in this combined microscope (the LM/SEM) was tested using preparations of either chicken erythrocytes, human lymphocytes, or mouse liver cells. The cells were fixed, brought on a cover-glass, quantitatively stained for DNA, dehydrated, and critical point dried (CPD). After mounting the cells were coated with gold. The specimens were brought into the vacuum chamber of the combined microscope and individual cells were studied with SEM and LM. Simultaneously DNA measurements were performed by means of the photometer unit attached to the microscope. It is shown in this study that DNA measurements of cells in the combined microscope give similar results when compared to DNA measurements of embedded cells performed with a conventional fluorescence microscope. Furthermore, it is shown that although the gold layer covering the LM/SEM specimens weakens the fluorescence signal, it does not interfere with the DNA measurements.  相似文献   

Biological studies have relied on two complementary microscope technologies – light (fluorescence) microscopy and electron microscopy. Light microscopy is used to study phenomena at a global scale to look for unique or rare events, and it also provides an opportunity for live imaging, whereas the forte of electron microscopy is the high resolution. Traditionally light and electron microscopy observations are carried out in different populations of cells/tissues and a 'correlative' inference is drawn. The advent of true correlative light-electron microscopy has allowed high-resolution imaging by electron microscopy of the same structure observed by light microscopy, and in advanced cases by video microscopy. Thus a rare event captured by low-resolution imaging of a population or transient events captured by live imaging can now also be studied at high resolution by electron microscopy. Here, the potential and difficulties of this approach, along with the most impressive breakthroughs obtained by these methods, are discussed.  相似文献   

We have integrated an STM unit with a conventional scanning electron microscope in order to perform STM–SEM correlative microscopy. The method is applied to an electrochemically facetted gold sample, which provides a surface structure suitable for this study. We discuss the factors which are relevant in order to obtain a quantitative resolution of the topographic surface structure, by taking advantage of the performances of both techniques. In particular we suggest the use of the STM height distribution as the best parameter for STM/SEM correlation. Finally, from the STM data we deduce that the main process during electrochemical etching is the formation of (111) faces.  相似文献   

The instrumentation necessary for precise and fast correlation of images derived from a light optical microscope (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated in the reflective mode, is described. The specimens can be mounted on standard microscope slides (25 × 75 mm), SEM-stubs (12 mm ø), or on transmission EM grids (3 mm ø). The instrumentation consists of two parts: an attachable precision stage for an LM, and an attachable slide carrier for the stage of an SEM. By taking into account the vernier readings of the stages of both microscopes (LM and SEM), identical particles in a specimen can be found instantaneously under either microscope. Therefore it is concluded that the use of this instrumentation in correlative microscopy (LM → SEM → LM) is time saving, and especially recommended on fragile biological specimens, which may deteriorate rapidly under the electron beam of an SEM.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a correlative microscopy workflow to combine detailed 3D fluorescence light microscopy data with ultrastructural information gained by 3D focused ion beam assisted scanning electron microscopy. The workflow is based on an optimized high pressure freezing/freeze substitution protocol that preserves good ultrastructural detail along with retaining the fluorescence signal in the resin embedded specimens. Consequently, cellular structures of interest can readily be identified and imaged by state of the art 3D confocal fluorescence microscopy and are precisely referenced with respect to an imprinted coordinate system on the surface of the resin block. This allows precise guidance of the focused ion beam assisted scanning electron microscopy and limits the volume to be imaged to the structure of interest. This, in turn, minimizes the total acquisition time necessary to conduct the time consuming ultrastructural scanning electron microscope imaging while eliminating the risk to miss parts of the target structure. We illustrate the value of this workflow for targeting virus compartments, which are formed in HIV‐pulsed mature human dendritic cells.  相似文献   

A method for preparing nondecalcified bone and tooth specimens for imaging by both light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron microscopy in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM) is presented. Bone blocks are embedded in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) mixture and mounted on glass slides using components of a light-cured dental adhesive system. This method of slide preparation allows correlative studies to be carried out between different microscopy modes, using the same histologic section. It also represents a large time savings relative to other mounting methods whose media require long cure times.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of biological phenomena often involve multiple microscopy and imaging modes and media. For bone biology, various forms of light and electron microscopy are used to study the microscopic structure of bone. Integrating information from the different sources is necessary to understand how different aspects of the bone structure interact. To accomplish this, methods were developed to prepare and image thin sections for correlative light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron imaging in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM). Images of the same fields of view may then be analyzed for degrees of relationships between specimen features not observed by LM or SEM alone. These methods are applied here to study possible associations between the degree of bone mineralization and pattern of collagen fiber orientation in the mid-shaft of the human femur. The "relational images" obtained allow us to examine the relationship between these two variables, both objectively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Advances in the understanding of brain functions are closely linked to the technical developments in microscopy. In this study, we describe a correlative microscopy technique that offers a possibility of combining two‐photon in vivo imaging with focus ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM) techniques. Long‐term two‐photon in vivo imaging allows the visualization of functional interactions within the brain of a living organism over the time, and therefore, is emerging as a new tool for studying the dynamics of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. However, light microscopy has important limitations in revealing alterations occurring at the synaptic level and when this is required, electron microscopy is mandatory. FIB/SEM microscopy is a novel tool for three‐dimensional high‐resolution reconstructions, since it acquires automated serial images at ultrastructural level. Using FIB/SEM imaging, we observed, at 10 nm isotropic resolution, the same dendrites that were imaged in vivo over 9 days. Thus, we analyzed their ultrastructure and monitored the dynamics of the neuropil around them. We found that stable spines (present during the 9 days of imaging) formed typical asymmetric contacts with axons, whereas transient spines (present only during one day of imaging) did not form a synaptic contact. Our data suggest that the morphological classification that was assigned to a dendritic spine according to the in vivo images did not fit with its ultrastructural morphology. The correlative technique described herein is likely to open opportunities for unravelling the earlier unrecognized complexity of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The domain structures of Zn3B7O13Cl, Zn3B7O13Br and Zn3B7O13I boracite single crystals were studied by means of polarized light in conjunction with electron microscopy. Single crystals of the three compositions were grown by chemical transport reactions in closed quartz ampoules, at a temperature of 900 °C and were examined by polarizing optical microscopy (PLM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For both PLM and SEM, the same as‐grown samples were used without having to resort to metallization of the crystal faces. For TEM the single crystals were crushed and mounted on holey carbon films. Comparative electron microscope images were useful for revealing the domain structure of these ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials previously observed between the crossed polars of an optical microscope. X‐ray diffraction analysis of the pulverized crystals was performed for this triad of halogen boracites containing zinc as a common metal.  相似文献   

A novel focused ion beam-based technique is presented for the read-out of microradiographs of Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes generated by soft x-ray contact microscopy (SXCM). In previous studies, the read-out was performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), but in our work SXCM microradiographs were imaged by scanning ion microscopy (SIM) in a focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM). It allows an ad libitum selection of a sample region for gross morphologic to nanometric investigations, with a sequence of imaging and cutting. The FIB/SEM is less sensitive to height variation of the relief, and sectioning makes it possible to analyse the sample further. The SXCM can be coupled to SIM in a more efficient and faster way than to AFM. Scanning ion microscopy is the method of choice for the read-out of microradiographs of small multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope of ultra-high-vacuum (UHV-SEM) with a field emission gun (FEG) is operated at the primary electron energies of from 100 eV to 3 keV. The instrument can form the images that contain information on surface chemical composition, chemical bonding state (electronic structure), and surface crystal structure in a microscopic resolution of several hundred angstroms (Å) using the techniques of scanning Auger electron microscope, scanning electron energy loss microscope, and scanning low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) microscope. A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) also has been combined with the SEM in order to obtain the atomic resolution for the solid surface. The instrumentation and examples of their applications are presented both for scanning LEED microscopy and STM.  相似文献   

Aclar, a copolymer film with properties very similar to those of tissue culture plastic, is a versatile substrate to grow cells for light (including fluorescence) and electron microscopic applications in combination with both chemical fixation and cryoimmobilization. In this paper, we describe complete procedures to perform correlative light and electron microscopy using Aclar as substrate for the culture of cell monolayers to be finally embedded in plastic. First, we developed straightforward, efficient and flexible ways to mark the surface of the Aclar to create substrates to locate cells first at the light microscopy and then the electron microscopy level. All the methods enable the user to self‐design gridded Aclar pieces, according to the purpose of the experiments, and create a large number of substrates in a short time. Second, we confirmed that marked Aclar supports the normal growth and morphology of cells. Third, we validated the correlative light and electron microscopy procedure using Aclar. This validation was done for the high‐resolution analysis of endothelial cells using transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam–scanning electron microscopy in combination with the use of fluorescence, phase contrast and/or bright field microscopy to map areas of interest at low resolution. The methods that we present are diverse, easy to implement and highly reproducible, and emphasize the versatility of Aclar as a cell growth substrate for diverse microscopic applications.  相似文献   

Schouwenaars R  Cerrud S  Ortiz A 《Scanning》2002,24(4):207-212
Classical etching techniques for revealing cold deformation and partial recrystallisation in metals have been optimised for optical microscopy, which is limited by its resolution. Detailed studies of the mechanisms involved in recovery and recrystallisation during heat treatment are generally made by transmission electron microscopy. The limitation of this technique, with a few exceptions, is its small field of view and the small fraction of the sample available for inspection. The present article departs from the statement that etching, which is a surface alteration technique, must have effects that are detectable by scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was found that carefully adapted polishing and etching procedures allow for substructural investigations by SEM, resulting in various advantages compared with both optical microscopy and TEM.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy imaging of cells allows to visualize the presence of specific antigens by using fluorescent tags or fluorescent proteins, with resolution of few hundreds of nanometers, providing their localization in a large field‐of‐view and the understanding of their cellular function. Conversely, in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the surface morphology of cells is imaged down to nanometer scale using secondary electrons. Combining both imaging techniques have brought to the correlative light and electron microscopy, contributing to investigate the existing relationships between biological surface structures and functions. Furthermore, in SEM, backscattered electrons (BSE) can image local compositional differences, like those due to nanosized gold particles labeling cellular surface antigens. To perform SEM imaging of cells, they could be grown on conducting substrates, but obtaining images of limited quality. Alternatively, they could be rendered electrically conductive, coating them with a thin metal layer. However, when BSE are collected to detect gold‐labeled surface antigens, heavy metals cannot be used as coating material, as they would mask the BSE signal produced by the markers. Cell surface could be then coated with a thin layer of chromium, but this results in a loss of conductivity due to the fast chromium oxidation, if the samples come in contact with air. In order to overcome these major limitations, a thin layer of indium‐tin‐oxide was deposited by ion‐sputtering on gold‐decorated HeLa cells and neurons. Indium‐tin‐oxide was able to provide stable electrical conductivity and preservation of the BSE signal coming from the gold‐conjugated markers. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:433–443, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is a multimodal technique of increasing utilization in functional, biochemical, and molecular biology. CLEM attempts to combine multidimensional information from the complementary fluorescence light microscopy (FLM) and electron microscopy (EM) techniques to bridge the various resolution gaps. Within this approach the very same cell/structure/event observed at level can be analyzed as well by FLM and EM. Unfortunately, these studies turned out to be extremely time consuming and are not suitable for statistical relevant data. Here, we describe a new CLEM method based on a robust specimen preparation protocol, optimized for cryosections (Tokuyasu method) and on an innovative image processing toolbox for a novel type of multimodal analysis. Main advantages obtained using the proposed CLEM method are: (1) hundred times more cells/structures/events that can be correlated in each single microscopy session; (2) three‐dimensional correlation between FLM and EM, obtained by means of ribbons of serial cryosections and electron tomography microscopy (ETM); (3) high rate of success for each CLEM experiment, obtained implementing protection of samples from physical damage and from loss of fluorescence; (4) compatibility with the classical immunogold and immunofluorescence labeling techniques. This method has been successfully validated for the correlative analysis of Russel Bodies subcellular compartments. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopy techniques have become important tools in mitosis research. The well-known disadvantages of fluorescence microscopy, rapid bleaching, phototoxicity and out-of-focus contributions blurring the in-focus image are obstacles which still need to be overcome. Confocal fluorescence microscopy has the potential to improve our capabilities of analyzing cells, because of its excellent depth-discrimination and image processing power. We have been using a confocal fluorescence microscope for the study of the mechanism of poleward chromosome movement, and report here (1) a cell preparation technique, which allows labeling of fixation sensitive spindle antigens with acceptable microtubule preservation; (2) the use of image processing methods to represent the spatial distribution of various labeled elements in pseudocolour; (3) a novel immunoelectron microscopic labeling method for microtubules, which allows the visualization of their distribution in semithin sections at low magnification; and (4) a first attempt to study microtubule dynamics with a confocal fluorescence microscope in living cells, microinjected with rhodamine labeled tubulin. Our experience indicates that confocal fluorescence microscopy provides real advantages for the study of spatial colocalization of antigens in the mitotic spindle. It does not, however, overcome the basic limits of resolution of the light microscope. Therefore, it has been necessary to use an electron microscopic method. Our preliminary results with living cells show that it is possible to visualize the entire microtubule network in stereo, but that the sensitivity of the instrument is still too low to perform dynamic time studies. It will be worthwhile to further develop this new type of optical instrumentation and explore its usefulness on both fixed and living cells.  相似文献   

Critical point drying (CPD) is a common method of drying biological specimens for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Drying by evaporation of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) has been described as a good alternative. This method, however, is infrequently used. Therefore, we reassessed HMDS drying. Cultured rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells (LEC), possessing fragile fenestrae and sieve plates, were subjected to CPD and HMDS drying and evaluated in the scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscope (AFM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). We observed no differences between the two methods regarding cellular ultrastructure. In contrast with CPD, HMDS drying takes only a few minutes, less effort, low costs for chemicals and requires no equipment. We conclude that HMDS-dried specimens have equal quality to CPD ones. Furthermore, the method also proved useful for drying whole-mount cells for TEM and AFM.  相似文献   

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