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Plasma arginine vasopressin and motor activity in major depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to test whether the effect of surfactant treatment on lung function in a surfactant-deficient animal model can be influenced by the rate at which surfactant is administered. Surfactant deficiency was induced in 18 New Zealand white rabbits (weighing approx. 1 kg each) by lung lavage with normal saline. The arterial/alveolar oxygen ratio (a/A ratio), functional residual capacity (FRC), dynamic compliance of the respiratory system (Crs), tidal volume (V(T)), alveolar portion of the tidal volume (V(A)) and arterial P(CO2) (P(a,CO2)) were measured before and after lavage and 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after administration of a single dose of surfactant (Survanta, 100 mg/kg). Two surfactant administration protocols were compared over a 2-h interval: an infusion lasting 4 min and an infusion over 2 min. Both administrations were given during continuous mechanical ventilation. The six lung function and gas exchange parameters improved significantly following surfactant administration over 2 min compared with a control group. However, only the a/A ratio and V(A) improved following the 4-min protocol. Comparison of the two intervention protocols yielded significantly differences in V(A) and P(a,CO2), favoring the shorter administration. These results support the hypothesis that fast (2 min) administration of surfactant will improve its distribution to formerly collapsed alveoli and results in better lung function, improved ventilation, and (to a lesser extent) better oxygenation than prolonged infusions (4 min).  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of swallowing in persons without swallowing problems is a prerequisite to evaluating the nature and extent of dysphagia in persons with compromised swallowing. In order to determine how swallowing varies with age and with liquid bolus volume in women, we assessed 167 normal female swallowers videofluoroscopically and obtained multiple measures of swallowing function. The women in this study demonstrated a change in swallowing function with age, due primarily to an increase in pharyngeal transit and total duration of the motor response. The duration of closure and opening of valves in the upper aerodigestive tract also increased with age, and the duration of laryngeal elevation and hyoid movement peaked in the 60-79-year-old age groups. Bolus volume effects were quite consistent across most measures. As the bolus volume increased from 1 ml to 10 ml, transit times decreased and durations of valve closure and opening increased. The results of this study may be used to specify the relationship of swallowing function to age and liquid bolus volume in women, relationships that heretofore have been observed only in part and in smaller and more heterogeneous populations.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying clinical abnormalities associated with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APAS) have not been elucidated. We measured plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], the active form of plasminogen activator inhibitor (active PAI), thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT) and soluble thrombomodulin (TM), to investigate the relationship of these factors to thrombotic events in APAS. Mean plasma levels of Lp(a), TAT, active PAI and TM were all significantly higher in patients with aPL than in a control group of subjects. Plasma levels of Lp(a) and active PAI were significantly higher in patients with aPL and arterial thromboses than in patients with aPL but only venous thromboses. There was a significant correlation between plasma levels of Lp(a) and active PAI in patients with aPL. These findings suggest that patients with aPL are in hypercoagulable state. High levels of Lp(a) in plasma may impair the fibrinolytic system resulting in thromboses, especially in the arterial system.  相似文献   

The influence of seasons on platelet serotonin (5-HT) concentration was determined in 88 unipolar depressed and 117 schizophrenic male inpatients, and 90 normal male controls. Platelet 5-HT concentrations showed moderate, but insignificant intragroup seasonal variations in healthy controls and in the groups of depressed (psychotic and nonpsychotic) and schizophrenic (positive and negative) patients. In spring, platelet 5-HT concentrations were higher in schizophrenic patients than in normal controls or in depressed patients, while in other seasons platelet 5-HT concentrations were not significantly different between the groups. Higher platelet 5-HT concentrations were detected in psychotic when compared to nonpsychotic depressed patients in summer, fall, and winter. Increased platelet 5-HT concentrations observed in schizophrenic patients with positive symptoms clearly separated these patients from patients with negative schizophrenia, especially in spring, summer, and fall. Our results indicate the necessity to match patients with regard to the season of the sampling, and to divide depressed and schizophrenic patients into subtypes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While neuropsychological studies have consistently reported impaired cognition in elderly patients with unipolar depression, studies of cognitive function in younger patients with depression have produced equivocal results. The aim of this study was to examine the presence and nature of cognitive deficits in young patients with depression. METHODS: Neuropsychological function was assessed in 20 young patients with unipolar depression, in comparison to 20 age-, education- and IQ- matched controls. Subtests from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) were employed, as this battery has proved sensitive to deficits in middle-aged and elderly patients with depression. RESULTS: The patients were not impaired for short-term memory capacity, spatial working memory, planning ability, cognitive speed, delayed matching to sample or recognition memory. Compared to controls, the patients showed impaired subsequent movement latencies on the Tower of London task, suggesting deficits in the ability to sustain motor responses in depression. The depression group were also impaired on the task of attentional set shifting, requiring more trials to criterion at the intradimensional stage of the task and being more likely to fail the task at the extradimensional shift stage than controls. Further analysis indicated that half of the depression group failed to complete all stages of the set shifting task. These patients were more likely to have required in-patient hospitalization at some time during their illness. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that there are specific cognitive deficits in young patients with depression and that their presence may be related to a history of hospitalization.  相似文献   

We investigated plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and cortisol levels in 12 patients with unipolar depression and 11 matched normal controls. The depressed patients showed significantly higher values of plasma DHEAS and cortisol than the controls. After 4 weeks of treatment with antidepressants (mainly clomiplamine), the high plasma DHEAS levels recovered. This finding showed the possible relationship between plasma DHEAS levels and depression, as well as cortisol levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Studies in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) describe slightly elevated serum testosterone levels, but these studies were not properly controlled for possible confounders. METHODS: In a case-control study serum levels of sex steroids, luteinizing hormone, and sex hormone binding globulin (SHGB) were measured in patients with AS and in age and sex matched controls. The body mass index, smoking status, use of alcohol, and fat intake were recorded. RESULTS: Testosterone levels measured in serum extracts did not differ in 50 male patients with AS compared to controls (mean +/- SD 16 +/- 4 vs 15 +/- 5 nmol/l, respectively; p = 0.54). In unextracted serum, however, male patients showed elevated testosterone (p < 0.001) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels (p = 0.003), even after controlling for confounders (p < 0.001). One of 10 female patients had an elevated testosterone level in unextracted serum. The 17 male users and one of the 2 female users of phenylbutazone had the highest testosterone levels in unextracted serum, and all showed a significant decline after extraction. Serum levels of other sex steroids, luteinizing hormone, and SHGB did not differ significantly between patients and controls. CONCLUSION: Serum testosterone levels are not elevated in male patients with AS. Spuriously elevated testosterone levels in unextracted serum might be related to the use of phenylbutazone in our patient sample.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Congenital spinal hamartomas are defined as tumors of well-differentiated mature elements situated in an abnormal location. In this report, the authors document the clinical and pathological features of spinal hamartomas in 10 patients. METHODS: Ten patients presented with midline dorsal malformations at birth, initially diagnosed as teratomas or myelomeningoceles. The locations of the masses were variable: two were located in the thoracic region, four at the thoracolumbar junction, two in the lumbar region, one at the lumbosacral junction, and one in the sacral region. The results of the neurological examination were normal in nine patients. All but one mass had intact skin and seven had palpable bone components. Neuroimaging studies revealed widening of the spinal canal, heterotopic bone located dorsally in some patients, and varying degrees of involvement of the intraspinal contents. During surgery, six patients were found to have involvement of the spinal cord or cauda equina. The pathological characteristics of the masses included three or more of the following: bone, cartilage, synovial membrane, urinary tract tissue, cyst wall, yellow or brown fat, and nerves. The well-differentiated cellular elements, which formed mature structures, along with the absence of primitive cellular components and neoplastic characteristics are more consistent with a diagnosis of hamartoma than teratoma. CONCLUSIONS: In this series, the authors describe a lesion that is overt on physical examination, yet can have occult spinal canal involvement. Complete neurosurgical evaluation is essential to provide appropriate treatment and prognosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to evaluate the effects induced by arginine vasopressin (VP) microinjection on the electrical activity of single vestibular neurons. Experiments were performed on anaesthetized guinea-pigs in which the spontaneous and the evoked electrical activity of vestibular neurons were recorded before and after intranuclear VP microinjection (0.25.10(-5) pg VP in 0.25 microliter NaCl 0.9% solution). Results showed that VP microinjection affects the spontaneous as well as the evoked vestibular neuron activity. More precisely, 60% of 30 tested neurons were inhibited, 30% were excited and the remaining 10% were unaffected by VP microinjection. The changes in neuronal activity reported above were attributed to a direct action exerted by the polypeptide on vestibular complex neurons. The possible role played by VP in the mechanisms of postural control exerted by the vestibular system was considered as well.  相似文献   

Thyroid function and regulation were studied in 14 consecutive male outpatients with asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (CDC II/III, n = 8) or AIDS (CDC IV, n = 6) who were free of concomitant infections and hepatic dysfunction, and in eight healthy, age- and weight-matched male controls. Blood was sampled every 10 minutes over 24 hours for measurement of thyrotropin (TSH). Thereafter, thyroid hormones and TSH responsiveness to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) were measured. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) did not differ between HIV-infected patients and controls, but HIV patients had lower thyroid hormone-binding index ([THBI] HIV patients, 1.01 +/- 0.02; controls, 1.11 +/- 0.03; P < .02), free thyroxine (FT4) index (94 +/- 3 v 110 +/- 4, P < .01), FT4 (11.8 +/- 0.4 v 14.3 +/- 0.4 pmol/L, P < .01), and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) values (0.18 +/- 0.01 v 0.26 +/- 0.02 nmol/L, P < .001) and higher thyroxine-binding globulin ([TBG] 20 +/- 1 v 16 +/- 1 mg/L, P < .02) values. Mean 24-hour TSH levels were increased in HIV patients (2.39 +/- 0.33 v 1.44 +/- 0.16 mU/L, P < .05), associated with increased mean TSH pulse amplitude and TSH responsiveness to TRH. No differences were observed between asymptomatic HIV-seropositive and AIDS patients. In conclusion, there is a hypothyroid-like regulation of the pituitary-thyroid axis in stable HIV infection, which differs distinctly from the euthyroid sick syndrome in non-HIV-nonthyroidal illnesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Retrospective review of affective disturbances in 238 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) seen over a 6-month period revealed: 1) 51 patients (22%) received pharmacologic treatment for depressive symptoms during or within 4 years of the study period, and 17 (7%) received treatment for rapid mood swings; 2) among the 51 depressed patients, response rate to medication was extremely high; 3) relapse of depressive symptomatology after discontinuation of medication was also high (17/29); 4) first episodes of major depression frequently occurred during periods of MS progression or exacerbation, but first episodes also occurred during periods of relative clinical stability; 5) suicidal ideation was common (12 patients), but only 1 patient had a history of attempted suicide; and 6) side effects were tolerable in most patients.  相似文献   

A line of mice has been developed which are transgenic for an 8.2-kilobase (kb) genomic clone of the rat vasopressin (VP) gene. Using a polymerase chain reaction technique, the rat VP (rVP) transgene was shown to have tissue-specific mRNA expression in the hypothalamus, temporal lobe, parietal cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and posterior pituitary, similar to the tissue distribution of endogenous mouse and rat VP expression. Expression of transgenic rVP mRNA was also found in the lung and pancreas of the transgenic mice, sites of known ectopic expression of VP. Using two methods, Northern blot analysis with species-specific cRNA probes and a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique, the quantity of rVP transgene mRNA was shown to regulate appropriately in response to an osmotic stimulus. After 72 h of water deprivation, the quantity of transgenic rVP mRNA increased 6.8 +/- 3.0-fold. This was not significantly different than the fold increase in mouse VP mRNA quantity seen in nontransgenic mice (4.8 +/- 1.5) but was significantly different (P < 0.05) than the 1.2 +/- 0.03-fold increase in rat VP mRNA seen in normal rats after water deprivation. In the rat hypothalamus, VP mRNA poly(A) tail length increases with osmotic stimulation, while in the mouse it does not. The poly(A) tail of transgenic rVP mRNA expressed in mouse hypothalamus did not increase in length after osmotic stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hypochondriasis without concomitant depression is often considered to be unresponsive to pharmacotherapy. Given marked similarities between hypochondriasis and obsessive-compulsive disorder, we decided to conduct an open trial of high-dose fluoxetine for patients with DSM-III-R hypochondriasis who did not meet criteria for major depression. Ten of 16 patients were much improved at the end of 12 weeks. A comparison of baseline and week 12 scores by the use of a paired-samples t-test revealed a statistically significant reduction in hypochondriacal concerns, as measured by the Heightened Illness Concern Clinical Global Impression Severity scale, the Whiteley Index of Hypochondriasis, and the Heightened Illness Concern Questionnaire. These results suggest that fluoxetine may be a useful therapy for hypochondriacal patients without marked depressive features--a group previously considered to be treatment refractory.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fetal arginine vasopressin contributes to fetal and amniotic fluid homeostasis by increasing water resorption in the kidney and, at higher plasma levels, circulatory homeostasis by vasopressor effects. In utero and neonatal exposure of rat pups to prolonged alterations in plasma osmolality may permanently alter (imprint) pituitary arginine vasopressin content and adult responses to osmotic challenges. Our objective was to investigate fetal developmental changes and the impact of maternal dehydration and maternal hyponatremia on fetal pituitary arginine vasopressin content and hypothalamic arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression. STUDY DESIGN: Ten pregnant ewes with singleton fetuses (135 +/- 1 day) were chronically prepared with maternal vascular catheters. Ewes were assigned to receive water deprivation (n = 4) [desamino, D-Arg8]-arginine vasopressin-induced plasma hyponatremia (n = 3), or 4 days of observation (n = 3). Three additional pregnant ewes with preterm (110 +/- 1 day) singleton fetuses were also included for a study of maturational effects. Daily maternal blood samples were analyzed for determination of plasma arginine vasopressin, electrolytes, and osmolality. After the study protocol, fetuses were operatively delivered, umbilical blood samples obtained, and fetuses put to death for pituitary and hypothalamic tissues. Pituitary arginine vasopressin content was determined by radioimmunoassay, and hypothalamus arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression was detected by Northern blotting. RESULTS: Dehydration significantly (P < .05) increased, and hyponatremia significantly decreased maternal plasma sodium concentration compared with controls. Fetal plasma sodium concentration significantly changed in parallel with maternal values (dehydration: 139 +/- 1 to 150 +/- 1 mEq/L; hyponatremia: 138 +/- 1 to 128 +/- 5 mEq/L). Fetal hypothalamic arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression and pituitary content did not change in relation to these relatively acute alterations in plasma tonicity. However, among all animals, arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression was significantly negatively correlated with pituitary arginine vasopressin content (r2 = 0.563; P = .02). Arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression was significantly lower in both preterm and near-term fetuses (P < .05) than that in the maternal ewe, although pituitary arginine vasopressin content (in micrograms per milligram of protein) was significantly greater in preterm fetuses (P < .01, vs maternal; P < .05, vs near term). CONCLUSIONS: The significant inverse relation between arginine vasopressin content and arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid suggests a dynamic arginine vasopressin synthesis-content feedback relationship is functional in the near-term fetus. Although relatively acute periods of maternal hypertonicity or hypotonicity do not alter fetal pituitary arginine vasopressin content or hypothalamic arginine vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acid expression, longer-term plasma tonicity alterations may potentially have an impact on the fetal arginine vasopressin hypothalamic-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of the monoamine metabolites 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured in three groups: 46 healthy volunteers; 9 medication-free patients with DSM III-R major depressive disorder, recurrent; and these same 9 patients following at least 4 weeks of fluoxetine treatment at 20 mg/day. CSF monoamine metabolite levels in medication-free patients did not differ from healthy volunteers; however, CSF 5-HIAA and MHPG decreased significantly from 95.9 +/- 24.6 (all values +/- SD) to 64.2 +/- 26.1 pmol/ml and from 46.7 +/- 14.2 to 42.6 +/- 11.6 pmol/ml, respectively, following fluoxetine treatment. Fluoxetine also significantly decreased mean Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores from 23.2 +/- 6.5 to 17.4 +/- 5.0 and significantly increased the CSF HVA/5-HIAA ratio.  相似文献   

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