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永胜县东瓜坪水库,库区及枢纽区均位于裂隙发育的砂岩地层内,坝基、坝肩、库岸、坝体都存在严重渗漏。本文以此为例,介绍了该项目按照因地制宜、安全、经济的原则,根据其因张开裂隙形成上下游渗漏通道且渗漏点分布无规律的特点,充分利用新型防渗技术和防渗材料,适宜选择复合土工膜铺盖和帷幕灌浆两种防渗方法相结合,既能解决大坝防渗问题,又节约投资的成功经验。  相似文献   

永胜县东瓜坪水库,库区及枢纽区均位于裂隙发育的砂岩地层内,坝基、坝肩、库岸、坝体都存在严重渗漏。本文以此为例,介绍了该项目按照因地制宜、安全、经济的原则,根据其因张开裂隙形成上下游渗漏通道且渗漏点分布无规律的特点,充分利用新型防渗技术和防渗材料,适宜选择复合土工膜铺盖和帷幕灌浆两种防渗方法相结合,既能解决大坝防渗问题,又节约投资的成功经验。  相似文献   

针对甘肃兰州某水库大坝出现的渗漏问题,总结分析了其渗漏原因和当前水利工程中水库大坝的防渗技术现状。通过高压喷射灌浆、坝体劈裂灌浆、混凝土防渗墙、搅拌桩防渗墙和帷幕灌浆在内的防渗关键技术,对水库大坝的防渗工程进行了优化。对不同防渗关键技术的优势进行了具体分析与应用。  相似文献   

刘发付 《建筑知识》2014,(8):401-401
本文结合湖南永顺县芙蓉镇响堂水库大坝防渗工程实例,探讨了帷幕灌浆技术在水库大坝防渗工程中的应用,并对灌浆效果进行了分析,结果表明:渗透系数或透水率均满足要求,灌浆效果良好。  相似文献   

李章 《山西建筑》2009,35(34):364-365
针对某水库大坝由于蓄水压力逐渐增大,出现渗漏而危及大坝安全的严重问题,分析研究和采取了科学有效的帷幕灌浆工艺方法,对水库大坝进行了除险加固,有效地解决了大坝渗漏问题,确保了水库大坝的安全。  相似文献   

蔡东强 《城市建筑》2014,(26):177-177
随着我国水库大坝施工技术的不断快速发展,灌浆施工技术在水库大坝施工中的应用越来越受到关注。本文主要介绍了灌浆施工技术,并详细阐述了水库大坝灌浆施工技术及防渗加固处理的一些策略,提出了灌浆施工的几点建议。  相似文献   

随着我国水库大坝施工技术的不断快速发展,灌浆施工技术在水库大坝施工中的应用越来越受到关注。本文主要介绍了灌浆施工技术,并详细阐述了水库大坝灌浆施工技术及防渗加固处理的一些策略,提出了灌浆施工的几点建议。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步和社会经济的发展,我国水利事业发展迅速,出现了诸多的水库大坝工程。在水库大坝施工过程中,非常重要的方面就是灌浆施工和防渗技术,需要对其产生足够的重视。它的施工质量,将会对水库大坝的整体质量产生直接的影响。本文以某工程为例,分析了水库大坝灌浆施工和防渗技术,希望可以提供一些有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

孙建伟  李怡 《居业》2022,(1):241-243
在水库大坝基础防渗漏加固处理中,经常会用到帷幕灌浆施工技术.利用这项技术能够让水库大坝运行的安全稳定性得到显著提高.本文结合南京市江宁区赵村水库消险工程,阐述帷幕灌浆施工方法以及在施工之前需要进行的准备工作内容,对帷幕灌浆技术在水库大坝防渗加固处理中的应用进行简要分析.  相似文献   

膨胀浆塞法大坝横缝堵漏技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过参窝水库等工程实践,介绍一种在水库正常运行情况下,进行横缝堵漏的方法———膨胀浆塞法,即在坝顶于大坝2道止水带之间骑横缝垂直造孔,用一次灌浆法,将水溶性聚氨酯复合料灌注入孔内,达到胀紧横缝止漏的目的。该法工艺简单,效果明显,工程造价低,止漏全面彻底。  相似文献   

The Kafrein dam, 480 m long and 30 m high, is located on the Wadi Kafrein, a few kilometres from the active Jordan Valley fault. The Jordan Valley Authority proposed raising the crest of the existing dam by approximately 7 m and extending the length of the embankment to 554 m, in order to increase its storage capacity by 6 million m3 to a total of 8.5 million m3. The paper discusses the likelihood that existing seepage problems will be exacerbated when the dam is raised and proposes some remedial actions to increase the safety of the dam and minimise both the amount of seepage and any adverse effects. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

茶村水库放水涵管边缘的漏水通道,与其尾部附近的白蚁巢道相通,造成难以抢救的迅速垮坝。  相似文献   

陈海平  卞正军 《山西建筑》2004,30(21):78-79
对江苏省东台市中亭广场地下防水工程施工质量控制存在的问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出了应采取的具体措施,经理论分析和实践检验,这些措施是切实可行的。  相似文献   

白智杰  武晓明 《山西建筑》2004,30(12):68-69
以山西财政税务专科学校屋面渗漏治理工程为例,从防水层的开裂、起鼓、折皱等方面,介绍了采用SBS防水卷材进行综合治理的施工要点,取得了良好的施工效果。  相似文献   

杨房沟水电站拱坝两岸Ⅳ、Ⅴ级结构面发育,特别是平行拱轴力的侧向结构面连通性较好,对坝肩抗滑稳定不利。本文分析两岸坝肩抗力体内可能组合块体,研究块体结构面的力学参数,查明其连通率,评价对坝肩抗力体的稳定影响。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether and how the disruption of river flow, during the filling of the Alqueva dam, influenced the variability of abiotic and biotic factors in the Guadiana estuary, particularly the abundance and distribution of anchovy eggs. River inflow was found to be the most important factor in determining abiotic and biotic variability in the Guadiana estuary. Seasonal patterns were obscured by long periods of low inflow (mid April to early December 2002), which caused marked changes in the estuary. The estuarine turbidity maximum zone was displaced towards the upper estuary, to at least 38 km from the river mouth, 8 to 16 km upstream from previous records. The dynamics of nutrient stoichiometry was also affected. In the upper and middle estuary, P was more potential limiting than N and potential Si limitation was only frequent on the coast, with direct and/or indirect influence in changing phytoplankton dynamics and composition. Previously, the upper estuary alternated between potential P limitation during winter, Si limitation during spring and mid summer and N limitation during mid summer and autumn. The flooding of vast areas in the catchment of the dam probably caused the increase of DSi concentrations, as well as maximal N and P loadings. The abundance of larval stages of anchovy decreased, putatively because estuarine productivity has also decreased. In April 2002 there was an uncontrolled discharge from the Alqueva dam, which reduced the abundance of anchovy eggs by 99.99%. It is suggested that dam managers should mimic, as much as possible, the natural river flow, in order to minimize the impact on downstream ecosystems. Management efforts should not be restricted to the areas upstream of the dam, but should also encompass the estuary and adjacent coastal area.  相似文献   

吴亚丁 《山西建筑》2006,32(14):124-125
以具体地下防水工程为例,从设计、选材、施工、保护措施多方面分析了地下工程渗漏水的原因,介绍了具体的渗漏水治理措施,结果显示其治理效果良好。  相似文献   

王春 《山西建筑》2003,29(6):126-127
介绍了SBS改性沥青防水卷材在双曲线冷却塔内壁防渗、防腐修理中的应用。经实践 ,此法不仅延长了使用寿命 ,提高了防渗、防腐效果 ,同时还降低了施工费用。  相似文献   

The paper draws attention to the adverse geological and tectonic setting for a proposed dam on the Olynthios river in Northern Greece. The preliminary investigation showed the foundation area to be at the boundary of two dissimilar units in tectonic contact: Mesozoic metamorphic strata juxtaposed with Neogene sedimentary strata. It discusses the significance of the conglomerates in the Neogene deposits and the importance of the clay lenses and clay matrix for the stability and potential settlement of the dam. Although numerous faults are present, the major faults dip steeply at right angles to the dam axis. The study has indicated that there is little loose disturbed material associated with the faults. In this particular environment, in addition to selective grouting, it is recommended that a clay blanket is placed upstream to lengthen the flow path. The feasibility study has shown that despite the theoretically unfavorable conditions the site can be considered suitable.   相似文献   

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