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In this paper, in order to design a K-band common-gate Gilbert-cell mixer via a 0.18 μm CMOS technology, the π-Network and post-distortion cancellation (PDC) techniques are implemented simultaneously, resulting in the improvement of gain, bandwidth, noise figure and linearity. Also, a new method for implementing the π-Network, using the parasitic capacitances between RF and LO stage nodes, is proposed which improves the mixer performance and makes the mixer design possible at high frequencies. It is shown that the π-Network enhances the gain and bandwidth by generating complex poles in system frequency response without the need for extra power consumption. The suitable location of these poles, which gives rise to high gain and high bandwidth, is discussed and determined by MATLAB simulation. Results of simulation illustrate 3.36 dB improvement in power conversion gain and 2 dB reduction in noise figure at the same power consumption with LO power of ?1 dBm in comparison with the case when PDC technique is used only. Compared to conventional mixer, it improves the IIP3 by 6 dB. Also, the power consumption of the mixer together with the designed bias circuit is 9.68 mW at 1.8 V.  相似文献   

A CMOS differential input stage for transconductance amplifiers that combines a low noise excess factor, low input capacitance, and high common-mode rejection ratio with a very good linearity is described. The measured distortion is only 0.2% for a 1-V RMS input signal and only 1% for a 2-V RMS input signal on a test circuit implemented in a standard 3-μm CMOS process, using ±5-V supplies, resulting in over 85 dB of dynamic range. Applications include high-performance continuous-time filters and linear amplifiers  相似文献   

四类LO信号对CMOS Gilbert混频器增益影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文深入研究了CMOS Gilbert混频器在四类本振信号(Local Oscillator,LO)作用下的开关模型,提出了相应情况下的混频器电压转换增益修正公式。基于0.25μm标准CMOS工艺的Gilbert混频器仿真结果表明,本文预测的电压增益理论值与仿真结果相差最大为0.08dB,对CMOS混频器的优化设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Transient numerical analysis of electrical signal injection into the surface charge-coupled device (CCD) is given regarding the potential equilibration method. The analysis is composed of the charging and discharging processes of signal charges, characterized by time intervals TCand TDof the respective input pulses. A concept of "setting time TS" explains how the mode of injection converts from the potential equilibration to dynamic injection, and determines an optimum TC. A concept of "residual effect of excess charges" is discussed in relation to sampling effect. The procedure to determine an optimum TDis also proposed. The optimum input timing is divided into two instances in accordance with the degree of the gate lengthL; L > < 5-8µm. For the instances (L > 5-8µm) the timing condition is further split into two cases, depending on the biased potential differenceV_{G1}-V_{BL}. The above conclusions can be applied to setting input pulses and the structure of CCD inputs designed for analog signal processing.  相似文献   

A new method of input linearising a c.c.d. is described. Improvements of 5 to 15dB in linearity over conventional `potential-equilibrium? methods have been obtained.  相似文献   

The problem of maximizing the output energy of a linear time-invariant channel, given that the input signal is time and amplitude limited, is considered. It is shown that a necessary condition for an input μ to be optimal, assuming a unity amplitude constraint is that it satisfy the fixed-point equation=sgn [F(μ)], where the functional F is the convolution of μ with the autocorrelation function of the channel impulse response. It is also shown that all solutions to this equation for which |μ|=1 almost everywhere correspond to local maxima of the output energy. Iteratively recomputing μ from the fixed-point equation leads to an algorithm for finding local optima. Numerical results are given for the cases where the transfer function is ideal low-pass and has two poles. These results support the conjecture that in the ideal low-pass case the optimal input signal is a single square pulse. A generalization of the preceding fixed-point condition is also derived for the problem of maximally separating N outputs of a discrete-time, linear, time-invariant channel  相似文献   

Berger  C.S. 《Electronics letters》1979,15(12):360-361
An asymptotically optimal input for a plant disturbed by coloured noise is obtained directly in terms of input and output variables.  相似文献   

基于TSMC 180 nm工艺库,设计了一款低电压高线性度的电流差分跨导放大器(CDTA,在电路的设计中采用了具有自适应尾电流源偏置结构来提高其线性度。利用Cadence和Spectre软件进行电路设计与仿真。结果显示,在系统典型应用环境下,当Z端的电压在–1.4~+1.3 V变化时,X端的电流变化范围达到–100~+100μA;I_Z/I_P,I_Z/I_N的–3 d B带宽分别为230.5 MHz和236.4 MHz;Z端和X端阻抗分别为8 M?和2.3 M?。该CDTA具有低输入阻抗和高输出阻抗、低电压、高线性度的良好性能,已用于增益可调的有源滤波器设计。  相似文献   

A detailed study of transient signal charge injection into surface-channel charge-coupled devices using a two-dimensional computer model including the source diffusion and the self-induced and fringing field effects has been carried out. The total delay time required to inject a packet of charge into CCD's for a range of device structures was determined. It is found that the maximum clock pulse frequency of operation is determined by the input delay time and not by the speed of charge transfer which is normally assumed. The results of this study are compared with results obtained using a one-dimensional simulation model for charge injection into CCD's. Experimental justification of the one-dimensional model is provided. With the aid of this analysis a design expression for the intrinsic input delay (the delay associated with the fill portion) for short gate surface-channel CCD's is derived and presented in this paper. It is also shown that for short gate devices (L < 8µm) the input delay time due to scooping is about two to four times the intrinsic delay.  相似文献   

基于0.18μm CMOS标准工艺设计了一种改进输入级结构的轨至轨运算放大器电路。该电路由输入级电路、共源共栅放大电路、共源输出电路及偏置电路组成。通过引入正反馈的MOS耦合对管将输入级电路改进为预放大电路,然后对其进行了详细分析,利用Cadence软件对电路进行仿真。仿真结果表明本文结构的低频直流开环增益可以达到80 dB,比相同参数下的普通结构高20 dB左右。相位裕度达到73o,共模输入电压范围满足全幅摆动,共模抑制比低频时可以达到107 dB。  相似文献   

Phase detectors having sawtooth-type transfer characteristics are superior in some respects to those having cosine-type transfer characteristics. However, the superiority exists only for large input signal-noise ratios. It is shown that for small SNR, the sawtooth characteristic degenerates into a cosine characteristic.  相似文献   

A complete analytical solution of the problem of the linear stage of evolution of electron-hole avalanches in the uniform time-independent electric field E ext is derived. The theory accounts for the drift, diffusion, and impact ionization of electrons and holes, thus providing a means for calculating the space-time distributions of fields and charges as well as all the basic parameters of the avalanches up to the onset of nonlinear effects at the time t a . Formulas for the group velocity of the avalanches and for the velocity of its leading fronts are derived. It is shown that the time t a must be determined from the condition that the impact ionization coefficient α in the center of the avalanche be reduced by a specified small quantity η. A transcendent equation is derived, which allows the calculation of the time t a as a function of the quantity η, the unperturbed coefficient α(E ext), and other parameters of the semiconductor. It is found that, when α(E ext) is increased by two orders of magnitude, the total number of electron-hole pairs generated up to the point t a decreases by nearly three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

产品的小型化需要低电压、低功耗的集成电路,CMOS技术可以将模拟和数字集成在一起,数字电路易满足要求,但模拟电路会产生许多问题,本文介绍低电压CMOD模拟集成运算放大器输入级所面临的问题以及解决的方法。  相似文献   

硅基光电探测器前置放大电路的输入级CMOS实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍前置电路对光电探测器性能的影响和给出一种适用于硅基光电探测器前置放大电路的输入级CMOS实现。  相似文献   

Nanometer positioning of a linear motion stage under static loads   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A standard lead-screw-driven linear translation table was fitted with a secondary voice coil actuator, which can apply forces of ±0.5 N on the translating stage. The DC servomotor-driven lead screw is capable of positioning the table to a nominal precision of ±0.5 μm. The secondary actuator then positions the table to ±1 mm. Both actuators utilize closed-loop feedback algorithms. This configuration has significant advantages over the more common “piggyback” arrangement, which often uses piezoelectric actuators. The advantages include preservation of the original load surface and position sensors and an easier to control actuator. Its ability to operate under static load and a model of the microdynamic behavior are addressed in this paper. When static loads of up to 36 N were applied to the translating stage, the secondary actuator could still displace the table to ±500 nm and control the position down to its zero-load precision. The microdynamic behavior in this region is nonlinear and was modeled using the modified Dahl model of friction. The key parameters in the model were identified using a 2 Hz sinusoidal input force with varying amplitudes from the secondary actuator. For a constant loading force, the parameters did not vary significantly with different excitation forces. The friction parameter relating the initial slope of the friction force versus displacement curve did change with different loading forces. Also, for smaller input signals causing displacements of less than 200 nm, the friction parameters would tend to drift, depending on input magnitudes  相似文献   

This study concerns the modeling and control of a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifier in the case of network variations. The aim is to limit and stabilize variations of DC output voltage and line currents in such circumstances. Network variations can result in costly damage to power converters and their loads but a power converter such as the PWM rectifier, using cascade digital control, offers many capabilities to stabilize the system with optimized control. A generalized model of the PWM rectifier is first presented using the Clarke notation in order to separate the positive and negative sequences. The model is also extended to the harmonics. The cases of harmonic disturbance and an unbalanced network are then analyzed and an optimized regulation is presented for the latter case, validating the generalized model. Experimental results are proposed. The line current compensation loop method coupled with identification of network parameters offers a good solution to stabilize the PWM rectifier in an unbalanced network  相似文献   

Previous publications described the computation of the steady-state periodic response of a nearly linear circuit by solving the Volterra intergral equation using a Picard-type iteration with a diagonal damping matrix. A new self-adaptive process not only has a much larger region of convergence, but also economises in computational effort.  相似文献   

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