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本文在明晰"意义"概念的基础上,深入剖析了意义建构的本质,分横向与纵向两方面提出意义建构即联系的建立及细化与抽象.同时本文对建构主义的本质属性做出尝试性的探索,提出建构主义的本质属性不在于对意义建构的质的规定,而在于对意义建构的过程的规定性.  相似文献   

教学交往是在教学过程中,以具有一定意义的语言为中介的教师与学生之间相互影响、相互促进的活动.在教学交往过程中应以促进学生知识的社会建构循环、学生社会性的形成和人格的完善以及提升学生的文化视野为其发展效应,并通过提高学生对知识的建构能力、注重教学交往中的对话与合作和创建合作型课堂气氛作为其实现路径.  相似文献   

社会新闻在当今社会的重要意义已经非常明显,我们必须努力办好社会新闻,努力实践,争取使社会新闻的正面报道越办越好.本文也详细阐述了社会新闻正面报道的重要性.  相似文献   

文章以建构主义为研究视角,探讨了残疾人问题的建相机制:语言、文字、社会环境、社会制度共同建构,提出了增能社会工作、倡导社会工作两种解决策略.  相似文献   

新闻伦理规范只有能够切实贯彻到新闻实践中才有价值,因此,实践精神是新闻伦理的价值指向.而具体情境、理性协商、实践反思则是建构新闻伦理实践精神的有效路径.  相似文献   

茅盾小说的选材,侧重于当代重大的政治、经济事件,以表现风云变幻的大时代。从《春蚕》中农村里的农民宿命式的生存困境,到《林家铺子》中小城镇里小资产阶级在夹缝中的艰难经营,再到《子夜》中大都市里大资本家恶劣的政治经济环境,全景式的展现了30年代中国社会的全貌;并且以其生命力和现实感体现了中国当代经济改革进程的某些同类精神。  相似文献   

报纸作为新闻事业的一部分,和其它媒体一样都要面向社会大众,真实地、迅速地反映现实的变动。一般说来,人们乐于接受形象化的事物而不愿接受概念化、抽象化的东西。“上好的菜肴”是一个抽象和东西,但如果从“颜色、形状、味道、气味”等方面来具体地写出“上好的菜肴”的时候,它就是具体可感的了。因此,报纸新闻只有在生动性、形象化方面多做文章,才能有效地吸引大众,抓住读者。  相似文献   

常人方法学重视对日常生活实践活动的研究,其对表层规则规范下和语言逻辑下的互动这种独特研究方式,及其理论的批判性和反思性的架构,对于社会性别研究有着独特的适应性.因此试图在常人方法学的理论视角下来看待社会性别问题,运用加芬克尔的相关研究及常人方法学的相关理论视角来分析和探讨性别研究的发展,并结合建构主义理论,试图解释社会性别研究面临困境的原因,为解决社会性别研究发展所面临的困境提供参考.  相似文献   

目前,我国无疑进入了消费社会的时代,新闻媒介在这样的社会背景下,也呈现出了消费主义的倾向,新闻话语力量正在削弱与异化。新闻业该如何面对危机?秉持与践行专业主义的诸多理念将是关键。  相似文献   

新闻信息的再度利用(以下简称"再生性新闻")就是从别人已报道的新闻事实中再度开发出新的新闻信息.是记者或编辑在翻阅、接触其它媒体传达室播事实,在事例把握新闻信息内容和结构中,发现报道中还有遗漏的地方,还没有得到充分的、全面的、深刻的挖掘,于是破题发挥,把握好时间差、地域差、品位差,从另一个侧面、另一个层次去挖掘新的东西.本文对再生性新闻信息在理论上做一探讨,具体从三个方面,即,第一,为什么会有再生性新闻信息的产生;第二,再生性新闻信息的价值;第三,再生性新闻的具体方法.  相似文献   

在用社会建构主义和后现代主义这种方法来分析性别化的社会交际之后,本文又在民俗学方法论进行分析的基础之上,解释了男女话语的基本规律.它进一步列举了使用行为集团来分析工作场所语篇(workplace discourse)的一系列优点,提出了"性别秩序"这一概念并以"、性别秩序"(gender order)的存在为证据.文章所论证的研究手段能够确认在工作场合下使妇女处于不利地位的迂回行为(discursive behaviour)是否存在.文章还强调了"妇女"这一概念应重新回到语言与性别研究的中心地位.  相似文献   

中央电视台新闻频道于2003年5月1日试播,7月1日正式播出,节目始终围绕大家关心的热点、焦点事件展开评论,新闻节目反应快、切入及时,专题节目挖掘深,展开充分;现场直播节目,更是以客观的报道、直观的画面吸引了众多受众.尤其是对抗击非典和众志成城、抗震救灾的直播报道,堪称频道开播以来的大手笔,展示了不凡的综合实力.  相似文献   

Although the hypothesis that people will alter comparison behavior in response to threat is consistent with the formulation of social comparison theory, the empirical evidence for the natural occurrence of such shifts is weak. Two studies were conducted to examine this hypothesis. In the 1st study, adolescents' perceptions were assessed before, during, and 6 mo after their participation in an academic program for gifted students. Male students who performed poorly, and also worse than they had expected in the program, demonstrated self-protective strategies by lowering the amount and level of academic comparison they reported engaging in and by lowering their perception of the importance of academics. Female students, who generally performed as well as expected, reported relatively little change. By follow-up, most of the male students' perceptions had returned to baseline. A 2nd study found that both male and female college students who thought they had performed poorly academically also demonstrated these shifts in comparison. Motivations behind the strategies are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors hypothesize that social comparisons can have automatic influences on self-perceptions. This was tested by determining whether subliminal exposure to comparison information influences implicit and explicit self-evaluation. Study 1 showed that subliminal exposure to social comparison information increased the accessibility of the self. Study 2 revealed that subliminal exposure to social comparison information resulted in a contrast effect on explicit self-evaluation. Study 3 showed that subliminal exposure to social comparison information affects self-evaluations more easily than it affects mood or evaluations of other people. Studies 4 and 5 replicated these self-evaluation effects and extended them to implicit measures. Study 6 showed that automatic comparisons are responsive to a person's perceptual needs, such that they only occur when people are uncertain about themselves. Implications for theories of social cognition, judgment, and comparison are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Subfields of psychology can be arguably characterized as islands of unconnected knowledge. The underlying theme of this paper is that these subfields have much to gain by looking at and studying each other's respective literature. This paper explains how the field of industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology has benefited from theory and research in social psychology, and suggests ways it can benefit even more so. Specifically, moral development, the group-serving bias, as well as inducing feelings of hypocrisy so as to foster subsequent behaviour change are discussed. Their potential for leading to further insight into existing problems, refining existing theories, and for raising new questions in I/O psychology is described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Australian brush-turkeys, Alectura lathami, are birds with an unusual life history: The young receive no parental care and first encounter conspecifics at an unpredictable age. Brush-turkey chicks that were 3-4 days old were presented with a robot model that appeared to feed from a distinctively colored dish. In control training trials, chicks saw a robot standing next to a different dish and scanning from side to side. Chicks expressed a strong tendency to feed from dishes of the type indicated by the pecking robot, but this effect proved ephemeral. Brush-turkeys hence appear to show no social learning under conditions that inculcate stable preferences in other galliforms such as chickens, suggesting that life history plays an important role in the evolution of learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social identity theory is a nonreductionist account of the relationship between collective self and social group. Cognitive-motivational processes affect, and are affected by, group, intergroup, and societal processes, to make people behave and think about themselves and others in ways that are generally characteristics of groups and specifically shaped by the social context. The development and current status of social identity theory is described historically, as part of the debate between collectivistic and individualistic perspectives on social psychology, the social group, and the selfconcept. The authors trace the debate from Wundt through Durkheim, LeBon, McDougall, Mead, and the "crisis in social psychology" and show how the development of European social psychology framed the development of social identity theory. The article concludes with a critical discussion of the collectivistic credentials of social identity theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to comments on multicultural perspectives and researcher bias made by F. A. Ibrahim (see record 1989-25694-001) and M. Gergen (see record 1989-25689-001) regarding the present author's (see record 1988-15683-001) discussion of ethical issues in research on "underrepresented groups" such as women and minorities. Inherent limitations of the individual researcher are noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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