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<正>1. Engineering design Within this issue, Wang et al. propose a novel human-aided design (HAD) paradigm that could be revolutionary, as it carries potential advantages over computer-aided design (CAD). In the paradigm they propose, the entire product design can be completed by deploying isogeometric topology optimization.  相似文献   

完美的手术技术和充分的免疫抑制是确保最佳移植物和患者存活的关键。不同药物的可用性导致了一些通常由行业驱动的不同类型的临床试验,以发现理想的免疫抑制方案。然而,大量且概念不同的研究设计未能明确定义最佳免疫抑制方案。基于钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂他克莫司、抗代谢药物霉酚酸酯或硫唑嘌呤和短期类固醇(除了可能的诱导外)为基础的三联免疫抑制方案仍然是目前公认的肝移植标准免疫抑制方案。然而,鉴于排斥定义的变化、免疫抑制负荷的定制以及由于慢性免疫抑制引起的长期副作用,未来的试验最好包括一个以上的终点,而不是急性T细胞介导的急性排斥(a-TCMR)或肾衰竭。相反,需要一个涵盖患者和移植物存活率以及急性和慢性排斥反应发生率的综合终点。这些免疫现象应根据一系列长期的生物学和组织学随访进行检查。临床相关a-TCMR的诊断和治疗应基于综合生物学、免疫学和组织病理学发现。这两个要素对于朝着更谨慎的免疫抑制处理和有利于临床操作耐受性的方向发展至关重要。  相似文献   

<正>While hydrogen has long been recognized as a promising alternative to fossil fuels, its widespread use as a carrier of energy has mostly not met expectations [1]. Now, increasingly practical low-carbon production, coupled with legislated incentives like those included in the US Inflation Reduction Act(IRA), are driving serious reconsideration of hydrogen as a cost-effective, emission-free energy solution.  相似文献   

<正>1. Background The need for green, low-carbon, and sustainable development has become a global consensus [1]. In China, low-carbon and green energy reformation presents many difficulties and challenges. On the one hand, as the largest energy producer and consumer in the world, China is facing the serious problem of carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions caused by large-scale coal-based fossil energy exploitation [2,3]. On the other hand,  相似文献   

识别河岸侵蚀的风险是确保早期预警和预防或控制包括长江在内的河流集水区崩岸的一项重要挑战。本文引入一种基于地貌要素的算法,通过调整多波束回波探测数据的平坦度来提取河岸侵蚀信息。该算法绘制了10个水下地貌形态要素,包括坡、坡脚、水平面、脊、顶、谷、凹陷、凸起、坑和坡肩。利用21个平坦度值构建水下河岸侵蚀特征的识别策略。结果表明:当平坦度为10°时,作为侵蚀载体的岸坡陡坎被坡要素覆盖。平坦度为0°时,冲刷坑和崩岸破损由河岸附近的坑要素和的岸坡中的凹陷表示。河道水下沙波是加速河岸侵蚀的重要因素,尤其是靠近河岸坡脚的沙波;沙波的临界平坦度为3°。分析了水下地貌形态要素的分布,并用于绘制河岸侵蚀库存图。分析结果表明,近岸区水深较大,易形成较大的冲刷坑和较长的河岸陡坎。窝崩往往发生在较长的岸坡处,以缩短其长度。经讨论陆地、海洋和河流环境中平坦度值的不同设置,得出的结论是,多样化的平坦度值能够显著识别河流水下地貌形态。因此,本研究为基于平坦度的河流水下地貌形态要素识别提供参考,增强了从大量多波束测深数据定位水下岸坡失稳迹象与风险的能力。  相似文献   

<正>Energy decarbonization is critical for the sustainable development of human society. The large-scale use of renewable energy in the future can both meet the growing energy demand and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and is thus becoming increasingly important [1]. Renewable energy(e.g., wind and solar power)has the characteristics of discontinuity, instability,  相似文献   

<正>In June 2022, continuing legislative efforts aimed at decreasing electronic waste and bolstering consumer rights, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of a rule requiring all new rechargeable mobile devices like smartphones, tablets,earbuds, and keyboards to use universal serial bus type C(USB-C) charging ports by December 2024. The same rules will apply to new laptops beginning in 2026 [1].  相似文献   

<正>Manufacturing processes in the process industry comprise a process branch that uses petroleum, natural gas, coal, ore, biomass, and other resources as key raw materials; provides bulk raw materials for national economic construction; and provides high-end electronic chemicals, polymers, and alloy steels for strategic emerging industries, such as the integrated circuit industry and aerospace industry, and for key technologies,  相似文献   

<正>The race is on again in DNA sequencing. In what has been described as “the year of the big shake-up”[1], a wave of new competitors entered the market in 2022, challenging industry leader Illumina (San Diego, CA, USA). New systems from both Illumina and emerging rivals are now poised to push costs down-closing in on the oft-cited goal of 100 USD per genome.  相似文献   

<正>Article Article types Articles commonly fall into one of three main categories:Fulllength articles, Review articles and Short communications.Full-length articles are original, unpublished primary research. Extensions of work that has been published previously in short form such as a Communication are usually acceptable.  相似文献   

<正>Article Article types Articles commonly fall into one of three main categories: Full-length articles, Review articles and Short communications.Full-length articles are original, unpublished primary research. Extensions of work that has been published previously in short form such as a Communication are usually acceptable.  相似文献   

<正>Article ■ Article types Articles commonly fall into one of three main categories: Full-length articles, Review articles and Short communications.Full-length articles are original, unpublished primary research. Extensions of work that has been published previously in short form such as a Communication are usually acceptable.  相似文献   

<正>Article Article types Articles commonly fall into one of three main categories: Fulllength articles, Review articles and Short communications.Full-length articles are original, unpublished primary research. Extensions of work that has been published previously in short form such as a Communication are usually acceptable.  相似文献   

<正>In November 2022, Airbus(Leiden, the Netherlands) sent into orbit the third and fourth of its Pléiades Neo earth-observing satellites, giving the aerospace giant one of the most advanced very-high-resolution(30 cm) commercial optical constellations to date[1](Fig. 1). The satellites, which will capture 2 × 106 km2 of land  相似文献   

<正>Some 6300 km of canals crisscross the US state of California to funnel water to its rich farmland and cities such as Los Angeles [1].But visitors who travel through California’s Central Valley starting in 2024 will see something unusual near the city of Modesto: Solar panel arrays up to 33 m across covering more than 3 km of the canals snaking through the agricultural area(Fig. 1) [2].  相似文献   

本研究采用五步连续流法合成了抗病毒药物瑞德西韦的碱基单元7-溴吡咯[2,1-f][1,2,4]三嗪-4-胺。采用间歇式合成化学方法,以吡咯为原料,通过序流操作成功制备了7-溴吡咯[2,1-f][1,2,4]三嗪-4-胺。在最优流动条件下,7-溴吡咯[2,1-f][1,2,4]三嗪-4-胺的分离率为14.1%,总停留时间为79min,通量为2.96 g·h-1。总停留时间明显短于批处理过程所消耗的总时间(> 26.5 h)。在流动中,有利于高放热的Vilsmeier-Haack反应和N-胺化反应,这些反应涉及危险和不稳定的中间体、氧化液-液两相转化以及需要严格低温条件的溴化反应。这种合成的显著特点是,通过部署专用设备和分离单元,将后处理程序完全集成到反应序列中,从而形成一个流线型的连续流系统,最大限度地提高了整体工艺效率。该方法是一种更环保、更可持续的高效、安全制备这种碱基单元的方法。  相似文献   

<正>Humans have for the first time proved that they can change the path of a massive rock hurtling through space. A spacecraft launched by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) smashed into an asteroid on September 26, 2022, successfully altering the space rock’s orbit around another asteroid by more than the nominal amount scientists had predicted. While neither asteroid was a threat to Earth, the agency tested the maneuver to prove that humanity could, in principle, d...  相似文献   

<正>1. Introduction At the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 22 September 2020, President Xi Jinping pledged that China would peak its carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060(hereinafter referred to as “peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality”). This statement indicated that  相似文献   

<正>1. Introduction Electrochemical power sources such as lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) are indispensable for portable electronics, electric vehicles,and grid-scale energy storage. However, the currently used commercial LIBs employ flammable liquid electrolytes and thus pose serious safety hazards when misused(i.e., overcharged).  相似文献   

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