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通过实验研究,提出了一种制备低温感包覆药的新工艺。中止燃烧实验和弹道计算结果表明:利用该工艺和传统的辊筒包覆工艺所制备的包覆药,具有明显的低温感效果,且用新工艺制得的产品质量更均一,是一种值得推广的工艺方法。  相似文献   

变燃速发射药的低温感性能   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
根据银纹厚度随温度的变化,改变火药燃烧面和建立一个补偿系统,使变燃速发射药具有低温度系数。通过扫描电镜观察变燃速发射药的微观结构,观察到外层的银纹和银纹厚度随温度的变化情况;通过密闭爆发器实验,对发射药高、低、常温的燃烧性能进行了对比;在30mm火炮上进行内弹道试验,观察其温度系数的变化。结果表明。银纹厚度随温度的变化改变火药的燃烧面积,从而改变了变燃速发射药的气体生成速率;变燃速发射药高、低、常温燃烧性能变化不大;变燃速发射药具有较低的温度系数。  相似文献   

通过测试撞击感度、摩擦感度和燃速,研究了含相稳定硝酸铵(PSAN)的改性双基(CMDB)推进剂的燃烧性能和机械感度。结果表明,PSAN可改善CMDB推进剂的机械感度;用PSAN作氧化剂,其推进剂的燃速低于RDX作氧化剂的燃速,压强指数高于后者的压强指数;1~5MPa压力范围内随PSAN在配方中含量的增加,推进剂的燃速降低,压强指数升高。  相似文献   

为提高发射药拉伸性能测试的准确度,针对现有的辊片法制备拉伸试样的方法进行了改进,并提出了采用模压法制样的方法。通过拉伸性能测试、扫描电镜内部微结构观察、真密度测定等手段,对比研究辊片法、模压法、切削法等3种制样方法,探讨辊片法、模压法与实际发射药力学性能的差异。结果表明,辊片法制备的试样,其抗拉强度低于真实值,而模压法则更能接近实际发射药的性能。扫描电镜结果表明,由于制样工艺方法不同,模压法比辊片法能更好地反映实际发射药的情况,真密度测试也进一步证明了这一点。最后得出,采用模压法来改进发射药拉伸试验的制样方法更为合理。  相似文献   

介绍了近来提出的多基发射药燃烧模型,利用其计算方法计算了多基发射药的化学组成对燃烧性能的影响;从化学结构和化学反应的层次分析了硝胺发射药燃速-压力曲线转折和某一压力范围内压力指数大于1的原因;从化学组成的角度出发提出了多基发射药燃烧性能优化设计的一些基本原则。  相似文献   

含铝硝胺推进剂配方优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用正交设计方法对含铝硝胺推进剂配方进行了优化设计,并结合工艺性能确定出优选的推进剂配方。  相似文献   

提高低温感装药的能量及弹道性能的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王煊军  王泽山 《火炸药》1996,19(3):7-10
阐述了一种提高低温感装药能量及弹道性能的原理及方法,给出了制备工艺流程和工艺条件;并讨论了该方法对膛压和初速的影响及其应用的可能途径;通过30mm火炮射击试验,证实它具有增能和低温感双重效果,是一种有发展前途和实用价值的发射药装药技术。  相似文献   

The energy transfer mechanism from the electric spark to the reactive solid sample in powder form has been determined. Only a small portion of the solid is heated to the explosion critical temperature through a resistive heating by electric current. In fact, hot spots develop at the thinnest part of the solid, i.e. at intergrain contact points. We studied the evolution of thermal diffusivity and of sensitivity to electric spark as a function of powdered HMX granulometry. It allowed us to specify the respective importance of the grain size and shape in this evolution.  相似文献   

分析了低温感发射装药燃烧过程,根据爆发器定容燃烧试验结果,阐明了火炮产生低温单发跳差的主要原因,叙述了一种消除低温单发跳差的装药方法。  相似文献   

探讨了超高燃速推进剂(UHBPR)的燃速压力敏感性。通过理论分析,提出了一种降低LIHBRP燃速压力敏感性的方法。采取密度梯度的方法制造药柱,使药柱的密度从点火端到终了端呈现逐渐增加的趋势,可以极大地降低UHBRP燃速压力敏感性,在理论上燃速压力指数可以降低到零。  相似文献   

In this paper, a relationship between electric spark sensitivity and molecular electronic properties is studied for polynitroaromatic compounds. The lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy and the Mulliken charges of the nitro group, and the number of the aromatic rings as well as certain substituted groups attached to the aromatic ring can be used for the prediction of the electric spark sensitivity. Electric spark sensitivities calculated by such a correlation are reasonably close to the experimental data for both 17 polynitroaromatic explosives as training set and 11 polynitroaromatic explosives as test set.  相似文献   

RDX-CMDB推进剂燃速温度敏感系数的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示RDX-CMDB推进剂中各常见组分对其燃速温度敏感系数的影响规律,制备了一系列含RDX、铝粉及燃烧催化剂的CMDB推进剂样品。采用氮气靶线法测得其在2~14MPa下的燃速温度敏感系数(σp)。讨论了RDX含量、铝粉、燃烧催化剂对RDX-CMDB推进剂燃速温度敏感系数的影响。结果表明,提高工作压强、增加RDX含量、添加燃烧催化剂均有助于降低RDX-CMDB推进剂在一定初始条件下的燃速温度敏感系数。配方中引入铝粉后可降低中低压下RDX-CMDB推进剂的燃速温度敏感系数,且燃速温度敏感系数几乎不随压强变化而变化。选用含邻苯二甲酸铅和没食子酸铋锆作燃烧催化剂,均可在2~10MPa下降低RDX-CMDB推进剂的燃速压强指数,同时降低燃速温度敏感系数。  相似文献   

概述了固体推进剂配方优化设计的进展及常用的优化方法,重点介绍了模式搜索法和遗传算法优化原理,通过一些典型实例介绍了具体优化计算方法。该优化方法和优化设计软件包(SPOD)可用于火炸药、化学及高分子材料配方优化设计中。附参考文献41篇。  相似文献   

两种工艺制造的低温感包覆火药性能的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过火药包覆层厚度的测定,中止燃烧及密闭爆发器试验,比较研究了新旧两种工艺制造的低温感包覆火药的性能,结果表明,这两种工艺制造的包覆火炬经均具有明显 温感效果,而且新工艺制造的产品质量的一性由于包覆层厚度及其它包覆层能得到精确控制而有明显提高。  相似文献   

This article presents an efficient numerical algorithm for determining, for a given metallized propellant system, the optimum combination of reactants which can fetch the maximum specific impulse, and also the salient features of the associated computer program. The optimization procedure is based on the Fletcher-Powell technique with the objective function being augmented by a penalty term to accommodate the constraints. Numerical results for the optimization, obtained by means of a computer program written in FORTRAN IV on the IBM-360 computer for a representative propellant system, are also presented in this note.  相似文献   

文章采用盐酸胍与己二胺熔融缩聚法合成聚六亚甲基胍盐酸盐,采用单因素法对合成工艺进行了优化。最佳工艺条件为:盐酸胍与己二胺投料摩尔比为0.95∶1.0,反应温度160~180℃,反应时间为6小时。优化后的工艺解决了产品色泽、残留的问题,符合环保要求,适用于工业化生产。对聚六亚甲基胍盐酸盐进行理化性能检测、抑菌活性、毒理活性等测试。  相似文献   

为获得较为准确的粒状发射药的表面性能参数,采用接触角测量仪测量了粒状发射药在不同实验操作条件下的接触角,讨论了躺滴法测量发射药接触角操作过程中测试面的选取、测试面的处理方式、所用液滴体积、液滴与发射药测试面的接触时间等因素对接触角测定值的影响。依据实测数据确定了较为稳定的实验操作条件:用磨平的粒状发射药侧面作为接触角测试面,对测试面采用细砂纸打磨后再用丙酮擦拭、晾干的处理方式,所用液滴体积不大于1μL,取液滴与测试面的接触时间为8s时的接触角值作为测试结果。  相似文献   

The development of new propellant binder systems requires the thermodynamic calculation of physico‐chemical data as well as the adaption of the mechanical properties in order to achieve a reliable innerballistic profile of the resulting propellant. However, in most cases the mechanical data may not be easily predicted due to the complex interactions between the components of the binder like the resin, the curing agent or possibly plasticizers and curing catalysts. Therefore, this study focusses on the capability of the multivariate analysis on the prediction of the E‐modulus of a system comprising nitrocellulose as well as GAP, Desmodur N100 and an energetic plasticiser. Using this method, an equation has been derived which, within the regression intervall, may be used for the prediction of the E‐modulus as a function of the components mentioned above.  相似文献   

The addition of burning rate enhancers or suppressers in solid propellant composition is seen to affect the energy level considerably. In the present paper, an attempt is made to quantify such effects. Even though the study is carried out over the theoretical values of the performance parameters, the trends in the variations and the corrections occurring therefrom for the inclusion of burning rate modifiers seem to be applicable to the delivered or the actual values also more or less equally.  相似文献   

双基发射药和混合硝酸酯发射药的热分解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用C80微热量仪分析了等容条件下初始药量对双基发射药和混合硝酸酯发射药热分解性能的影响.结果表明,随着初始药量的增大,双基发射药的反应放热峰向低温方向移动,混合硝酸酯发射药的反应放热峰位置基本不变;双基发射药单位质量发热量和反应活化能均呈逐渐降低趋势,而混合硝酸酯发射药单位质量发热量和反应活化能保持在一较小范围内基本不变.这种差异由混合硝酸酯发射药中二缩三乙二醇二硝酸酯(TEGDN)分解产生的过量甲醛引起.  相似文献   

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