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A. paniculatas or Rajgeera has been shown to contain 50–60% of waxy starch, having an extremely small granule size of 1–2 μm, and higher paste viscosity than corn starch. Studies on utilisation of Rajgeera starch for custard preparations showed it to be unsuitable for such purpose because of interactions among the various ingredients used in the formulation.  相似文献   

Among functional properties studied, water- anf fat-holding capacities were higher for puffed grain flour. Gelation was not affected, while foaming was adversely affected by puffing. A decrease in viscosity of flour pastes also resulted due to puffing.  相似文献   

Earlier studies from our laboratories on waxy A. paniculatas starch have shown it to be sensitive to mechanical shear and acidity. Cross-linking of this starch with phosphorus oxychloride at room temperature for ten min using 5 ml POCI3 per 100 g starch improved the stability under canning conditions, low pH and also mechanical shear. Its paste clarity also improved distinctly. However, it had very poor freeze-thaw stability indicating it to be unsuitable for frozen foods. Evaluation of this starch in canned tomato soup showed it to be a useful thickener for foods processed under retort conditions.  相似文献   

Isolation and some of the important physicochemical properties of starch from rajgeera grains have been investigated. The yield of starch was about 61.2%, on whole grain basis. The results on physicochemical properties revealed that it exhibited moderate swelling and higher solubility (55.5%) in water, as compared to other millet starches. An extensive solubility in dimethylsulphoxid (72.5%) of the starch indicated easy penetration of solvent in a granular matrix, may be due to labile and heterogenous bonding forces within the granules. Brabender viscoamylographic data on pasting characteristics revealed that it yielded low viscosity (448 B. U.) at concentration of 10% (w/v) and showed very little tendency to retrograde during cooling of the starch paste. The amylopectin content was 88.5% indicating the starch of rajgeera is probably waxy in nature. Amylolytic digestibility of native and gelatinized starch of rajgeera by human salivary α-amylase and glucoamylase was investigated.  相似文献   

板栗淀粉糊特性的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
探讨了板栗淀粉糊的透明度、凝沉性、冻融稳定性、流变性、抗剪切稳定性、触变性等性质 ,以期为板栗的深加工提供理论依据 ,促进板栗的发展  相似文献   

10种淀粉的理化特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对10种植物淀粉糊透明度、凝沉性、冻融性、流变性的理化特性研究,结果表明:薯类淀粉相对于其他类的淀粉糊具有更高的透明性、较低的凝沉比和黏度。加糖加盐对不同淀粉糊有不同的凝沉作用。相对于其他淀粉,玉米、糯米、高粱和小麦淀粉的析水率较低,有较好的冻融性。高粱淀粉、绿豆淀粉,马铃薯淀粉、藕粉淀粉、木薯淀粉黏度均随着剪切速率的增加而明显剪切稀化,呈典型的假塑性流体特性和具有触变性。高粱淀粉、绿豆淀粉有较高的黏性。高粱、小麦、糯米淀粉糊不耐酸性,而红薯、马铃薯、绿豆、藕粉、木薯淀粉糊相对来说比较耐酸性。所有类型的淀粉糊随着pH增加黏度有渐增趋势。  相似文献   

4种马铃薯淀粉糊流变特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对4种不同加工方式获得的马铃薯淀粉糊流变特性进行了探讨。静态流变特性测定结果表明,4种淀粉糊的流变模型为幂率模型,均为假塑性流体,每种淀粉糊以相同方式流动需要施加的力不同。在相同流动方式下,淀粉4粘度最大,其次为淀粉2,淀粉1和淀粉3的粘度近似相同。动态流变特性测定结果表明:随着温度的增加,淀粉1、2、4的弹性模量、粘性模量刚开始基本不发生变化,到60℃后,两模量急剧增加到最大值,然后降低到某恒定值。淀粉3的两模量随温度升高逐渐增加到最大值,然后逐渐降低到某恒定值。粘性模量达到最大后,淀粉2的粘性模量最大,其次为淀粉4、淀粉1,淀粉3的最低。弹性模量达到最大后,淀粉4的弹性模量最大,其次为淀粉2、淀粉1,淀粉3最低。  相似文献   

为探讨莲子淀粉糊及莲子淀粉-胶体体系的流变特性,使用流变仪研究了不同莲子淀粉乳浓度和添加不同亲水性胶体的莲子淀粉糊的流变特性。静态流变特性研究结果表明,莲子淀粉糊和添加胶体的莲子淀粉糊均为典型的非牛顿、时间依赖剪切变稀和触变性的流体,其流变特性曲线可用Herschel–Bulkley方程进行较好的拟合。随淀粉乳浓度和瓜尔豆胶(guar)、黄原胶(xan)添加量的增大,莲子淀粉糊的屈服应力τ0增大,而添加羧甲基纤维素(CMC)、卡拉胶(car)和海藻酸钠(alg)可使淀粉糊的流动性增强。动态流变特性研究结果表明,莲子淀粉糊储能模量(G')、损耗模量(G″)随莲子淀粉乳浓度增大而增大,且G'大于G″。添加CMC、alg能提高莲子淀粉糊的黏弹性,而添加guar和低浓度的xan、car则降低莲子淀粉糊的黏弹性。  相似文献   

肇实淀粉糊特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对肇实淀粉糊的透明度、冻融稳定性、凝沉性、流变性、抗剪切稳定性、触变性以及不同条件如温度、pH值、NaCl和蔗糖等对肇实淀粉糊的影响进行了研究,以期为肇实淀粉的加工、应用提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Rheological properties of corn starch octenylsuccinate (OSA starch) pastes (5%, w/w), at different 1‐octenylsuccinic anhydride (OSA) contents (0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5%, w/w) were evaluated in steady and dynamic shear. The OSA starch pastes had high shear‐thinning behaviors and their flow behaviors were described by power law, Casson, and Herschel‐Bulkley models. Magnitudes of consistency index (K, Kh) and yield stress (σoc, σh) increased with the increase in OSA content and the decrease in temperature. Over the temperature range of 10–50°C, the effect of temperature on apparent viscosity (ηa,100) was described by the Arrhenius equation. The activation energy values (Ea = 10.7–13.9 kJ/mol) of OSA starches were lower than that (Ea = 15.9 kJ/mol) of native starch. Dynamic frequency sweep test showed that both storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G′′) of OSA starch pastes increased with the increase in OSA content. Dynamic (η*) and steady shear (ηa) viscosities of OSA starch pastes at various OSA contents did not follow the Cox‐Merz superposition rule.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium caseinate on the rheological properties of starch-water pastes have been measured under steady shear conditions. In all cases a power law equation was found to describe the variation of viscosity with shear rate. The sodium caseinate increased the viscosity of the starch pastes and a starch-sodium caseinate synergistic effect occurred. Sodium caseinate caused the swollen starch particles in pastes to increase in volume. It is suggested that this is one of the factors responsible for the observed effects of sodium caseinate on rheological behavior.  相似文献   

The variation of the dynamic rigidities of wheat starch pastes during storage at various temperatures has been measured. The results suggest that a crystallization process is responsible for the observed increase in dynamic rigidity with time. The Avrami equation was used to interpret the results in an attempt to establish the mechanism of crystallization.  相似文献   

The steady and dynamic shear rheological properties of hydroxypropylated rice starch pastes (5%, w/w) were evaluated at different molar substitution (MS, 0.030‐0.142). The swelling power (35.5‐52.8 g/g) and solubility (8.19‐10.7%) values of the hydroxyproylated rice starches were higher than those of native rice starch (26.6 g/g and 7.78%) and increased with an increase in MS. The hydroxypropylated starch pastes at 25°C showed a pronounced shear‐thinning behavior (n = 0.33‐0.40) with Casson yield stress (σoc = 15.9‐31.7 Pa). The consistency index (K) and yield stress (σoc) values of the hydroxypropylated starch pastes were lower than those of the native starch, and increased progressively with an increase in MS. The apparent viscosity (ηa,500) obeyed the Arrhenius temperature relationship over the temperature range of 10‐55°C; the activation energies (Ea) of the hydroxypropylated starch pastes were in the range of 14.8‐18.5 kJ/mol, i.e. higher than that (14.1 kJ/mol) of the native starch. Storage (G′) and loss moduli (G′′) of hydroxypropylated starch pastes increased with an increase in MS, while tan δ (G′′/G′) values decreased, indicating that G′ rose more strongly than G′′ with increased MS.  相似文献   

Starch from four varieties of amaranth grain were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Physico-chemical properties, including swelling power, solubility, water binding capacity, enzyme susceptibility, amylograph viscosity, and amylose, were determined. Functional characteristics, including bread and cake baking performance were studied. The granules of starch isolated from seeds of Amaranthus cruentus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus were found to be very small in size. They were angular and polygonal in shape. Compared to corn starch, the amaranth starches had a higher swelling power, a lower solubility, a greater water binding capacity, a lower susceptibility to α-amylase, a higher amylograph viscosity and much lower amylose content. The amaranth starches produced very poor quality breads and cakes. The breads and cakes were low in volume, lacked symmetry, and had inferior grain, texture and crumb color.  相似文献   

Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) starch is composed of granules measuring up to 37 micra. Gelatinization temperatures of the granules range from 67.5 to 78 °C. Its pastes, in concentrations up to 6 % did not show swelling peak which appears only in high concentrations. They are very stable during stirring, both at low and high temperatures. They are also more resistant to α-amylase bacterial action than those of corn starch. The results, both for granules and pastes of this starch, show a great resemblance with the same data for guandu bean.  相似文献   

The starch granules of buffalo gourd contained 30.5% apparent amylose, showed a high swelling power and gelatinised over 57-70.8°C with an enthalpy of 4.26cal·g−1. The starch pastes had a stable peak viscosity with a resistance to fragmentation intermediate to those of cassava and potato starches during holding at 95°C. The starch gels displayed a higher storage modulus (G′) than that of corn starch and a viscous character similar to that of potato starch. These properties differ from the maize-like characteristics reported for this type of starch.  相似文献   

为了解超高压处理对莲子淀粉糊流变特性的影响,采用500 MPa高压处理莲子淀粉10~60min,使用流变仪研究了经不同超高压时间处理后莲子淀粉糊的流变特性。静态流变特性研究结果表明,莲子原淀粉及经不同超高压时间处理后的淀粉糊均为非牛顿流体,具有假塑性流体特征,其流变特性曲线可用Herschel-Bulkley方程进行较好的拟合。在相同处理条件下,莲子淀粉糊的表观黏度随着剪切速率的增大而减小,超高压处理前后的淀粉糊均存在剪切稀化现象,具有明显的触变性;动态流变特性研究结果表明,莲子淀粉糊的储能模量(G')与损耗模量(G″)均随着处理时间的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势,在60 min处理条件下达到最小值。剪切结构恢复力试验结果表明,淀粉糊在经历低—高—低速剪切后较难恢复到原始结构。本研究结果可为超高压处理后的莲子淀粉的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The rheological properties of mung bean starch pastes were characterised using a co-axial rotational viscometer. The flow curves of pastes were typical of a viscoplastic shear thinning behaviour, no yield value was evident and the pastes showed unusual resistance to high shear forces. The rheological properties of these pastes were thought to result from the combined influence of intact swollen granules and an extensive extragranular network of exuded amylose.  相似文献   

In this paper some physico-chemical characteristics of amylose-free potato starch are described and compared to those from amylose containing potato starches. The availability of these high-amylopection or amylose-free starches has opened up new possibilities to assess the relationship between structural characteristics and physico-chemical properties of potato starch. At the same time it should be possible to determine more precisely the role of the amylose in the starch on several properties and characteristics. In all different analyses it was clear that amylose-free starch displayed unique properties. Not only was the response to heating much faster; it also occurred at much higher temperatures as demonstrated by viscographs, differential scanning calorimetry and swelling experiments. Rheological analyses demonstrated that gels formed from amylose-free starch were less rigid, smoother and shorter. The breaking of amylose-free gels furthermore required much less strength than that of amylose-containing gels. This aspect was also evident when threads were made from both starches; amylose-free threads were much shorter before breaking than threads made from amylose-containing starch.  相似文献   

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