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The representative scheme in which a small set of multicast group members are selected as representatives to represent congested areas and hence suppress feedback from other receivers is an effective way of avoiding feedback implosion. Two algorithms used for selecting group members as representatives are further investigated. It is shown through simulation that the algorithm that selects representatives using the loss probability observed at the receivers is more effective in reducing the feedback returned  相似文献   

A session tree based mechanism provides an efficient method to avoid well-known feedback implosion. However, it is not easy to configure an efficient session tree for IP multicast because it does not provide any explicit membership and routing topology information to the upper layer protocol. Incongruity between a session tree built on the transport layer and the corresponding routing tree on the network layer would incur large cost to handle control messages. This problem can be solved if a router that knows the information of routing topology can support the configuration of a session tree. Thus this letter proposed a router-assistant mechanism which minimizes the change of router functions and allows the routers to assist in providing a reliable multicast transport service  相似文献   

Perlman  R. 《IEEE network》1991,5(5):18-24
A comparison is made of the open shortest path first (OSPF) and intermediate system-to-intermediate system (IS-IS) routing protocols in terms of their ability to route internet protocol (IP) traffic. Common characteristics of the two protocols are briefly indicated. The differences between the two are explored with respect to packet encoding, area partitions, level 2 partitions, injection of level 2 information, authentication, designated router election, link state packet propagation, synchronized parameter setting, and neighbor initialization  相似文献   

The multiple access control (MAC) problem in a wireless network has intrigued researchers for years. For a broad-band wireless network such as wireless ATM, an effective MAC protocol is very much desired because efficient allocation of channel bandwidth is imperative in accommodating a large user population with satisfactory quality of service. Indeed, MAC protocols for a wireless ATM network in which user traffic requirements are highly heterogeneous (classified into CBR, VBR, and ABR), are even more intricate to design. Considerable research efforts expended in tackling the problem have resulted in a myriad of MAC protocols. While each protocol is individually shown to be effective by the respective designers, it is unclear how time different protocols compare against each other on a unified basis. In this paper, we quantitatively compare seven previously proposed TDMA-based MAC protocols for integrated wireless data and voice services. We first propose a taxonomy of TDMA-based protocols, from which we carefully select seven protocols, namely SCAMA, DTDMA/VR, DTDMA/PR, DQRUMA, DPRMMA, DSA++, and PRMA/DA, such that they are devised based on rather orthogonal design philosophies. The objective of our comparison is to highlight the merits and demerits of different protocol designs  相似文献   

王健  姜楠  刘培玉 《电视技术》2003,(10):82-85
对SSL/TLS和IPSec两种网络安全协议进行了研究,分析了协议的目的、特点,比较了性能、实用性和应用,并给出可能的优化途径。  相似文献   

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) has been adopted by the IEEE 802.11 standard and provides good performance when all transmitters are within the range of each other. Unfortunately, in multi-hop topologies, the asymmetric view of the channel state leads to a throughput distribution where a few flows may capture all the available bandwidth while many other flows get very low throughput and sometime meet starvation. To address this problem, in this paper we describe a solution called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance by Receiver Detection (CSMA/CARD) which makes use of collisions sensed by a receiver at the physical layer to help the handshake mechanism and mitigate the effect of such problem. More specifically, we propose a mechanism based on historical observations, where collisions can be used by the receiver to predict whether some sender attempted to initiate a transmission. The receiver then reacts accordingly by participating itself in a handshake sequence. We show some interesting results, obtained through analysis and simulations, when the CSMA/CARD is compared to the IEEE 802.11 protocol.  相似文献   

To efficiently support tetherless applications in ad hoc wireless mobile computing networks, a judicious ad hoc routing protocol is needed. Much research has been done on designing ad hoc routing protocols and some well-known protocols are also being implemented in practical situations. However; one major imperfection in existing protocols is that the time-varying nature of the wireless channels among the mobile-terminals is ignored; let alone exploited. This could be a severe design drawback because the varying channel quality can lead to very poor overall route quality in turn, resulting in low data throughput. Indeed, better performance could be achieved if a routing protocol dynamically changes the routes according to the channel conditions. In this paper, we first propose two channel adaptive routing protocols which work by using an adaptive channel coding and modulation scheme that allows a mobile terminal to dynamically adjust the data throughput via changing the amount of error protection incorporated. We then present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the two classes of ad hoc routing protocols. Extensive simulation results indicate that channel adaptive ad hoc routing protocols are more efficient in that shorter delays and higher rates are achieved, at the expense of a higher overhead in route set-up and maintenance.  相似文献   

Performance comparison of trust-based reactive routing protocols   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ad hoc networks, due to their improvised nature, are frequently established in insecure environments and hence become susceptible to attacks. These attacks are launched by participating malicious nodes against different network services. Routing protocols, which act as the binding force in these networks, are a common target of these nodes. A number of secure routing protocols have recently been proposed, which make use of cryptographic algorithms to secure the routes. However, in doing so, these protocols entail a number of prerequisites during both the network establishment and operation phases. In contrast, trust-based routing protocols locate trusted rather than secure routes in the network by observing the sincerity in participation by other nodes. These protocols thus permit rapid deployment along with a dynamically adaptive operation, which conforms with the current network situation. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of three trust-based reactive routing protocols in a network with varying number of malicious nodes. With the help of exhaustive simulations, we demonstrate that the performance of the three protocols varies significantly even under similar attack, traffic, and mobility conditions. However, each trust-based routing protocol has its own peculiar advantage making it suitable for application in a particular extemporized environment.  相似文献   

This paper considers satellite packet communication networks with a large population of bursty users and presents an analytic comparison of the throughput versus average message delay trade-off characteristics of multiple-access protocols. The following six multiple-access protocols are examined: 1) slotted ALOHA, 2) reservation-ALOHA, 3) a reservation protocol with a slotted ALOHA reservation channel, 4) a reservation protocol with a TDMA reservation channel, 5) SRUC (Split Reservation Upon Collision), and 6) fixed assigned TDMA. All the protocols are required to ensure that all packets of a message are correctly received in the proper order at the destination. Then, a unified presentation of the delay-throughput performance of the protocols is given by means of an analytical technique called equilibrium point analysis. The throughput versus average message delay tradeoff characteristics are compared taking into account the system stability.  相似文献   

The performance of a meteor-burst (MB) communication system using three different protocols is examined. The protocols were chosen to study the relative advantages of using a simple stop-and-wait automatic repeat request (ARQ) scheme as well as the ability to sense the presence of a channel. It was found that for long messages, the use of the ARQ scheme gave significant performance improvement; however, when the message length was on the order of the average burst length, the use of the ARQ scheme was not helpful. For packet sizes on the order of the average burst length, it was found that the ability to sense the presence of the channel gave about a 20% reduction in the time necessary to complete a message, but for much shorter packet sizes, the channel probing was not needed. The model used to analyze these systems takes into account the time-varying signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) present in a MB channel. The performance predicted by this model is compared to a less sophisticated constant SNR (signal-to-noise) model and its is found that the author's model predicted significantly more optimistic performance  相似文献   

The performance of trellis coded and Reed-Solomon coded ARQ error control systems over slowly fading Rayleigh channels are compared and contrasted in this paper. First, a two-code CRC-TCM type-I hybrid-ARQ scheme based on separate error correction and error detection codes is compared to a one-code Reed-Solomon protocol in which retransmission requests are generated within the decoding process. The performance of the associated packet combining protocols is also compared. It is shown that for similar levels of complexity, a onecode Reed-Solomon approach offers both better throughput and reliability performance than the TCM schemes in almost all cases.  相似文献   

分析了移动自组网的先应式路由协议DSDV和按需路由协议AODV与DSR,并通过网络仿真软件ns2进行了仿真实验,对其分组投递率,端到端平均时延、吞吐量、路由开销等方面的性能进行了分析和比较.实验结果表明,按需路由协议具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

Providing multichannel functionality can improve the performance of wireless networks. Although off‐the‐shelf IEEE 802.11 physical layer and medium access control specifications support multiple channels and multiple data rates, one of the major challenges is how to efficiently utilize available channels and data rates to improve network performance. In multirate networks, low‐rate links severely degrade the capacity of high‐rate links, which is known as performance anomaly. To overcome the performance anomaly problem, different data rate links can get equal air‐time by exploiting time diversity and frequency diversity, or they can be separated over nonoverlapping channels. In this paper, we study existing multichannel protocols proposed to mitigate the performance anomaly problem by classifying them into single‐radio protocols, multiradio single‐hop protocols, and multiradio multihop protocols. To investigate the effectiveness of multichannel solutions for performance anomaly, we compare these protocols with well‐known multichannel protocols that do not consider performance anomaly. In addition, this paper gives insightful research issues to design multichannel protocols that mitigate performance anomaly in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless protocols: a survey and a comparison   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) are two communication protocol standards that define a physical layer and a MAC layer for wireless communications within a short range (from a few meters up to 100 m) with low power consumption (from less than 1 mW up to 100 mW). Bluetooth is oriented to connecting close devices, serving as a substitute for cables, while Wi-Fi is oriented toward computer-to-computer connections, as an extension of or substitution for cabled LANs. In this article we offer an overview of these popular wireless communication standards, comparing their main features and behaviors in terms of various metrics, including capacity, network topology, security, quality of service support, and power consumption.  相似文献   

Protocols are common tools for controlling information transfer between computer systems. The concept of a protocol, which grew out of experimental computer networking, is now fundamental to syatem design. In this paper, basic protocol functions are explained and discussed. Then, the concept of a distributed system architecture is presented. It provides the framework for layers and protocols to operate across heterotgeneous systems. The purpose and functions of each protocol layer such as, transmission, transport, virtual terminal, are described. Interactions between design and performance are discussed, and typical mechanisms are reviewed. CCITT and ISO relevant standards are summarized. Finally, the similarity between protocols and programming languages is emphasized as it points to the major impact brought about by protocols in system design.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency is an important issue in mobile wireless networks since the battery life of mobile terminals is limited. Conservation of battery power has been addressed using many techniques such as variable speed CPUs, flash memory, disk spindowns, and so on. We believe that energy conservation should be an important factor in the design of networking protocols for mobile wireless networks. In particular, this paper addresses energy efficiency in medium access control (MAC) protocols for wireless networks. The paper develops a framework to study the energy consumption of a MAC protocol from the transceiver usage perspective. This framework is then applied to compare the performance of a set of protocols that includes IEEE 802.11, ECMAC, PRMA, MDRTDMA, and DQRUMA*. The performance metrics considered are transmitter and receiver usage times for packet transmission and reception. The time estimates are then combined with power ratings for a Proxim RangeLAN2 radio card to obtain an estimate of the energy consumed for MAC related activities. The analysis here shows that protocols that aim to reduce the number of contentions perform better from an energy consumption perspective. The receiver usage time, however, tends to be higher for protocols that require the mobile to sense the medium before attempting transmission. The paper also provides a set of principles that could be applied when designing access protocols for wireless networks.*ECMAC: energyconserving MAC. PRMA: packet reservation multiple access. MDRTDMA: multiservices dynamic reservation TDMA. DQRUMA: distributedqueuing request update multiple access.  相似文献   

Atwood  J.W. 《IEEE network》2004,18(3):24-34
The range of user requirements on multicast protocols is so wide that no single protocol will ever satisfy them. The set of multicast protocols can be classified using the user requirements, and the architectures, mechanisms, communications patterns, and policies used to satisfy these requirements. We provide such a classification, and illustrate it with several example protocols chosen to cover the range of features described.  相似文献   

A survey of geocast routing protocols   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Geocasting is the delivery of a message to nodes within a geographical region. With geocast, new services and applications are feasible, such as finding friends who are nearby, geographic advertising, and accident or wrong-way driver warning on a motorway. In this article we present a survey on geocast routing protocols. The protocols mainly differ in whether they are based on flooding, directed flooding, or on routing without flooding, and whether they are suitable for ad hoc networks or for infrastructure networks. Based on these criteria we propose a classification of geocast protocols. Our protocol comparison includes message and memory complexity, robustness, and the ability to deliver geocast packets in partially partitioned networks. Finally, we present simulations to compare the approaches based on flooding, directed flooding, and routing without flooding.  相似文献   

Optical burst switching (OBS) has been proposed as a new optical switching paradigm for the next generation Internet due to its flexibility and feasibility compared to OCS and OPS. Moreover, serving as a backbone that interconnects a number of access networks, OBS ring topologies have been a good choice for solving the current metro gap problem between core network and access network owning to its simplicity and scalability. In this paper, we provide an insight into the OBS ring network that consists of nodes using TT–TR (Tunable Transmitter–Tunable Receiver). The node architectures with TT–TR may make efficient use of network resources even though traffic pattern, such as IP traffic with self-similarity dynamically change, and can support good expandability. However, all nodes share the limited network resources. This may result in contention such as wavelength contention and transceiver contention leading to burst loss. In order to use the shared network resources fairly and efficiently as well as reducing the resource contention, we focus on the design of medium access control (MAC) protocols based on multiple tokens. Each token is allocated to one wavelength to denote the accessibility of that wavelength, i.e., once the token is captured, the corresponding wavelength can be used to transmit a burst. As tokens hold the key for using wavelengths to transmit bursts, token management including the token release time is crucial in the proposed MAC protocols. Thus, two kinds of multiple-token based MAC protocols with different token release times are proposed: token release after transmitting burst (TRTB) and token release after transmitting control header (TRTC). Each of them is classified into two schemes called TRTB/TRR and TRTB/RCA and correspondingly TRTC/TRR and TRTC/ RCA. RCA stands for receive collision avoidance. The target is to increase the performance while reducing the processing overhead at each node. The performance of the TRTB and TRTC protocols are evaluated and compared in terms of queuing delay, burst loss rate, and channel utilization by OPNET simulation. The effects of various design parameters are also investigated through simulation in order to evaluate their scalability. In all the proposed schemes, tokens are just used to denote the accessibility of each wavelength. Finally, as an alternative, we also propose a new scheme based on the TRTC protocol called TRTC/CAT (collision avoidance by tokens) to avoid contention by using tokens.
Young-Chon KimEmail:

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