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为降低钢铁生产对环境的不良影响和危害,结合管理实践,分析了钢铁生产全生命周期对环境绩效产生影响的关键环节及要素,提出了环境管理体系与质量管理体系有机结合的管理思路,总结源头做好原材料质量管控、产品设计坚持绿色低碳原则、生产过程确保标准化作业、采用清洁的运输(交付)方式、资源化利用废弃钢铁产品等管理要点,提出了提高意识和认识,完善制度和流程,并适当应用清洁生产审核、绿色产品认证、全生命周期评价等保障措施。构成实施钢铁生产全生命周期环境管理的主要途径,对提升钢铁生产过程的环境绩效,助推钢铁企业绿色低碳高质量发展具有重要作用。 相似文献
在人类环境急剧恶化的今天,绿色产品的界定与评价成为当今社会关注的热点,本文对绿色产品的定义从生命周期角度进行了研究,并构建出三维评价体系模型,提出五大属性指标,共计21个具体指标的评价体系,并提出用模糊层次分析法对产品进行综合评价. 相似文献
采用全生命周期评价方法对宝钢新开发的覆膜铁金属包装材料从原材料采集、生产加工、流通储存、消费使用、循环利用到最终废弃的整个生命周期全过程进行了环境影响评价。分析了覆膜铁罐的环境绩效及其主要影响因素,比较了覆膜铁包装罐与镀锡涂料罐、铝涂料罐的全生命周期环境特性。在覆膜铁罐全生命周期主要环境指标中,基板的环境负荷占比最大,其次是电力。覆膜用的薄膜材料的生产对环境的影响不容忽视。覆膜铁罐主要环境绩效表现要优于铝涂料罐。 相似文献
强调在新世纪里中国钢铁企业要注意研究钢铁制造流程的功能,指出制造(生产)流程对钢厂的生存和发展有着广泛的关联度和综合影响力,制造流程的结构优化是钢厂增强市场竞争力和拓展社会经济功能的有效手段。简要地叙述了钢铁制造流程的构成要素是“流”、“流程网络”和“程序”。“流”按一定的“程序”在“流程网络”中动态有序地、准连续地、紧凑地运行,可以实现多目标优化。讨论了中国钢铁企业生产流程优化的现状和发展方向,还就中国钢铁产品优化过程中有关炼钢、轧钢方面的问题进行了总体性探讨。在新世纪前20年,要集中有关资源加速发展薄板及其深加工产品,以实现中国钢铁产品的结构调整,同时,促进钢厂结构的优化。 相似文献
环境经营战略是富有前瞻性和实现可持续发展的经营方式,将传统的“功能、成本”的产品设计理念向“功能、成本、环境”的设计理念转变是实现钢铁产品创新的关键点。本文提出了实现环境经营视角的产品创新的路径,阐述了环境经营视角的产品创新的实践和探索,应用生命周期的理念和方法,评价和诊断产品的环境绩效,联合上下游企业共同开展环境友好产品设计,并通过体系保障和标准化体系的完善,引导环境友好产品的持续发展。 相似文献
《Baosteel Technical Research》2012,6(2):18-20
High functionality given to steel products results in an increase of environmental loads in the steelmaking stage. However,at the stage of their utilization,the high-functional steel products prove to be more environmentally friendly than their conventional counterparts in many cases. In view of this contradiction,the evaluation on the contribution of steel products to environmental improvement requires a more integrated approach-Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) ,which incorporates the effects over the products'entire life cycles. This paper discusses the relationship between the improvement of steel products'performance and the according environmental impact from the entire life cycle perspectives. How to evaluate and assess the contribution of high-functional steel products to environmental improvement using LCA method is explained in detail. Two case studies of Baosteel are given to substantiate the effectiveness of LCA as a scientific and systematic method for eco-material evaluation or eco-design: ① For a power transformer,by replacing silicon steel B30G130 with B30P110,the carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 15. 1% over the life cycle of the transformer. ② Tinplate steel of Baosteel used for two-piece steel cans experienced six reductions in thickness from 0. 28 mm to 0. 225 mm,which results in a 14. 5% emission reduction over the life cycle of two-piece steel cans. 相似文献
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is based on the basic principles of sustainable development. LCA method demonstrated its efficiency in providing a systematic environmental assessment approach of a product or a process. The effectiveness and efficiency of these methods lies in the fact that they take into account all life cycle stages of a product, from the extraction of raw materials to end of life treatment (recycling, ...) through an assessment covering different impact categories such as climate change, human health, ecosystems and resources. Existing LCA indicators reflect different issues surrounding resource depletion, creating inconsistency and moreover confusion among LCA practitioners. The evaluation of different life cycle impacts assessment (LCIA) methods done by EC JRC showed that available models did not address the same parameters: short- vs long-term, stock vs backup technology, etc. It also showed that if the correlation between the methods was sufficient for some resources, others such as rare earth elements showed a high level of inconsistency between methods. It was therefore necessary to develop a relevant indicator and harmonized assessment of impacts on resources in LCA. Furthermore, a resource strategy indicator based on the three pillars of sustainable development (eco- nomic, environmental and social) would better address wider challenges and making it a more powerful decision making tool. This study aimed to introduce an indicator for evaluating the strategy implications of metal resources for products and to compare different ways of production resulting from extraction of raw materials or recycling, with a special focus on rare earth materials. The indicator would assess the impacts based on a reserve-resource vision [BGS NERC] and the evolution over time and founded over three pa- rameters: technical feasibility, economic viability and political stability (including social and environmental aspects) in representing countries. 相似文献
轴承是现代工业中最重要的钢铁部件之一,而次表面滚动接触疲劳(RCF)是轴承主要的失效模式。为了深入理解轴承钢的RCF失效过程,首先从力学和材料学两个角度对轴承钢的RCF过程进行了描述,提出RCF过程的实质是由位错和碳原子的交互作用造成的次表面组织演变过程;然后介绍了预测轴承RCF寿命的工程模型和理论模型,指出将工程模型与理论模型相结合、将在循环载荷作用下微观组织的演变与RCF寿命相结合是未来工作的两个重要方向;最后对全流程、多尺度的轴承钢设计问题进行了展望,提出耦合物理冶金学算法与人工智能算法以及多学科交叉的重要工作思路。 相似文献
针对邢钢在铁水预处理+AOD炉+LF炉+连铸机生产0Cr13C不锈钢过程中AOD炉的冶炼周期远大于连铸机浇钢和脱磷站的处理时间,导致整个不锈钢生产线的生产效率受到限制这个问题进行研究。研究入炉冷钢比例、高碳铬铁硅质量分数对AOD炉提枪碳质量分数、提枪温度以及冶炼周期的影响。研究得出,降低AOD炉0Cr13C冶炼周期的思路主要是控制提枪碳质量分数;包含成本在内,当入炉高碳铬铁硅质量分数不小于3.0%、废钢加入量为3.0~3.5t时,可以缩短AOD炉0Cr13C的冶炼周期到77min附近,提枪温度和提枪碳质量分数分别为1682℃和0.49%,并且炉龄和物料消耗等综合指标较好。 相似文献
从电解铝工业生命周期评价看能源、环境对产业结构的制约 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以货币量化为手段计算了电解铝工业生命周期内的主要污染排放造成的环境成本,并综合电解铝工业的生产成本、整个生命周期内能源耗费、环境成本衡量了电解铝厂的经济发展状况,进一步探讨了能源、环境对产业结构的制约。 相似文献