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张明鸣 《现代传输》2006,31(2):32-33
VoIP在全球经过近6年的发展,随着其技术的成熟及各种人为管制的放松,开始进入一个新的发展时期。据Frost&Sullivan关于VoIP的市场数据显示,2000年通过批发、零售方式销售的VoIP通话时间已达60亿分钟及150亿分钟,预计2007年VoIP通话量将达到全部通话量的75%。据来自CCID的相关数据显示,2005年亚太地区(不包括日本)VoIP市场规模将达69亿美元,目前为2.13亿美元。在我国,VoIP的运营也呈现竞争发展的局面。  相似文献   

美国是世界上电信业最发达的国家。早在2001年,美国就有公司开始利用SIP协议提供端到端的VoIP,从2003年开始美国VoIP市场进入了快速发展的时期,各大通信公司都相继进军VoIP,2005年美国VoIP市场开始“井喷式”发展。值得注意的是,有线电视运营商占据了美国VoIP市场的主导地位,2005年第二季度时代华纳有线和Cablevision分别以25%和19%的市场份额排名市场第二位和第三位。正是由于这样的特点,研究美国有线电视运营商的VoIP运营模式对认识美国的VoIP市场非常重要,下面就以美国有线电视运营商运营VoIP的代表—时代华纳有线为例来分析其VoIP运营模式并思考其成功的因素。  相似文献   

美国是世界上VoIP发展最为蓬勃的地区之一,而美国的有线电视运营商占据了美国VoIP市场的主流。本文从美国有线电视运营商运营VoIP的历程、服务内容及资费等方面出发,分析美国有线电视运营商成功运营VoIP的模式,并提出对我国通信业的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

华为技术有限公司宣布.与高通公司成功合作,于近期在上海完成基于HSPA的VoIP商用测试。本次测试是业界首次采用全IP解决方案的商用芯片和IMS(多媒体子系统)平台的VOIP成功试验。截至目前为止,华为已经成功完成了基于CDMA、WiMAX、HSPA的VoIP的全部测试以及与IMS的互通测试。[第一段]  相似文献   

廖小成  龙昭华  杨令 《通信技术》2007,40(11):208-210,219
随着网络技术的日益发展和普及,VoIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol)应用增长迅速,出现了很多新的应用技术,其中最具有代表性的是P2P(PeertoPeer)重叠网的应用;能够将VoIP技术与P2P结合无疑是一种新的有价值的尝试.文中在分析了现有P2P通信机制的基础上,选用Chord协议并结合SIP协议实现一种基于P2P模式的VoIP系统.  相似文献   

目前,“2008中宽网信携手北京无处不在公司打造增值服务运营平台通信新天地”大会在北京召开。参会的有系统集成商、IT服务外包提供商、传统PBX厂家、IP—PBX厂家、呼叫中心厂家、CTI厂家、VoIP虚拟运营商、行业客户、企业客户、SP以及其他任何增值业务、VoIP从业者.大会从一个全新的角度给大家展示未来企业通信网络的架构,  相似文献   

本提出了现有GSM平台上进行VoIP等增值业务的iGSM技术,能使用户通过手机或H.323终端(IP电话机或PC)获得VoIP服务,讨论了在不改变现有的GSM网络的前提下,iGSM的结构及自动漫游信令过程。  相似文献   

虚拟电信运营概念解析 虚拟电信运营一般是指虚拟运营商(VNO)不拥有基础电信网络而经营电信基础或增值业务,通过租用基础运营商的基础网络设施或购买业务,将业务细分和个性化,使其更适合于用户需求,然后贴上自己的商标以自己的品牌向用户提供通信服务。当前,国际电信业流行的虚拟运营模式包括代理、转售、提供增值业务等多种业务模式。  相似文献   

目前,中国加入WTO法律文件的中文翻译工作已经完成,在此我们摘录了附件9的“服务贸易具体承诺减让表第2条最惠国豁免清单”中对电信服务的规定。部门或分部门市场准入限制国民待遇限制其他承诺C.电信服务3增值电信服务,包括:h.电子邮件i.语音邮件j.在线信息和数据检索k.电子数据交换l.增值传真服务(包括储存和发送、储存和检索)m.编码和规程转换n.在线信息和/或数据处理(包括交易处理)(1)见模式3。(2)没有限制(3)将允许外国服务提供者在上海、广州和北京设立合资增值电信企业,并在这些城市内提供服务,无…  相似文献   

一、VoIP技术是当前热点 当前运营商力推的新业务都是基于3G和IP两大热点技术的。“宽带电话“VoIP(Voice over Internet,Protocol)是在互联网和基于IP的数据网上进行的语音、数据传送.体现了网络融合基础上的边缘化发展趋势.其最终目的之一是为消费者提供更加多样化、简单化、价格低廉的实用业务;二是削减运营商的运营成本,减少资本开支;三是提供一个支持各种增值创利的平台。因此各大运营商对此项技术的推广已经进入突破性阶段,  相似文献   

叶云 《世界电信》2006,19(4):22-24,66
从普遍服务、互联互通、用户名/编号、执法监听、紧急呼叫与基于位置的监管等六方面介绍了政府管制的内容,并分析了其对VoIP运营环境的影响.阐明了VoIP运营环境中可能的资费组成具有的特征:VoIP业务使用与承载网络资源使用分别计费;同一运营商内部实行低廉的VoIP基础资费;不同运营商之间的业务互通支付单独费用;服务质量和安全保障将成为附加的VoIP服务.  相似文献   

In this letter, a novel algorithm is proposed for identification of one popular type of VoIP (Voice over IP) application, MSN VoIP, based on both behavior pattern and protocol characteristics. In addition, the experiment for validation is implemented. Since there exists no method identifying MSN VoIP session and furthermore the IP addresses, domain names, ports and even the protocols MSNP works over, are all alterable during the application, which makes it difficult to identify MSN VoIP session, this work will be helpful to advance the research on VoIP identification.  相似文献   

With many raised expectations of what it will offer, voice over IP has enjoyed a high profile in the communications industry. However, in common with any emerging technology, the reality of the functionality that available equipment can deliver is often at variance with such expectations. This paper highlights the role of technology assessment in refining VoIP products and highlights the value of such activities from a number of perspectives. It describes an approach to evaluate VoIP solutions, the problems associated with the testing of VoIP networks and network components, and the tools and techniques employed to do so. The paper also outlines the capabilities of the BTexaCT VoIP technology evaluation test bed, and example case studies of detailed evaluation and testing.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2005,42(3):52-57
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one of the fastest growing and most misunderstood technologies in the world at the moment. Confusion, outdated beliefs and urban mythology reign over such simple issues as how it works, the quality of the calls, and, of course, how much it costs. This paper examines seven existing myths about VoIP. These myths are that: (1) VoIP is free; (2) the only difference between VoIP and regular telephony is the price; (3) the quality of service isn't an issue nowadays because there's plenty of bandwidth in the network; (4) VoIP can't replace regular telephony because it still cannot guarantee quality of service; (5) VoIP is just another data application; (6) VoIP isn't secure; and (7) a phone is a phone is a phone.  相似文献   

呼叫转移的主要功能是将发往目的地的呼叫,转移到其他通信网络或终端上.在基于H.323系列协议的VoIP系统中,呼叫转移由网守实现,该功能有助于提高呼叫有效接通率和开展增值业务.针对H.323协议中的网守功能进行了研究,在此基础上提出两种新的呼叫转移设计方案,并对其实际应用进行了分析.实践表明该方案具有良好的工程应用前景.  相似文献   

As new voice-over-IP (VoIP) services rapidly emerge, a debate is growing over how the emerging technology fits into the traditional telecommunications regulation and industrial schemes. The debate on VoIP has been whether VoIP traffic should be subjected to any or all of the various common carrier regulations. VoIP sparked a regulatory debate whether it is phone call service, which will have a great impact on telecom industry’s business or just information service. Because of the complexity of the issue, and the intent to let the premature technology grow, the FCC has so far taken a hands-off approach taking tentative assumption that VoIP is not a telecom service. Under the provisional hand-off approach, VoIP providers are exempt from rules that govern telecom services. However, traditional service providers argue that VoIP should be classified as a telecom service and take equal responsibilities as traditional voice calls. VoIP providers counter argue that incumbent telcos can easily dominate market driving VoIP providers out of the market. They request new legislation that protects the services from being hit with access charges from entrenched telco. This paper reviews the nature of these debates, outlines the challenges faced by regulators, briefly summarizes how other countries’ views may have to adapt and offer new praxis that will benefit the consumers in the long run.  相似文献   

目前,一些大、中城市的有线电视公司已经拥有庞大的有线电视宽带用户群,而基于HFC网的VoIP系统正是目前在有线电视宽带网条件下综合接入语音、数据和多媒体业务的最佳解决方案之一,其中语音业务可利用中继媒体网关设备完成媒体流转换,并通过标准的E1协议接入PSTN网络,以达到充分利用HFC及PSTN网络资源迅速开展话音业务的目的.同时,作为NGN(下一代网络)中的标准部件,VoIP是面向未来、可持续发展的解决方案之一,在有线电视宽带网所及之处,可以为商业和家庭用户提供质优价廉的IP语音服务.  相似文献   

This research is to substantially analyze the economic value of portable Internet (WiBro), WCDMA High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), WiBro+VoIP, and WiBro+DMB regarded as the next generation of broadcasting. Based on the empirical analysis of economic values, we provide the optimal paths of converged communications and broadcasting services related to WiBro. 1,000 Internet users in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas were surveyed in their homes. The collected survey was calculated as an accurate economic value distribution for relevant services, and the average and mean were taken using a parametric logit model, semi‐parametric Spike model, and nonparametric Turnbull and Kernel estimations in order to analyze the contingent economic value of the amount offered to the subjects of the analysis. The contingent value analysis results varied slightly according to the different methodologies; however, all showed the following common features. The economic value of WiBro, Internet‐based WCDMA, VoIP, and DMB with WiBro appeared to be similar. Therefore, if WiBro and WCDMA (HSDPA) form a competitive relationship, the types of bundled services offered as portable Internet service and the supply point of such bundled services are expected to emerge in a strategic plan for stimulating service markets and the prior occupation of the market.  相似文献   

简单介绍基于HFC网络的电路交换语音解决方案,着重论述基于HFC网络和DOCSIS系统的VoIP解决方案,根据SCN的VoIP试验情况,提出有线运营商部署VoIP业务平台时的难点和应该考虑的问题,最后指出有线运营商应该充分利用其网络资源,积极进行语音业务的拓展,推出有竞争力的语音产品,满足用户的需求。  相似文献   

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