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Arunita Jaekel 《Photonic Network Communications》2006,11(2):201-209
In recent years, there has been considerable research interest in the design of survivable wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM) networks. Many papers have proposed mixed-integer linear program (MILP) formulations as well as heuristics to optimally
allocate lightpaths, using protection based schemes. Such schemes provide quick and guaranteed recovery, but do not use resources
efficiently. About 50% of allocated resources remain idle, under fault-free conditions. If these “idle” resources were used
for low-priority connections (which could be pre-empted if necessary), the resource utilization would improve significantly.
This paper introduces two MILP formulations for priority-based dynamic lightpath allocation in survivable WDM networks. We define three different levels of service and allocate resources
based on the requested service level. An important advantage of our approach is that while we can handle multiple levels of
service, the traditional (single level) shared and dedicated path protection schemes can be treated simply as a special case
of the proposed formulations. The first formulation solves the problem optimally, but is quite time consuming. The second
formulation makes some simplifications, and is more efficient. The results demonstrate that our approach can significantly
improve resource utilization and is feasible for practical sized networks, particularly under low- to medium-traffic load.
For large networks and high traffic conditions, simpler heurtistic algorithms are more appropriate. In such cases, the proposed
MILP formulation can be a useful tool to validate the performance of the heuristics. 相似文献
A wavelength-routed optical network can suffer inefficiencies due to the wavelength-continuity constraint (under which a signal has to remain on the same wavelength from the source to the destination). In order to eliminate or reduce the effects of this constraint, a device called a wavelength converter may be utilized. Due to the high cost of these wavelength converters, many studies have attempted to determine the exact benefits of wavelength conversion. However, most of these studies have focused on optical networks that implement full wavelength conversion capabilities. An alternative to full wavelength conversion is to employ only a sparse number of wavelength converters throughout the network, thereby reducing network costs. This study will focus on different versions of sparse wavelength conversion--namely, sparse nodal conversion, sparse switch-output conversion, and sparse (or limited) range conversion--to determine if most of the benefits of full conversion can be obtained using only sparse conversion. Simulation and analytical results on these three different classes of sparse wavelength conversion will be presented. In addition, this study will present heuristic techniques for the placement of sparse conversion facilities within an optical network. 相似文献
Future broadband networks must support integrated services and offer flexible bandwidth usage. In our previous work in [1], we explored the optical link control (OLC) layer on the top of optical layer that enables the possibility of bandwidth on-demand (BoD) service directly over wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks. Today, more and more applications and services such as video-conferencing software and Virtual LAN service require multicast support over the underlying networks. Currently, it is difficult to provide wavelength multicast over optical switches without optical/electronic conversions although the conversion takes extra cost. In this paper, based on the proposed wavelength router architecture (equipped with ATM switches to offer O/E and E/O conversions when necessary), a dynamic multicast routing algorithm is proposed to furnish multicast services over WDM networks. The goal is to join a new group member into the multicast tree so that the cost, including the link cost and the optical/electronic conversion cost, is kept as low as possible. The same algorithm can be applied to other wavelength routing architectures with redefinition of electronic copy cost. The effectiveness of the proposed wavelength router architecture as well as the dynamic multicast algorithm is evaluated by simulation. 相似文献
Shami Abdallah Assi Chadi Habib I. Ali M. A. Ghani N. 《Photonic Network Communications》2003,6(1):25-32
This paper investigates and compares the performance of two GMPLS-based distributed control and management protocols for dynamic lightpath provisioning in future IP networks. The first protocol is a global information-based link state approach that consists of both an integrated RWA algorithm and a signaling algorithm. Two triggering mechanisms for the LSAs update procedures are considered; one is periodic-based and the other is threshold-based. The second protocol is a local-information based fixed alternate link routing approach where the signaling protocol is closely integrated with the RWA protocols. 相似文献
一种稀疏分光配置约束下的WDM网络多播RWA算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在波长路由WDM网络中,波长路由和波长分配是RWA算法提高光网络阻塞性能的两个重要阶段和关键技术。文章针对现有的稀疏分光配置约束下的光网络多播RWA算法复杂度高、代价高的问题,提出了一种新的稀疏分光器配置的RWA多播算法。该算法摒弃传统RWA算法在波长路由阶段就考虑稀疏分光约束能力的惯性思维,论文首次提出在波长分配阶段,才通过多播长转换器实现满足稀疏分光约束条件的分光能力传递。仿真结果表明,所提算法在平均代价和所需波长数目方面都获得了较优的性能。 相似文献
提出了一种基于禁忌搜索技术的启发式算法有效波长与路由分配(RWA-TS-P)来解决考虑功率限制的WDM光网的优化设计。该算法建立在局部搜索贪婪算法RWA-greedy之上,引入了功率验证过程来保证建立光路的功率有效性。通过环网和网状网的设计实例验证了算法的性能。数值结果表明,该算法能够在保证网络中建立的所有光路功率有效性的前提下最优地配置网络资源,同时具有可以控制的计算复杂性。 相似文献
研究了在基于GMPLS的WDM网络中,当节点不具备波长变换能力并且配备有限个光收发器对时,如何为到达的业务请求建立标记交换路径(LSP)的问题。提出一种以跳数和带宽碎片要求为权重,合理分配带宽资源的新算法。仿真结果表明,该算法在保证用户业务可靠性要求的同时,能够更有效地提高全网资源的利用率,并大大降低网络阻塞的可能性。 相似文献
基于波长转换度的空闲波长图模型,提出了一种用于WDM光网络在备选路由下的动态RWA算法。路由选择采用K条最短路径算法进行,备选路由集中首选最佳路由时考虑链路的代价、跳数和每一个链路上不可用波长数。通过计算机模拟,分析这3个参数对网络的阻塞率的影响,结果表明本算法中所选定研究的3个参数中选定路由的不可用波长数对网络阻塞率的影响程度比通道的代价,跳数对网络的影响程度大,这个结论对算法中这3个参数数值的选取提供了依据,使算法能够依据实际网络情况动态选取参数,降低网络阻塞率。 相似文献
Multicommodity flow models are commonly used to formulate the logical topology design (LTD) problem and the lightpath routing (LR) problem as mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems. In general, MILP formulations are intractable even for relatively small networks due to the combinatorial complexity of the problem. In this paper we propose improvements to these models and a method to solve the LTD and the LR problems in a combined manner. The interest is two fold: firstly, by tackling the two problems with separate models, problem instances of realistic size (up to 14 nodes in this paper) can be dealt with. Furthermore, different combinations of optimization models and objective functions can be investigated in a modular manner. Secondly, the mechanisms proposed to combine the problems allow to keep track of the global design problem when solving each individual step. 相似文献
针对具有多跳疏导能力的WDM光网络进行了研究,提出了一种基于固定备选路由的多跳业务量疏导算法(FO-HC-MH)。该算法对备选路由的跳数进行限制,因而可以节约使用网络的收发器资源。仿真实验表明,与FO-MH算法相比,在网络负载较低的情况下该算法节约效果明显。 相似文献
A Novel Fast Multicast Algorithm with Enhanced Survivability in WDM Optical Networks 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
WDM optical networking technology is expected to facilitate bandwidth-intensive multicast application by establishing a light-tree which regards the source node as the root and all the destination nodes as the leaves. However, the existing multicast routing algorithms are time-consuming and the generated light-trees are very sensitive to failures, e.g., a single fiber cut can disrupt the information from transmitting to several terminals. In this paper, we propose a novel fast multicast algorithm with enhanced survivability (FMES), which applies a two-stage multicast routing approach, and employs a path protection scheme for each segment of the first stage tree. Analysis and experimental results show that FMES has the significant advantage of a much shorter running time than that in existing schemes, and this advantage can be enlarged in the distributed routing and signaling system of the coming intelligent optical networks. We also compare FMES with non-protection and full-protection schemes. It shows that the FMES scheme achieves the best trade-off between network survivability and resource-utilization. We illustrate our study with numerical experiments based on the real-life ChinaNet topology. 相似文献
In-band crosstalk has been widely considered as a major transmission impairment that significantly impacts the bit error rate (BER) performance of lightpaths in circuit-switched all-optical wavelength-routed networks. Such crosstalk usually occurs when multiple wavelengths pass through an optical crossconnect node, and the magnitude of the crosstalk is largely dependent on the wavelengths assigned to the lightpaths. Traditional wavelength assignment (WA) schemes pay little regard to the physical layer quality of service (QoS), and hence cannot provide optimized network performance in practical networks with imperfect physical transmission media. In this paper, we first present our categorization of in-band crosstalk based on the location of crosstalk generation, then we propose two QoS-friendly WA approaches, one of which selects the wavelength based on the estimated BERs, and the other based on the weighted crosstalk number counting. The two approaches have different computation complexities. Numerical results show that both approaches can significantly improve the BER blocking rate by suppressing the created in-band crosstalk, but the BER-based approach generally gives the better performance at the price of more extensive computation.This work was supported in part by DARPA Grants #N66001-00-1-8949 and #66001-01-1-8932 (co-funded by NSA). 相似文献
An Efficient Distributed Control Scheme for Lightpath Establishment in Dynamic WDM Networks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
An adaptive hybrid reservation protocol (AHRP) is proposed for the purpose of quickly and efficiently establishing a lightpath in dynamic wavelength routed networks. This protocol uses a special reservation-and-probe (RESV_PROB) packet and extends the signaling to integrate forward reservation and backward reservation into one monolithic process. To decrease the blocking probability that happens in cases where two end nodes associated with a specific link simultaneously reserve the same wavelength, an adaptive wavelength selection policy is specially employed in AHRP. A discrete-event simulation tool based on ns-2 is developed to investigate AHRP's performance, including its blocking probability, average lightpath setup delay, and signaling overhead. AHRP is also compared with existing protocols. Results show that during highly dynamic traffic conditions, AHRP possesses the lowest blocking probability, shorter setup delay, and less signaling overhead. 相似文献
Nilesh M. Bhide Krishna M. Sivalingam Tibor Fabry-Asztalos 《Photonic Network Communications》2001,3(3):227-236
Optical dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) networks are an attractive candidate for the next generation Internet and beyond. In this paper, we consider routing and wavelength assignment in a wide area wavelength routed backbone network that employs circuit-switching. When a session request is received by the network, the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) task is to establish a lightpath between the source and destination. That is, determine a suitable path and assign a set of wavelengths for the links on this path. We consider a link state protocol approach and use Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, suitably modified for DWDM networks, for computing the shortest paths. In [1] we proposed WDM aware weight functions that included factors such as available wavelengths per link, total wavelengths per link. In this paper, we present new weight functions that exploit the strong correlation between blocking probability and number of hops involved in connection setup to increase the performance of the network. We also consider alternate path routing that computes the alternate paths based on WDM aware weight functions. The impact of the weight functions on the blocking probability and delay is studied through discrete event simulation. The system parameters varied include number of network nodes, wavelengths, degree of wavelength conversion, and load. The results show that the weight function that incorporates both hop count and available wavelength provides the best performance in terms of blocking probability. 相似文献