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Germ cells from mouse and human embryonic stem cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mammalian gametes are derived from a founder population of primordial germ cells (PGCs) that are determined early in embryogenesis and set aside for unique development. Understanding the mechanisms of PGC determination and differentiation is important for elucidating causes of infertility and how endocrine disrupting chemicals may potentially increase susceptibility to congenital reproductive abnormalities and conditions such as testicular cancer in adulthood (testicular dysgenesis syndrome). Primordial germ cells are closely related to embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and embryonic germ (EG) cells and comparisons between these cell types are providing new information about pluripotency and epigenetic processes. Murine ESCs can differentiate to PGCs, gametes and even blastocysts - recently live mouse pups were born from sperm generated from mESCs. Although investigations are still preliminary, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) apparently display a similar developmental capacity to generate PGCs and immature gametes. Exactly how such gamete-like cells are generated during stem cell culture remains unclear especially as in vitro conditions are ill-defined. The findings are discussed in relation to the mechanisms of human PGC and gamete development and the biotechnology of hESCs and hEG cells.  相似文献   

We previously showed that increasing the cell number of host tetraploid (4n) embryos by aggregating multiple 4n embryos at two to four-cell stages can improve the birthrate of mice from embryonic stem cells (ES mice). In the present study, we assessed whether in vitro aged blastocysts (e.g., E4.5 or E5.5), where their cell number also increased with development, can be used as hosts for generating ES mice. As expected, the cell number of in vitro aged 4n blastocysts increased with development, i.e., 26.5+/-2.4, 49.6+/-8.4, and 84.9+/-20.9 cells for E3.5, E4.5, and E5.5 respectively. Three independent ES cell lines were injected into 4n aged blastocysts, and their developmental ability was compared with that of E3.5 4n blastocysts commonly used for this procedure. We found that the birthrate of ES mice derived from E4.5 blastocysts were comparable with those of mice generated from E3.5 blastocysts. On the other hand, the birthrates decreased when E5.5 blastocysts were used. These results suggest that not only the cell number but also developmental age is important for producing ES mice. We also discuss a comparison of the present findings with those of our previous study, where ES mice were generated using an aggregation method employing the same ES cell lines.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, which are continuously growing cell lines, have a pluripotent ability to differentiate into various cell lineages in vitro including neurons. We investigated the effects of chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) conditioned medium (CM) and nerve growth factor (NGF) on the directed differentiation of ES cells into neurons. Because DRGs from 8-day-old chick embryos are often used in bioassays of neurotrophic factors, DRGs may release soluble factors that can induce ES cell differentiation into neurons in a culture broth. When cultivated in a Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)/F-12K medium containing DRG-CM or NGF, the ES cell colonies clearly showed neurite outgrowths. Of particular significance, the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies using an anti-betaIII-tubulin antibody indicated that the addition of DRG-CM effectively promoted the differentiation of ES cells into neurons. We confirmed the effect of DRG-CM addition on ES cell differentiation into neurons via neuronal stem cells by the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies. Thus, DRG-CM appeared to effectively promote ES cell differentiation into neurons.  相似文献   

Insulin injection therapy is the principal current treatment of type 1 diabetes. Patients, however, suffer from various complications generated by insufficient control of blood glucose levels over a long period. Therefore, a method which can infuse insulin in response to changes of blood glucose levels is eagerly desired. Transplantation of insulin releasing cells derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells has been expected to be one of promising approaches to realize this requirement. In this study, ES cell progeny which were derived in culture media with/without fetal calf serum contained two distinct kinds of cells immunostained by anti-insulin and anti-C-peptide antibodies. The cytoplasm and nuclei of one type of cell were immunoreactive against antibodies for insulin, while the other kind of cell only had the cytoplasm stained by the anti-insulin antibody. The first cell type was the major population of insulin-positive cells in serum-free medium, while the latter kind of cells was the major population in medium containing serum. Interestingly, the latter insulin-positive cells could be also immunostained by anti-C-peptide antibodies, and was observed even after nine subcultures in medium containing serum. Although there still remain many issues to be addressed in order to definitely demonstrate that insulin-positive cells derived from ES cells to be truly beta cells in the islets, these properties of the obtained cells are believed to promising cells for treatment of type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

The proliferation and differentiation properties of embryoid bodies (EB) from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were compared under two microchip conditions: microwell chip and micropatterned chip. The microwell chip contained 270 microwells (diameter, 600 μm; depth, 600 μm) on a polymethylmethacrylate plate and was surface-modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to render it non-adhesive. The micropatterned chip contained 270 gelatin spots (diameter, 200 μm) as the cell adhesion area on a glass plate; the region lacking these spots was PEG-modified to render it non-adhesive. The ES cells spontaneously formed the EBs from cell aggregates in each microwell in the chip. In contrast, cells inoculated onto the patterned chip formed a monolayer on the gelatin spots and gradually proliferated to form EBs. The EBs in the patterned chip maintained the high cell growth rate and the expression of endoderm (TTR and AFP) and mesoderm (Nkx2.5, αMHC, Flk1, and PDGFRβ) markers was increased, and these cell properties were similar to the previous methods (hanging drop and round-bottomed 96-well plate cultures). In contrast, the proliferation of ES cells in the microwell chip was lower than in the patterned chip and previous methods, and the EB differentiation proceeded slowly and only formed a small amount of endoderm. These results indicate that the difference of EB generating process in the microchip cultures may affect to the proliferation and differentiation of ES cells, and the existence of microwell structure in the microchip downregulates the cell proliferation and the differentiated progress of ES cells.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are the source of all embryonic germ layer tissues. Oct-4 is essential for their pluripotency. Since in vitro culture may influence Oct-4 expression, we investigated to what extent blastocysts cultured in vitro from the zygote stage are capable of expressing Oct-4 and generating ES cell lines. We compared in vivo with in vitro derived blastocysts from B6D2 mice with regard to Oct-4 expression in inner cell mass (ICM) outgrowths and blastocysts. ES cells were characterized by immunostaining for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) and Oct-4. Embryoid bodies were made to evaluate the ES cells' differentiation potential. ICM outgrowths were immunostained for Oct-4 after 6 days in culture. A quantitative real-time PCR assay was performed on individual blastocysts. Of the in vitro derived blastocysts, 17% gave rise to ES cells vs 38% of the in vivo blastocysts. Six-day old outgrowths from in vivo developed blastocysts expressed Oct-4 in 55% of the cases vs 31% of the in vitro derived blastocysts. The amount of Oct-4 mRNA was significantly higher for freshly collected in vivo blastocysts compared to in vitro cultured blastocysts. In vitro cultured mouse blastocysts retain the capacity to express Oct-4 and to generate ES cells, be it to a lower level than in vivo blastocysts.  相似文献   

Conventionally, embryonic stem (ES) cells are cultured on a cell layer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) as feeder cells to support undifferentiated growth of ES cells. In this study, cell–cell interactions between mouse ES and feeder cells were artificially engineered via an epithelial cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, whose expression is considerable in ES cells. Mouse mesenchymal STO and NIH3T3 cells that were genetically engineered to express E-cadherin were used in ES cell cultures as feeder cells. ES cells cultured on the E-cadherin-expressing feeder cells maintained the expression of stem cell markers, alkaline phosphatase (AP), Oct3/4, Nanog and Sox2, and the efficiency of AP-positive colony formation was comparable to MEFs, and much better than parental STO and NIH3T3 cells. Furthermore, ES cells maintained on the E-cadherin-expressing feeder cells possessed the ability to differentiate into the three germ layers both in vitro and in vivo. The results indicated that E-cadherin expression in feeder cells could improve the performance of feeder cells, which may be further applicable to create new artificial feeder cell lines.  相似文献   

Derivation, growth and applications of human embryonic stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells are pluripotent cells derived from the inner cell mass cells of blastocysts with the potential to maintain an undifferentiated state indefinitely. Fully characterised hES cell lines express typical stem cell markers, possess high levels of telomerase activity, show normal karyotype and have the potential to differentiate into numerous cell types under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Therefore, hES cells are potentially valuable for the development of cell transplantation therapies for the treatment of various human diseases. However, there are a number of factors which may limit the medical application of hES cells: (a) continuous culture of hES cells in an undifferentiated state requires the presence of feeder layers and animal-based ingredients which incurs a risk of cross-transfer of pathogens; (b) hES cells demonstrate high genomic instability and non-predictable differentiation after long-term growth; and (c) differentiated hES cells express molecules which could cause immune rejection. In this review we summarise recent progress in the derivation and growth of undifferentiated hES cells and their differentiated progeny, and the problems associated with these techniques. We also examine the potential use of the therapeutic cloning technique to derive isogenic hES cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian somatic cell cloning requires factors specific to the oocyte for reprogramming to succeed. This does not exclude that reprogramming continues during the zygote and cleavage stages. The capacity or role of zygotic and cleavage stages to reprogram somatic cell nuclei is difficult to assess due to the limited development of somatic cell nuclei transplanted into cytoplasts of these stages. Alternatively, tetraploid embryos have been used to study reprogramming and can be assessed for their contribution to extra-embryonic lineages. When mouse cumulus cell nuclei transgenic for Oct4-green fluorescent protein (GFP) were injected into intact two- and four-cell stage blastomeres, manipulated embryos developed into blastocysts with expression of Oct4-GFP as observed in embryos produced by nuclear transfer into metaphase II oocytes. However, only the latter contributed to extra-embryonic tissues in day 10.5 conceptuses, with the exclusion of the somatic genome in cells originating from transfer into blastomeres already at 5.5 days post conception. Somatic nuclei transferred into cleavage stage blastomeres reinitiated expression of an embyronic-specific transgene, but lacked the extent of reprogramming required for contribution to postimplantation development, even when complemented by an embryonic genome.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are a type of pluripotent stem cell line isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and characterized by an almost unlimited self-renewal capacity and differentiation potential in vitro into multiple cell lineages. Therefore the use of ES cells has recently received much attention as a novel cell source for various hybrid artificial organs. To use ES cells, it is necessary to be able to produce functional matured cells from ES cells in large quantities. In this study, we applied polyurethane foam (PUF)/spheroid culture, which enables spontaneous spheroid formation and mass cultivation of cultured cells, to mouse ES cells for hepatic differentiation. Mouse ES cells spontaneously formed spherical multicellular aggregates (spheroids) in the pores of the PUF within 1 d. To induce hepatic differentiation, specific growth factors were added to the culture medium. Mouse ES cells proliferated by day 20, and high cell density (about 1.0 x 10(8) cells/cm(3)-PUF) was achieved. Differentiating ES cells expressed endodermal-specific genes, such as alpha-fetoprotein, albumin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase. The activity of ammonia removal of mouse ES cells per unit volume of the module was detected by day 21 and increased with culture time. Maximum expression levels were comparable to those of primary mouse hepatocytes. Mouse ES cells could express liver-specific functions at high level because of the high cell density culture and hepatic differentiation. These results suggest that the PUF/spheroid culture method could be useful to develop mass differentiation cultures.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have the pluripotent ability to differentiate in vitro into various cell lineages, including neurons. Adding chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) conditioned medium (CM) to the culture medium promotes the differentiation of ES cells into neurons. We determined the types of neurons that differentiate from ES cells. The addition of DRG-CM caused nearly half of all ES cells on the periphery of the colony sphere to differentiate into neurons. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the neurons that differentiated from ES cells were mainly motor, GABAergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic neurons. Of particular note, flow cytometry showed that approximately 50% of betaIII-tubulin-positive neurons were motor neurons. This indicates that DRG-CM induces ES cells to differentiate into motor neurons as target of DRG neurons (sensory neurons).  相似文献   

Nanoscale magnetic beads coated with nerve growth factor (NGF) allow us to accumulate neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells in a selected area of the culture plate surface using a magnet. Neurons with neurite outgrowths within a particular area expressed TrkA and incorporated beads in the soma.  相似文献   

Available human feeder cells for the maintenance of human embryonic stem cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) have been previously used as feeder cells to support the growth of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). In this study, human adult uterine endometrial cells (hUECs), human adult breast parenchymal cells (hBPCs) and embryonic fibroblasts (hEFs) were tested as feeder cells for supporting the growth of hESCs to prevent the possibility of contamination from animal feeder cells. Cultured hUECs, hBPCs and hEFs were mitotically inactivated and then plated. hESCs (Miz-hES1, NIH registered) initially established on mouse feeder layers were transferred onto each human feeder layer and split every 5 days. The morphology, expression of specific markers and differentiation capacity of hESCs adapted on each human feeder layer were examined. On hUEC, hBPC and hEF feeder layers, hESCs proliferated for more than 90, 50 and 80 passages respectively. Human feeder-based hESCs were positive for stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-3 and -4, and Apase; they also showed similar differentiation capacity to MEF-based hESCs, as assessed by the formation of teratomas and expression of tissue-specific markers. However, hESCs cultured on hUEC and hEF feeders were slightly thinner and flatter than MEF- or hBPC-based hESCs. Our results suggest that, like MEF feeder layers, human feeder layers can support the proliferation of hESCs without differentiation. Human feeder cells have the advantage of supporting more passages than when MEFs are used as feeder cells, because hESCs can be uniformly maintained in the undifferentiated stage until they pass through senescence. hESCs established and/or maintained under stable xeno-free culture conditions will be helpful to cell-based therapy.  相似文献   

The homeoprotein EGAM1C was identified in preimplantation mouse embryos and embryonic stem (ES) cells. To explore the impact of EGAM1C on the hallmarks of mouse ES cells, MG1.19 cells stably expressing EGAM1C at levels similar to those in blastocysts were established using an episomal expression system. In the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (+LIF), control transfectants with an empty vector formed flattened cell colonies, while Egam1c transfectants formed compacted colonies with increased E-CADHERIN expression. In Egam1c transfectants, the cellular contents of POU5F1 (OCT4), SOX2, TBX3, and NANOG increased. Cell growth was accelerated in an undifferentiated state sustained by LIF and in the course of differentiation. During clonal proliferation, EGAM1C stabilized the undifferentiated state. In adherent culture conditions, EGAM1C partly inhibited the progression of differentiation at least within a 4-day culture period in the presence of retinoic acid by preventing the downregulation of LIF signaling with a robust increase in TBX3 expression. Conversely, EGAM1C enhanced the expression of lineage marker genes Fgf5 (epiblast), T (mesoderm), Gata6 (primitive endoderm), and Cdx2 (trophectoderm) in -LIF conditions. In embryoid bodies expressing EGAM1C, the expression of marker genes for extraembryonic cell lineages, including Tpbpa (spongiotrophoblast) and Plat (parietal endoderm), increased. These results demonstrated that the ectopic expression of EGAM1C is capable of affecting the stabilization of an undifferentiated state and the progression of differentiation in MG1.19 ES cells, in addition to affecting cellular morphology and growth.  相似文献   

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