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Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations were measured in Chironomidae larvae, Crustacea plankton, as well as in various organs of mussels and fishes collected from the open water area of Lake Balaton. The values were comparatively low. However, there were significant differences in the metal concentrations of species and tissue.Most Cd was found in the gill of Unio pictorum L., most Pb, Zn and Mn in the gill of Anodonta cygnea L., most Cu in Crustacea plankton and in the liver of Abramis brama L., and most Hg and Fe in Chironomidae larvae. Low concentrations occurred in fishes, the lowest in the flesh of Stizostedion lucioperca L.Accumulation of metals in organs as compared with their concentration in the lake water was in the range of 3.4 × 102−2.6 × 103 for Hg; 7.0 × 102−6.8 × 103 for Cd; 3.3 × 102−9.7 × 103 for Cu; 6.9 × 102−8.1 × 103 for Zn; 1.5 × 103−2.4 × 104 for Pb; 3.5 × 102−3.1 × 104 for Fe; and 5.0 × 101−3.5 × 105 for Mn.  相似文献   

Correlations between trace metals in dissolved and particulate phases, zooplankton, mussels and sediments in Lake Balaton were investigated. The degree of correlation between the various metals was different in each of the investigated compartments. Particulate metal concentrations (microg g(-1)) were anti-correlated with suspended particulate matter (SPM) (mg l(-1)), indicating a dilution effect, while total metal concentrations in the water column (microg l(-1)) were highly correlated with SPM, implying a major influence of the turbidity on the total metal concentrations. Between compartments, not many significant correlations were recognized. Only Ba, Ca, Sr and Mg are correlated in the sediments and in the particulate phase, suggesting common sources for both compartments. Partitioning coefficients (Kd) of trace metals between dissolved and particulate phases are generally low, typical for natural water and fairly stable over the lake. Most of the trace metals (Zn, Co, Cd and Pb) exist in the particulate phase (for about 70% of the total metal load). Cu and Ni are exceptions, showing a more equal distribution. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) of zooplankton and mussels were comparable to those of other natural waters. A negative biomagnification from suspended particulate matter to zooplankton and from sediment to mussel was recognized for all trace metals, except a small enrichment of Zn in zooplankton and Cd in mussel. Four factors were recognized in SPM and in sediments but they did not contain the same group of metals. Cluster analysis showed that metal accumulations in the sediments were different between northern and southern shores and in SPM between western and eastern areas.  相似文献   

Mercury distribution and speciation in Lake Balaton, Hungary   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The distribution and speciation of mercury in air, rain, lake water, sediment, and zooplankton in Lake Balaton (Hungary) were investigated between 1999 and 2002. In air, total gaseous mercury (TGM) ranged from 0.4 to 5.9 ng m(-3) and particulate phase mercury (PPM) from 0.01 to 0.39 ng m(-3). Higher concentrations of both TGM and PPM occurred during daytime. Higher concentrations of PPM occurred in winter. In rain and snow, total mercury ranged from 10.8 to 36.7 ng L(-1) in summer but levels up to 191 ng L(-1) in winter. Monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 1.26 ng L(-1) and showed no seasonal variations. Total Hg in the unfiltered lake water varied spatially, with concentrations ranging from 1.4 to 6.5 ng L(-1). Approximately 70% of the total Hg is dissolved. MMHg levels ranged from 0.08 to 0.44 ng L(-1) as total and from 0.05 to 0.37 ng L(-1) in the dissolved form. Lower Hg concentrations in the water column occurred in winter. In suspended particulate matter and in sediment, total mercury ranged from 9 to 160 ng g(-1) dw, and MMHg ranged from 0.07 to 0.84 ng g(-1) dw. In zooplankton, an average mercury level of 31.0+/-6.8 ng g(-1) dw occurred, with MMHg accounting for approximately 17%. In sediments, suspended-matter- and zooplankton-high Hg and MMHg levels occurred at the mouth of the River Zala, but, in the lake, higher concentrations occurred on the Northern side, and an increasing trend from north-west to north-east was observed. In general, regarding Hg, Lake Balaton can be considered as a relatively uncontaminated site. The high-pH and well-oxygenated water as well as the low organic matter content of the sediment does not favour the methylation of Hg. In addition, bioconcentration and bioaccumulation factors are relatively low compared to other aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Bilotta GS  Brazier RE 《Water research》2008,42(12):2849-2861
Over the last 50 years the effects of suspended solids (SS) on fish and aquatic life have been studied intensively throughout the world. It is now accepted that SS are an extremely important cause of water quality deterioration leading to aesthetic issues, higher costs of water treatment, a decline in the fisheries resource, and serious ecological degradation of aquatic environments. As such, government-led environmental bodies have set recommended water quality guidelines for concentrations of SS in freshwater systems. However, these reference values are often spurious or based on the concept of turbidity as a surrogate measure of the concentration of SS. The appropriateness of these recommended water quality values is evaluated given: (1) the large variability and uncertainty in data available from research describing the effects of SS on aquatic environments, (2) the diversity of environments that these values are expected to relate to, and (3) the range of conditions experienced within these environments. Furthermore, we suggest that reliance solely upon turbidity data as a surrogate for SS must be treated with caution, as turbidity readings respond to factors other than just concentrations of SS, as well as being influenced by the particle-size distribution and shape of SS particles. In addition, turbidity is a measure of only one of the many detrimental effects, reviewed in this paper, which high levels of SS can have in waterbodies. In order to improve the understanding of the effects of SS on aquatic organisms, this review suggests that: First, high-resolution turbidity monitoring should be supplemented with direct, measurements of SS (albeit at lower resolution due to resource issues). This would allow the turbidity record to be checked and calibrated against SS, effectively building a rating-relationship between SS and turbidity, which would in-turn provide a clearer picture of the exact magnitude of the SS problem. Second, SS should also be characterised in terms of their particle-size distribution and chemical composition. This would provide information to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the observed variable effects of a given concentration of SS in aquatic habitats. These two suggested improvements, combined with lower-resolution concurrent measures of aquatic ecological status, would improve our understanding of the effects of SS in aquatic environments and together with a more detailed classification of aquatic environments, would provide an environment-specific evidence base for the establishment of effective water quality guidelines for SS.  相似文献   

Sasaki A  Ito A  Aizawa J  Umita T 《Water research》2005,39(12):2517-2526
Water and sediment quality and benthic biota were investigated in all seasons during three years in the River Akagawa that receives the effluent from a mine drainage treatment plant at its upstream site. The upper reaches kept the low pH, the comparatively high concentrations of metals and a large amount of iron deposited on the riverbed. The predominant macroinvertebrates were Protonemura sp., Capnidae, Nemoura sp. and Chironomidae in the upper and middle reaches. In the lowest reaches, the community structure of the macroinvertebrate changed into Chironomidae, Trichoptera (Hydropsychidae) and Ephemeroptera (Baetis sp.) as the pH was increased. From the results of multivariate analyses, it was found that the restoration of pH and attached algae and the increase in the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter promoted the inhabitation of Chironomidae and Hydropsychidae, whereas the dissolved metals in the river water inhibited the inhabitation of these families. Moreover, the sedimentation of metals would cause a severe damage to the inhabitation of Hydropsychidae compared with that of Chironomidae.  相似文献   

Concern about the possible contamination by heavy metals of Fontana Lake (reservoir) and potential sources of such materials led to a study of surficial sediments. Samples of sediment were collected in the main body of the lake and near the mouths of its major tributaries and analayzed for magnesium, iron, aluminum, manganese, zinc, copper and mercury. Although the drainage area of the reservoir is primarily forested and rural without major industrial developments, the results indicated that manganese, copper and zinc were present in concentrations similar to areas receiving industrial pollution. Chemical analyses of pyritic materials in the watershed (e.g. schists or Anakeesta formation) showed relatively high concentrations of many of the same metals present in Fontana sediments. It appears, therefore, that the metals in the lake sediments represent materials derived from geological sources, although airborne contributions of certain metals cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

南四湖表层底泥有机质及氮磷分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步诊断南四湖的重大水环境问题,分别于2006、2007、2010和2011年4次对南四湖水质与底质进行布点监测.根据4次监测数据,通过数理统计和综合比较的分析方法对南四湖表层底泥进行了有机质及氮磷的空间分布特性及其与上覆湖水相关性研究.结果表明,南四湖湖区表层底泥有机质、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)呈现北高南低的分布特征,这与水质的空间分布特征相一致,其中TP分布均一化明显;南四湖上覆湖水氮磷浓度与其对应表层底泥氮磷含量没有明显关联性,说明南四湖水体污染仍以外源污染为主;2011年监测的入湖河口表层底泥有机质、TN和TP含量的平均值低于湖区平均值,说明南四湖湖区表层底泥对有机质、TN和TP的富集作用比较明显.  相似文献   

We have investigated the content of heavy meals in the stabilized sludge sediment of the station of biological purification of municipal wastewaters including an ion-exchange/bioaccessible form, which is extracted in an acidic medium at pH ∼2.5–3. We have compared the pool of heavy metals of the sludge sediment and other objects of different nature—soil and biomass of microbial cultures. In terms of the spectrum of heavy metals and their specific concentration the sludge sediment approaches natural soil. At the same time, heavy metals of the sludge sediment are extracted easier than from the soil and microbial biomass, where they may be incorporated to crystalline lattices of soil minerals or into cellular structures. The degree of removing heavy metals from the sludge sediment may reach 80% and correspond to the series: Zn > Mn > Cu ∼ Co ∼ Ni > Fe.  相似文献   

The Great Salt Lake, Utah (USA), is the fourth largest terminal lake on Earth and a stop-over location for 35 million birds on the Pacific Flyway. Recently, the Utah Department of Health and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources issued tissue mercury (Hg) consumption advisories for several species of birds that consume the lake's brine shrimp. We hypothesized that the chemistry of the atmosphere above the Great Salt Lake would facilitate atmospheric deposition of Hg to the water. Because little information was available on Hg at the Great Salt Lake, and to begin to test this hypothesis, we measured atmospheric elemental (Hg(0)) and reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) concentrations as well as Hg concentrations in water and brine shrimp five times over a ~year. Surrogate surfaces and a dry deposition model were applied to estimate the amount of Hg that could be input to the lake surface, and HYSPLIT model back trajectories were developed to investigate potential sources of RGM to the lake. Atmospheric Hg(0) concentrations were similar to global ambient background values and RGM concentrations were similar to those reported for rural areas. Both Hg(0) and RGM exhibited regular diel variability. Model estimated deposition velocities for RGM to the lake ranged from 0.9 to 3.0 cm s(-1) while that determined for surrogate surfaces ranged from 2.8 to 7.8 cm s(-1). Filtered total and methyl Hg concentrations in Great Salt Lake surface waters were consistent throughout the year (3.6+/-0.8 ng L(-1) and 0.93+/-0.59 ng L(-1), respectively), while brine shrimp concentrations had a statistically significant increase from summer to fall. Data collected and data analyses indicated no direct local or regional source of Hg to the lake and that factors within the Great Salt Lake basin are important in controlling Hg(0) and RGM concentrations.  相似文献   

The forms of arsenic in the Zuzou Zone of the Xiangjang River are evaluated. Nine fractions of arsenic, consisting of soluble arsenic(III) and total soluble arsenic, loosely bound arsenic, aluminium arsenate, iron arsenate, calcium arsenate, arsenic occluded on iron oxide, organic compounds of arsenic and residual arsenic, were separated from suspended solids and sediments by sequential chemical extraction. All arsenic fractions were determined by ASV and AFS. The distributions of arsenic and arsenic fractions in water, sediments and suspended solids are discussed in terms of the mechanisms of arsenic transport and deposition in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Dissolved phosphorus from Lake Constance water was adsorbed by particulate matter from the Alpenrhein whenever the equilibrium phosphorus concentration of 0.85 μmol l−1 was exceeded. When shaken in phosphate-free lake water the solids liberated small amounts of P (1% of the total-P). The maximum adsorption capacity of the particles was estimated to be 2.8 μmol g−1 (dry substance). Only part of the phosphorus once experimentally sorbed to the solids was shown to desorbe in P-free lake water.During 1981 1.47·109 kg of particulate matter was discharged into Lake Constance from the Alpenrhein. By adsorption these sedimenting materials had the potential to remove 18–25·103 kg of dissolved phosphorus from the water column, thus comprising almost 2% of the total P-load in 1981.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in pore water and sediment of a coastal fresh water lake (Haringvliet Lake, The Netherlands). Elevated sediment trace metal concentrations reflect anthropogenic inputs from the Rhine and Meuse Rivers. Pore water and sediment analyses, together with thermodynamic calculations, indicate a shift in trace metal speciation from oxide-bound to sulfide-bound over the upper 20 cm of the sediment. Concentrations of reducible Fe and Mn decline with increasing depth, but do not reach zero values at 20 cm depth. The reducible phases are relatively more important for the binding of Co, Ni, and Zn than for Pb and Cd. Pore waters exhibit supersaturation with respect to Zn, Pb, Co, and Cd monosulfides, while significant fractions of Ni and Co are bound to pyrite. A multi-component, diagenetic model developed for organic matter degradation was expanded to include Zn and Ni dynamics. Pore water transport of trace metals is primarily diffusive, with a lesser contribution of bioirrigation. Reactions affecting trace metal mobility near the sediment-water interface, especially sulfide oxidation and sorption to newly formed oxides, strongly influence the modeled estimates of the diffusive effluxes to the overlying water. Model results imply less efficient sediment retention of Ni than Zn. Sensitivity analyses show that increased bioturbation and sulfate availability, which are expected upon restoration of estuarine conditions in the lake, should increase the sulfide bound fractions of Zn and Ni in the sediments.  相似文献   

Sarà G 《Water research》2007,41(15):3187-3200
The effects of aquaculture on the ecology of the water column have been extensively studied in the last two decades. However, to date, it has not been possible to extrapolate homogeneous information from the peer-reviewed literature. In the present study, 68 peer-reviewed articles were analysed and about 1087 study cases were used to test whether worldwide cultivations of aquatic organisms (shrimps, fish, bivalves and polyculture) have a differential effect on living and non-living fractions of the water column (suspended matter, chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, bacteria and plankton). Meta-analysis feasibility depends on obtaining an estimate of the effect size from every study, and the most common measure of effect size (Hedges'd) is the difference between means of controls and impacts standardised by dividing by the pooled standard deviation. Shrimp, fish and bivalve cultivation differentially affected water column dynamics, with a general major impact on bacteria and phytoplankton. In addition, results showed that the water column dynamics are probably affected by organic aquaculture loading but, due to the substantial heterogeneity across studies, the information available on the effects can be considered partially flawed and therefore not sufficient to either support or exclude the notion that different forms of aquaculture affect ecological processes of the water column.  相似文献   

Different classes of organic matter (OM) have been systematically investigated in sediments and suspended particulate matter (SPM) along the Danube River in order to understand causes of compositional changes. Analytical pyrolysis revealed the dominance of natural organic matter (NOM) in most of the samples. The predominance of aquatic biomass is evident mainly from the abundance of organonitrogen compounds and phenol distributions. As the river enters a forested gorge, the terrestrial component of the NOM in sediments is more significant. This is reflected in abundant methoxyphenols and a very high carbon preference index. SPM sample from a tributary shows a unique geochemical signature. It contains abundant carboxylic acids, amines, isoprenoids in the pyrolyzate, and is dominated by phytol and 24-methyl-cholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol in the extract, produced by a diatom bloom. Wax esters with a relatively high proportion of short, methyl-branched alkyl-chains appear together with abundant phytadienes and n-C17 alkane in some samples, suggesting a microbial origin. Anthropogenic OM from runoff and atmospheric deposition was evident from a minor input of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) originating from mixed combustion sources. Multivariate analysis using PAH data led us to define simple molecular ratios to distinguish the PAH composition in sand and silty sediments. The newly defined ratios are the alkylated phenanthrenes and anthracenes ratio (APA; C1-C3/C0-C3 phenanthrenes and anthracenes) and the PAH ring number ratio (RN; 5-6 ring parent PAHs/all parent PAHs). This demonstrates that alkylated, as well as 5-6 ring PAHs are better preserved in the finer than in coarser grained sediments. A ubiquitous, but minor input of petroleum-related contamination with a uniform composition was evident in all samples as revealed by the analysis of petroleum biomarkers. This study demonstrates that the investigation of different classes of riverine OM requires a detailed molecular analysis, applying a series of analytical techniques and adequate statistical data treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of interactions between the sediment and water column on concentrations of microbes in streams is quantified with a one-dimensional, steady state model. The effects of nine main parameters describing the flow, sediment transport, and microbial growth and decay are encapsulated in two dimensionless parameters: the Damköhler number Da, or the ratio of the time scales of advection and net growth, and the sediment interaction parameter S, or the ratio of the amount of microbes lost or gained in the sediment and the amount of microbes lost or gained in the water column. Applications of the model illustrate the importance of the sediment and identify parameters that require further study. The model predicts the field measurements of Jamieson et al. (2005b) within a factor of 2 in two of three cases, while concentrations predicted by ignoring the sediment exceed the measured values. In general, the effects of ignoring interactions with the sediment depend on Da and S. The loading predicted to meet water quality standards when the sediment is considered can be either greater than or less than the loading predicted when it is not considered. The applications of the model and an analysis of uncertainty suggest that further work on the settling velocity, attached fraction, resuspension rate, and net growth rate in the sediment would help to improve predictions of the fate and transport of microbes.  相似文献   

Tracing suspended sediment sources in catchments and river systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Recent years have seen a growing awareness of the wider environmental significance of the suspended sediment loads transported by rivers and streams. This includes the importance of fine sediment in the transport of nutrients and contaminants, including phosphorus (P). Sediment source exerts a key control on the physical and geochemical properties of suspended sediment, including its P content, and will also influence the potential for implementing effective sediment and diffuse source pollution control strategies. Information on suspended sediment source, defined in terms of both source type and spatial origin, is therefore increasingly needed. Such information is difficult to obtain using traditional monitoring techniques, but source tracing or fingerprinting techniques afford a valuable and effective alternative approach to establish the relative importance of potential sediment sources. This contribution reviews the development of source fingerprinting techniques, presents several examples of their application in UK catchments and discusses the need for future development of the approach and the potential for extending its application.  相似文献   

The partitioning of particulate trace metals was investigated during one year of monthly sampling of suspended particulate matter (SPM) at eight sites along the Lot-Garonne fluvial system, known for its polymetallic pollution. The chemical partitioning in five operationally defined fractions (exchangeable/carbonate, Fe/Mn oxides, organic matter/sulfides, acid soluble, residual) was determined using a multiple single extraction approach. This approach showed that Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu were mainly associated with acid soluble phases (84-95%, 65-88%, 61-82% and 55-80% of the respective total metal content), and therefore showed a high mean potential of mobilization and bioavailability. In the Riou-Mort River, draining the smelting-wastes, Zn, Cd and Mn showed high mobility as they were little associated with the residual fraction (1-2%) and mainly bound to the 'exchangeable' fraction of SPM (60-80%), probably weakly adsorbed on amorphous freshly-precipitated sulfide and/or oxide phases. Upstream and downstream of the anthropogenic source of metallic pollution, Mn and Cd, and Zn to a lesser extent, remained highly reactive. The other trace metals were mainly associated with the residual fraction and thus less mobile. However, the multiple single extraction scheme revealed that the most reactive transport phases were non-selectively extracted by the conventional extractants used here. These selectivity problems could not have been observed if sequential extraction was used.  相似文献   

The effects of light and temperature on nutrient cycling (silica (Si), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) between sediments and water in a shallow eutrophic lake (Loch Leven, Scotland), and consequent effects on water column nutrient stoichiometry, were assessed using a series of intact sediment core incubation experiments. Estimates of actual seasonal dark and light P-fluxes were assessed using 24-h incubations. Sediment-P uptake was observed in spring (7 degrees C) and release in autumn (12 degrees C) and summer (17 degrees C), with the highest release rates ( approximately 17 mgPO4-Pm(-2) sediment surface area d(-1)) occurring in summer. In a longer (21-day) experiment in which the effects of light (light (n=6) and dark (n=6)) and temperature (five 4-day cycles to represent: 7 degrees C-->13 degrees C-->23 degrees C-->13 degrees C-->7 degrees C) on water column nutrient concentrations were assessed, PO(4-)-P, total P (TP), SiO2 and total silica (TSi) concentrations in the water column were all significantly higher under dark conditions (ANOVA, alpha=0.05). NH4-N (ammonium N) water column concentrations were observed to be higher under dark conditions at low temperatures and higher under light conditions following a high-temperature (23 degrees C) treatment. No significant light effects were observed for water column total N (TN) concentration. Flux estimates for all nutrients measured are given. In terms of water column nutrient stoichiometry, TN:TP ratio was significantly higher under light conditions, TSi:TN was significantly lower under light conditions, and TSi:TP did not vary significantly between the dark and light treatments. The main processes acting to regulate diffusive nutrient release appeared to be photosynthetic elevation of bottom water pH and dissolved oxygen concentration (both significantly higher under light conditions) and direct microalgal sequestration. Thus, a feedback mechanism exists in recovering shallow lakes where benthic microalgae can affect the stoichiometry (to favour P/Si limitation) of the plankton, and also of the main source of nutrients back to the sediments via the disproportionate regulation of sediment P, Si and N release.  相似文献   

The mineralization of [14C]glucose was reduced in sediments at pH 4 and 5 compared to pH 7. A large reduction in glucose mineralization was also observed at low temperature (0°C). The majority of bacterial isolates recovered at incubation temperatures of 0 and 20°C were psychrotrophic and the majority of both populations was resistant to lead and selenium while a smaller proportion was resistant to mercury and arsenic. Many of the bacteria were resistant to more than one of the elements. Lead and mercury were more toxic to bacterial growth at pH 4.5 than at 7.5, while selenium and arsenic were slightly more toxic at the higher pH values.  相似文献   

Characterising the nature and origin of suspended particulate and colloidal matter in surface waters is a necessary first step in determining the role of these materials in the transport of pollutants. With this aim in mind, samples of suspended sediment were collected from the R. Don, Scotland, and analysed by a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vertically attenuated infrared spectroscopy (VATIR). Additionally, the carbon and nitrogen contents of the sediment were measured. Samples were collected at eight sites along the river from the headwaters to the mouth, twice during periods of base flow, and once during a storm. During the base flows, the amount of suspended solids was typically no more than 1-10 mg l(-1), whereas the high flow samples contained up to 150 mg l(-1). XRD showed that the crystalline component of the high flow samples consisted of the clay minerals illite, chlorite, kaolin, hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, and a 10/14 A regularly interstratified mica/vermiculite. Non-clay components included quartz, feldspars, amphibole and goethite. Kaolin progressively increased in relative abundance downstream. The clay mineralogy of base flow samples was more or less identical to high flow samples but the non-clay components were reduced and, additionally, talc and calcite were present. The identification of many of the crystalline components was confirmed by VATIR, and amorphous silica was identified, particularly in base flow samples. Organic components were identified as wax, protein, and humate/fulvate. Proportionally more protein and wax components relative to silicates occurred in base flow samples, whereas the humate/fulvate component was most clearly identified in samples from the storm. Organic matter contents ranged from approximately 24% during base flow to 13% during the storm, whilst the C/N ratio showed a progressive decrease downstream, irrespective of flow conditions. Both the characteristics of the mineralogy and the organic matter suggested that topsoils were the primary source of the suspended sediment in the R. Don. However, the presence of talc and calcite were believed to fingerprint ground water sources, which together with the in-stream production of diatoms, may have accounted for a significant mass fraction of the suspended particulate matter during base flows.  相似文献   

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