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In the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten, this paper presents an extension of a previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D shock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken dam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. And third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems.  相似文献   

A finite volume method for geometries parameterized by Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) is proposed. Since the computational grid is inherently defined by the knot vectors of the NURBS parameterization, the mesh generation step simplifies here greatly and furthermore curved boundaries are resolved exactly. Based on the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, the main steps of the discretization are presented, with emphasis on the preservation of geometrical and physical properties. Moreover, the method is combined with a structural solver based on isogeometric finite elements in a partitioned fluid–structure interaction coupling algorithm that features a gap-free and non-overlapping interface even in the case of non-matching grids.  相似文献   

In many practical multiphase flow problems, i.e. treatment of gas emboli and various microfluidic applications, the effect of interfacial surfactants, or surface reacting agents, on the surface tension between the fluids is important. The surfactant concentration on an interface separating the fluids can be modeled with a time dependent differential equation defined on the moving and deforming interface. The equations for the location of the interface and the surfactant concentration on the interface are coupled with the Navier–Stokes equations. These equations include the singular surface tension forces from the interface on the fluid, which depend on the interfacial surfactant concentration.A new accurate and inexpensive numerical method for simulating the evolution of insoluble surfactants is presented in this paper. It is based on an explicit yet Eulerian discretization of the interface, which for two dimensional flows allows for the use of uniform one dimensional grids to discretize the equation for the interfacial surfactant concentration. A finite difference method is used to solve the Navier–Stokes equations on a regular grid with the forces from the interface spread to this grid using a regularized delta function. The timestepping is based on a Strang splitting approach.Drop deformation in shear flows in two dimensions is considered. Specifically, the effect of surfactant concentration on the deformation of the drops is studied for different sets of flow parameters.  相似文献   

A stabilization method for the spectral element computation of incompressible flow problems is investigated. It is based on a filtering procedure which consists in filtering the velocity field by a spectral vanishing Helmholtz-type operator at each time step. Relationship between this filtering procedure and SVV-stabilization method, introduced recently in [JCP, 2004, 196(2), p680], is established. A number of numerical examples are presented to show the accuracy and stabilization capability of the method.  相似文献   

A Galerkin finite element approximation of Wick-stochastic water waves is developed and numerically investigated. The problems under study consist of a class of shallow water equations driven by white noise. Random effects may appear in the water free surface or in the bottom topography among others. To perform a rigorous study of stochastic effects in the shallow water equations we employ techniques from Wick calculus. The differentiation respect to time and space along with the product operations are performed in a distribution sense. Using the Wiener-Itô chaos expansion for treating the randomness, the governing equations are transformed into a sequence of deterministic shallow water equations to be solved for each chaos coefficient by standard methods from computational fluid dynamics. In our study, we formulate a finite element method for spatial discretization and a backward Euler scheme for time integration. Once the chaos coefficients are obtained, statistical moments for the stochastic solution are carried out. Numerical results are presented for stochastic water waves in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

为提高光滑粒子(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,SPH)法模拟轴对称固体冲击的计算效率,将三维模型简化到二维轴对称平面上;为避免在构造轴对称SPH法过程中对光滑函数进行环向积分,在传统SPH法的基础上通过直接离散的方式,利用导数关系式与SPH法的近似特性,构造在轴对称柱坐标系下具有对称形式的粒子近似方程组.以泰勒杆冲击为例,将该方法的计算结果与实验以及商业软件得到的结果进行对比分析,验证所构造的轴对称SPH法的可靠性和正确性.  相似文献   

A novel axis treatment using parity conditions is presented for flow equations in cylindrical coordinates that are represented in azimuthal Fourier modes. The correct parity states of scalars and the velocity vector are derived such that symmetry conditions for each Fourier mode of the respective variable can be determined. These symmetries are then used to construct finite-difference and filter stencils at and near the axis, and an interpolation scheme for the computation of terms premultiplied by 1/r. A grid convergence study demonstrates that the axis treatment retains the formal accuracy of the spatial discretization scheme employed. Two further test cases are considered for evaluation of the axis treatment, the propagation of an acoustic pulse and direct numerical simulation of a fully turbulent supersonic axisymmetric wake. The results demonstrate the applicability of the axis treatment for non-axisymmetric flows.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a conservative discretization of the two-dimensional incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. We propose an extension of Arakawa’s classical finite difference scheme for fluid flow in the vorticity–stream function formulation to a high order discontinuous Galerkin approximation. In addition, we show numerical simulations that demonstrate the accuracy of the scheme and verify the conservation properties, which are essential for long time integration. Furthermore, we discuss the massively parallel implementation on graphic processing units.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a phase-field method applied to the fluid-based shape optimization. The fluid flow is governed by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. A phase field variable is used to represent material distributions and the optimized shape of the fluid is obtained by minimizing the certain objective functional regularized. The shape sensitivity analysis is presented in terms of phase field variable, which is the main contribution of this paper. It saves considerable amount of computational expense when the meshes are locally refined near the interfaces compared to the case of fixed meshes. Numerical results on some benchmark problems are reported, and it is shown that the phase-field approach for fluid shape optimization is efficient and robust.  相似文献   

An improved high resolution finite volume method based on linear and quadratic variable reconstructions using solution dependent weighted least squares (SDWLS) gradients has been presented here. An extended stencil consisting of vertex-based neighbours of a cell is used in the higher order reconstructions for inviscid flux computations. A QR algorithm with Householder transformation is used to solve the weighted least squares problem. In case of Navier–Stokes equations, viscous fluxes are discretized in a central differencing manner based on the Coirier’s diamond path. A few inviscid and viscous test cases are solved in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the present method. Progressive improvements in solution accuracy are observed with the increase in the order of variable reconstructions. In most cases, results of quadratic reconstruction show significant improvements over that of linear reconstruction.  相似文献   

We present a finite volume method for Stokes problems using the isoparametric Q1Q0 element pair on quadrilateral meshes. To offset the lack of the infsup condition, a jump term of discrete pressure (stabilizing term) is added to the continuity approximation equation. Thus, we establish a stabilized finite volume scheme on quadrilateral meshes. Then, based on some superclose estimates, we derive the optimal error estimates in the H1- and L2-norms for velocity and in the L2-norm for pressure, respectively. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate our theoretical analysis. We emphasize that our work is the first time to propose and analyze a finite volume method for Stoke problems using isoparametric elements on quadrilateral meshes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a meshless Galerkin boundary node method is developed for boundary-only analysis of the interior and exterior incompressible viscous fluid flows, governed by the Stokes equations, in biharmonic stream function formulation. This method combines scattered points and boundary integral equations. Some of the novel features of this meshless scheme are boundary conditions can be enforced directly and easily despite the meshless shape functions lack the delta function property, and system matrices are symmetric and positive definite. The error analysis and convergence study of both velocity and pressure are presented in Sobolev spaces. The performance of this approach is illustrated and assessed through some numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, the alternating group explicit (AGE) iterative method is applied to a nonlinear fourth-order PDE describing the flow of an incompressible fluid. This equation is a Ladyzhenskaya equation. The AGE method is shown to be extremely powerful and flexible and affords its users many advantages. Computational results are obtained to demonstrate the applicability of the method on some problems with known solutions. This paper demonstrates that the AGE method can be implemented to approximate solutions efficiently to the Navier–Stokes equations and the Ladyzhenskaya equations. Problems with a known solution are considered to test the method and to compare the computed results with the exact values. Streamfunction contours and some plots are displayed showing the main features of the solution.  相似文献   

The application of the fractional step projection method recently proposed by Guermond and Quartapelle to the numerical approximation of unsteady Navier–Stokes solutions by means of a spectral/p element method is considered. In particular we illustrate the second-order pressure correction technique and evaluate its accuracy properties in some test cases. Stability with respect to the compatibility condition between the approximation spaces for velocity and pressure is also addressed. The high (spectral) accuracy in space and the second-order accuracy in time are verified by two simple test cases with analytical solution. A more interesting problem is solved showing the ability of the method to produce very accurate results also for problems in complex geometries.  相似文献   

We introduce a two-level preconditioner for the efficient solution of large scale saddle-point linear systems arising from the finite element (FE) discretization of parametrized Stokes equations. This preconditioner extends the Multi Space Reduced Basis (MSRB) preconditioning method proposed in Dal Santo et al. (2018); it combines an approximated block (fine grid) preconditioner with a reduced basis (RB) solver which plays the role of coarse component. A sequence of RB spaces, constructed either with an enriched velocity formulation or a Petrov–Galerkin projection, is built. Each RB coarse component is defined to perform a single iteration of the iterative method at hand. The flexible GMRES (FGMRES) algorithm is employed to solve the resulting preconditioned system and targets small tolerances with a very small iteration count and in a very short time. Numerical test cases for Stokes flows in three dimensional parameter-dependent geometries are considered to assess the numerical properties of the proposed technique in different large scale computational settings.  相似文献   

In this work, a new fully discrete stabilized finite element method is studied for the two-dimensional transient Stokes equations. This method is to use the difference between a consistent mass matrix and underintegrated mass matrix as the complement for the pressure. The spatial discretization is based on the P1P1 triangular element for the approximation of the velocity and pressure, the time discretization is based on the Euler semi-implicit scheme. Some error estimates for the numerical solutions of fully discrete stabilized finite element method are derived. Finally, we provide some numerical experiments, compared with other methods, we can see that this novel stabilized method has better stability and accuracy results for the unsteady Stokes problem.  相似文献   

A meshless Galerkin scheme for the simulation of two-dimensional incompressible viscous fluid flows in primitive variables is described in this paper. This method combines a boundary integral formulation for the Stokes equation with the moving least-squares (MLS) approximations for construction of trial and test functions for Galerkin approximations. Unlike the domain-type method, this scheme requires only a nodal structure on the bounding surface of a body for approximation of boundary unknowns, thus it is especially suitable for the exterior problems. Compared to other meshless methods such as the boundary node method and the element free Galerkin method, in which the MLS is also introduced, boundary conditions do not present any difficulty in using this meshless method. The convergence and error estimates of this approach are presented. Numerical examples are also given to show the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

An accurate finite element method is developed for atomic calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) within local density approximation (LDA) and Hartree–Fock (HF) method. The radial wave functions are expanded by cubic Hermite spline functions on a uniform mesh for , and all the associated integrals are analytically evaluated in conjunction with fitting procedures of the Hartree and the exchange–correlation potentials to the same cubic Hermite spline functions using a set of recurrence formulas. The total energy of atoms systematically converges from above, and the error algebraically decays as the mesh spacing decreases. When the mesh spacing d is taken to be , the total energy for an atom of atomic number Z can be calculated within error of 10−7 hartree for both the LDA and HF methods. The equal applicability of the method to DFT and the HF method with a similar degree of high accuracy enables the method to be a reliable platform for development of new functionals in DFT such as hybrid functionals.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the coupling of fluid flow with porous media flow. A multi-grid finite element method for the coupled Stokes–Darcy problem with the Beavers–Joseph interface condition is proposed and discussed. The optimal error estimates are obtained. Numerical experiment is given to verify the theoretical analysis and indicate the accuracy and efficiency of the multi-grid method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the convergence and stability of the semi-implicit Euler method for linear stochastic delay integro-differential equations. It is proved that the semi-implicit Euler method is convergent with strong order p=0.5. The condition under which the method is asymptotic mean square stable is determined and numerical experiments are presented.  相似文献   

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