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Stochastic volatility (SV) models usually assume that the distribution of asset returns conditional on the latent volatility is normal. This article analyzes SV models with a mixture-of-normal distributions in order to compare with other heavy-tailed distributions such as the Student-t distribution and generalized error distribution (GED). A Bayesian method via Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is used to estimate parameters and Bayes factors are calculated to compare the fit of distributions. The method is illustrated by analyzing daily data from the Yen/Dollar exchange rate and the Tokyo stock price index (TOPIX). According to Bayes factors, we find that while the t distribution fits the TOPIX better than the normal, the GED and the normal mixture, the mixture-of-normal distributions give a better fit to the Yen/Dollar exchange rate than other models. The effects of the specification of error distributions on the Bayesian confidence intervals of future returns are also examined. Comparison of SV with GARCH models shows that there are cases that the SV model with the normal distribution is less effective to capture leptokurtosis than the GARCH with heavy-tailed distributions.  相似文献   

This paper studies a heavy-tailed stochastic volatility (SV) model with leverage effect, where a bivariate Student-t distribution is used to model the error innovations of the return and volatility equations. Choy et al. (2008) studied this model by expressing the bivariate Student-t distribution as a scale mixture of bivariate normal distributions. We propose an alternative formulation by first deriving a conditional Student-t distribution for the return and a marginal Student-t distribution for the log-volatility and then express these two Student-t distributions as a scale mixture of normal (SMN) distributions. Our approach separates the sources of outliers and allows for distinguishing between outliers generated by the return process or by the volatility process, and hence is an improvement over the approach of Choy et al. (2008). In addition, it allows an efficient model implementation using the WinBUGS software. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed approach and its comparison with the approach by Choy et al. (2008). In the empirical study, daily exchange rate returns of the Australian dollar to various currencies and daily stock market index returns of various international stock markets are analysed. Model comparison relies on the Deviance Information Criterion and convergence diagnostic is monitored by Geweke’s convergence test.  相似文献   

This paper presents a heavy-tailed mixture model for describing time-varying conditional distributions in time series of returns on prices. Student-t component distributions are taken to capture the heavy tails typically encountered in such financial data. We design a mixture MT(m)-GARCH(p, q) volatility model for returns, and develop an EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of its parameters. This includes formulation of proper temporal derivatives for the volatility parameters. The experiments with a low order MT(2)-GARCH(1, 1) show that it yields results with improved statistical characteristics and economic performance compared to linear and nonlinear heavy-tail GARCH, as well as normal mixture GARCH. We demonstrate that our model leads to reliable Value-at-Risk performance in short and long trading positions across different confidence levels.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility (SV) models using the class of symmetric scale mixtures of normal (SMN) distributions is considered. In the face of non-normality, this provides an appealing robust alternative to the routine use of the normal distribution. Specific distributions examined include the normal, student-t, slash and the variance gamma distributions. Using a Bayesian paradigm, an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is introduced for parameter estimation. Moreover, the mixing parameters obtained as a by-product of the scale mixture representation can be used to identify outliers. The methods developed are applied to analyze daily stock returns data on S&P500 index. Bayesian model selection criteria as well as out-of-sample forecasting results reveal that the SV models based on heavy-tailed SMN distributions provide significant improvement in model fit as well as prediction to the S&P500 index data over the usual normal model.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that many financial time series exhibit leptokurtosis and volatility clustering. We compare the two most commonly used statistical distributions in empirical analysis to capture these features: the t distribution and the generalized error distribution (GED). A Bayesian approach using a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method and a forecasting evaluation method are adopted for the comparison. In the Bayesian evaluation of eight daily market returns, we find that the fitted t error distribution outperforms the GED. In terms of volatility forecasting, models with t innovations also demonstrate superior out-of-sample performance.  相似文献   

The normality assumption concerning the distribution of equity returns has long been challenged both empirically and theoretically. Alternative distributions have been proposed to better capture the characteristics of equity return data. This paper investigates the ability of five alternative distributions to represent the behavior of daily equity index returns over the period 1979–2014: the skewed Student-t distribution, the generalized lambda distribution, the Johnson system of distributions, the normal inverse Gaussian distribution, and the g-and-h distribution. We find that the generalized lambda distribution is a prominent alternative for modeling the behavior of daily equity index returns.  相似文献   

We extend the full-factor multivariate GARCH model of Vrontos et al. (Econom J 6:312–334, 2003a) to account for fat tails in the conditional distribution of financial returns, using a multivariate Student-t error distribution. For the new class of Student-t full factor multivariate GARCH models, we derive analytical expressions for the score, the Hessian matrix and the Information matrix. These expressions can be used within classical inferential procedures in order to obtain maximum likelihood estimates for the model parameters. This fact, combined with the parsimonious parameterization of the covariance matrix under the full factor multivariate GARCH models, enables us to apply the models in high dimensional problems. We provide implementation details and illustrations using financial time series on eight stocks of the US market.  相似文献   

Although the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model has been quite successful in capturing important empirical aspects of financial data, particularly for the symmetric effects of volatility, it has had far less success in capturing the effects of extreme observations, outliers and skewness in returns. This paper examines the GARCH model under various non-normal error distributions in order to evaluate skewness and leptokurtosis. The empirical results show that GARCH models estimated using asymmetric leptokurtic distributions are superior to their counterparts estimated under normality, in terms of: (i) capturing skewness and leptokurtosis; (ii) the maximized log-likelihood values; and (iii) isolating the ARCH and GARCH parameter estimates from the adverse effects of outliers. Overall, the flexible asymmetric Student’s t-distribution performs best in capturing the non-normal aspects of the data.  相似文献   

We present a probabilistic model for robust factor analysis and principal component analysis in which the observation noise is modeled by Student-t distributions in order to reduce the negative effect of outliers. The Student-t distributions are modeled independently for each data dimensions, which is different from previous works using multivariate Student-t distributions. We compare methods using the proposed noise distribution, the multivariate Student-t and the Laplace distribution. Intractability of evaluating the posterior probability density is solved by using variational Bayesian approximation methods. We demonstrate that the assumed noise model can yield accurate reconstructions because corrupted elements of a bad quality sample can be reconstructed using the other elements of the same data vector. Experiments on an artificial dataset and a weather dataset show that the dimensional independency and the flexibility of the proposed Student-t noise model can make it superior in some applications.  相似文献   

Neural networks provide a tool for describing non-linearity in volatility processes of financial data and help to answer the question “how much” non-linearity is present in the data. Non-linearity is studied under three different specifications of the conditional distribution: Gaussian, Student-t and mixture of Gaussians. To rank the volatility models, a Bayesian framework is adopted to perform a Bayesian model selection within the different classes of models. In the empirical analysis, the return series of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, FTSE 100 and NIKKEI 225 indices over a period of 16 years are studied. The results show different behavior across the three markets. In general, if a statistical model accounts for non-normality and explains most of the fat tails in the conditional distribution, then there is less need for complex non-linear specifications.  相似文献   

It is well known that financial returns are usually not normally distributed, but rather exhibit excess kurtosis. This implies that there is greater probability mass at the tails of the marginal or conditional distribution. Mixture-type time series models are potentially useful for modeling financial returns. However, most of these models make the assumption that the return series in each component is conditionally Gaussian, which may result in underestimates of the occurrence of extreme financial events, such as market crashes. In this paper, we apply the class of Student t-mixture autoregressive (TMAR) models to the return series of the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index. A TMAR model consists of a mixture of g autoregressive components with Student t-error distributions. Several interesting properties make the TMAR process a promising candidate for financial time series modeling. These models are able to capture serial correlations, time-varying means and volatilities, and the shape of the conditional distributions can be time-varied from short- to long-tailed or from unimodal to multi-modal. The use of Student t-distributed errors in each component of the model allows for conditional leptokurtic distribution, which can account for the commonly observed unconditional kurtosis in financial data.  相似文献   

This paper considers testing for jumps in the exponential GARCH (EGARCH) models with Gaussian and Student-t innovations. The Wald and log likelihood ratio tests contain a nuisance parameter unidentified under the null hypothesis of no jumps, and hence are unavailable for this problem, because jump probability and variance of jumps in the test statistic cannot be estimated under the null hypothesis of no jumps. It is shown that the nuisance parameter is cancelled out in the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test statistic, and hence that the test is nuisance parameter-free. The one-sided test is also proposed using the nonnegative constraint on jump variance. The actual size and power of the tests are examined in a Monte Carlo experiment. The test is applied to daily returns of S&P 500 as an illustrative example.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to derive diagnostic procedures based on case-deletion model for symmetrical nonlinear regression models, which complements Galea et al. (2005) that developed local influence diagnostics under some perturbation schemes. This class of models includes all symmetric continuous distributions for errors covering both light- and heavy-tailed distributions such as Student-t, logistic-I and -II, power exponential, generalized Student-t, generalized logistic and contaminated normal, among others. Thus, these models can be checked for robustness to outliers in the response variable and diagnostic methods may be a useful tool for an appropriate choice. First, an iterative process for the parameter estimation as well as some inferential results are presented. Besides, we present the results of a simulation study in which the characteristics of heavy-tailed models are evaluated in the presence of outliers. Then, we derive some diagnostic measures such as Cook distance, W-K statistic, one-step approach and likelihood displacement, generalizing results obtained for normal nonlinear regression models. Also, we present simulation studies that illustrate the behavior of diagnostic measures proposed. Finally, we consider two real data sets previously analyzed under normal nonlinear regression models. The diagnostic analysis indicates that a Student-t nonlinear regression model seems to fit the data better than the normal nonlinear regression model as well as other symmetrical nonlinear models in the sense of robustness against extreme observations.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to derive local influence curvatures under various perturbation schemes for elliptical linear models with longitudinal structure. The elliptical class provides a useful generalization of the normal model since it covers both light- and heavy-tailed distributions for the errors, such as Student-t, power exponential, contaminated normal, among others. It is well known that elliptical models with longer-than-normal tails may present robust parameter estimates against outlying observations. However, little has been investigated on the robustness aspects of the parameter estimates against perturbation schemes. We use appropriate derivative operators to express the normal curvatures in tractable forms for any correlation structure. Estimation procedures for the position and variance-covariance parameters are also presented. A data set previously analyzed under a normal linear mixed model is reanalyzed under elliptical models. Local influence graphics are used to select less sensitive models with respect to some perturbation schemes.  相似文献   

A new multivariate volatility model where the conditional distribution of a vector time series is given by a mixture of multivariate normal distributions is proposed. Each of these distributions is allowed to have a time-varying covariance matrix. The process can be globally covariance stationary even though some components are not covariance stationary. Some theoretical properties of the model such as the unconditional covariance matrix and autocorrelations of squared returns are derived. The complexity of the model requires a powerful estimation algorithm. A simulation study compares estimation by maximum likelihood with the EM algorithm. Finally, the model is applied to daily US stock returns.  相似文献   

Realized volatility, which is the sum of squared intraday returns over a certain interval such as a day, has recently attracted the attention of financial economists and econometricians as an accurate measure of the true volatility. In the real market, however, the presence of non-trading hours and market microstructure noise in transaction prices may cause bias in the realized volatility. On the other hand, daily returns are less subject to noise and therefore may provide additional information on the true volatility. From this point of view, modeling realized volatility and daily returns simultaneously based on the well-known stochastic volatility model is proposed. Empirical studies using intraday data of Tokyo stock price index show that this model can estimate realized volatility biases and parameters simultaneously. The Bayesian approach is taken and an efficient sampling algorithm is proposed to implement the Markov chain Monte Carlo method for our simultaneous model. The result of the model comparison between the simultaneous models using both naive and scaled realized volatilities indicates that the effect of non-trading hours is more essential than that of microstructure noise and that asymmetry is crucial in stochastic volatility models. The proposed Bayesian approach provides an estimate of the entire conditional predictive distribution of returns under consideration of the uncertainty in the estimation of both biases and parameters. Hence common risk measures, such as value-at-risk and expected shortfall, can be easily estimated.  相似文献   

In recent research [B. Seo, Distribution theory for unit root tests with conditional heteroskedasticity, J. Econometrics 91 (1999) 113–144] has suggested that the examination of the unit root hypothesis in series exhibiting GARCH behaviour should proceed via joint maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the unit root testing equation and GARCH process. The results presented show the asymptotic distribution of the resulting ML t-test to be a mixture of the Dickey–Fuller and standard normal distributions. In this paper, the relevance of these asymptotic arguments is considered for the finite samples encountered in empirical research. In particular, the influences of sample size, alternative values of the parameters of the GARCH process and the use of the Bollerslev–Wooldridge covariance matrix estimator upon the finite-sample distribution of the ML t-statistic are explored. It is shown that the resulting critical values for the ML t-statistic are similar to those of the Dickey–Fuller distribution rather than the standard normal, unless a large sample size and empirically unrealistic values of the volatility parameter of the GARCH process are considered. Use of the Bollerslev–Wooldridge standard covariance matrix estimator exaggerates this finding, causing a leftward shift in the finite-sample distribution of the ML t-statistic. The results of the simulation analysis are illustrated via an application to U.S. short term interest rates.  相似文献   

This study examines the Koehler and Symanovski copula function with specific marginals, such as the skew Student-t, the skew generalized secant hyperbolic, and the skew generalized exponential power distributions, in modelling financial returns and measuring dependent risks. The copula function can be specified by adding interaction terms to the cumulative distribution function for the case of independence. It can also be derived using a particular transformation of independent gamma functions. The advantage of using this distribution relative to others lies in its ability to model complex dependence structures among subsets of marginals, as we show for aggregate dependent risks of some market indices.  相似文献   

An indirect estimation approach for elliptical stable distributions is presented. The auxiliary model is another elliptical distribution, the multivariate Student-t distribution. It has parameters that have a one-to-one relationship with those of the elliptical stable, making the proposed indirect approach particularly suitable. The finite sample behaviour of the estimators is analyzed using a comprehensive Monte Carlo study. An application to 27 emerging markets stock indexes concludes the paper.  相似文献   

In this study 10 min frequency realized variance series are used to forecast the volatility of S&P 500 index (SPX) daily returns. The logarithm-transformed realized variances are modeled directly in the AR(FI)MA model specification in which the structure of the model is optimized using the AICc criterion. As reported in previous literature, the approximately normal structure of distribution of the logarithm-transformed realized variance series can be modeled directly in structure of the AR(FI)MA process. However, in this study, it is recognized the statistically significant non-normal property of the logarithm-transformed realized variances. Hence, to forecast volatility the non-normality is exploited to improve efficiency of volatility forecasts. It is also observed that in the context of the AR(FI)MA model specification the futures and index based deseasonalized returns for the realized variance estimates improve the forecast performance. Considering the seasonality effect and the distributional properties of the estimated realized variance series, it is evident that the information content of the futures (ES) high frequency observations produces the most accurate forecasts.  相似文献   

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