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MJ Hunter  AM Molinaro 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,55(7):684-7; discussion 687-8
PURPOSE: Previous studies regarding anesthetic-related morbidity and mortality rates in the oral surgery office have usually taken the form of a survey. This retrospective investigation of outpatient anesthetic morbidity and mortality was undertaken to compare the safety record of an oral and maxillofacial surgery training program with that of private practitioners. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Records from all outpatient general anesthesia cases performed in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Boston University Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry between August 13, 1990, and September 30, 1994, were reviewed for the incidence of nineteen separate categories of morbidity. RESULTS: There were 1,126 general anesthetics performed. There were 26 recorded incidents of morbidity (2.3%), none of which resulted in any postoperative sequelae. There were no deaths. The most common complication encountered was laryngospasm, with nine recorded incidents (0.8%). The second most common complication was cardiac dysrhythmia with eight recorded incidents (0.8%). CONCLUSIONS: The low incidence of anesthetic-related morbidity seen in this study can most likely be attributed to proper patient selection. A carefully reviewed medical history and physical examination are the two most useful methods to prevent anesthetic emergencies. Another factor considered when selecting the proper anesthetic method includes the length and difficulty of the surgical procedure, with outpatient general anesthesia being reserved for those procedures that are predicted to be relatively short (30 to 45 minutes), and with little potential for airway difficulties.  相似文献   

We evaluated in vivo interactions between extrinsic (growth factor induced) and intrinsic (genetically determined) effectors of mouse primitive hemopoietic stem cell proliferation and numbers. Accordingly, stem cell frequency and cell cycle kinetics were assessed in eight strains of inbred mice using the cobblestone area-forming cell (CAFC) assay. A strong inverse correlation was observed between mouse lifespan and the number of autonomously cycling progenitors (CAFC day 7) in the femur. The population size of primitive stem cells (CAFC day 35) varied widely (up to sevenfold) among strains, unlike total CAFC day 7 numbers (cycling and quiescent), which were similar. Administration of the early acting cytokine flt-3 ligand to these strains resulted in activation of quiescent primitive stem cells exclusively in strains with high endogenous stem cell numbers (DBA and AKR), but was unrelated to strain-specific progenitor cell cycling. To map loci affecting stem cell frequency, we quantified stem cells in BXD recombinant inbred mice (offspring of C57BL/6 and DBA/2). The resulting strain distribution pattern showed high concordance with a marker that mapped to chromosome 18 (19 cM). Linkage with this genomic interval was associated with a likelihood of odds score of 3.3, surpassing the level required for significance. Interestingly, this segment, containing the EGR-1 gene, shows synteny with human chromosome 5q, a region strongly associated with various hematological malignancies. Our findings indicate that a gene mapping to this region is mutated in either C57BL/6 or DBA/2 (and possibly AKR) mice. These studies in apparently healthy mice may facilitate the identification of a gene implicated in human 5q-syndromes.  相似文献   

This is the first report of the long-term therapeutic results in 22 children more than 1 year old with stage IV neuroblastoma who were treated with autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT). The median age of the patients at PBSCT was 4 years (1 to 10 years) and seven of the 17 patients who were evaluated for N-myc amplification were positive. PBSC were collected by a median of four aphereses per patient. The patients underwent PBSCT from 6 to 21 months after the start of therapy (median 10.5 months) at which time 13 patients were in CR, seven were in PR, and two had refractory disease. Multi-drug therapy using the 'high-MEC' regimen consisting of carboplatinum (400 mg/m2) and VP-16 (200 mg/m2) on days -7 to -4, and melphalan (90 mg/m2) on days -3 and -2, was the primary cytoreductive regimen. The median number of infused MNC and CFU-GM was, respectively, 4.3 x 10(8)/kg and 2.4 x 10(5)/kg. After PBSCT, three patients died of regimen-related toxicities and one patient who was transplanted with refractory disease died of disease progression without any benefit from transplantation. Hematological recovery was evaluated in 21 patients, excluding one early death. The median number of days required to achieve an AGC of >0.5 x 10(9)/l and platelet count of >50 x 10(9)/l were, respectively, 11 and 46. Eleven patients relapsed 3 to 50 months after PBSCT, and currently seven patients (5/13 who were transplanted in CR and 2/7 in PR) are surviving disease-free at 52 to 84 months. Although the retrospective nature of this study and several variables prevent a meaningful analysis, the overall results still support the feasibility of developing a prospective study of PBSCT with a larger number of children with high-risk neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sulphidoleukotrienes (slt) are important mediators in allergic diseases that are synthesized after allergen-specific stimulation. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to determine in vitro slt production after allergen-specific (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) stimulus of peripheral blood leucocytes and to observe whether histamine release in whole blood with the same allergen correlates with slt production. We also wanted to evaluate whether a correlation exists between the release of slt and histamine and other diagnostic procedures as well as various clinical situations. METHODS: We studied 62 patients sensitive to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), 30 atopic controls and 12 healthy donors. We determined slt production using the CAST-ELISA technique and histamine release using two concentrations of Der p extract (20 and 2 ng/mL). We also carried out quantification of specific and total IgE levels, skin tests and pulmonary function test on each patient. RESULTS: We observed a significantly increased slt release after in vitro stimulation with Der p. There was a significant difference in the slt release between controls and sensitive patients (P < 0.001) and between atopic controls and sensitive patients (P < 0.001). The data are similar to those obtained with histamine release. We noted a positive correlation (P < 0.001) between slt and histamine release (r = 0.71, at 2 ng/mL and r = 0.83 at 20 ng/mL). We also found a positive (P<0.001), although weak (r=0.4 with at 2ng/mL, and r = 0.34 with P = 0.003 at 20 ng/mL) correlation between slt release and specific IgE levels as well as between slt release and skin-test reactivity (r = 0.49 at 2 ng/mL and r = 0.45 at 20 ng/mL; P < 0.001). No significant correlation between slt release and asthma severity was observed, although a trend toward higher slt production in severe and moderate asthma was detected. We found a significant (P<0.001) but weak (r=-0.3) negative correlation between age and slt release. With respect to sex-related differences, we found significant differences (P < 0.05) in slt release between the sexes with a higher slt release in men than in women. CONCLUSION: We conclude that CAST-ELISA for quantification of slt production is a useful in vitro method for diagnosing sensitization to Der p. There also exists a close correlation between slt release and other parameters of allergic sensitization in vitro as well as in vivo.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway, which includes extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1, ERK2) and MAP kinase kinases 1 and 2 (MKK1, MKK2), is well-known to be required for cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase, but its role in somatic cell mitosis has not been clearly established. We have examined the regulation of ERK and MKK in mammalian cells during mitosis using antibodies selective for active phosphorylated forms of these enzymes. In NIH 3T3 cells, both ERK and MKK are activated within the nucleus during early prophase; they localize to spindle poles between prophase and anaphase, and to the midbody during cytokinesis. During metaphase, active ERK is localized in the chromosome periphery, in contrast to active MKK, which shows clear chromosome exclusion. Prophase activation and spindle pole localization of active ERK and MKK are also observed in PtK1 cells. Discrete localization of active ERK at kinetochores is apparent by early prophase and during prometaphase with decreased staining on chromosomes aligned at the metaphase plate. The kinetochores of chromosomes displaced from the metaphase plate, or in microtubule-disrupted cells, still react strongly with the active ERK antibody. This pattern resembles that reported for the 3F3/2 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes a phosphoepitope that disappears with kinetochore attachment to the spindles, and has been implicated in the mitotic checkpoint for anaphase onset (Gorbsky and Ricketts, 1993. J. Cell Biol. 122:1311-1321). The 3F3/2 reactivity of kinetochores on isolated chromosomes decreases after dephosphorylation with protein phosphatase, and then increases after subsequent phosphorylation by purified active ERK or active MKK. These results suggest that the MAP kinase pathway has multiple functions during mitosis, helping to promote mitotic entry as well as targeting proteins that mediate mitotic progression in response to kinetochore attachment.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic, physiological and morphological evidence indicates that interactions between chromaffin and adrenocortical cells are involved in the differentiation and maintenance of function of both cell types. Chromaffin-adrenocortical interaction has become recognized as an important component of adrenocortical regulation; however, the mechanisms by which chromaffin cells modulate adrenocortical function are not well understood. To study directly chromaffin-adrenocortical cellular interactions, we developed primary frog (Rana pipiens) adrenal co-cultures. In these co-cultures, chromaffin cells extend processes that project towards or onto adrenocortical cells, mimicking their organization in vivo and indicating a potential for interaction between the two cell types. Cell survival and differentiation were optimized using a combination of NGF, FGF and histamine to enhance neurite outgrowth and fetal calf serum plus 10(-10) M ACTH to maintain steroidogenesis. Characterization of the cells by immunocytochemistry and histochemistry showed that chromaffin cells maintain expression of catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes and that adrenocortical cells maintain expression of steroidogenic enzymes. Furthermore, chromaffin cells release catecholamines upon stimulation with carbamylcholine or potassium while adrenocortical cells sustain a basal secretion rate of aldosterone and corticosterone that is augmented 10-40-fold by 0.1 nM to 10 nM ACTH. We therefore propose that these co-cultures serve as a useful model system to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which chromaffin cells modulate adrenocortical cell function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the safety and efficacy of an immunogenic gene therapy using a drug designed to produce expression of a foreign class I major histocompatibility complex protein in patients with head and neck cancer. DESIGN: Phase 1 prospective clinical trial. SETTING: Academic medical setting. PATIENTS: Nine patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma who had failed conventional therapy and did not express HLA-B7, a class I major histocompatibility complex protein. INTERVENTION: Patients were treated with Allovectin-7 (Vical Inc, San Diego, Calif) by direct intratumoral injection. Allovectin-7 contains a plasmid complementary DNA complexed with a cationic lipid, which results in expression of HLA-B7. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients were assessed for any toxic effects and for any change in tumor volume. Biopsy specimens obtained before and after therapy were evaluated by immunohistochemistry to detect HLA-B7 expression and with the terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay to detect any induction of apoptosis. RESULTS: There were no toxic effects of the gene therapy. In 4 of these 9 patients there was a partial response to treatment, evidenced by a gradual reduction in tumor size. One patient has remained alive for more than 17 months since commencing treatment, with no clinical evidence of disease but with persistent histological evidence of cancer. Analysis of the biopsy specimens from 2 of the patients who responded to therapy demonstrated HLA-B7 expression. The TUNEL assay demonstrated extensive apoptosis in both of these patients, suggesting that this may be the mechanism of tumor reduction. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate the potential efficacy and lack of toxicity of this form of alloantigen gene therapy. A multi-institutional study has been initiated to expand on these findings.  相似文献   

The method of equilibrium filtration described by Fazekas and Webster (7, 8) for the determination of the concentration (A) and quality (K) of influenza virus antibody molecules was modified in order to permit such determinations to be made for rubella virus hemagglutination inhibiting (HI) antibodies. The technique was used for determining the A and K values of humans with recent and past rubella infection. Sera from patients collected within 59 days after onset of rubella rash were found to have larger K values than found for sera collected therafter or from persons with past rubella infection. The difference in K values was found not to depend on the levels of IgM rubella antibodies. Therefore, sera from persons with recent and past rubella infection can be distinguished by use of this technique independently from the relative concentrations of rubella IgM and IgG HI antibodies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to present the updated Institut Gustave Roussy experience of the predictive value of three biological parameters in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck (HNSCC) treated with radiation therapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Three parameters have been investigated independently: tumor cell kinetics (TS, Tpot and LI), oxygen tension measurements (PO2) and intrinsic radiosensitivity (SF2Gy). RESULTS: No relationship has been found between local-regional control and Tpot or LI in a series of 74 patients. Our data also support that the surviving fraction at 2 Gy, (SF2) was unlikely to predict the clinical outcome in a series of 92 patients. Differences in PO2 measurements have been observed between tumors, and tumor oxygenation was lower than that of normal tissue for the majority of patients. However PO2 measurements did not predict clinical outcome, but further investigations are needed to draw definitive conclusions, given the limited number of patients entered in our study (35 patients). In addition, we were able to measure the three parameters in 10 patients showing no correlation between PO2, SF2 and Tpot. CONCLUSIONS: The method used to evaluate Tpot and SF2 did not provide clinically relevant predictive parameters for this type of cancer. Further investigations are needed to assess the predictive value of PO2 measurements and of new biological parameters in a multiparametric approach, taking into account other possible clinical and biological confounding factors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this randomized trial was to assess the potential therapeutic advantage of an intensive induction-sequential chemotherapy schedule (bleomycin, vincristine, cisplatin [BOP])/etoposide, ifosfamide, cisplatin, and bleomycin [VIP-B]), compared with a regimen based on bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) (BEP/etoposide and cisplatin [EP]) for the treatment of patients with poor-prognosis metastatic nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients had one or more of the following: a retroperitoneal mass > or = 10 cm in diameter; mediastinal or supraclavicular mass > or = 5 cm in diameter; at least 20 lung metastases (any size); liver, bone, or brain metastases; and serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (betaHCG) > or = 10,000 IU/L or alfa fetoprotein (AFP) > or = 1,000 IU/L. A total of 380 patients were accrued between May 1990 and June 1994 into this joint Medical Research Council (MRC)/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial; of these, nine patients were deemed ineligible. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two arms in the proportion of patients who achieved a complete response (CR) with chemotherapy alone, ie, 79 of 185 assessable patients (57%) with BEP/EP and 72 of 186 (54%) with BOP/VIP-B (P = 0.687). With a median follow-up of 3.1 years (maximum, 5.8), a total of 107 patients (28%) had progressive disease. There was no significant difference in time to first disease progression, or failure-free or overall survival between the two arms (P = 0.21, 0.101, and 0.190, respectively). The 1-year failure-free survival rates for BEP/EP and BOP/VIP-B were 60% (95% confidence interval [CI], 53% to 67%) and 53% (95% CI, 47% to 61%). Grade 3 or 4 myelosuppression, febrile neutropenia, and weight loss were more pronounced with BOP/VIP-B than with BEP/EP, and there were more toxic deaths with BOP/VIP-B than BEP/EP (18 [9%] v nine [5%]). CONCLUSION: The intensive BOP/VIP-B therapy was associated with more toxicity, but there was no evidence of an improvement in response rate or survival compared with treatment with BEP/EP.  相似文献   

In a search for the molecular basis of ABH status of tumors as correlated with malignancy, we studied various malignancy-related phenotypes of high H/Le(y)-expressing tumor cell lines in comparison with phenotypes of the same lines transfected with histo-blood group A or B genes. A and B gene transfectants, prepared independently from different H-active parental cells, showed A or B activity and abolition of H activity. All A and B gene transfectants, regardless of source, were characterized by significantly reduced Matrigel-dependent haptotactic motility. The level of haptotaxis of all transfectants was similar to that of parental cells in the presence of antibodies against human integrin subunits alpha3, alpha6, or beta1. These subunits showed high expression of A or B epitope in the A and B gene transfectants. Enhancement versus reduction of malignancy, associated with deletion versus induction of A/B epitopes, may be due in part to enhanced haptotaxis sustained by alpha3, alpha6, and beta1 integrin receptors, the activities of which are regulated by H or A/B glycosylation. These phenotypic changes provide a rationale for the deletion of A and B epitopes as one criterion defining human tumor malignancy.  相似文献   

In order to dissect at the ultrastructural level the morphology of highly dynamic processes such as cell motility, membrane trafficking events, and organelle movements, it is necessary to fix/stop time-dependent events in the millisecond range. Ideally, immunoelectron microscopical labeling experiments require the availability of high-affinity antibodies and accessibility to all compartments of the cell. The biggest challenge is to define an optimum between significant preservation of the antigenicity in the fixed material without compromising the intactness of fine structures. Here, we present a procedure which offers an opportunity to unify preparation of cell monolayers for immunocytochemistry in fluorescence and electron microscopy. This novel strategy combines a rapid ethane-freezing technique with a low temperature methanol-fixation treatment (EFMF) and completely avoids chemical fixatives. It preserves the position and delicate shape of cells and organelles and leads to improved accessibility of the intracellular antigens and to high antigenicity preservation. We illustrate the establishment of this procedure using Dictyostelium discoideum, a powerful model organism to study molecular mechanisms of membrane trafficking and cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Examined the long- and short-term effects of a behavioral weight control program for 10 mentally retarded Ss (mean age 22.7 yrs, mean IQ 52.5) that incorporated teaching about diet, emphasizing exercise, using positive reinforcement, providing periodic weighings, involving parents and group home leaders, and teaching skills to encourage continuing or maintaining weight loss after the end of the program. Weight loss, changes in knowledge of behavioral and nutritional principles, and measures of aerobic fitness and body size were assessed using a nutrition and self-management test. Results indicate significant changes on all measures but arm girth for all Ss at the end of the program, but weight losses were no longer significant at 1-yr follow-up. Ss who were withdrawn from the program by their group home managers showed significant weight gains over the year. Ss' IQ scores were significantly correlated with posttest and follow-up weight losses, and those residing with parents rather than in group homes tended to remain in the program and to lose weight. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the socioemotional and behavioral outcomes of adolescents referred to voluntary military-style residential treatment. Adolescents (N = 232) with conduct problems were classified into three groups: adolescents who completed treatment, adolescents who withdrew from treatment, and wait list controls. Six months after treatment, boys and girls who completed military-style residential treatment showed fewer externalizing problems, greater adaptive skills, and better behavioral outcomes (e.g., high school completion, employment, lower recidivism) than comparison youths. Results were not maintained at 36-month follow-up. Adolescents who enlisted in the military after treatment showed better outcomes at 36-month follow-up than youths who returned home after treatment. Results indicate that the benefits of treatment might be tangible but short-lived for adolescents who return to their communities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A case control study was undertaken to compare the distribution of apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes in patients suffering from atherosclerosis and undergoing coronary bypass surgery with the distribution observed in adequately selected controls. Cases differed from controls for triglycerides (1.90 +/- 0.88 mmol l-1 and 1.16 +/- 0.79 mmol l-1, P < 0.0001, respectively), HDL cholesterol (1.15 +/- 0.34 mmol l-1 and 1.69 +/- 0.42 mmol l-1, P < 0.0001, respectively), apolipoprotein AI (1.31 +/- 0.24 g l-1 and 1.70 +/- 0.29 g l-1, P < 0.0001, respectively) and lipoprotein a (Lp(a)) (0.32 +/- 0.30 g l-1 and 0.19 +/- 0.20 g l-1, P < 0.0001, respectively). The apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes were distributed differently in cases and controls (chi 2 = 25.26, P < 0.0001) with a lower percentage of isoforms of larger size and a higher percentage of isoforms of smaller size in patients. The Lp(a) concentration remained significantly higher in patients than in controls for most of the phenotypes, suggesting that both a high Lp(a) concentration and a different apolipoprotein (a) size distribution could be involved in the development of atherosclerosis in this population. In addition, patients exhibiting the highest Lp(a) concentrations had higher levels of LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B than patients exhibiting the lowest Lp(a) concentrations. This feature was not observed in controls. By contrast, controls with the highest Lp(a) concentration had significantly higher triglyceride levels than controls with the lowest Lp(a) concentration. This feature was not observed in patients. Our results indicate that patients undergoing bypass surgery have higher Lp(a) concentrations than controls, this increase being not completely explained by the difference in apolipoprotein (a) phenotype distribution. The high Lp(a) concentration seems to be associated with different lipid profiles in patients than in controls.  相似文献   

Whereas the understanding of the mechanisms underlying skeletal and cardiac muscle development has been increased dramatically in recent years, the understanding of smooth muscle development is still in its infancy. This paper summarizes studies on the ontogeny of chicken smooth muscle cells in the wall of the aorta and aortic arch-derived arteries. Employing immunocytochemistry with antibodies against smooth muscle contractile and extracellular matrix proteins we trace smooth muscle cell patterning from early development throughout adulthood. Comparing late stage embryos to young and adult chickens we demonstrate, for all the stages analyzed, that the cells in the media of aortic arch-derived arteries and of the thoracic aorta are organized in alternating lamellae. The lamellar cells, but not the interlamellar cells, express smooth muscle specific contractile proteins and are surrounded by basement membrane proteins. This smooth muscle cell organization of lamellar and interlamellar cells is fully acquired by embryonic day 11 (ED 11). We further show that, during earlier stages of embryogenesis (ED3 through ED7), cells expressing smooth muscle proteins appear only in the peri-endothelial region of the aortic and aortic arch wall and are organized as a narrow band of cells that does not demonstrate the lamellar-interlamellar pattern. On ED9, infrequent cells organized in lamellar-interlamellar organization can be detected and their frequency increases by ED10. In addition to changes in cell organization, we show that there is a characteristic sequence of contractile and extracellular matrix protein expression during development of the aortic wall. At ED3 the peri-endothelial band of differentiated smooth muscle cells is already positive for smooth muscle alpha actin (alphaSM-actin) and fibronectin. By the next embryonic day the peri-endothelial cell layer is also positive for smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (SM-MLCK). Subsequently, by ED5 this peri-endothelial band of differentiated smooth muscle cells is positive for alphaSM-actin, SM-MLCK, SM-calponin, fibronectin, and collagen type IV. However, laminin and desmin (characteristic basement membrane and contractile proteins of smooth muscle) are first seen only at the onset of the lamellar-interlamellar cell organization (ED9 to ED10). We conclude that the development of chicken aortic smooth muscle involves transitions in cell organization and in expression of smooth muscle proteins until the adult-like phenotype is achieved by mid-embryogenesis. This detailed analysis of the ontogeny of chick aortic smooth muscle should provide a sound basis for future studies on the regulatory mechanisms underlying vascular smooth muscle development.  相似文献   

Double- and triple-resonance heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy have been used to determine the high-resolution solution structure of the minimal B-Myb DNA-binding domain (B-MybR2R3) and to characterize the specific complex formed with a synthetic DNA fragment corresponding to the Myb target site on the Myb-regulated gene tom-1. B-MybR2R3 is shown to consist of two independent protein domains (R2 and R3) joined by a short linker, which have strikingly different tertiary structures despite significant sequence similarities. In addition, the C-terminal region of B-Myb R2 is confirmed to have a poorly defined structure, reflecting the existence of multiple conformations in slow to intermediate exchange. This contrasts with the tertiary structure reported for c-MybR2R3, in which both R2 and R3 have the same fold and the C-terminal region of R2 forms a stable, well-defined helix [Ogata, K., et al. (1995) Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 309-320]. The NMR data suggest there are extensive contacts between B-MybR2R3 and its DNA target site in the complex and are consistent with a significant conformational change in the protein on binding to DNA, with one possibility being the formation of a stable helix in the C-terminal region of R2. In addition, conformational heterogeneity identified in R2 of B-MybR2R3 bound to the tom-1-A target site may play an important role in the control of gene expression by Myb proteins.  相似文献   

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