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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Our objective was to find the specific angiographic characteristics of atherosclerotic lesions that indicate suitability for intracranial percutaneous transluminal cerebral balloon angioplasty (PTCBA). METHODS: Forty-two clinically symptomatic patients with 42 hemodynamically significant intracranial lesions (>70% stenosis) were treated by PTCBA between January 1992 and May 1996. Before treatment, the patients were assigned to three groups according to the angiographic characteristics of the lesions, as follows: type A, short (5 mm or less in length) concentric or moderately eccentric lesions less than totally occlusive; type B, tubular (5 to 10 mm in length), extremely eccentric or totally occluded lesions, less than 3 months old; and type C, diffuse (more than 10 mm in length), extremely angulated (>90 degrees) lesions with excessive tortuosity of the proximal segment, or totally occluded lesions, and 3 months old or older. The patients were followed up for a period of 1 month to 6 years to compare the results of PTCBA treatment among the three groups. Primary end points were death, stroke, or bypass surgery. RESULTS: The clinical success rates for the type A, B, and C groups were 92%, 86%, and 33%, respectively. Cumulative risks of fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke or ipsilateral bypass surgery in type A, B, and C groups were 8%, 26%, and 87%, respectively. The cumulative risk of 8% among patients in the type A group appeared to be smaller than in studies reported in the literature. CONCLUSION: PTCBA for intracranial simple (type A) lesions yields a favorable clinical outcome for symptomatic patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of thermal balloon percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty using radiofrequency energy in the treatment of patients with failed coronary angioplasty and complex lesions. In addition, we evaluated restenosis after radiofrequency thermal balloon applications. BACKGROUND: The efficacy of coronary angioplasty is limited by the relatively low success rate in complex lesions and the high frequency of restenosis. Few reports have studied the combined effects of pressure and laser thermal energy. This study describes a new device for coronary angioplasty using radiofrequency thermal energy. METHODS: Thirty-two patients with failed conventional coronary angioplasty or complex lesions were treated with radiofrequency thermal balloon coronary angioplasty. Radiofrequency energy was delivered up to 11 times in exposures ranging from 30 to 60 s in duration. This combined effect allowed the vascular wall to be heated to temperatures ranging from 60 to 70 degrees C. Follow-up coronary angiography was performed, on average, 6 months after the procedure. RESULTS: Successful radiofrequency coronary angioplasty was achieved in 28 (82%) of 34 lesions. There was one abrupt coronary artery occlusion (3%) and no death, perforation or dissection. Angiographic restenosis occurred in 14 (56%) of 25 lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with failed coronary angioplasty and difficult complex lesions, radiofrequency coronary angioplasty could potentially improve angioplasty success rates and may have important implications for bailout cases with abrupt occlusion. However, restenosis remains a significant problem.  相似文献   

Restenosis is a clinical problem after coronary angioplasty associated with major ischemic events or repeat interventions in 20-50% of the patients undergoing this procedure. Major efforts have been undertaken in the past decade to successfully prevent or treat restenosis but no pharmacologic approach to the problem has as yet been identified to be effective enough in clinical conditions. New strategies to cope with restenosis are targeted by local application of ionizing radiation which markedly reduces cell proliferation after angioplasty in animal experiments. Preliminary clinical trials indicate that endovascular radiation therapy is a safe and effective means to treat restenosis. Randomized, multicenter studies with long follow-up periods are needed to support these early results.  相似文献   

Symptomatic restenosis occurs in approximately 30-40% of patients after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Despite intensive research, the primary pathophysiological mediators have not been defined, and pharmacological therapy has not been effective in preventing restenosis. Restenosis is a multifactorial and sequential process, which is initiated by mechanical injury of the vessel wall, and involves neointima formation caused by the local proliferation of smooth muscle cells and production of an extracellular matrix, followed by vascular remodelling. Numerous mediators are involved in these processes, e.g., protooncogenes, growth factors, cytokines and nitric oxide. This review discusses the pathobiological mechanisms underlying coronary restenosis, and outlines the prospects for future therapy.  相似文献   

From December 1989 to October 1996, 1,318 PTCAs (percutaneous transluminal coronaly angioplasty) were performed for AMI (acute myocardial infarction) or postinfarction angina in our institute. Within 7 days to 71 days after successful PTCA, five patients who had been diagnosed as cholelithiasis or gastric cancer were operated under general anesthesia. Performed operations were cholecystectomy in the first patient, subtotal gastrectomy in the second, third and fourth patients, and total gastrectomy and cholecystectomy in the fifth patient. There was no serious cardiac complication during the operations and perioperative period. PTCA is considered to have decreased cardiac complications in patients with ischemic heart disease having undergone abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

With technological advances in equipment and increased experience of operators, the success rates of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) now exceed 90%. However, acute periprocural occlusion continues to complicate approximately 6% of all procedures, and many of these occlusions are due to intracoronary (IC) thrombus. Patients at highest risk for this complication include those with acute ischemic syndromes or with angiographically apparent thrombus. These individuals may be candidates for the use of prolonged heparin infusions prior to dilatation, intracoronary thrombolytic therapy, or monoclonal antibody directed against the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor. All patients undergoing PTCA should receive adequate antiplatelet therapy, including aspirin, and heparin with dosing monitored by activated clotting times (ACT). In addition, some recommend the use of ionic contrast material. When IC thrombus accumulates following intervention, initial therapy should include IC nitroglycerin followed by a combination of redilatation and IC urokinase infusion. Prolonged balloon inflations may be useful, particularly with the use of autoperfusion catheters. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists may prove to be beneficial in this situation as well. If the patient's clinical status deteriorates in spite of these measures, emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery may be required.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The characteristics of restenosis and remodeling after carotid percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) were badly known. OBJECTIVE: To describe these characteristics in our series of carotid PTA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 78 cases of PTA for symptomatic > 70% atherosclerotic stenosis of the extracranial internal carotid artery, were selected from our series of PTA if follow-up was > 12 months. All of them were followed with extracranial continuous-wave Doppler. RESULTS: Restenosis of any degree was found in 17 cases (21.79%) and always asymptomatic. A restenosis > or = 70% was found in 5 cases (6.4%). Restenosis was mainly found in cases without residual stenosis nor dissection after PTA (p = 0.002). Restenosis was found in 16 cases (94.11%) in the first 6-months, with no progression thereafter. Remodeling of residual stenosis was frequent (17 cases; 53.11%) and found mainly during the first month after PTA. Its incidence was highest in patients with dissection treated with heparin. In cases with restenosis, remodeling was infrequent, incomplete and occurred after 18-24 months. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Significant restenosis after PTA due to myointimal proliferation, was infrequent. All cases were asymptomatic, under antiplatelet treatment. A new interventional procedure might not be necessary. 2. Complete remodeling was frequently found after 1-month control, mainly in arteries with some residual stenosis and dissection after PTA.  相似文献   

To evaluate the incidence and clinical significance of infarction-associated pericardial effusion in patients with successful primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, we studied 214 consecutive patients with a first Q-wave acute myocardial infarction. Based on 9 clinical variables, multivariate analysis was performed to determine the important variables related to the occurrence of pericardial effusion. Pericardial effusion was detected by echocardiography in 45 patients (21%); pericardial rub (p <0.001), number of advanced asynergic segments (p <0.001), ventricular aneurysmal motion (p = 0.03), and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (p = 0.04) were found to be the important variables related to pericardial effusion. Among 45 patients with pericardial effusion, 29 patients with no pericardial rub had significantly higher pulmonary capillary wedge pressure than those with pericardial rub, whereas 16 patients with pericardial rub had a higher incidence of angiographic no reflow and ventricular aneurysmal motion than those without pericardial rub. Patients with pericardial effusion and a pericardial rub had a higher mortality rate than those without pericardial effusion (19% vs 3%; p = 0.02). Thus, pericardial effusion is still a relatively common clinical finding after primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, and those with pericardial effusion and a pericardial rub were associated with more severe transmural myocardial damage and higher in-hospital mortality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of Rotablator in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty attempts to reduce the atheromatous plaque abrading it and fragmenting the parietal calcium of the artery. AIM: To report our experience with the use of Rotablator. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Rotational atherectomy was performed in 189 patients aged 60.8 +/- 11 years (154 men). The clinical indication for the procedure was chronic angina in 22%, unstable angina in 44%, myocardial infarction in 21%, silent angina in 7% and re-stenosis in 6%. One hundred seventy seven patients were followed for a mean of 15.9 +/- 6.3 months. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty six stenoses in 215 coronary arteries were treated with a 98.7% angiographic success rate. One patient had a Q infarction and no patient died or required emergency surgery. Fourteen patients had rises in CK MB enzymes (non Q infarction). Three patients had a pseudoaneurism and three had bleedings that required transfusion. Of the followed patients, 33 had a clinically suspected re-stenosis, that was angiographically confirmed in 23. Cardiac mortality was 2.3%. Seventy nine percent of patients had an evolution without angina or coronary events. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with the use of Rotablator had a high immediate success rate and a low incidence of complications. The clinical evolution of patients has been favorable with a low incidence of mortality and ischemic events.  相似文献   

SETTING: A residential program in Barcelona for drug addicts (therapeutic community) admitted between November 1988 and March 1992, and followed until September 1994. OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of tuberculosis as related to the presence of tuberculosis infection and/or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and to evaluate the protective effect of chemoprophylaxis with isoniazid. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. Incidence rates were compared using the Chi-square test for cohort studies. The effectiveness of chemoprophylaxis was evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier method at the univariate level, and by logistic regression models and proportional risks analysis at the multivariate level. RESULTS: During the study of 361 individuals without previous known tuberculosis or history of anti-tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis, 25 developed tuberculosis, an overall incidence rate of 1.79/100 person-years. For HIV-positive persons, the incidence rate was 3.25/100 person-years, compared with 0.30/100 in those who were HIV-negative (P < 0.05). The highest incidence rates occurred among HIV-positive persons who did not receive chemoprophylaxis and who were either anergic (HIV-positive, purified protein derivative [PPD]-negative, Multitest-negative) or who were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD+), 10.0/100 person-years and 4.64/100 person-years, respectively. Of the 53 persons who received chemoprophylaxis, three developed tuberculosis, an incidence rate of 1.4/100 person-years. In comparison, in the group of 51 patients who were designated to receive chemoprophylaxis but where none was actually taken, 17 developed tuberculosis, an incidence rate of 5.7/100 person-years (P = 0.03). CONCLUSION: HIV-infected intravenous drug users, particularly those who are anergic or who are PPD positive, are at increased risk of developing tuberculosis. Anti-tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis proved effective in this population.  相似文献   

Numerous attempts have been made to prevent late restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), but there is still no effective treatment. This report describes the effect of an oral lipid-lowering agent, pravastatin, on restenosis after successful PTCA. Sixty-six patients who underwent successful elective PTCA were assigned to a pravastatin-treated group (Group 1, n = 29) or an untreated group (Group 2, n = 37) in a prospective and randomized fashion. Pravastatin (5 mg or 10 mg twice a day) was given to Group 1 patients from day 3 after the procedure. Selective coronary angiography was repeated 3 to 5 months later, or sooner if the patient developed angina pectoris. The serum cholesterol level was decreased significantly in Group 1 (from 215.7 +/- 44.3 mg/dl to 181.2 +/- 30.3 mg/dl, p < 0.001), but not in Group 2 (from 191.9 +/- 30.8 mg/dl to 191.8 +/- 33.3 mg/dl, p = ns), at the time of repeat coronary angiography. However, there were no differences between the groups with regard to the recurrence of angina, the need for repeat PTCA, or restenosis, as assessed by quantitative analysis of coronary cineangiograms. These results suggest that oral pravastatin therapy does not effectively prevent late restenosis after successful PTCA by this mode of administration.  相似文献   

The usefulness of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was assessed in patients with exercise-induced asymptomatic myocardial ischemia (silent ischemia) and compared with exercise-induced symptomatic myocardial ischemia (symptomatic ischemia). Patients with single vessel coronary artery disease (51 with angina pectoris, 40 with old myocardial infarction) and evidence of stress-induced ischemia on thallium-201 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) underwent successful PTCA. Thirty-seven percent of angina patients and 60% of infarction patients showed asymptomatic exercise-induced ischemia. There was no significant difference in population characteristics between silent and symptomatic patients. Patients with silent angina had significantly higher percentage thallium uptake and washout rate than symptomatic patients. After PTCA, both percentage diameter stenosis and percentage thallium uptake were improved in all patients with angina irrespective of the presence or absence of symptoms. There were no significant differences in percentage thallium uptake and washout rate between patients with silent and symptomatic infarction. After PTCA, percentage diameter stenosis, percentage thallium uptake, and washout rate improved in all infarction patients irrespective of the symptoms. Zero percent of silent angina patients, 12% of symptomatic angina patients, 12% of silent infarction patients, 19% of symptomatic infarction patients had cardiac events during about 4.5 years after PTCA. The incidence of cardiac events did not significantly differ in any patient group. PTCA improved myocardial perfusion in all patients, and the incidence of cardiac events did not differ between the silent and symptomatic groups. Revascularization with PTCA is suitable for patients with silent as well as symptomatic ischemia.  相似文献   

Historically, long coronary artery stenoses undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) are reported to have reduced procedural and clinical success in comparison with shorter lesions. The efficacy of long balloons (30 or 40 mm) in long lesions was evaluated. Eighty-two patients had 84 PTCA procedures with a primary long balloon. In all, 86 lesions were available for analysis. Data were collected prospectively on standard PTCA procedure forms. Coronary angiograms were reviewed and measured with digital calipers. Hospital charts were examined for complications. PTCA was performed in the left anterior descending artery in 44 cases (51%), the right coronary artery in 29 (34%) and the circumflex artery in 13 (15%). With the use of a modified classification system, 47 lesions (55%) were class C, 24 (28%) were class B2 and 15 (17%) were class B1. Mean lesion length was 22 +/- 11 mm (range 10 to 72), and 38 lesions (44%) were > or = 20 mm. Twelve patients received an intracoronary stent. The long balloon alone produced angiographic success (< 50% residual stenosis) in 77 lesions (90%). Angiographic success was achieved ultimately in all stenoses, using a stent in 7 patients and a short balloon in 2. There were 2 deaths (2%) and 1 Q-wave myocardial infarction (1%). One patient needed coronary artery bypass surgery. Clinical success without death, Q-wave infarction or bypass surgery was achieved in 83 of 86 procedures (97%). In conclusion, the use of long PTCA balloons with adjuvant stenting produced excellent results in these long stenoses. Lesion length was not a precursor of poor angiographic or clinical outcome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a method for receiver operating characteristics (ROC) studies in mammography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We developed a phantom based on excised breast tissue and overlay tiles that could be arranged in an arbitrary pattern across the surface of the breast tissue. Some of the tiles contained structures simulating calcifications or masses that produced image contrast near the experimentally determined detection threshold. Based on this phantom, a methodology for performing ROC studies in mammography was developed. The ROC curves were constructed from reporting schemes filled in by radiologists at five different laboratories. The curves were determined by a novel method: a non-linear least-squares fit of a mathematical model to the data. RESULTS: There were large differences among the areas under the ROC curves obtained from the five laboratories.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the hemorheological effects of Sini decoction on patients following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). METHODS: Forty-six patients were randomly divided into Sini decoction and control groups. The hemorheologic variables were determined before and after Sini decoction treatment. RESULTS: No hemorheologic changes were observed in the patients (n = 23) only with PTCA, but the patients (n = 23) with Sini decoction were found to be significantly decreased in whole blood viscosity and red cell aggregation and dredging the blood of microcirculation as post-PTCA compared to pre-PTCA. CONCLUSION: Sini decoction could improve the patient's hemorheology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the quality of storage of tetanus vaccine in accident and emergency (A&E) departments and also of the awareness of Department of Health guidelines. A postal questionnaire was sent to 50 randomly selected major A&E departments in the British Isles, enquiring about awareness of Department of Health guidelines (Department of Health, 1990). Forty (80%) A&E departments responded. Only 14 were aware of the Department of Health guidelines and in only 18 was there a member of staff taking responsibility for vaccine storage. The study found that safe storage of vaccine, and therefore guarantee of efficacy, is not occurring in the majority of A&E departments. Unnoticed failure of refrigerators could be exposing patients to the risk of tetanus infection.  相似文献   

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