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基于OCL的面向方面监控框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
彭中  毛晓光 《计算机工程》2009,35(13):17-19,6
基于面向方面编程技术提出一种软件性质监控框架。该框架根据对象约束语言的约束条件生成监控方面,对监控方面与被监控软件进行编织,使软件在运行时具备发现约束违背的能力。使用模型约束检查工具USE可以进一步分析违约信息,实现其在模型上的可视化呈现。  相似文献   

软件密集型装备中常常包含着许多担负监测和控制作用的嵌入式实时系统,它们常常属于安全关键或者任务关键系统(safety-critical/mission-critical system)。为了能够有效解决该类系统中的软件故障检测、诊断与修复任务,本文提出了基于Multi-agent的实时系统运行故障监控框架,旨在利用在多agent的协作构建运行故障监控系统来在系统运行当中验证系统是否满足时序逻辑描述的性质规约,并采用具体的算法进行故障定位和修复。  相似文献   

针对安全性质,提出一种植入式监控方法.使用OCL(Object Constraint Language)实现安全性质在模型上的描述,并将OCL约束转化为Java监控代码,从而实现监控信息由模型到代码的映射.该方法采用AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming)技术将监控代码植入目标系统,使软件在运行时具备安全性质的监控能力.  相似文献   

传统的形式化方法和软件运行时监控都是提高软件可信性的有效途径,但存在监控需求表达能力不强及代码分散等问题。针对该问题,提出基于形式化监控的可信软件构造技术FM-TSPM,将形式化方法和运行时监控相结合,实现跨领域的方法融合。用形式化方法描述监控约束,根据监控约束生成方面监控代码,解决代码分散问题。采用AOP编织器将方面代码编织到目标系统中,构造出带监控能力的可信软件。  相似文献   

网构软件所面临的复杂、开放和动态变化的运行环境使其运行时行为常常会偏离需求规约.已有一些研究工作提出基于目标模型和需求推理实现软件需求的运行时监控和自修复,但还缺少实现框架,特别是缺少符合网构软件分布式和社会化特性的需求监控实现方法.针对这一问题,提出一种基于Agent的网构软件需求监控框架.框架中的需求监控Agent通过非侵入的方式实现对作为其宿主系统的网构软件实体的监控和干预,并通过Agent间的通信和协作实现社会化的目标委托和协作监控.为了验证框架的有效性,通过一个案例分析,对框架和工具实现进行了有效性评估.  相似文献   

一种基于Internet的分布式软件生产线框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种Internet环境下的分布式软件生产线框架DSPLF(Distributed Software Production Line Frame-work)。该框架详细描述了分布式软件生产线的体系结构,阐述了分布式软件生产线体系结构中各组成模块及其相互关系,在此基础上给出了基于该框架创建、运行分布式软件生产线的方法和详细流程,并实现了一条基于该框架的监控软件生产线。  相似文献   

监控使能的分布式软件系统构造方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘东红  郭长国  王怀民  王涛 《软件学报》2011,22(11):2610-2624
针对开放的网络环境中大型分布式软件的调试、调优、维护和可信演化问题,提出了伴随式的监控使能分布式软件构造方法.基于发布/订阅的分布计算模型,提出了被监控对象的业务逻辑和监控逻辑分离的运行时体系结构;基于面向方面编程思想,提出了监控使能的分布式软件开发方法和工具,降低了监控实施代价,增强了代码的可维护性;基于运行时体系结构,提出了监控系统的动态可定制部署方法.监控使能的分布式软件构造方法能够在开发时控制功能代码和非功能代码的纠结,尽可能地降低软件编程人员的代码维护难度;能够在部署时保证监控系统和被监控对象的松耦合;能够在运行时实现监控信息的按需汇聚和按需处理.从而在对系统核心业务的影响尽可能小的前提下.获得对系统运行行为尽可能全面的理解.  相似文献   

  针对运行时验证中,监控模块对软件系统运行效率产生影响的问题,提出一种基于预测的控制运行时验证开销的方法。该方法主要是通过建立马尔可夫链(Markov Chain)和隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)对软件行为进行有限步的预测,并判断被验证的性质约束被违反的风险,依此对软件监控行为进行调整,从而实现将运行时验证所产生的额外开销控制在一定范围内的目标。这种方法能够有效地控制监控开销,但仍然需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,软件面临着日益严峻的可信性要求,运行时监控技术作为保证软件可信性的一个重要方法,已受到人们的普遍关注。分析总结传统软件运行时监控技术的基本问题和方法,给出运行时监控的基本视图。针对Web复合服务面临的特殊运行环境及监控需求,提出一种监控框架。该框架以事件计算建模行为规约,在无法对构件服务进行插装的情况下实现对复合服务的有效监控。  相似文献   

嵌入监控代码方法一般是在原程序中嵌入监控代码后生成自监控软件,实现安全策略对软件行为的约束,受自监控软件实现方式等具体研究方法限制,目前验证自监控软件行为符合目标安全策略的方法验证能力有限。提出一种灵活的基于面向方面编程的自监控软件实现方式,并设计了相应更全面的自监控软件行为正确性验证方法。该方法基于交替转换系统描述自监控软件的行为,使用时间交替时序逻辑定义软件行为正确的性质公式,通过给定算法在模型上检测性质公式满足与否,从而验证软件行为是否符合"安全性"、"活性"等类型监控策略,并可以分析监控代码对原程序的影响。  相似文献   

Security is a critical issue for software systems, especially for those systems which are connected to networks and the Internet, since most of them suffer from various malicious attacks. Intrusion detection is an approach to protect software against such attacks. However, security vulnerabilities that are exploited by intruders cut across multiple modules in software systems and are difficult to address and monitor. These kinds of concerns, called cross-cutting concerns, can be handled by aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) for better modularization. A number of works have utilized AOSD to address security issues of software systems, but none of them has employed AOSD for intrusion detection. In this paper, we propose a model-based aspect-oriented framework for building intrusion-aware software systems. We model attack scenarios and intrusion detection aspects using an aspect-oriented Unified Modeling Language (UML) profile. Based on the UML model, the intrusion detection aspects are implemented and woven into the target system. The resulting target system has the ability to detect the intrusions automatically. We present an experimental evaluation by applying this framework for some of the most common attacks included in the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) web security threat classification. The experimental results demonstrate that the framework is effective in specifying and implementing intrusion detection and can be applied for a wide range of attacks.  相似文献   

Network protocols are often analyzed using simulations. We demonstrate how to extend such simulations to check propositions expressing safety properties of network event traces in an extended form of linear temporal logic. Our technique uses the INS simulator together with a component of the MaC system to provide a uniform framework. We demonstrate its effectiveness by analyzing simulations of the ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol for packet radio networks. Our analysis finds violations of significant properties and we discuss the faults that cause them. Novel aspects of our approach include modest integration costs with other simulation objectives such as performance evaluation, greatly increased flexibility in specifying properties to be checked and techniques for analyzing complex traces of alarms raised by the monitoring software  相似文献   

The underlying property, its definition, and representation play a major role when monitoring a system. Having a suitable and convenient framework to express properties is thus a concern for runtime analysis. It is desirable to delineate in this framework the sets of properties for which runtime analysis approaches can be applied to. This paper presents a unified view of runtime verification and enforcement of properties in the Safety-Progress classification. First, we extend the Safety-Progress classification of properties in a runtime context. Second, we characterize the set of properties which can be verified (monitorable properties) and enforced (enforceable properties) at runtime. We propose in particular an alternative definition of ??property monitoring?? to the one classically used in this context. Finally, for the delineated sets of properties, we define specialized verification and enforcement monitors.  相似文献   

Our paper describes the requirements and possibilities of integration of metrics tools in the field of software quality assurance. Tools for the support of the measurement process are herein classified as Computer Assisted Software Measurement and Evaulation Tools (CAMETools). Software measurement regarded as a special type of metrics application provides a great amount of basic information for the evaluation of the software development process or the software product itself. Our paper examines the effectiveness and destination of software measurement in tool-based software development and is based on an analysis of more than 20 CAME tools in the Software Measurement Laboratory at the University of Magdeburg. CAMEtools are useable for the process, product, and resources evaluation in all phases of the software life cycle (including the problem definition) for different development paradigms. The efficiency of CAME tools is described on the basis of a general measurement framework. This framework includes all steps in the software measurement and evaulation process: metrics definition, selection of the evaluation criteria, tool-based modelling and measurement, value presentation and statistical analysis. The framework includes the main aspects of the process evaluation techniques (Capability Maturity Model, ISO 9000-3 etc.) and product evaluation (ISO 9126, etc.). It is not a disjointed set of aspects: our measurement framework represents an incremental technique for the application of quantification of quality aspects in a required quality assurance  相似文献   

GPS车辆监控系统是一种结合车载GPS终端和GIS等各种软、硬件技术的先进的车辆监控手段。本文讨论设计的基于消息中间件的监控系统框架,是一种以消息服务为核心的低耦合、高内聚的框架,其设计目标是能够支撑一个集中部署的大型系统,为分布于各地的数十万车辆提供稳定、高效的监控服务。经过实践的检验,该框架切实可行,可以胜任超大型车辆监控系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

Model-Driven Architecture is an approach which tackles such problems as: the high availability that a software product requires to be ready for use, the high degree of evolution that a software system has nowadays, etc. However, in the development of large complex systems, the benefits of that approach have been diminished due to the size and complexity of models that describe these kinds of systems. At this point Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) appears to improve the understanding, reusability and adaptation of the software artefacts. Its mechanism is based on modularization of crosscutting concerns in well-identified isolated entities called aspects. For this reason we propose to use together AOSD and MDA in the hope of reducing the shortcomings of the latter. Thus, aspects like security, replication, real-time constraints, etc., will be modelled by specialist modellers independently throughout the MDA framework. Our proposal exploits a tool for checking the consistency between different models (aspects) at the same level of abstraction; supporting the traceability of UML elements, requirements, and concerns; and controlling the impact of changes throughout the MDA framework.  相似文献   

针对软件的高容错性、可靠性等要求,该文给出一种基于模型驱动体系结构开发技术的软件开发工具的框架结构,阐述了如何在工具中扩展对容错软件开发的支持。使用该工具可减少软件容错性描述的困难,提高软件开发的效率。  相似文献   

动态演化环境中可信软件行为监控研究与进展*   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
提出了一个软件行为监控框架,在此基础上,从软件行为描述、软件行为监测、软件行为可信管理和软件行为控制四个方面,阐述了可信软件行为监控的研究进展,分析了目前研究中存在的问题,并探讨了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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