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PURPOSE: The prevalence and correlates of early smoking were investigated among schoolchildren in grades 4-6 living in multiethnic, low-income neighborhoods in Montreal. METHODS: As part of the evaluation of a school-based heart health promotion program, baseline data on the prevalence of early smoking were collected from 2285 students aged 9-13 years in 24 inner-city elementary schools during May-June 1993. RESULTS: Overall, 28.7% of boys and 20.3% of girls had smoked. Girls began trying later than boys, but by age 13 the prevalence of experimental or regular smoking by girls overtook that of boys. Univariately, ever smoking varied considerably by family origin, from 2.1% among Vietnamese girls, to 35.8% among Portuguese boys. In multivariate analysis, age, perceived smoking habits of friends, and smoking by family members, were strong correlates of smoking. Being of Asian family origin was negatively associated with smoking. None of the indicators of social class were significantly associated with ever smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking prevention should begin with children even younger than age 9 in multiethnic, low-income, inner-city neighborhoods. With the exception of a lower prevalence of smoking among Asian children, ethnicity and social class were not strong influences on early smoking behavior in this population.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on the question of the extent of heroin use in America. In a worthwhile effort to call public attention to the problem, many estimates of its size have evidenced a tendency toward exaggeration and aggrandizement. This paper presents methods of estimation of the extent of heroin addiction which, when carefully employed, should effectively correct such distorted estimates. Two general types of estimation are employed, incidence and prevalence. Incidence estimates are concerned with new cases of heroin addiction that occur in a specific population within a given amount of time. These estimates are based upon self-report data from addicts regarding date of first addiction. When corrected for the "lag phase" (that period of time between onset of first addiction and eventual visit to a treatment program), these data permit accurate retrospective charting of incidence trends. Prevalence estimates focus on all known cases of heroin addiction in a specific population within a given amount of time. Three separate types of prevalence estimates from three separate sources are outlined in this article: estimates based on overdose death data, estimates based on crime statistics, and estimates of "unknown" addicts. In outlining these methods, this article describes the fluctuations in heroin addiction in one major American city, San Francisco, California. After analyzing data gathered from a sample of 2,367 addicts contacted over a 3-year period, this study suggests that the incidence of heroin addiction seems to have declined after 1970. Possible factors underlying this apparent decline in heroin addiction are then discussed, including the post-1970 maturation of the "population at risk," the effectiveness of antidrug media messages, the changing drug fashions in the heroin subculture, and the gradual deterioration of the quality and potency of street heroin.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test specific hypotheses regarding volumetric changes of the neocortex between 10 female trichotillomania (TTM) subjects and 10 female normal controls. A standard three-dimensional (3-D) brain coordinate system was imposed over each newly acquired native magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for positional normalization and 3-D shape/geometric localization analyses were based on the midpoints of anterior and posterior commissures, and the longitudinal fissure. The brain segmentation method, using well-characterized semiautomated intensity and differential contour algorithms by signal intensity-frequency histograms, was used blind to segment the principal gray and white matter structures. The segmented neocortical ribbon was subdivided into 48 regions (i.e. parcellation units) per hemisphere via a new method of morphometric topographic parcellation. There were no significant volumetric changes of the precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, supplementary motor cortex or opercular cortex in TTM patients compared with control subjects. A broader analysis as a hypothesis-generating post-hoc effort showed that TTM subjects exhibited significantly reduced left inferior frontal gyrus volume of 27% (t = 2.21, d.f. = 18, P = 0.04) and enlarged right cuneal cortex volume of 40% (t = -2.30, d.f. = 18, P = 0.03) compared to normal controls. This is the first report of a structural neocortex abnormality in TTM. Results are discussed in terms of the behavioral specialization of these two brain neocortical regions and the complex interractions between visual and sensorimotor cortices. The results also showed the feasibility of the MRI-based morphometric topographic parcellation for investigation of the human neocortex in neuroscience research.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores were collected from a marina in the San Francisco Bay to characterize historical sediment contamination resulting from the direct discharge of industrial wastewater from Naval Air Station Alameda. Depth profiles of trace metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and radionuclides were determined with a 12-cm spacing down to a depth of 120 cm. The chronology of sediment accumulation is established by depth profiles of sedimentary time markers in conjunction with information on site history. The traditional approach of determining sediment accumulation rates by measuring atmospheric 210Pb deposition was obscured by a larger source of 210Pb in the sediments from the decay of anthropogenic 226Ra, likely from luminescent paints used at this facility and released to the marina. The sedimentation rates inferred from the data indicate that the greatest amount of contamination by trace metals and petroleum hydrocarbons took place between 1940 and 1960. In addition, anthropogenic 226Ra activities are positively correlated with some of the contaminants in the sediments, allowing the wastewater discharged from the facility to be distinguished from baywide contamination. In locations such as this, where there is a complex history of contaminant deposition, a source-specific tracer may be the only feasible method of attributing historical contamination to a point source.  相似文献   

A conservative transport method and a two-equation turbulence closure model are added to an established three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The resulting model is applied to simulate the development of the salinity field in South San Francisco Bay. All model parameters in the salinity simulation are identical to those used in a model calibration in which the model is shown to reproduce current meter data accurately. The 64-day time period studied is characterized by low freshwater input. During this period, the observed salinity data is reproduced well by the model. Because no model parameters are adjusted, the salinity simulation is considered to be a verification of the model. Once the model is verified, it is used to explore the importance of stratification and baroclinic pressure gradients on long-term transport. It is concluded that, under conditions of moderate density gradients, the density-driven flow and mild periodic stratification that results have a significant effect on scalar transport.  相似文献   

Over a span of 80 years and four chairmanships, and now beginning the fifth chairmanship, the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco has held a position of renown among academic institutions serving neurological surgery. This article attributes this reputation to the qualities of the chairmen, an unforgettable group including Howard Naffziger, Edwin Boldrey, John Adams, and Charles Wilson. Some of their accomplishments are described.  相似文献   

This study examines the prevalence of, and risk factors for, diabetic retinopathy in Asian Indian, Chinese, and Creole Mauritians in whom there is an increasing prevalence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). As part of a population-based survey on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius in 1992, glucose tolerance was classified using a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test on 6,553 persons. Subjects with newly diagnosed (n = 358) or known diabetes (n = 388), and a random sample of one in four subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (n = 165), had stereoscopic 45 degrees retinal photographs taken of three fields in the right eye after mydriasis. Photographs were graded according to a modified version of the Airlie House criteria. The prevalence of nonproliferative and proliferative retinopathy was: 14.5% and 0.3%, respectively, in newly diagnosed diabetic subjects; 42.0% and 2.3%, respectively, in known diabetic subjects; and 9.1% and 0%, respectively, in persons with impaired glucose tolerance. Muslim Indians had the lowest prevalence of retinopathy (10.8% and 34.0% for new and known diabetes, respectively), but after adjusting for other factors, this was significantly different only to Creoles (18.8% and 53.8%, respectively). Univariate analysis revealed significant differences between diabetic subjects with and without retinopathy in mean age, body mass index, fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting triglycerides, serum creatinine, and urinary albumin levels. For known diabetes, mean duration of diabetes and the proportion using insulin were also greater in those with retinopathy. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression confirmed that increasing duration of diabetes, fasting plasma glucose, systolic blood pressure, and urinary albumin concentration, and decreasing body mass index, were independently associated with retinopathy. The high prevalence of diabetic retinopathy observed in all major ethnic groups in Mauritius portends a serious public health problem, given the relative recency of the NIDDM epidemic in that country and the limited resources for laser photocoagulation. Strategies to minimize this problem among those already known to have diabetes should include strict control of plasma glucose and blood pressure.  相似文献   

Investigated factors related to the prevalence and intensity of math anxiety in college students. 652 Ss in 2 math courses and 1 psychology course at a large university were tested on the Math Anxiety scale (part of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales), the A-Trait scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Spielberger's Test Anxiety Inventory. Results indicate that math anxiety occurs frequently among college students and that it is more likely to occur among women than among men and among students with inadequate high school math backgrounds. Higher levels of math anxiety were related to lower mathematics achievement test scores, higher levels of test anxiety, and higher levels of trait anxiety. Implications for the identification and treatment of math-anxious students and for the process of educational/vocational counseling are discussed. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Short-lived occupational skin symptoms of irritant or urticarial nature were commonly reported among 253 attendants in a clinical study on occupational dermatitis in Danish gardeners and greenhouse workers. Aimed prick or scratch-patch testing for immediate skin and mucosal symptoms was performed in 105 persons with plants as is. 35 persons (33%) had at least 1 positive reaction and a family history of, or personal, atopy was significantly more prevalent among these compared to attendants with negative reactions. Positive histamine release tests made immunologic etiology probable in Schlumbergera cacti, Stephanotis floribunda, Euphorbia pulcherrima and Gerbera reactions. Other new species implicated in immediate-type reactions included Ficus pumila, Gardenia jasminoides, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Campanula, Columnea, Epipremnum aureum, Pelargonium and Primula vulgaris. Because of the high prevalence of short-lived skin symptoms and because contact urticaria may present itself as a dermatitis, it is recommended that one supplement patch tests with tests for immediate reactions.  相似文献   

Summarizes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) programs and efforts in San Francisco and indicates that they are providing a continuum of care from information and education programs to counseling for those who already have AIDS. The mental health concerns include not only fear of death, but also ostracism, numerous reactions from peers (other gays), and the reaction of the general community. Understanding psychologists who comprehend the political and social ramifications and who understand the disease are needed. (0 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence and incidence of non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) in China by WHO criteria. METHODS: In the prevalence survey of NIDDM all 110660 participants (55391 men, 53269 women) were inhabitants of Daqing City, the largest oil center in northeast China, accounting for 87.3% of the 25 to 74 aged population in this city. They were screened by measuring two-hour plasma glucose concentrations (PG2 h) after a breakfast containing at least 80 g of carbohydrate, then a standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT, 75 g glucose load) was performed in 4209 subjects with PG2 h more than 6.67 mmol/L in this screen. NIDDM and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were diagnosed using WHO criteria. Incidence survey was made in 36471 non-diabetics identified in the prevalence survey. Two-hour urine-glucose after breakfast was determined during first screen. The urine-glucose trace or positive subjects were then followed by OGTT. Glucose was measured by glucose oxidation method. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In prevalence survey, 630 newly diagnosed NIDDM (296 males, 334 females) and 596 IGT (318 males, 278 females) were found in 110660 (male:female = 55391/53269) studied subjects in addition to 190 previously diagnosed NIDDM. Thus the total prevalence of NIDDM was 7.7/1000, and IGT was 5.5/1000. Standardized to the Chinese population in 1982, the prevalences are 12.6/1000 (95% CI = 12.0/1000-13.3/1000) and 7.7/1000 (95% CI = 7.16/1000-8.19/1000) respectively. In the incidence survey, 191 NIDDM (103 males, 88 females) were diagnosed in the 36471 (male:female = 18801/17670) non-diabetics from 1986 to 1990, thus the annual incidence of NIDDM was 131/100000 (137 males, 125 females). Standardized incidence is 131/100000 (95% CI = 94/100000-168/ 100000). It is estimated that there would be more than 700 thousand new diabetics per year in 24-74 years old Chinese if Chinese population were 1.3 billion in the early 21st century.  相似文献   

Assessed the prevalence of severe depression in 3,020 3rd–5th graders according to the risk variables of sex, age, intellectual functioning, and family income. Also investigated was a set of variables theoretically associated with the construct of childhood depression. Data were gathered by means of peer nominations, self-ratings, teachers' observations, and pupil personnel records. Data from 508 of the children's mothers were also obtained from an individually administered, precoded interview. The overall prevalence rate of depression for Ss, based on peer nominations, was 5.2%. Of the 38 variables hypothesized to be in the domain of childhood depression, 18 correlated significantly with the peer nomination measure. Ss nominated on depressive symptoms by their peers were also nominated as unhappy and unpopular. These Ss also rated themselves as depressed. (54 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We report a prevalence study of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the town of Westlock and surrounding county of Westlock, in Alberta, Canada. The prevalence rate for clinically definite MS on January 1, 1991, was 200/100,000. The average annual incidence rates for patients living in the area at onset were 1.91/100,000 for 1950-1959, 2.85/100,000 for 1960-1969, 3.82/100,000 for 1970-1979, and 7.26/100,000 for 1980-1989. Forty-eight percent of the patients were relapsing-remitting. Sixty percent were still walking without assistance. The female-to-male ratio was 1.4:1. Mean current age was 47, age at onset 30, and duration of illness 18 years. The majority of patients (40%) experienced multiple symptom onset. Forty percent were of single ethnic origin (primarily British); the remainder were predominantly north European combinations. Twenty-four percent of patients reported another MS relative, six first-degree and one second-degree relative.  相似文献   

The effects of hypochlorite (HOCl/OCl-) on the content of carotenoids (trans-lycopene, 5-cis-lycopene, alpha- and beta-carotene) and oxycarotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, trans- and cis-2',3'-anhydrolutein, alpha-and beta-cryptoxanthin) in human blood low-density lipoproteins (LDL) were compared using HPLC. Hypochlorite decreased the content of all the above-mentioned pigments in LDL. However, it was more reactive towards carotenoids rather than to their oxy derivatives. The ability of carotenoids and oxycarotenoids to scavenge HOCl/OCl- decreases in the series: trans-lycopene approximately 5-lycopene > alpha-carotene > beta-carotene > zeaxanthin > alpha-cryptoxanthin > cis-2',3'-anhydrolutein > beta-cryptoxanthin > trans-2',3'-anhydrolutein > lutein. Preincubation of LDL with hypochlorite decreased their resistance to CU(2+)-induced accumulation of dienic conjugates that are produced in the course of lipid peroxidation. The data suggest that hypochlorite-induced destruction of carotenoids in LDL decreases their resistance to oxidative modification, thus promoting the development of early stages of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The incidence of burns in developing countries is not precisely known due to unavailability or incompleteness of death registration and disease reporting. In this study, we determined prevalence and age-specific incidence of burns in children 0-5 years in the Ashanti region of Ghana using burn scars as proxy. We used a community-based, multi-site survey to identify children who had scars as evidence of previous burns. A scar prevalence of 6 per cent was found. No sex differences were found. However, significant differences were found among age groups, with children aged 18-23 months having the highest incidence (57.4 per 1000 person-years). There was evidence of focal occurrence of childhood burns in certain districts, and a higher prevalence in rural areas. We conclude that childhood burns are a significant health problem in Ghana, especially among rural residents and the very young, and recommend that interventions be developed to control them.  相似文献   

In a systematic evaluation of the effects of a natural disaster on nightmares, nightmare frequency was found to be about twice as high among 92 San Francisco Bay area college students as among 97 control Ss in Tucson, Arizona, after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Ss in California had not only more nightmares in general but substantially more nightmares about earthquakes. Over a 3-wk period, about 40% of those in the San Francisco Bay area reported one or more nightmares about an earthquake, as compared with only 5% of those in Arizona. However, nightmares about earthquakes were not more emotionally intense than other nightmares. These findings support the long-held view that the experience of a potentially traumatic event can result in more frequent nightmares, particularly about the event itself, but contradict the common opinion that nightmares about such events are unusually intense. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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