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A new conceptual framework solving numerically the time‐dependent Maxwell–Lorentz equations on a non‐rectangular quadrilateral mesh in two space dimensions is presented. Beyond a short review of the applied particle treatment based on the particle‐in‐cell method, a finite‐volume scheme for the numerical approximation of the Maxwell equations is introduced using non‐rectangular quadrilateral grid arrangements. The coupling of a high‐resolution FV Maxwell solver with the PIC method is a new approach in the context of self‐consistent charged particle simulation in electromagnetic fields. Furthermore, first simulation results of the time‐dependent behaviour of an externally applied‐B ion diode developed at the Forschungszentrum in Karlsruhe are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adaptive algorithms are important tools for efficient finite‐element mesh design. In this paper, an error controlled adaptive mesh‐refining algorithm is proposed for a non‐conforming low‐order finite‐element method for the Reissner–Mindlin plate model. The algorithm is controlled by a reliable and efficient residual‐based a posteriori error estimate, which is robust with respect to the plate's thickness. Numerical evidence for this and the efficiency of the new algorithm is provided in the sense that non‐optimal convergence rates are optimally improved in our numerical experiments. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the use of moving least‐squares (MLS) approximations for the development of high‐order finite volume discretizations on unstructured grids. The field variables and their successive derivatives can be accurately reconstructed using this mesh‐free technique in a general nodal arrangement. The methodology proposed is used in the construction of two numerical schemes for the shallow water equations on unstructured grids: a centred Lax–Wendroff method with added shock‐capturing dissipation, and a Godunov‐type upwind scheme, with linear and quadratic reconstructions. This class of mesh‐free techniques provides a robust and general approximation framework which represents an interesting alternative to the existing procedures, allowing, in addition, an accurate computation of the viscous fluxes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Efficient numerical methods for simulating cloth deformations have been identified as the key to the development of successful Computer‐Aided Design systems for clothing products. This paper presents the formulation of a new finite‐volume method for the simulation of complex deformations of initially flat woven fabric sheets under self‐weight or externally applied loading. The fabric sheet is assumed to undergo very large displacements and rotations but small strains during the process of deformation. The fabric material is assumed to be linear elastic and orthotropic. The fabric sheet is discretized into many small structured patches called finite volumes (or control volumes), each containing one grid node and several face nodes. The bending and membrane deformations of a typical volume can be defined using the global co‐ordinates of its grid node and surrounding face nodes. The equilibrium equations governing the complex deformations are derived employing the principle of stationary total potential energy. These equations are solved using a single‐step full Newton–Raphson method which is found to be capable of predicting the final deformed shape, the only result of interest in a fabric drape analysis. To speed up convergence, the line search technique is adopted with good effect. This single‐step approach is more efficient than the step‐by‐step incremental approach employed in conventional non‐linear finite element analysis of load‐bearing structures. A number of example simulations of fabric drape/buckling deformations are included in the paper, which demonstrate the efficiency and validity of the proposed method. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Voxel‐based micro‐finite‐element (μFE) models are used extensively in bone mechanics research. A major disadvantage of voxel‐based μFE models is that voxel surface jaggedness causes distortion of contact‐induced stresses. Past efforts in resolving this problem have only been partially successful, ie, mesh smoothing failed to preserve uniformity of the stiffness matrix, resulting in (excessively) larger solution times, whereas reducing contact to a bonded interface introduced spurious tensile stresses at the contact surface. This paper introduces a novel “smooth” contact formulation that defines gap distances based on an artificial smooth surface representation while using the conventional penalty contact framework. Detailed analyses of a sphere under compression demonstrated that the smooth formulation predicts contact‐induced stresses more accurately than the bonded contact formulation. When applied to a realistic bone contact problem, errors in the smooth contact result were under 2%, whereas errors in the bonded contact result were up to 42.2%. We conclude that the novel smooth contact formulation presents a memory‐efficient method for contact problems in voxel‐based μFE models. It presents the first method that allows modeling finite slip in large‐scale voxel meshes common to high‐resolution image‐based models of bone while keeping the benefits of a fast and efficient voxel‐based solution scheme.  相似文献   

In the present contribution we extend a previously proposed so‐called solid–shell concept which incorporates only displacement degrees of freedom to the simulation of large elastic and large elastoplastic deformations of shells. Therefore, the modifications necessary for hyper‐elastic or elastoplastic material laws are discussed. These modifications concern the right Cauchy–Green tensor for large elastic deformations, respectively, the deformation gradient for elastoplasticity which then are consistent to the modified Green–Lagrange strains that are necessary for transverse shear and membrane locking free solid–shell element formulations. However, in addition to the locking mentioned above especially in the range of plasticity incompressibility locking becomes important. Thus, the second major aspect of this contribution is the discussion of several ways to avoid incompressibility locking also including the investigation of eigenmodes. Finally, a selective reduced integration scheme with reduced integration for the volumetric term is employed and described in detail, although it is limited to material laws which allow the decomposition into a volumetric and a deviatoric part. Some numerical examples show the range of application for the proposed elements. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a companion paper, the effects of approximations in the flexural‐torsional stability analysis of beams was studied, and it was shown that a second‐order rotation matrix was sufficiently accurate for a flexural‐torsional stability analysis. However, the second‐order rotation matrix is not necessarily accurate in formulating finite element model for a 3‐D non‐linear analysis of thin‐walled beams of open cross‐section. The approximations in the second‐order rotation matrix may introduce ‘self‐straining’ due to superimposed rigid‐body motions, which may lead to physically incorrect predictions of the 3‐D non‐linear behaviour of beams. In a 3‐D non‐linear elastic–plastic analysis, numerical integration over the cross‐section is usually used to check the yield criterion and to calculate the stress increments, the stress resultants, the elastic–plastic stress–strain matrix and the tangent modulus matrix. A scheme of the arrangement of sampling points over the cross‐section that is not consistent with the strain distributions may lead to incorrect predictions of the 3‐D non‐linear elastic–plastic behaviour of beams. This paper investigates the effects of approximations on the 3‐D non‐linear analysis of beams. It is found that a finite element model for 3‐D non‐linear analysis based on the second‐order rotation matrix leads to over‐stiff predictions of the flexural‐torsional buckling and postbuckling response and to an overestimate of the maximum load‐carrying capacities of beams in some cases. To perform a correct 3‐D non‐linear analysis of beams, an accurate model of the rotations must be used. A scheme of the arrangement of sampling points over the cross‐section that is consistent with both the longitudinal normal and shear strain distributions is needed to predict the correct 3‐D non‐linear elastic–plastic behaviour of beams. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element ring‐rolling simulation gives rise to poor conditioned non‐linear equations that require repeated solution. The associated computational costs are extreme making analysis impracticable in industry. This paper is concerned with a solution strategy that addresses this problem and involves the combined use of an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation and a successive preconditioned conjugate gradient method (SPCGM). This approach, coupled to a finite element flow formulation, is shown to offer considerable computational savings. Through the combined use of the ALE flow formulation and the SPCGM the stability and condition of the non‐linear systems is enhanced. This purely iterative approach takes advantage of the slowly evolving velocity field and the self‐preconditioning offered by the SPCGM. The performance of the solver is compared against well‐known alternatives for varying problem sizes. The approach is shown to be generic but in particular makes ring‐rolling simulation a more practicable proposition. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of dynamic problems requires accurate temporal discretization schemes. So far, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, none have been proposed for adhesive contact problems. In this work, an energy‐momentum‐conserving temporal discretization scheme for adhesive contact problems is proposed. A contact criterion is also proposed to distinguish between adhesion‐dominated and impact‐dominated contact behaviors. An adhesion formulation is considered, which is suitable to describe a large class of interaction mechanisms including van der Waals adhesion and cohesive zone modeling. The current formulation is frictionless, and no dissipation is considered. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other schemes. The proposed scheme involves very little extra computational overhead. It is shown that the proposed new temporal discretization scheme leads to major accuracy gains both for single‐degree‐of‐freedom and multi‐degree‐of‐freedom systems. The single‐degree‐of‐freedom system is critically analyzed for various parameters affecting the response. For the multi‐degree‐of‐freedom system, the effect of the time step and mesh discretization on the solution is also studied using the proposed scheme. It is further shown that a temporal discretization scheme based on the principle of energy conservation is not sufficient to obtain a convergent solution. Results with higher order contact finite elements for discretizing the contact area are also discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐material Eulerian and arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian methods were originally developed for solving hypervelocity impact problems, but they are attractive for solving a broad range of problems having large deformations, the evolution of new free surfaces, and chemical reactions. The contact, separation, and slip between two surfaces have traditionally been addressed by the mixture theory, however the accuracy of this approach is severely limited. To improve the accuracy, an extended finite element formulation is developed and example calculations are presented. As a side benefit, the mixture theory is eliminated from the multi‐material formulation, eliminating the issues associated with the equilibration time between adjacent materials. By design, the new formulation is relatively simple to implement in existing multi‐material codes, parallelizes without difficulty, and has a low memory burden. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for solving two‐dimensional semilinear reaction–diffusion equations using an expanded mixed finite element method. To linearize the mixed‐method equations, we use a two‐grid algorithm based on the Newton iteration method. The solution of a non‐linear system on the fine space is reduced to the solution of two small (one linear and one non‐linear) systems on the coarse space and a linear system on the fine space. It is shown that the coarse grid can be much coarser than the fine grid and achieve asymptotically optimal approximation as long as the mesh sizes satisfy H=O(h1/3). As a result, solving such a large class of non‐linear equation will not be much more difficult than solving one single linearized equation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present three velocity‐based updated Lagrangian formulations for standard and quasi‐incompressible hypoelastic‐plastic solids. Three low‐order finite elements are derived and tested for non‐linear solid mechanics problems. The so‐called V‐element is based on a standard velocity approach, while a mixed velocity–pressure formulation is used for the VP and the VPS elements. The two‐field problem is solved via a two‐step Gauss–Seidel partitioned iterative scheme. First, the momentum equations are solved in terms of velocity increments, as for the V‐element. Then, the constitutive relation for the pressure is solved using the updated velocities obtained at the previous step. For the VPS‐element, the formulation is stabilized using the finite calculus method in order to solve problems involving quasi‐incompressible materials. All the solid elements are validated by solving two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional benchmark problems in statics as in dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been well‐established that the non‐singular T‐stress provides a first‐order estimate of geometry and loading mode (e.g. tension versus bending) effects on elastic–plastic crack‐front field under mode I loading conditions. The objective of this paper is to exam the T‐stress effect on three‐dimensional (3D) crack‐front fields under mixed‐mode (modes I and II) loading. To this end, detailed 3D small strain, elastic–plastic simulations are carried out using a 3D boundary layer (small‐scale yielding) formulation. Characteristics of near crack‐front fields are investigated for a wide range of T‐stresses (T/σ0 = ?0.8, ?0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8). The plastic zones and thickness and angular and radial variations of the stresses are studied, corresponding to two values of the remote elastic mixity parameters Me = 0.3 and 0.7, under both low and high levels of applied loads. It is found that different T‐stresses have a significant effect on the plastic zones size and shapes, regardless of the mode mixity and load level. The thickness, angular and radial distributions of stresses are also affected markedly by T‐stress. It is important to include these effects when investigating the mixed‐mode ductile fracture failure process in thin‐walled structural components.  相似文献   

A rational approximant of order 4, which is applied to a three‐time‐level recurrence relation, is used to transform the initial/boundary‐value problem associated with the two‐dimensional sine‐Gordon (SG) equation arising in the Josephson junctions problem. The resulting non‐linear system, which is analyzed for stability, is solved using an appropriate predictor–corrector (P–C) scheme, in which an explicit scheme of order 2 is used as predictor. For the implementation of the corrector, in order to avoid extended matrix evaluations, an auxiliary vector was successfully introduced. In this P–C scheme, a modification in the corrector has been proposed according to which the already evaluated corrected values are considered. The behavior of this P–C scheme is tested numerically on line and ring solitons known from the bibliography regarding the SG equation and conclusions for both undamped and damped problems are derived. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quadrilateral and triangular elements with curved edges are developed in the framework of spectral, discontinuous, hybrid control‐volume/finite‐element method for elliptic problems. In order to accommodate hybrid meshes, encompassing both triangular and quadrilateral elements, one single mapping is used. The scheme is applied to two‐dimensional problems with discontinuous, anisotropic diffusion coefficients, and the exponential convergence of the method is verified in the presence of curved geometries. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A variational h‐adaptive finite element formulation is proposed. The distinguishing feature of this method is that mesh refinement and coarsening are governed by the same minimization principle characterizing the underlying physical problem. Hence, no error estimates are invoked at any stage of the adaption procedure. As a consequence, linearity of the problem and a corresponding Hilbert‐space functional framework are not required and the proposed formulation can be applied to highly non‐linear phenomena. The basic strategy is to refine (respectively, unrefine) the spatial discretization locally if such refinement (respectively, unrefinement) results in a sufficiently large reduction (respectively, sufficiently small increase) in the energy. This strategy leads to an adaption algorithm having O(N) complexity. Local refinement is effected by edge‐bisection and local unrefinement by the deletion of terminal vertices. Dissipation is accounted for within a time‐discretized variational framework resulting in an incremental potential energy. In addition, the entire hierarchy of successive refinements is stored and the internal state of parent elements is updated so that no mesh‐transfer operator is required upon unrefinement. The versatility and robustness of the resulting variational adaptive finite element formulation is illustrated by means of selected numerical examples. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper builds on recent work developed by the authors for the numerical analysis of large strain solid dynamics, by introducing an upwind cell centred hexahedral finite volume framework implemented within the open source code OpenFOAM [ http://www.openfoam.com/ ]. In Lee, Gil and Bonet (2013), a first‐order hyperbolic system of conservation laws was introduced in terms of the linear momentum and the deformation gradient tensor of the system, leading to excellent behaviour in two‐dimensional bending dominated nearly incompressible scenarios. The main aim of this paper is the extension of this algorithm into three dimensions, its tailor‐made implementation into OpenFOAM and the enhancement of the formulation with three key novelties. First, the introduction of two different strategies in order to ensure the satisfaction of the underlying involutions of the system, that is, that the deformation gradient tensor must be curl‐free throughout the deformation process. Second, the use of a discrete angular momentum projection algorithm and a monolithic Total Variation Diminishing Runge–Kutta time integrator combined in order to guarantee the conservation of angular momentum. Third, and for comparison purposes, an adapted Total Lagrangian version of the hyperelastic‐GLACE nodal scheme of Kluth and Després (2010) is presented. A series of challenging numerical examples are examined in order to assess the robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm, benchmarking it against an ample spectrum of alternative numerical strategies developed by the authors in recent publications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scaled boundary finite‐element method (a novel semi‐analytical method for solving linear partial differential equations) involves the solution of a quadratic eigenproblem, the computational expense of which rises rapidly as the number of degrees of freedom increases. Consequently, it is desirable to use the minimum number of degrees of freedom necessary to achieve the accuracy desired. Stress recovery and error estimation techniques for the method have recently been developed. This paper describes an h‐hierarchical adaptive procedure for the scaled boundary finite‐element method. To allow full advantage to be taken of the ability of the scaled boundary finite‐element method to model stress singularities at the scaling centre, and to avoid discretization of certain adjacent segments of the boundary, a sub‐structuring technique is used. The effectiveness of the procedure is demonstrated through a set of examples. The procedure is compared with a similar h‐hierarchical finite element procedure. Since the error estimators in both cases evaluate the energy norm of the stress error, the computational cost of solutions of similar overall accuracy can be compared directly. The examples include the first reported direct comparison of the computational efficiency of the scaled boundary finite‐element method and the finite element method. The scaled boundary finite‐element method is found to reduce the computational effort considerably. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A stabilized, Galerkin finite element formulation for modeling the elasto‐visco‐plastic response of quasi‐steady‐state processes, such as welding, laser surfacing, rolling and extrusion, is presented in an Eulerian frame. The mixed formulation consists of four field variables, such as velocity, stress, deformation gradient and internal variable, which is used to describe the evolution of the material's resistance to plastic flow. The streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin method is used to eliminate spurious oscillations, which may be caused by the convection‐type of stress, deformation gradient and internal variable evolution equations. A progressive solution strategy is introduced to improve the convergence of the Newton–Raphson solution procedure. Two two‐dimensional numerical examples are implemented to verify the accuracy of the Eulerian formulation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents alternative forms of hyperelastic–plastic constitutive equations and their integration algorithms for isotropic‐hardening materials at large strain, which are established in two‐point tensor field, namely between the first Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor and deformation gradient. The eigenvalue problems for symmetric and non‐symmetric tensors are applied to kinematics of multiplicative plasticity, which imply the transformation relationships of eigenvectors in current, intermediate and initial configurations. Based on the principle of plastic maximum dissipation, the two‐point hyperelastic stress–strain relationships and the evolution equations are achieved, in which it is considered that the plastic spin vanishes for isotropic plasticity. On the computational side, the exponential algorithm is used to integrate the plastic evolution equation. The return‐mapping procedure in principal axes, with respect to logarithmic elastic strain, possesses the same structure as infinitesimal deformation theory. Then, the theory of derivatives of non‐symmetric tensor functions is applied to derive the two‐point closed‐form consistent tangent modulus, which is useful for Newton's iterative solution of boundary value problem. Finally, the numerical simulation illustrates the application of the proposed formulations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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