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Ethik in der Medizin - Wie ist der Freiwillige Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken und eine medizinische Begleitung dabei ethisch zu bewerten? Die ethische Bewertung des Freiwilligen Verzichts auf Essen...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung.   In der Auseinandersetzung um die Frage, ob aktive Sterbehilfe mit dem ?rztlichen Ethos vereinbar ist, werden h?ufig deskriptive Unterscheidungen wie Tun vs. Unterlassen, aktiv vs. passiv oder auch intendieren vs. in Kauf nehmen benutzt, um eine kategorische moralische Differenz zwischen T?ten und Sterbenlassen auszuweisen. Als zus?tzliche Schwierigkeit erweist sich dabei zum einen, da? zentrale Begriffe zwischen einer deskriptiven und einer ethischen Bedeutung changieren, und zum anderen, da? die Kennzeichnung des Problems (z.B. Sterbehilfe) selbst ethisch nicht neutral ist. Nach der Entwicklung einer ethisch neutralen Problemstellung werden kategorische Argumente gegen die ethische Zul?ssigkeit aktiver Sterbehilfe diskutiert und verworfen. Anschlie?end werden Begründungen diskutiert, die mittels intrinsischer oder extrinsischer Situationsmerkmale eine ethische Unzul?ssigkeit aktiver Sterbehilfe aufzuweisen versuchen. Dabei zeigt sich, da? graduelle ethische Unterschiede zwischen passiver, indirekt und direkt aktiver Sterbehilfe begründbar sind, die ein jeweils h?heres Ma? an Rechtfertigungsgründen erfordern.   相似文献   

Definition of the Problem Models of decision making in medical ethics have to establish themselves as being able to lead to ethically right or at least “credible” decisions. For this purpose, approaches of theoretical justification stemming from ethics are vital. However, clinical ethics is sometimes criticized for theoretical deficits. In order to address this criticism, we will try to justify ethical case discussion and ethics consultation by principlism and discourse ethics by referring to a clinical ethics project (METAP). Arguments Principlism and discourse ethics can fruitfully complement each other when used in ethical case discussion or consultation. Thereby, some theoretical as well as practical weaknesses of both approaches can be mitigated. Discourse ethics, for example, safeguards the ethical validity of moral decisions and norms for action, respectively, thus mitigating shortcomings of justification when using principlism. Conversely, principlism answers questions concerning ethical adequacy and functions particularly as a safeguard for appropriate decisions in the individual case. Conclusion By using a combination of these two approaches, a broader justification seems possible rather than by relying on principlism or discourse ethics alone. Even if some challenges persist, and even if the combined model cannot always prevent dissent, it may strengthen practical confidence in the ethical decision by its ?double“ safeguards (principles and discourse). This could render clinical ethics more ?robust“ that have been missing so far.  相似文献   


Definition of the problem

Corporate Governance is being established throughout German hospitals. This might prove to be a further step in the economization of public health services, with alienating effects on core characteristics of therapeutic interaction.


This article outlines (1) the origin, design and function of Corporate Governance, (2) how processes of managerialization, economization, and commercialization presently transform hospitals, and (3) the impact of Corporate Governance on hospitals in Germany.


The moral implications of Corporate Governance need further research and critical ethical scrutiny.  相似文献   

Definition of the problem With an increasing number of genetic results obtained in whole genome analyses, the problem of incidental findings arises, i.e., findings that are discovered beyond the aims of the original investigation but have potential health or reproductive importance for patients or research participants. Since national or international guidelines have not been established, the authors discuss for Germany the current opinions about the management of incidental findings in clinical care and research. Arguments Following the German genetic diagnosis act (?Gendiagnostikgesetz“, GenDG), it is mandatory to inform about the possibility of incidental findings. It is part of the informed consent which findings are communicated to the patient, taking the right not to know and the protection of minors into account. In the research context, the GenDG is not valid; however, the disclosure of possible incidental findings should be also included in the consent documents. There is agreement that results of high clinical utility should be returned to participants, even if there is no obligation to do so. The following aspects have to be considered when dealing with incidental findings: (1) information given in the consent documents, (2) interpretation of genetic results according to high, moderate, possible, questionable or unknown clinical meaning, (3) processing of returning results at the present and in the future, and (4) decision about resources to evaluate the clinical utility, to communicate results and to transfer them into clinical practice. Conclusion There is urgent need for empirical research and policy development in the context of incidental genetic results. In addition, it is important to study how patients and participants understand and utilize incidental findings and to develop educative and communicative strategies.  相似文献   



Monika Bobbert (2002) Patientenautonomie und Pflege. Begründung und Anwendung eines moralischen Rechts. Campus, Frankfurt am Main, New York, 380 S., 29,90 Euro, ISBN 3-593-37128-6  相似文献   

Definition of the problem Patient-oriented care is a worthy goal. The recognition and avoidance of inadequate treatment, e.g., under-, or over-treatment, often results in doctors and nurses at the bedside being faced with making difficult decisions. The development of practical guidance that meets scientific criteria and is not solely based on consensus is highly desirable. Arguments The presented work attempts to formulate key standards to prevent over- and undertreatment and to confirm them theoretically. For this, a grading of autonomy is made by distinguishing between weak and strong autonomy, based on an interest-based ethics approach. Conclusions Interest-based ethics supports the view that orientation on strong autonomous decision making offers an optimal chance to promote well-being and may thereby help prevent a large proportion of under- and overtreatment.  相似文献   

Definition of the problem: Ethics consultation is one of the most important ways in which clinical ethicists can support both health-care providers and patients and their relatives in coping with ethical and existential challenges. The practice of ethics consultation, as performed at the Freiburg University Hospital is described and illustrated by a case report about the problem of treatment termination. The range of subject matters that come up in ethics consultations is analyzed. A research program in clinical ethics is summarized that has been undertaken to pave the way for a specific and interdisciplinary analysis of needs; from there on, the investigation aims at further developing clinical ethics support services. Suggestions for criteria of competence for ethics consultants are formulated on the basis of both the author’s and international work. Finally, the issues of structural conditions for establishing clinical ethics in the German-speaking world are raised and the long-term prospect of ethics consultation as an instrument for learning and teaching ethics in the health-care system is highlighted. Zusammenfassung.   Ethische Reflexion und Diskussion sind in der heutigen Medizin unumg?nglich geworden und fordern eine kompetente Bearbeitung. Die Etablierung von Formen einer praxisorientierten Ethik in der Medizin hat jedoch in Deutschland bisher nicht mit dem vielfach ge?u?erten Bedarf Schritt halten k?nnen. Auch bleibt der aktuelle Stand hier hinter dem in den USA oder in vergleichbaren europ?ischen L?ndern wie Gro?britannien zurück. Das Ethik-Konsil ist eine der zentralen M?glichkeiten, durch die die Klinische Ethik heute zur Unterstützung der Behandelnden, Betreuenden und ebenso der Patienten und ihrer Angeh?rigen bei ethischen und existentiellen Herausforderungen beitragen kann. Es wird die Arbeitsweise der Ethik-Beratung am Freiburger Universit?tsklinikum dargestellt und an einem Fallbeispiel zur Problematik der Therapiebegrenzung erl?utert. Das Spektrum der Themen und Anl?sse von Ethik-Konsilen wird analysiert. Ein laufendes Forschungsprogramm zur Klinischen Ethik wird referiert, in dem mit einer interdisziplin?ren Methodik Grundlagen für eine spezifische Bedarfsanalyse erarbeitet werden, die künftig eine fundierte Weiterentwicklung klinisch-ethischer Dienstleistungen erm?glichen sollen. Auf der Basis eigener und internationaler Vorarbeiten werden Vorschl?ge für ein Kompetenzprofil für die Ethik-Beratung formuliert. Abschlie?end werden günstige bzw. ungünstige Rahmenbedingungen für die künftige Etablierung der Klinischen Ethik im deutschsprachigen Raum diskutiert. Es folgt ein Ausblick auf die langfristige Zielperspektive des Ethik-Konsiles als Medium der ethischen Fortbildung in der Praxis des Gesundheitswesens.


Definition of the problem

In recent German jurisprudence, the requirements for compulsory treatment were tightened up and more emphasis is laid on the consideration of the so-called “natural will” of incompetent patients. Before taking recourse to compulsory treatment, physicians are accordingly obliged to make a last attempt to obtain an assent based on trust. Taking into account that such an attempt tends to take place against a background of informal coercion, an ethical dilemma arises: either physicians administer compulsory treatment and hence use straightforward physical coercion or they succeed in obtaining a trust-based assent yet only at the price of using some form of informal coercion, such as threatening, deceiving or manipulating.


We argue that the solution to this dilemma can be found in the philosophical concept of recognition. In the current context, recognition should be understood as a specific attitude that manifests itself in a respectful interaction with patients on the part of the hospital staff.


Although in many cases of the type described above it is impossible to completely refrain from using (informal) coercion; in these cases one can nevertheless interact in a better or in a worse way with patients – and the better way is to give recognition to patients.



Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit in der modernen Medizin—Interdisziplinäre PerspektivenInterdisziplinäres Kolloquium für Nachwuchswissenschaftler und -wissenschaftlerinnen am Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 22.–24. Juli 2004  相似文献   

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