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We address the problem of automatic partitioning of unstructured finite element meshes in the context of parallel numerical algorithms based on domain decomposition. A two-step approach is proposed, which combines a direct partitioning scheme with a non-deterministic procedure of combinatorial optimization. In contrast with previously published experiments with non-deterministic heuristics, the optimization step is shown to produce high-quality decompositions at a reasonable compute cost. We also show that the optimization approach can accommodate complex topological constraints and minimization objectives. This is illustrated by considering the particular case of topologically one-dimensional partitions, as well as load balancing of frontal subdomain solvers. Finally, the optimization procedure produces, in most cases, decompositions endowed with geometrically smooth interfaces. This contrasts with available partitioning schemes, and is crucial to some modern numerical techniques based on domain decomposition and a Lagrange multiplier treatment of the interface conditions.  相似文献   

A transition element is presented for meshes containing uniform strain hexahedral and tetrahedral finite elements. It is shown that the volume of the standard uniform strain hexahedron is identical to that of a polyhedron with 14 vertices and 24 triangular faces. Based on this equivalence, a transition element is developed as a simple modification of the uniform strain hexahedron. The transition element makes use of a general method for hourglass control and satisfies first‐order patch tests. Example problems in linear elasticity are included to demonstrate the application of the element. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper was produced under the auspices of the U.S. Government and it is therefore not subject to copyright in the U.S.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel finite element approach is presented to solve three‐dimensional problems using trimmed hexahedral elements generated by cutting a simple block consisting of regular hexahedral elements with a computer‐aided design (CAD) surface. Trimmed hexahedral elements, which are polyhedral elements with curved faces, are placed at the boundaries of finite element models, and regular hexahedral elements remain in the interior regions. Shape functions for trimmed hexahedral elements are developed by using moving least square approximation with harmonic weight functions based on an extension of Wachspress coordinates to curved faces. A subdivision of polyhedral domains into tetrahedral sub‐domains is performed to construct shape functions for trimmed hexahedral elements, and numerical integration of the weak form can be carried out consistently over the tetrahedral sub‐domains. Trimmed hexahedral elements have similar properties to conventional finite elements regarding the continuity, the completeness, the node–element connectivity, and the inter‐element compatibility. Numerical examples for three‐dimensional linear elastic problems with complex geometries show the efficiency and effectiveness of the present method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a methodical procedure for topology optimization under uncertainty with multiresolution finite element (FE) models. We use our framework in a bifidelity setting where a coarse and a fine mesh corresponding to low- and high-resolution models are available. The inexpensive low-resolution model is used to explore the parameter space and approximate the parameterized high-resolution model and its sensitivity, where parameters are considered in both structural load and stiffness. We provide error bounds for bifidelity FE approximations and their sensitivities and conduct numerical studies to verify these theoretical estimates. We demonstrate our approach on benchmark compliance minimization problems, where we show significant reduction in computational cost for expensive problems such as topology optimization under manufacturing variability, reliability-based topology optimization, and three-dimensional topology optimization while generating almost identical designs to those obtained with a single-resolution mesh. We also compute the parametric von Mises stress for the generated designs via our bifidelity FE approximation and compare them with standard Monte Carlo simulations. The implementation of our algorithm, which extends the well-known 88-line topology optimization code in MATLAB, is provided.  相似文献   

The now classical enhanced strain technique, employed with success for more than 10 years in solid, both 2D and 3D and shell finite elements, is here explored in a versatile 3D low‐order element which is identified as HIS. The quest for accurate results in a wide range of problems, from solid analysis including near‐incompressibility to the analysis of locking‐prone beam and shell bending problems leads to a general 3D element. This element, put here to test in various contexts, is found to be suitable in the analysis of both linear problems and general non‐linear problems including finite strain plasticity. The formulation is based on the enrichment of the deformation gradient and approximations to the shape function material derivatives. Both the equilibrium equations and their variation are completely exposed and deduced, from which internal forces and consistent tangent stiffness follow. A stabilizing term is included, in a simple and natural form. Two sets of examples are detailed: the accuracy tests in the linear elastic regime and several finite strain tests. Some examples involve finite strain plasticity. In both sets the element behaves very well, as is illustrated in numerous examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approach for the topological representation of simplicial finite element meshes as graphs is presented. It is shown that by using a graph, the topological changes induced by fracture reduce to a few, local kernel operations. The performance of the graph representation is demonstrated and analyzed, using as reference the three‐dimensional fracture algorithm by Pandolfi and Ortiz (Eng. Comput. 1998; 14 (4):287–308). It is shown that the graph representation initializes in O(N) time and fractures in O(N) time, while the reference implementation requires O(N) time to initialize and O(N) time to fracture, where NE is the number of elements in the mesh and NI is the number of interfaces to fracture. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quality of finite element meshes is one of the key factors that affects the accuracy and reliability of numerical simulation results of many science and engineering problems. In order to solve the problem wherein the surface elements of the mesh generated by the grid‐based method have poor quality, this paper studied mesh quality improvement methods, including node position smoothing and topological optimization. A curvature‐based Laplacian scheme was used for smoothing of nodes on the C‐edges, which combined the normal component with the tangential component of the Laplacian operator at the curved boundary. A projection‐based Laplacian algorithm for smoothing the remaining boundary nodes was established. The deviation of the newly smoothed node from the practical surface of the solid model was solved. A node‐ and area‐weighted combination method was proposed for smoothing of interior nodes. Five element‐inserting modes, three element‐collapsing modes and three mixed modes for topological optimization were newly established. The rules for harmonious application and conformity problem of each mode, especially the mixed mode, were provided. Finally, several examples were given to demonstrate the practicability and validity of the mesh quality improvement methods presented in this paper. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an alternative topology optimization formulation capable of handling the presence of stress constraints in a straightforward fashion. The main idea is to adopt a mixed finite‐element discretization scheme wherein not only displacements (as usual) but also stresses are the variables entering the formulation. By doing so, any stress constraint may be handled within the optimization procedure without resorting to post‐processing operation typical of displacement‐based techniques that may also cause a loss in accuracy in stress computation if no smoothing of the stress is performed. Two dual variational principles of Hellinger–Reissner type are presented in continuous and discrete form that, which included in a rather general topology optimization problem in the presence of stress constraints that is solved by the method of moving asymptotes (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1984; 24 (3):359–373). Extensive numerical simulations are performed and ongoing extensions outlined, including the optimization of elastoplastic and incompressible media. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two methods are presented for connecting dissimilar three‐dimensional finite element meshes. The first method combines the concept of master and slave surfaces with the uniform strain approach for finite elements. By modifying the boundaries of elements on a slave surface, corrections are made to element formulations such that first‐order patch tests are passed. The second method is based entirely on constraint equations, but only passes a weaker form of the patch test for non‐planar surfaces. Both methods can be used to connect meshes with different element types. In addition, master and slave surfaces can be designated independently of relative mesh resolutions. Example problems in three‐dimensional linear elasticity are presented. Published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method which combines the incompatible modes method with the physical stabilization method is developed to provide a highly efficient formulation for the single point eight‐node hexahedral element. The resulting element is compared to well‐known enhanced elements in standard benchmark type problems. It is seen that this single‐point element is nearly as coarse mesh accurate as the fully integrated EAS elements. A key feature is the novel enhanced strain fields which do not require any matrix inversions to solve for the internal element degrees of freedom. This, combined with the reduction of hourglass stresses to four hourglass forces, produces an element that is only 6.5 per cent slower than the perturbation stabilized single‐point brick element commonly used in many explicit finite element codes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A thin, eight‐node, tri‐linear displacement, hexahedral finite element is the starting point for the derivation of a constant membrane stress resultant, constant bending stress resultant shell finite element. The derivation begins by introducing a Taylor series expansion for the stress distribution in the isoparametric co‐ordinates of the element. The effect of the Taylor series expansion for the stress distribution is to explicitly identify those strain modes of the element that are conjugate to the mean or average stress and the linear variation in stress. The constant membrane stress resultants are identified with the mean stress components, and the constant bending stress resultants are identified with the linear variation in stress through the thickness along with in‐plane linear variations of selected components of the transverse shear stress. Further, a plane‐stress constitutive assumption is introduced, and an explicit treatment of the finite element's thickness is introduced. A number of elastic simulations show the useful results that can be obtained (tip‐loaded twisted beam, point‐loaded hemisphere, point‐loaded sphere, tip‐loaded Raasch hook, and a beam bent into a ring). All of the gradient/divergence operators are evaluated in closed form providing unequivocal evaluations of membrane and bending strain rates along with the appropriate divergence calculations involving the membrane stress and bending stress resultants. The fact that a hexahedral shell finite element has two distinct surfaces aids sliding interface algorithms when a shell folds back on itself when subjected to large deformations. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new way of describing the density field in density‐based topology optimization is introduced. The new method uses finite elements constructed from Bernstein polynomials rather than the more common Lagrange polynomials. Use of the Bernstein finite elements allows higher‐order elements to be used in the density‐field interpolation without producing unrealistic density values, ie, values lower than zero or higher than one. Results on several test problems indicate that using the higher‐order Bernstein elements produces optimal designs with sharper estimates of the optimal boundary on coarse design meshes. However, higher‐order elements are also required in the structural analysis to prevent the appearance of unrealistic material distributions. The Bernstein element density interpolation can be combined with adaptive mesh refinement to further improve design accuracy even on design domains with complex geometry.  相似文献   

The problem of minimum compliance topology optimization of an elastic continuum is considered. A general continuous density–energy relation is assumed, including variable thickness sheet models and artificial power laws. To ensure existence of solutions, the design set is restricted by enforcing pointwise bounds on the density slopes. A finite element discretization procedure is described, and a proof of convergence of finite element solutions to exact solutions is given, as well as numerical examples obtained by a continuation/SLP (sequential linear programming) method. The convergence proof implies that checkerboard patterns and other numerical anomalies will not be present, or at least, that they can be made arbitrarily weak. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Among all 3D 8‐node hexahedral solid elements in current finite element library, the ‘best’ one can produce good results for bending problems using coarse regular meshes. However, once the mesh is distorted, the accuracy will drop dramatically. And how to solve this problem is still a challenge that remains outstanding. This paper develops an 8‐node, 24‐DOF (three conventional DOFs per node) hexahedral element based on the virtual work principle, in which two different sets of displacement fields are employed simultaneously to formulate an unsymmetric element stiffness matrix. The first set simply utilizes the formulations of the traditional 8‐node trilinear isoparametric element, while the second set mainly employs the analytical trial functions in terms of 3D oblique coordinates (R, S, T). The resulting element, denoted by US‐ATFH8, contains no adjustable factor and can be used for both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Numerical examples show it can strictly pass both the first‐order (constant stress/strain) patch test and the second‐order patch test for pure bending, remove the volume locking, and provide the invariance for coordinate rotation. Especially, it is insensitive to various severe mesh distortions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of the formulation for a highly adaptable hexahedral shell finite element is presented in this paper. A basic 18-node isoparametric hexahedral element is adopted as the basis of the formulation. Potential strategies to alleviate transverse shear, trapezoidal, thickness and membrane locking are investigated, in several combinations, using a wide variety of geometrically linear benchmarks. The most promising approach is further assessed using geometrically non-linear shell and plate problems. The recommended ANS-formulation performs well against an extensive range of benchmarks, and continues to be accurate at an aspect ratio of 1:10,000.  相似文献   

A new three-dimensional multifield finite element approach for analysis of isotropic and anisotropic materials in linear elastostatics, derived from primal–mixed variational formulation based on Hellinger-Reissners principle, is presented. The novel properties are stress approximation by the continuous base functions, introduction of stress constraints as essential boundary conditions, and initial displacement and stress/strain field capability. It will be shown that resulting hexahedral finite element HC8/27 satisfies mathematical convergence requirements, like consistency and stability, even when it is rigorously slandered, distorted or used for the nearly incompressible materials. In order to minimise accuracy error and enable introductions of displacement and stress constraints, the tensorial character of the present finite element equations is fully respected. The proposed finite element is subjected to the number of standard pathological tests in order to test convergence of the results.This investigation is carried under the Grant IO1865 from Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of Republic of Serbia. The support is gratefully acknowledged. The author also would like to thank Professors Erkhard Ramm and Daya B Reddy for their valuable remarks.  相似文献   

We introduce a new method to triangulate planar, curved domains that transforms a specific collection of triangles in a background mesh to conform to the boundary. In the process, no new vertices are introduced, and connectivities of triangles are left unaltered. The method relies on a novel way of parameterizing an immersed boundary over a collection of nearby edges with its closest point projection. To guarantee its robustness, we require that the domain be C2‐regular, the background mesh be sufficiently refined near the boundary, and that specific angles in triangles near the boundary be strictly acute. The method can render both straight‐edged and curvilinear triangulations for the immersed domain. The latter includes curved triangles that conform exactly to the immersed boundary, and ones constructed with isoparametric mappings to interpolate the boundary at select points. High‐order finite elements constructed over these curved triangles achieve optimal accuracy, which has customarily proven difficult in numerical schemes that adopt nonconforming meshes. Aside from serving as a quick and simple tool for meshing planar curved domains with complex shapes, the method provides significant advantages for simulating problems with moving boundaries and in numerical schemes that require iterating over the geometry of domains. With no conformity requirements, the same background mesh can be adopted to triangulate a large family of domains immersed in it, including ones realized over several updates during the coarse of simulating problems with moving boundaries. We term such a background mesh as a universal mesh for the family of domains it can be used to triangulate. Universal meshes hence facilitate a framework for finite element calculations over evolving domains while using only fixed background meshes. Furthermore, because the evolving geometry can be approximated with any desired order, numerical solutions can be computed with high‐order accuracy. We present demonstrative examples using universal meshes to simulate the interaction of rigid bodies with Stokesian fluids. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of arbitrary order edge elements for the simulation of two‐dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems on hybrid meshes of triangles and quadrilaterals is described. Single‐frequency incident waves, generated by a source in the far field, are considered and the solution is determined in the frequency domain. For numerical simulation, the solution domain is truncated at a finite distance from the perfectly conducting scatterer and the non‐reflecting boundary condition at the truncated boundary is imposed by the use of a perfectly matched layer (PML). Several examples are included to demonstrate the performance of the proposed procedure. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recent distortion-tolerant unsymmetric 8-node hexahedral solid-shell element US-ATFHS8, which takes the analytical solutions of linear elasticity as the trial functions, is successfully extended to geometric nonlinear analysis. This extension is based on the corotational (CR) approach due to its simplicity and high efficiency, especially for geometric nonlinear analysis where the strain is still small. Based on the assumption that the analytical trial functions can properly work in each increment during the nonlinear analysis, the incremental corotational formulations of the nonlinear solid-shell element US-ATFHS8 are derived within the updated Lagrangian (UL) framework, in which an appropriate updated strategy for linear analytical trial functions is proposed. Numerical examples show that the present nonlinear element US-ATFHS8 possesses excellent performance for various rigorous tests no matter whether regular or distorted mesh is used. Especially, it even performs well in some situations that other conventional elements cannot work.  相似文献   

An improvement of a new technique for modelling cracks in the finite element framework is presented. A standard displacement‐based approximation is enriched near a crack by incorporating both discontinuous fields and the near tip asymptotic fields through a partition of unity method. A methodology that constructs the enriched approximation from the interaction of the crack geometry with the mesh is developed. This technique allows the entire crack to be represented independently of the mesh, and so remeshing is not necessary to model crack growth. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the utility and robustness of the proposed technique. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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