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Lactic acid has versatile application in chemical industries and it can be economically produced from biomass resources, for example from sweet sorghum juice, containing easily fermentable sugars in high concentration (150-180 gL−1). To neutralize the produced lactic acid, alkali addition (i.e., titration) or pH buffering was applied to avoid the inhibitory effect of the undissociated lactic acid. However, such a high concentration of ionized lactate also inhibits the growth and further production. Our task was to find an appropriate pH regulation method and to describe pH dependency of the used strain. Five pH regulation agents were tested and among them trimethylamine gave the best productivity result (3.13 gL−1 h−1), but considering technological aspects (such as dilution) ammonium hydroxide is also recommended. Titration by NH4OH and buffering by CaCO3 were compared, and then combined, resulted in very good productivity (3.55 gL−1 h−1). pH dependence of the used strain was also examined and the optimal pH value was between 6.8 and 7.0.  相似文献   

To improve the efficiency of ethanol production in a batch fermentation from sweet sorghum juice under a very high gravity(VHG) condition(~ 290 g/L of total sugar) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NP01, repeatedbatch fermentation under an aerated condition(2.5 vvm for the first 4 h during every cycle) was done in a5-L fermenter. The average ethanol concentration(P), productivity(Qp) and yield(Yp/s) for five successive cycles were 112.31 g/L, 1.55 g/L·h~(-1) and 0.44, respectively with 80.97% sugar consumption. To complete sugar consumption, the total sugar of the juice was reduced to a high gravity(HG) level(~240 g/L). The results showed that yeast extract was not necessary for ethanol production, and aeration during every other cycle i.e., alternating cycles, was sufficient to promote both yeast growth and ethanol production.The average P, Qpand Yp/svalues for eight successive cycles with aeration during alternating cycles were97.58 g/L, 1.98 g/Láh and 0.41, respectively with 91.21% sugar consumption. The total fatty acids in the yeast cells under the aerated condition were ~ 50% higher than without aeration, irrespective the initial sugar concentration, whereas the ergosterol contents under aeration condition were ~ 29% to 49% higher than those without aeration.  相似文献   

以阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)为澄清剂,对甜高粱混合汁中的泥沙进行絮凝处理。实验结果表明,CPAM对水样的絮凝效果良好,糖分损失很小,且在投加量为1.5mg/L时,絮凝效果达到最佳,絮凝率达到78.54%;CPAM最佳投药量处水样的吸光度值随着泥沙含量的升高而变大;甜高粱混合汁中含糖量越低,CPAM的除泥沙效果越好;沉降时间对CPAM的絮凝效果无明显影响;pH对CPAM除泥沙效果有较大的影响,且在pH为5时絮凝效果达到最佳,絮凝率达到85.86%。  相似文献   

对一些新型的乳酸连续化发酵装置,包括恒浊器、两级恒化器、两级固定床、两级膜细胞循环反应器、三相流化床-电渗析、塑料支持生物膜反应器及相应的发酵条件进行了综述;讨论了连续化发酵的控制(无反馈控制、反馈控制)、数学模型、最优化方法;并分析了不同连续化发酵装置的优缺点及前景.  相似文献   

以阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)为澄清剂,对甜高粱混合汁中的泥沙进行絮凝处理。实验结果表明,CPAM对水样的絮凝效果良好,糖分损失很小,且在投加量为1.5 mg/L时,絮凝效果达到最佳,絮凝率达到78.54%;CPAM最佳投药量处水样的吸光度值随着泥沙含量的升高而变大;甜高粱混合汁中含糖量越低,CPAM的除泥沙效果越好;沉降时间对CPAM的絮凝效果无明显影响;pH对CPAM除泥沙效果有较大的影响,且在pH为5时絮凝效果达到最佳,絮凝率达到85.86%。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A variety of nitrogen sources were tested for lactic acid production. Corn steep liquor is a low‐cost by‐product that could replace some of the expensive nutrients of the general lactobacilli media. This work deals with the optimisation of the composition of a low‐cost medium for lactic acid production from apple pomace by Lactobacillus rhamnosus CECT‐288. RESULTS: Corn steep liquor (CSL) and yeast extract (YE) were evaluated as nutrient sources for lactic acid production from apple pomace. In comparison with media containing CSL, experiments with YE led to higher volumetric productivities but lower lactic acid concentrations and product yields. The presence of YE increased the production of acetic acid. In media containing 0.2 g CSL g?1 potential sugars, 29.5 g lactic acid L?1 was obtained after 24 h, at good yield (35.5 g per 100 g dry apple pomace) and productivity (1.23 g L?1 h?1), with a lactic acid/acetic acid mass ratio of 98 g g?1. CONCLUSION: The experimental results proved that CSL is a suitable nutrient source for lactic acid production from apple pomace, even though the volumetric productivity was lower than in experiments employing YE. Considered as a nutrient supplement, CSL presents advantages over YE not only in terms of cost but also in terms of product yield, final lactic acid concentration and lactic acid/acetic acid mass ratio. The utilisation of apple pomace as the raw material and CSL as the sole nutrient source (both cheap by‐products) enables the production of lactic acid by an economical, environmentally friendly process. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Lactic acid model solutions and fermentation broths were concentrated using a tubular thin-film composite reverse osmosis membrane. Flux increased linearly with applied transmembrane pressure and was relatively unaffected by flow rate. Osmotic pressures of 1% lactate solutions were 280–560 kPa, depending on the pH or degree of dissociation. Rejections increased with applied pressure. Higher pH caused a slight decrease in flux (due in part to the higher osmotic pressure) and a significant increase in rejection. Above pH 5·6, rejections of lactate and residual sugars were > 97%. In contrast, with cellulose acetate membranes, flux was generally lower and lactate rejection was proportional to the degree of dissociation at lower pressures.  相似文献   

为筛选出能够保护皮肤细胞减缓氧化应激损伤的乳酸菌,对植物乳杆菌、类干酪乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌、高加索酸奶乳杆菌、瑞士乳杆菌五种不同乳酸菌进行发酵培养获得发酵提取物,从生化、细胞、分子三种水平对所得提取物的抗氧化功效和保护细胞氧化应激损伤的效果和机制进行检测。结果表明五种乳酸菌发酵提取物均具有良好的清除羟自由基和超氧阴离子的能力,植物乳杆菌发酵提取物(Lactobacillus plantarum fermented extract 1,FE1)对两种自由基的清除作用最强,10g/L的FE1能够清除49.14%的羟自由基和73.99%的超氧阴离子。五种乳酸菌发酵提取物中植物乳杆菌发酵提取物、类干酪乳杆菌发酵提取物(Lactobacillus paracasei fermented extract 2, FE2)和嗜酸乳杆菌发酵提取物(Lactobacillus acidophilus fermented extract 3 ,FE3)能够显著提高氧化应激损伤条件下皮肤细胞的存活率( p<0.05)以及细胞中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的活力(p<0.05),同时降低细胞内活性氧含量(p<0.05)。特别的是,植物乳杆菌发酵提取物还可以显著提升细胞内过氧化氢酶、超氧化物歧化酶活力水平及细胞的总抗氧化能力水平(p<0.05)。分子水平实验结果显示植物乳杆菌发酵提取物可促进Sirt1上调表达,并激活Wnt/β-catenin通路中关键调控基因β-catenin,从而上调了MP30、FoxO3a、Tbx3抗氧化基因表达从而提升其抗氧化能力。因此植物乳杆菌发酵提取物良好的抗氧化性效果具有减缓H2O2刺激引起皮肤细胞氧化损伤的作用。  相似文献   

发酵法乳酸精制技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了发酵法乳酸生产工艺和乳酸发酵液特性,综述了近十年来乳酸精制的主要方法(结晶法、萃取法、酯化水解法、分子蒸馏法、吸附法和膜分离法)的最新进展,对各种方法的特点进行了评述,并对发酵法乳酸精制前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The crude glycerol from biodiesel production represents an abundant and inexpensive source which can be used as raw material for lactic acid production. The first aim of this investigation was to select a strain suitable for producing lactic acid from glycerol with a high concentration and productivity. The second aim was to obtain the optimum fermentation conditions, as a basis for large‐scale lactate production in the future. RESULTS: Eight bacterial strains, which could aerobically convert glycerol to lactic acid, were screened from soil samples. One of the strains, AC‐521, which synthesized lactic acid with a higher concentration, was identified based on its 16S rDNA sequences and physiological characteristics. These results indicated that this strain was a member of Escherichia coli. The optimal fermentation conditions for Escherichia coli AC‐521 were 42 °C, pH 6.5, 0.85 min?1 (KLa). CONCLUSION: Escherichia coli AC‐521 suitable for producing lactic acid from glycerol with high concentration and productivity was identified. After 88 h of fed‐batch fermentation, both the lactic acid concentration and glycerol consumption reached maximum, giving 85.8 g L?1 of lactic acid with a productivity of 0.97 g L?1 h?1 and a yield of 0.9 mol mol?1 glycerol. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

乳酸是合成聚乳酸的原料,生物法制备乳酸是目前工业上生产乳酸的主要方法。但乳酸发酵液成分复杂,后续的分离提纯过程成了制约乳酸生产的技术瓶颈和难点,也决定着乳酸的品质与收率。本文对乳酸发酵液的主要的分离提取工艺进行了介绍,包括结晶分离技术、酯化水解法、萃取法、分子蒸馏法、膜分离法、吸附法及与发酵耦合的原位分离技术。并提出单一的分离技术很难有效提取乳酸,需将多种技术集成、改良提纯工艺路线。其中,将各种新型高效的集成技术与发酵过程的有机结合,实现连续或半连续的发酵过程,可提高乳酸产率和产品质量,有望形成高效率、高品质、低污染、低能耗、可工业化的乳酸提纯工艺路线。  相似文献   

Extractive lactic acid fermentation was investigated in the presence of sunflower oil and Alamine‐336 (with oleyl alcohol as the diluent solvent). Lactic acid was produced in various media at 37 °C using Lactobacillus delbrueckii (NRRL‐B 445). First, the effects of oleyl alcohol (33.3%, v/v), immobilisation, and immobilisation in the presence of sunflower oil (5, 10, 15%, v/v) on lactic acid production were investigated. It was found that oleyl alcohol did not affect production while addition of sunflower oil increased lactic acid production from 10.22 to 16.46 gdm?3. On the other hand, a toxic effect was observed for oleyl alcohol solutions containing 15–50% (v/v) Alamine‐336. A maximum total lactic acid concentration of 25.59 gdm?3 was obtained when an oleyl alcohol solution containing 15% (v/v) Alamine together with immobilised cells with 15% (v/v) sunflower oil was used. This value was about 2.5 times that obtained from fermentation without organic solutions. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

pH值对电渗析法回收厨房垃圾发酵液中乳酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
程桂石  汪群慧  齐虹  孙晓红  赵莹 《化工学报》2005,56(11):2200-2203
随着人们环保意识的加强,乳酸作为生物可降解塑料的原料日益受到重视.目前,国内外一些专家都在积极开发廉价乳酸的分离新工艺,如萃取、电渗析、反渗透.电渗析法作为一种新的膜分离技术过去主要运用在苦咸水及海水的淡化上,现在欧美、日本等一些发达国家已运用电渗析法来分离、浓缩回收化工产品.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A simple macroscopical model was proposed to describe the fermentation kinetics of growth, bacteriocins and lactic acid production by Lactococcus lactis and Pediococcus acidilactici in a batch system. The equations used were: the logistic reparametrized for growth, the Luedeking–Piret model for bacteriocin production, the maintenance energy model for glucose consumption; and the homofermentative balance equation for lactic acid formation. RESULTS: In all the cultures, the mathematical models, consistents and robusts, adjusted, perfectly, the experimental kinetic profiles. Also, the corresponding kinetic parameters were significant, so much biological as statistically. CONCLUSIONS: The group of integrated equations used, besides showing high accuracy in predicting the studied bioproductions, established a useful tool for the control of lactic acid bacteria kinetics in bioreactors in terms of its statistical consistency. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

王甲卫  郭小雷  李政  谭天伟 《化工进展》2007,26(11):1619-1621
以预处理后乳酸发酵液为对象,用分子蒸馏法来进行乳酸的分离提纯,在pH值为2、温度为80℃、进料速率为150~180 mL/h、真空度在20~80 Pa下得到了纯度为96%、耐热15 min的乳酸,同时分析了乳酸的其它几项指标并做了乳酸产品及标准品的质谱图对比。分析的指标中,完全达到GB 2023—80对乳酸的质量规定,并且乳酸产品与标准品的质谱图吻合很好。  相似文献   

杜刚  刘赟  詹梦涛  胡秋月  张振宇  杨海英 《化工进展》2018,37(10):4006-4012
乳酸是有广泛应用的有机酸,廉价原料是降低乳酸生产成本的重要因素。以实验室前期筛选的植物乳杆菌sy4为出发菌株研究了利用甘蔗糖蜜生产乳酸的培养条件。在确定发酵温度和初始pH后,通过Plackett-Burman实验和中心复合实验优化乳酸发酵条件。结果表明:植物乳杆菌sy4乳酸发酵的最适条件为温度32℃、60h、初始pH 6.5;Plackett-Burman实验表明酵母提取物、糖蜜和碳酸钙是影响乳酸产量的主要因素;中心复合实验得到三因素的最优组合为:酵母提取物13.19g/L、糖蜜476.63g/L和碳酸钙134.82g/L,确定了最适发酵培养基。在此条件下乳酸产量为(145.53±1.24) g/L,与模型预测值147.23g/L接近。本研究为以甘蔗糖蜜为原料生产乳酸提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

从发酵液中分离乳酸的新工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了采用膜分离与离子交换相结合分离乳酸的新工艺。与传统的乳酸钙结晶法相比,新工艺具有提高产品收率、降低生产成本、缩短生产周期等优点。  相似文献   

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