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We present a convergent continuous branch‐and‐bound algorithm for global optimization of minimum weight truss topology problems with displacement, stress, and local buckling constraints. Valid inequalities which strengthen the problem formulation are derived. The inequalities are generated by solving well‐defined convex optimization problems. Computational results are reported on a large collection of problems taken from the literature. Most of these problems are, for the first time, solved with a proof of global optimality. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to present a level set‐based approach for the structural topology optimization problem of mass minimization submitted to local stress constraints. The main contributions are threefold. First, the inclusion of local stress constraints by means of an augmented Lagrangian approach within the level set context. Second, the proposition of a constraint procedure that accounts for a continuous activation/deactivation of a finite number of local stress constraints during the optimization sequence. Finally, the proposition of a logarithmic scaling of the level set normal velocity as an additional regularization technique in order to improve the minimization sequence. A set of benchmark tests in two dimensions achieving successful numerical results assesses the good behavior of the proposed method. In these examples, it is verified that the algorithm is able to identify stress concentrations and drive the design to a feasible local minimum. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an alternative topology optimization formulation capable of handling the presence of stress constraints in a straightforward fashion. The main idea is to adopt a mixed finite‐element discretization scheme wherein not only displacements (as usual) but also stresses are the variables entering the formulation. By doing so, any stress constraint may be handled within the optimization procedure without resorting to post‐processing operation typical of displacement‐based techniques that may also cause a loss in accuracy in stress computation if no smoothing of the stress is performed. Two dual variational principles of Hellinger–Reissner type are presented in continuous and discrete form that, which included in a rather general topology optimization problem in the presence of stress constraints that is solved by the method of moving asymptotes (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1984; 24 (3):359–373). Extensive numerical simulations are performed and ongoing extensions outlined, including the optimization of elastoplastic and incompressible media. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a global optimization method of robust truss topology under the load uncertainties and slenderness constraints of the member cross-sectional areas. We consider a non-stochastic uncertainty of the external load, and attempt to minimize the maximum compliance corresponding to the most critical load. A design-dependent uncertainty model in the external load is proposed in order to consider the variation of truss topology rigorously. It is shown that this optimization problem can be formulated as a 0–1 mixed integer semidefinite programming (0–1MISDP) problem. We propose a branch-and-bound method for computing the global optimal solution of the 0–1MISDP. Numerical examples illustrate that the topology of robust optimal truss depends on the magnitude of uncertainty. The presented method can provide global optimal solutions for benchmark examples, which can be used for evaluating the performance of any other local optimization method for robust structural optimization.  相似文献   

Topology optimization using stress constraints and considering uncertainties is a serious challenge, since a reliability problem has to be solved for each stress constraint, for each element in the mesh. In this paper, an alternative way of solving this problem is used, where uncertainty quantification is performed through the first‐order perturbation approach, with proper validation by Monte Carlo simulation. Uncertainties are considered in the loading magnitude and direction. The minimum volume problem subjected to local stress constraints is formulated as a robust problem, where the stress constraints are written as a weighted average between their expected value and standard deviation. The augmented Lagrangian method is used for handling the large set of local stress constraints, whereas a gradient‐based algorithm is used for handling the bounding constraints. It is shown that even in the presence of small uncertainties in loading direction, different topologies are obtained when compared to a deterministic approach. The effect of correlation between uncertainties in loading magnitude and direction on optimal topologies is also studied, where the main observed result is loss of symmetry in optimal topologies.  相似文献   

This paper deals with topology optimization of discretized continuum structures. It is shown that a large class of non‐linear 0–1 topology optimization problems, including stress‐ and displacement‐constrained minimum weight problems, can equivalently be modelled as linear mixed 0–1 programs. The modelling approach is applied to some test problems which are solved to global optimality. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce an extension of current technologies for topology optimization of continuum structures which allows for treating local stress criteria. We first consider relevant stress criteria for porous composite materials, initially by studying the stress states of the so-called rank 2 layered materials. Then, on the basis of the theoretical study of the rank 2 microstructures, we propose an empirical model that extends the power penalized stiffness model (also called SIMP for Solid Isotropic Microstructure with Penalization for inter-mediate densities). In a second part, solution aspects of topology problems are considered. To deal with the so-called ‘singularity’ phenomenon of stress constraints in topology design, an ϵ-constraint relaxation of the stress constraints is used. We describe the mathematical programming approach that is used to solve the numerical optimization problems, and show results for a number of example applications. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a hierarchical optimization method for finding feasible true 0–1 solutions to finite‐element‐based topology design problems. The topology design problems are initially modelled as non‐convex mixed 0–1 programs. The hierarchical optimization method is applied to the problem of minimizing the weight of a structure subject to displacement and local design‐dependent stress constraints. The method iteratively treats a sequence of problems of increasing size of the same type as the original problem. The problems are defined on a design mesh which is initially coarse and then successively refined as needed. At each level of design mesh refinement, a neighbourhood optimization method is used to treat the problem considered. The non‐convex topology design problems are equivalently reformulated as convex all‐quadratic mixed 0–1 programs. This reformulation enables the use of methods from global optimization, which have only recently become available, for solving the problems in the sequence. Numerical examples of topology design problems of continuum structures with local stress and displacement constraints are presented. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the design of a metamaterial for the shear layer of a nonpneumatic tire using topology optimization, under stress and buckling constraints. These constraints are implemented for a smooth maximum function using global aggregation. A linear elastic finite element model is used, implementing solid isotropic material with penalization. Design sensitivities are determined by the adjoint method. The method of moving asymptotes is used to solve the numerical optimization problem. Two different optimization statements are used. Each requires a compliance limit and some aspect of continuation. The buckling analysis is linear, considering the generalized eigenvalue problem of the conventional and stress stiffness matrices. Various symmetries, base materials, and starting geometries are considered. This leads to novel topologies that all achieve the target effective shear modulus of 10 MPa, while staying within the stress constraint. The stress-only designs generally were susceptible to buckling failure. A family of designs (columnar, noninterconnected representative unit cells) that emerge in this study appears to exhibit favorable properties for this application.  相似文献   

This paper deals with topology optimization of load‐carrying structures defined on discretized continuum design domains. In particular, the minimum compliance problem with stress constraints is considered. The finite element method is used to discretize the design domain into n finite elements and the design of a certain structure is represented by an n‐dimensional binary design variable vector. In order to solve the problems, the binary constraints on the design variables are initially relaxed and the problems are solved with both the method of moving asymptotes and the sparse non‐linear optimizer solvers for continuous optimization in order to compare the two solvers. By solving a sequence of problems with a sequentially lower limit on the amount of grey allowed, designs that are close to ‘black‐and‐white’ are obtained. In order to get locally optimal solutions that are purely {0, 1}n, a sequential linear integer programming method is applied as a post‐processor. Numerical results are presented for some different test problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, a unified framework is introduced for robust structural topology optimization for 2D and 3D continuum and truss problems. The uncertain material parameters are modelled using a spatially correlated random field which is discretized using the Karhunen–Loève expansion. The spectral stochastic finite element method is used, with a polynomial chaos expansion to propagate uncertainties in the material characteristics to the response quantities. In continuum structures, either 2D or 3D random fields are modelled across the structural domain, while representation of the material uncertainties in linear truss elements is achieved by expanding 1D random fields along the length of the elements. Several examples demonstrate the method on both 2D and 3D continuum and truss structures, showing that this common framework provides an interesting insight into robustness versus optimality for the test problems considered.  相似文献   

A bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization algorithm is presented, which employs integer linear programming to compute optimal solutions to topology optimization problems with the objective of mass minimization. The objective and constraint functions are linearized using Taylor's first-order approximation, thereby allowing the method to handle all types of constraints without using Lagrange multipliers or sensitivity thresholds. A relaxation of the constraint targets is performed such that only small changes in topology are allowed during a single update, thus ensuring the existence of feasible solutions. A variety of problems are solved, demonstrating the ability of the method to easily handle a number of structural constraints, including compliance, stress, buckling, frequency, and displacement. This is followed by an example with multiple structural constraints and, finally, the method is demonstrated on a wing-box, showing that topology optimization for mass minimization of real-world structures can be considered using the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Manufacturers have a legal accountability to deal with industrial waste generated from their production processes in order to avoid pollution. Along with advances in waste recovery techniques, manufacturers may adopt various recycling strategies in dealing with industrial waste. With reuse strategies and technologies, byproducts or wastes will be returned to production processes in the iron and steel industry, and some waste can be recycled back to base material for reuse in other industries. This article focuses on a recovery strategies optimization problem for a typical class of industrial waste recycling process in order to maximize profit. There are multiple strategies for waste recycling available to generate multiple byproducts; these byproducts are then further transformed into several types of chemical products via different production patterns. A mixed integer programming model is developed to determine which recycling strategy and which production pattern should be selected with what quantity of chemical products corresponding to this strategy and pattern in order to yield maximum marginal profits. The sales profits of chemical products and the set-up costs of these strategies, patterns and operation costs of production are considered. A simulated annealing (SA) based heuristic algorithm is developed to solve the problem. Finally, an experiment is designed to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method. By comparing a single strategy to multiple strategies in an example, it is shown that the total sales profit of chemical products can be increased by around 25% through the simultaneous use of multiple strategies. This illustrates the superiority of combinatorial multiple strategies. Furthermore, the effects of the model parameters on profit are discussed to help manufacturers organize their waste recycling network.  相似文献   

It is nowadays widely acknowledged that optimal structural design should be robust with respect to the uncertainties in loads and material parameters. However, there are several alternatives to consider such uncertainties in structural optimization problems. This paper presents a comprehensive comparison between the results of three different approaches to topology optimization under uncertain loading, considering stress constraints: (1) the robust formulation, which requires only the mean and standard deviation of stresses at each element; (2) the reliability-based formulation, which imposes a reliability constraint on computed stresses; (3) the non-probabilistic formulation, which considers a worst-case scenario for the stresses caused by uncertain loads. The information required by each method, regarding the uncertain loads, and the uncertainty propagation approach used in each case is quite different. The robust formulation requires only mean and standard deviation of uncertain loads; stresses are computed via a first-order perturbation approach. The reliability-based formulation requires full probability distributions of random loads, reliability constraints are computed via a first-order performance measure approach. The non-probabilistic formulation is applicable for bounded uncertain loads; only lower and upper bounds are used, and worst-case stresses are computed via a nested optimization with anti-optimization. The three approaches are quite different in the handling of uncertainties; however, the basic topology optimization framework is the same: the traditional density approach is employed for material parameterization, while the augmented Lagrangian method is employed to solve the resulting problem, in order to handle the large number of stress constraints. Results are computed for two reference problems: similarities and differences between optimized topologies obtained with the three formulations are exploited and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new mixed integer mathematical model for a closed-loop supply-chain network that includes both forward and reverse flows with multi-periods and multi-parts is proposed. The proposed model guarantees the optimal values of transportation amounts of manufactured and disassembled products in a closed-loop supply chain while determining the location of plants and retailers. Finally, computational results are presented for a number of scenarios to show and validate the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

本文讨论了上层决策变量为整数变量、下层决策变量为连续变量的混合整数双层线性规划问题,利用其可行解均落在约束域边界上的性质,提出了一种求解混合整数双层线性规划全局最优解的算法,并举例说明了算法的执行过程。  相似文献   

Linear buckling constraints are important in structural topology optimization for obtaining designs that can support the required loads without failure. During the optimization process, the critical buckling eigenmode can change; this poses a challenge to gradient‐based optimization and can require the computation of a large number of linear buckling eigenmodes. This is potentially both computationally difficult to achieve and prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we motivate the need for a large number of linear buckling modes and show how several features of the block Jacobi conjugate gradient (BJCG) eigenvalue method, including optimal shift estimates, the reuse of eigenvectors, adaptive eigenvector tolerances and multiple shifts, can be used to efficiently and robustly compute a large number of buckling eigenmodes. This paper also introduces linear buckling constraints for level‐set topology optimization. In our approach, the velocity function is defined as a weighted sum of the shape sensitivities for the objective and constraint functions. The weights are found by solving an optimization sub‐problem to reduce the mass while maintaining feasibility of the buckling constraints. The effectiveness of this approach in combination with the BJCG method is demonstrated using a 3D optimization problem. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mixed-model U-line balancing problem was first studied by Sparling and Miltenburg (Sparling, D. and Miltenburg, J., 1998. The mixed-model U-line balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 36(2), 485–501) but has not been mathematically formulated to date. This paper presents a mixed integer programming formulation for optimal balancing of mixed-model U-lines. The proposed approach minimises the number of workstations required on the line for a given model sequence. The proposed formulation is illustrated and tested on an example problem and compared with an existing approach. This paper also proposes a new heuristic solution procedure to handle large scale mixed-model U-line balancing problems. A comprehensive experimental analysis is also conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic. The results show the validity and usefulness of the proposed integer formulation and effectiveness of the proposed heuristic procedure.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide an effective method to generate the ground structure in truss topology optimization. The core of this method is to place nodal points for the ground structure at the intersection of the first and third principal stress trajectories, which are obtained by solving the equivalent static problem in the design domain with a homogeneous isotropic material property. It is applicable to generate the ground structure for arbitrary regular and irregular geometric design domains. The proposed method is tested on some benchmark examples in truss topology optimization. The optimization model is a standard linear programming problem based on plastic design and solved by the interior point algorithm. Compared with other methods, the proposed method may use a well-defined ground structure with fewer nodes and bars, resulting in faster solution convergence, which shows it to be efficient.  相似文献   

We present a method for finding solutions of large‐scale binary programming problems where the calculation of derivatives is very expensive. We then apply this method to a topology optimization problem of weight minimization subject to compliance and buckling constraints. We derive an analytic expression for the derivative of the stress stiffness matrix with respect to the density of an element in the finite‐element setting. Results are presented for a number of two‐dimensional test problems.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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