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食品加工对过敏原活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来, 食物过敏性疾病的发病率明显上升, 已成为影响人类健康最常见的全球性疾病之一。本文对食品加工中常用的几种方法对特定食品过敏原活性的影响进行了综述, 这些加工方法包括热处理、高压处理、研磨、辐照、碱水解、梅拉德反应、酶解、微生物发酵和基因工程等, 并对存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文综述了食品过敏原的分类及管理研究现状。介绍了食物过敏和食品过敏原的定义、食品过敏原的分类、国内外食品过敏原的安全管理措施等三个方面的研究进展, 并对加强食品过敏原管理提出建议。  相似文献   

食品过敏已成为世界关注的重大公共卫生学和食品安全问题。食品过敏原是引起食品过敏的直接诱因,具有耐加工和交叉反应的特性。国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission,CAC)规定了必须在食品标签中标注的8种可能引起过敏反应的食品及其配料,包括含有麸质的谷类、甲壳动物及其制品、鸡蛋及其制品、鱼类及其制品、花生、大豆及其制品、奶和奶制品(包括乳糖)、坚果及其制品、浓度不低于10 mg/kg的亚硫酸盐。欧盟、美国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰等已根据国际食品法典委员会对过敏原的要求出台强制性标识食品过敏原的法规,这在一定程度上对我国出口食品企业造成了影响。本文通过对比CAC以及欧盟、中国、美国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰等地有关过敏原标签的要求,提醒出口食品加工企业减少因标签不合格造成的经济损失,并为其在生产加工过程中过敏原的控制提出建议。  相似文献   

食品过敏原已成为全球性的食品安全隐患。应对食品过敏反应最直接、有效的方法就是避免食用和接触各种含有致敏成分的食品。因此,快速和灵敏地检测食品中过敏原对预防和控制食品过敏反应是十分重要的。食品过敏原检测主要可以分为基于核酸和蛋白质的两大类检测技术。与基于聚合酶链式反应技术、液相色谱-串联质谱法的传统检测手段相比,生物传感技术检测平台因具有操作简单、高通量、灵敏度高、现场便携等优点,在食品过敏原快速检测领域备受关注。本文综述了近年来食品过敏原的生物传感检测技术研究进展,包括电化学传感器、光学传感器和其他新型传感器及其在食品过敏原检测中的应用,并展望了生物传感技术在食品过敏原分析中面临的挑战和发展趋势。  相似文献   

食物致敏原及其检测技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来随着食物过敏发病率的增加,有关食物过敏的研究越来越受人们的重视,食物过敏已成为当前食品安全领域较为突出的问题。介绍了食物致敏原的性质、种类,详细论述了两类主要的食物致敏原检测技术,并对食物致敏原检测技术的发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   


Large population studies estimated that the frequency of food allergies is increasing worldwide. In the last two decades, a ‘second wave’ of the allergy epidemic has emerged as a growing public health problem. EU regulation strengthened information to consumers about allergens in pre-packed food, since December 2014 it has been extended to non-prepacked foods by the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Commission. The present work aims to present a five-year survey on the presence of nine types of allergen in several foods, including food of animal origin and baby food. The concentration found for each irregular allergen is generally low, but some samples with no gluten indication contained a concentration above 10 mg kg?1 with the highest value of 138.5 mg kg?1 in a dietetic food, during the screening in 2017. These data underline the importance and the necessity of a complete food labelling to protect the majority of allergic individuals.  相似文献   

目前,食品过敏问题已成为全球性的健康问题。在食品加工过程中产生的食品过敏成分或微量过敏原对敏感机体都是巨大的健康威胁。因此,可靠的分析方法是鉴别和检测食品中过敏成分所必需的。该文综述了基于蛋白质和脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的食品过敏原检测技术的应用及发展,并展望了其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

食物过敏是当前食品安全领域比较突出的问题,相应的过敏原检测方法研究也越来越受重视。相比于传统的免疫学检测方法,质谱技术在检测加工后以及复杂基质中的食物过敏原中,具有高通量和高灵敏性等优点,被广泛应用于食物过敏原的检测。本文主要从定性和定量2方面介绍了质谱技术在食品过敏原检测中的研究进展。相关研究对牛乳、鸡蛋、小麦和榛子(坚果类)等主要食物过敏原均有涉及。在定性研究中,以肽质量指纹图谱法和肽碎片离子鉴定法为主,鉴定食物中的过敏原蛋白。在定量研究中,通过标记/无标记技术,也能够实现对微量的目标蛋白进行相对/绝对定量。质谱技术应用于食物过敏原检测中,将有助于提升过敏原检测能力,降低食物过敏安全风险。  相似文献   

目的 根据过敏原数据库对食品过敏原进行分类。方法 从致敏性蛋白结构数据库SDAP(Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins)中获得已知食品过敏原列表, 将这些食品过敏原在AllFam数据库中进行整理分类。结果 根据分类结果, 得到涵盖食品过敏原数量最多的五个家族分别是Prolamin superfamily、Bet v 1-related protein、EF hand domain、Cupin superfamily和Profilin, 他们包含了大约60%的食物过敏原。研究还发现3个交叉过敏原家族, 分别是Serpin serine protease inhibitor、Thioredoxin和Triosephosphate isomerase。结论 这个分类包含植物性食品过敏原和动物性食品过敏原两大类, 并使用了过敏原家族数据库AllFam, 为科学研究食品过敏原的结构和功能及动物致敏试验、临床致敏试验的设计和开展提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

Dot-ELISA法同时检测多种食品过敏原的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过花生、虾、蛋清过敏原浸液皮下免疫复制小鼠过敏模型,获特异性IgE的小鼠血清进行方法学研究。将不同的过敏原以适当浓度点状吸附于硝酸纤维素膜(NC膜)上,与待检血清作用,再依次与生物素化羊抗鼠IgE第二抗体,亲和素偶联的辣根过氧化物酶反应,DAB显色。结果表明:获得了小鼠抗花生、虾、蛋清过敏原高效价特异性IgE血清。Dot-ELISA法各种过敏原最适包被量为2μL(10μg蛋白),待检抗血清最佳稀释度为1∶80,通过肉眼观察NC膜上斑点的显色即可确定待检血清中相应过敏原特异性IgE,且3种过敏原之间无交叉反应性。不同时间同批试剂重复检测结果完全一致,包被过敏原的NC膜4℃可稳定保存3个月。实验初步建立了用含有过敏原特异性IgE的小鼠血清同时检测多种过敏原的Dot-ELISA实验方案,该法简便、特异、稳定、重复性好,可成为食品过敏原鉴定与评价的新方法。  相似文献   

目的 对我国与主要国家/地区的食品致敏物质标签标示要求差异性展开研究,同时调查消费者的食物过敏情况以及对于致敏物质标签标示的认知度,为我国食品中致敏物质的标签标示管理提供建议。方法 收集对比各国/地区食品中致敏物质标签标示的法律法规及标准,同时对消费者开展问卷调查,对5 975份调查报告进行统计并分析调查结果。结果 我国食品中致敏物质标签标示要求较为宽松,消费者对于相关标示内容有所需求。结论 应推行食品中致敏物质的强制化标示,完善食品中致敏物质标签标示的管理。  相似文献   

The food processing industry generates an immense amount of waste, which leads to major concerns for its environmental impact. However, most of these wastes, such as plant‐derived byproducts, are still nutritionally adequate for use in food manufacturing. Extrusion is one of the most versatile and commercially successful processing technologies, with its widespread applications in the production of pasta, snacks, crackers, and meat analogues. It allows a high degree of user control over the processing parameters that significantly alters the quality of final products. This review features the past research on manufacture of extruded foods with integration of various plant food processing byproducts. The impact of extrusion parameters and adding various byproducts on the nutritional, physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological properties of food products are comprehensively discussed. This paper also provides fundamental knowledge and practical techniques for food manufacturers and researchers on the extrusion processing of plant food byproducts, which may increase economical return to the industry and reduce the environmental impact.  相似文献   

主要介绍了低温等离子体技术、高压处理、超声波处理、辐照处理等非热物理加工技术及其优缺点,这些技术均能够通过暴露或掩盖食物中过敏原的抗原表位,改变过敏原的二级结构,破坏维持三、四级结构的非共价键如氢键、疏水相互作用等方式来改变致敏蛋白的空间结构,从而消减其致敏性。  相似文献   

近年来食物过敏作为食品安全的热点问题在全球引起了广泛关注。目前食物过敏仍无有效的根治方法,严格避免摄入致敏食品仍是过敏性疾病防治的最有效方式。因此,食品中过敏原的识别鉴定、性质分析及检测方法的研究至关重要。本文针对八大类过敏食物,从分子结构、免疫学特性等方面介绍了常见食物过敏原的研究进展;归纳了现阶段用于食品中过敏原分析的常规检测方法,以及在此基础上发展而来的新兴检测丰富,并比较分析了不同检测技术方法的优缺点。相比于植物源性过敏原,动物源性过敏原的相关研究有待深入,尤其是蛋白家族的确定及空间结构解析等是未来动物源性过敏原研究的重要方向;目前食品中常见过敏原的常规检测方法及新兴检测方法依然存在检测效率和准确性不高、成本昂贵等局限性,建立高效、准确、低成本的过敏原检测方法仍是该研究领域发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

Almond (Prunus dulcis) is not only widely used as a human food as a result of its flavor, nutrients, and health benefits, but it is also one of the most likely tree nuts to trigger allergies. Almond allergens, however, have not been studied as extensively as those of peanuts and other selected tree nuts. This review provides an update of the molecular properties of almond allergens to clarify some confusion about the identities of almond allergens and our perspective on characterizing putative almond allergens. At present, the following almond allergens have been designated by the World Health Organization/International Union of Immunological Societies Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee: Pru du 3 (a non-specific lipid transfer protein 1, nsLTP1), Pru du 4 (a profilin), Pru du 5 (60S acidic ribosomal protein 2), Pru du 6 (an 11S legumin known as prunin) and Pru du 8 (an antimicrobial protein with cC3C repeats). Besides, almond vicilin and almond γ-conglutin have been identified as food allergens, although further characterization of these allergens is still of interest. In addition, almond 2S albumin was reported as a food allergen as a result of the misidentification of Pru du 8. Two more almond proteins have been called allergens based on their sequence homology with known food allergens and their ‘membership’ in relevant protein families that contain allergens in many species. These include the pathogenesis related-10 protein (referred to as Pru du 1) and the thaumatin-like protein (referred to as Pru du 2). Almonds thus have five known food allergens and five more likely ones that need to be investigated further. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

我国辐照食品技术发展迅速,是世界上辐照食品产量最大的国家。辐照技术具有处理效率高、处理时间短、处理量大、非热加工、易于产业化生产等优点,被广泛用于水果、蔬菜、海产品等的保鲜过程中,随着研究深入也被用于食品有害物质的降解、品质改善等过程中。尽管国际卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)强调低剂量辐照(小于10 kGy)对食品加工具有安全性,可以大量推广应用,但由于消费者对辐照食品的加工过程及其作用机制缺乏了解,普遍对其比较谨慎,往往担心产生辐射残留、生成新的危害物、破坏营养组分等。为了揭示辐照对食品组分及其营养安全性的影响,近年来国内外学者开展了大量研究,本文结合课题组前期研究成果及国内外相关研究进展,就辐照对食品组分中蛋白质及过敏原的影响研究进行简要综述。  相似文献   

Food allergies are a global food safety problem. Peanut allergies are common due, in part, to their popular utilization in the food industry. Peanut allergy is typically an immunoglobulin E-mediated reaction, and peanuts contain 17 allergens belonging to different families in peanut. In this review, we first introduce the mechanisms and management of peanut allergy, followed by the basic structures of associated allergens. Subsequently, we summarize methods of epitope localization for peanut allergens. These methods can be instrumental in speeding up the discovery of allergenicity-dependent structures. Many attempts have been made to decrease the allergenicity of peanuts. The structures of hypoallergens, which are manufactured during processing, were analyzed to strengthen the desensitization process and allergen immunotherapy. The identification of conformational epitopes is the bottleneck in both peanut and food allergies. Further, the identification and modification of such epitopes will lead to improved strategies for managing and preventing peanut allergy. Combining traditional wet chemistry research with structure simulation studies will help in the epitopes’ localization.  相似文献   

Milk allergens are common allergens occurring in foods, therefore raising concern in allergic consumers. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is, to date, the method of choice for the detection of food allergens by the food industry although, the performance of ELISA might be compromised when severe food processing techniques are applied to allergen-containing foods. In this paper we investigated the influence of baking time on the detection of milk allergens by using commercial ELISA kits. Baked cookies were chosen as a model food system and experiments were set up to study the impact of spiking a matrix food either before, or after the baking process. Results revealed clear analytical differences between both spiking methods, which stress the importance of choosing appropriate spiking methodologies for method validation purposes. Finally, since the narrow dynamic range of quantification of ELISA implies that dilution of samples is required, the impact of sample dilution on the quantitative results was investigated. All parameters investigated were shown to impact milk allergen detection by means of ELISA.  相似文献   

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