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Scope: Dietary polyphenols (PP) can be divided into two groups: extractable polyphenols (EPP) or compounds solubilized by aqueous organic solvents, and nonextractable polyphenols (NEPP) or compounds that remain in their corresponding extraction residues. Most studies on food polyphenols and dietary intakes address exclusively EPP. The objective of this work was to determine the actual amount of PP, including NEPP, in food and in a whole diet. Methods and results: HPLC‐MS analyses were performed to identify EPP in methanol–acetone extracts and NEPP in the acidic hydrolyzates of their extraction residues in cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. NEPP contents, estimated as hydrolyzable PP plus nonextractable proanthocyanidins (PA), ranged from 880 mg/100 g dry weight in fruits to 210 mg/100 g in cereals and were substantially higher than the contents of EPP. NEPP intake (day/person) in the Spanish diet (942 mg) is higher than EPP intake (258 mg) fruits and vegetables (746 mg) are the major contributors to the total PP intake (1201 mg). Conclusion: Non extractable polyphenols are the major part of dietary polyphenols. The knowledge of intakes and physiological properties of NEPP may be useful for a better understanding of the potential health effects of dietary PP.  相似文献   

A metabolic health crisis is evident as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of mortality in the United States. Effects of resistant starch type 4 (RS4), a prebiotic fiber, in comprehensive management of metabolic syndrome (MetS) remain unknown. This study examined the effects of a blinded exchange of RS4‐enriched flour (30% v/v) with regular/control flour (CF) diet on multiple MetS comorbidities. In a double blind (participants–investigators), placebo‐controlled, cluster cross‐over intervention (n = 86, age≥18, 2–12 week interventions, 2‐week washout) in the United States, individuals were classified as having MetS (With‐MetS) or not (No‐MetS) following International Diabetes Federation (IDF)‐criteria. RS4 consumption compared with CF resulted in 7.2% (p = 0.002) lower mean total cholesterol, 5.5% (p = 0.04) lower non‐HDL, and a 12.8% (p < 0.001) lower HDL cholesterol in the With‐MetS group. No‐MetS individuals had a 2.6% (p = 0.02) smaller waist circumference and 1.5% (p = 0.03) lower percent body fat following RS4 intervention compared to CF. A small but significant 1% increase in fat‐free mass was observed in all participants combined (p = 0.02). No significant effect of RS4 was observed for glycemic variables and blood pressures. RS4 consumption improved dyslipidemia and body composition. Incorporation of RS4 in routine diets could offer an effective strategy for public cardio‐metabolic health promotion.  相似文献   

文章概述了膳食多酚通过调节氧化应激、保护肠黏膜屏障、调节肠道菌群及代谢物改善炎症性肠病的作用机制,重点阐述了膳食多酚对炎症性肠病炎症信号通路的调节作用,并展望了膳食多酚在炎症性肠病等疾病营养干预领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

This article gives an overview on the work available on methods for berry pomace processing, on methods for polyphenol extraction and on methods for polyphenol analysis. Additionally, previous reviews on fruit pomace have been identified and categorised with respect to pomace origin, and the scientific focus of the work. Data on berry pomace proximate composition are compiled, as are methods applied for processing and stabilising pomace. The article also discusses how processing methods influence juice and pomace yield, the transfer of value compounds from the fruit to either juice or pomace and the techno‐functional properties of the pomace. Methods for polyphenol extraction are summarised and interpreted, and the state‐of‐the‐art methods for polyphenol analysis are presented in line with respective sample preparation procedures. Knowledge gaps that were identified strongly indicate that systematic work has to be done to make berry pomace available as a valuable plant‐based ingredient for processed foods.  相似文献   

Polyphenols are a class of natural compounds widely distributed in fruits, vegetables, and plants. They have been reported to possess a wide range of activities in prevention and alleviation of various diseases like cancer, neuroinflammation, diabetes, and aging. Polyphenols are effective against chronic diseases and recent reports indicated strong epigenetic effects of polyphenols. Most of the studies investigating epigenetic effects of natural polyphenols have focused on their beneficial effects in cancer treatment. However, epigenetic defects have been demonstrated in many other diseases as well, and application of polyphenols to modulate the epigenome is becoming an interesting field of research. This review summarizes the effects of natural polyphenols in modulating epigenetic‐related enzymes as well as their effect in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases with a focus on SIRT1 modulation. We have also discussed the relation between the structure and function of epigenetic‐modifying polyphenols.  相似文献   

In the perspective of cereal‐based functional food development, the research compared stone watermill and stone mill which differed in the heating generated during grinding (30 and 60 °C) and the effects of storage on the preservation of phytochemicals. After 6‐month storage of flour, a decrease in soluble dietary fibre (loss of 1.9–2.5 g 100 g?1) and bound polyphenols (loss of 6.2–8.5%) was observed, while other wheat grain components remained unvaried. Comparing the milling techniques, stoneground wheat grains (60 °C) showed the highest amylose (34.7–36.9% of total starch) and resistant starch amounts (0.85–1.16% of total starch), which could be of interest for lowering Glycaemic Index. Stoneground KAMUT® starch had higher tendency to be converted into resistant starch and it also showed the higher degree of starch damage, as compared to the durum wheat variety Claudio. The study provided suggestions for modulating the production chain with the aim of supplying added value to wheat‐based products.  相似文献   

Kaempferol is a polyphenol antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables. Many studies have described the beneficial effects of dietary kaempferol in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, especially cancer. Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between kaempferol intake and cancer. Kaempferol may help by augmenting the body’s antioxidant defence against free radicals, which promote the development of cancer. At the molecular level, kaempferol has been reported to modulate a number of key elements in cellular signal transduction pathways linked to apoptosis, angiogenesis, inflammation, and metastasis. Significantly, kaempferol inhibits cancer cell growth and angiogenesis and induces cancer cell apoptosis, but on the other hand, kaempferol appears to preserve normal cell viability, in some cases exerting a protective effect. The aim of this review is to synthesize information concerning the extraction of kaempferol, as well as to provide insights into the molecular basis of its potential chemo-preventative activities, with an emphasis on its ability to control intracellular signaling cascades that regulate the aforementioned processes. Chemoprevention using nanotechnology to improve the bioavailability of kaempferol is also discussed.  相似文献   

Background: In spite of promising experimental findings, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have yielded mixed results on the impact of quercetin supplementation on plasma lipid levels.

Aim: The present study aimed to quantify the effects of quercetin on plasma lipids using a meta-analysis of RCTs.

Methods: A systematic literature search of Medline was conducted for RCTs that investigated the efficacy of quercetin supplementation on plasma lipids comprising total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides. Weighted mean differences (WMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for net changes in lipid concentrations using a random-effects model. Meta-regression analysis was conducted to assess the effect of quercetin dose and duration of supplementation as moderators on the calculated effect measures.

Results: Five RCTs totaling 442 subjects (221 in the quercetin and 221 in the control group) fulfilled the eligibility criteria and selected for analyses. Combined estimate of effect size for the impact of quercetin on plasma LDL-C (WMD: 1.43 mg/dL, 95% CI: ?0.92–3.78, p = 0.23), HDL-C (WMD: 0.26 mg/dL, 95% CI: ?0.74–1.25, p = 0.61) and triglycerides (WMD: ?9.42 mg/dL, 95% CI: ?27.80–8.96, p = 0.32) was not statistically significant. However, a borderline significant but clinically non-relevant increase in total cholesterol was observed (WMD: 3.13 mg/dL, 95% CI: ?0.01–6.27, p = 0.05). When the analysis was confined to the subgroups of studies with quercetin doses ≥500 mg/day and follow-up of ≥ 4 weeks, a significant increase in total cholesterol (WMD: 3.57 mg/dL, 95% CI: 0.21–6.92, p = 0.04) and a decline in triglycerides (WMD: ?24.54 mg/dL, 95% CI: ?33.09 to ?15.99, p < 0.00001) was observed, but LDL-C and HDL-C concentrations remained unchanged (p > 0.05). Changes in plasma triglycerides, but not other indices of lipid profile, were significantly associated with quercetin dose (slope: ?0.057; 95% CI: ?0.103 to ?0.010; p = 0.02) and duration of supplementation (slope: ?5.314; 95% CI: ?9.482 to ?1.147; p = 0.01).

Conclusion: Available evidence from RCTs does not suggest any clinically relevant effect of quercetin supplementation on plasma lipids, apart from a significant reduction of triglycerides at doses above 50 mg/day.  相似文献   


1 Scope

3‐Methylhistidine (3‐MH) as a potential biomarker for muscle protein turnover is influenced by meat intake but data on the impact of meat on plasma 3‐MH are scarce. We determined the association of plasma 3‐MH, 1‐methylhistidine (1‐MH), and creatinine with dietary habits and assessed the impact of a single white meat intervention during a meat‐free period.

2 Methods and results

Plasma 3‐MH, 1‐MH, and creatinine concentrations of healthy young omnivores (n = 19) and vegetarians (n = 16) were analyzed together with data on anthropometry, body composition, grip strength, and nutrition. After baseline measurements omnivores adhered to a meat‐free diet for 6 days and received a defined administration of chicken breast on day four. At baseline, omnivores had higher plasma 3‐MH and 1‐MH concentrations than vegetarians. White meat administration led to a slight increase in plasma 3‐MH in omnivores. The elevated 3‐MH concentrations significantly declined within 24 h after white meat intake.

3 Conclusion

1‐MH concentrations in plasma seem to be suitable to display (white) meat consumption and its influence on 3‐MH plasma concentration. 3‐MH in plasma may be used as a biomarker for muscle protein turnover if subjects have not consumed meat in the previous 24 h.  相似文献   

Phytosterols and phytostanols (PAP) compete with cholesterol absorption in the intestine, resulting in a 5–15%-reduction in plasma total and LDL cholesterol. An important issue is the PAP potential to reduce the plasma concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins and provitamin A carotenoids. Here, an update of the scientific evidence is reviewed to evaluate plant PAP-enriched foods impact on plasma fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoid levels, and to discuss potential implications in terms of cardiovascular risk. Based on 49 human interventional and 3 bioavailability studies, results showed that regular consumption, particularly over the long term, of foods fortified with PAP as recommended in labeling does not significantly impact plasma vitamins A, D, and K concentration. A 10% significant median reduction was observed for α-tocopherol. Concerning carotenoids, while 13 studies did not demonstrate statistically significant plasma β-carotene reduction, 20 studies showed significant reductions, with median effect size of ?24%. This decline can be mitigated or offset by increased fruits and vegetables consumption. Furthermore, higher cardiovascular risk was observed for differences in plasma β-carotene concentration of the same magnitude as the estimated average decrease by PAP consumption. These results are supported by the only study of β-carotene bioavailability showing decrease in absorption by phytosterols daily intake.  相似文献   

Part two of this review evaluates the impact of physiological, husbandry and seasonal factors on the physicochemical properties of raw bovine milk and on products manufactured from it. For producers of dairy products, there are opportunities to select the most appropriate feeding regimes for producing raw milk which is optimal for their products, as well as understanding what are the best products to be made from milk produced at different times of the year. For these reasons, the concept of ‘best use’ for milk will become an exciting and profitable area for study.  相似文献   

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