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We propose ‘Ubiquitous Acoustic Spaces,’ where each sound source can emit some address information and automatically enable us to access its related cyber space, using mobile terminals. This will be used for a new type of wireless advertisement for mobile phones using sound media. In order to realize this, we have proposed a nearly lossless audio watermarking technique, utilizing two‐channel stereo audio characteristics. This enables contactless asynchronous detection of embedded watermarks through loudspeaker and microphone devices even by using cell phones. We extend the embedding frequency band width and improve the extraction precision. Thus we enable watermark extraction from both stereo channels. Possible embedding data rate can be extended to 80 bps, and almost 100% data can be extracted in case of using PC or PDA devices as terminals. Moreover, we can carry out the watermark extraction even from cell phone loudspeakers or through public telephone networks. From our experiments, almost 100% extraction of 20 bps embedded data could be achieved with these phone devices. In this paper, we describe briefly our newly proposed dual monaural watermark embedding algorithms, and present a prototype system of ubiquitous acoustic spaces using cell phones, based on our experimental results of extraction precision on several capture signal conditions including experiments using cell phones or public telephone networks. Copyright © 2007 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the usability of mobile cellular networks to obtain traffic information on a freeway. The question of whether a mobile station (cell phone) can play an acceptable role as a probe for collecting traffic information on a freeway is examined. A space-based approach, wherein the probe vehicles transmit information to roadside devices as they pass through reference points, is exploited rather than a time-based approach, wherein the probe vehicles report information for every specific instant of time. The latter has been of concern to most researchers interested in the use of a mobile cellular network for collecting traffic data. First, a simple analytical model is introduced to address the usability of cell phones as traffic probes and to pinpoint which factors affect the qualification of probe phones when the space-based approach is adopted. Second, simulation experiments are also employed to deal with more realistic traffic conditions as supplementary tools for the analytical model. Finally, the actual traffic data on a freeway was considered to validate the above two hypothesized traffic conditions. The findings show that there are three main factors that affect the qualification of cell phones as a traffic probe: 1) the speed profile of the probe phone in cell coverage; 2) the variability of handoff location where the probe phone switches its jurisdictional cell; and 3) the locational relationship between a reference point and a speed jump (or drop) point in cell coverage.   相似文献   

火电厂生产信息移动监控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各级管理人员在离开计算机或离开计算机网络的情况下,希望能够通过手机及时了解当前的生产状况。文章从系统结构、功能和硬件部署3方面介绍了火电厂生产信息移动监控系统的整体构架,通过分析数据的上传和获取方案,基于HTML5和Android两套语言开发技术,分别开发了在苹果ios系统和安卓系统上运行的手机客户端,使手机能够对火电厂的生产数据进行移动监控,形成了新型的移动监控系统。模拟应用表明,该系统功能完善、运行可靠、操作方便,能够满足监控要求。  相似文献   

Navigational tools that assist travelling people when they visit new areas are becoming increasingly common. Some of these tools are designed to be used with small portable devices (palmtops and also cellular phones) to give users more flexibility in their utilization (e.g. while walking in a town). The limited storage capacity of such devices makes it unrealistic to think that all the useful information can be stored in such devices, apart from the most basic one, like road maps and location of some points of interests. Other more detailed information should be loaded on the fly when needed, e.g., by using a wireless connection to some remote information service. However, this could cause unacceptably high latency to get the information. Another important factor that must be taken into account is the energy consumption caused by the access to the remote information service through a wireless link. Hence, the design of an information service that integrates the capabilities of palmtop-based navigational tools must be carefully designed around the goals of reducing both the perceived latency and the consumed energy. To this purpose, we investigate the use of caching and prefetching techniques. We present analytical and numerical results obtained by defining a probabilistic model of the typical utilization scenario of the considered service and corresponding cache management policies.  相似文献   

人们对生活体验的要求越来越高,Android智能手机带给人们更快捷舒适的操作,WIFI无线信息传输技术日趋成熟。将WIFI无线传输方式用到智能家居照明系统,由Android智能手机终端进行控制成为一种发展趋势。STM8S103单片机作为核心控制器,由WIFI无线方式进行信息传输,结合手机终端控制程序,实现智能家居照明系统的设计。能轻松的利用Android手机对室内灯源进行开关、调光等控制,具有很好的应用和体验效果。  相似文献   

设计了一套综合化的数字智能信息系统用于现代化农业大棚生产及管理中,实现大棚的精准化管理和控制。系统以嵌入式及物联网技术为设计平台;采用4G、Zigbee、WiFi等无线传输技术解决局域及远距离实时有效数据传输问题;结合当前大数据和云计算等前沿技术建立数据存储及访问私有云,可支持PC机、手机及平板电脑的多用户分级别及分权限访问、管理和控制;充分利用多种传感器实现对农业大棚养殖、环境、生产的实时数据的采集、监测及有效控制,通过科学的数据分析实现农作物生长及病虫害的精准化管理,通过数据挖掘技术实现农产品的精细化溯源管理,通过开放的互联网平台实现在线远程专家指导及控制。  相似文献   

远程无线控制系统为农安输油站解决了远程控制供水的难题。通过UDP通信协议,结合手机等通信设备、远程信息传输系统、水位传感器等实现了物联网通信,采用LabVIEW编程平台构建了图形化的软件监测系统,可实现数据的采集和在线分析,并可实现自动报警,在水位异常时,系统自动控制深水泵启停。实际测试表明所开发的系统可有效应用于远程无线控制,且能够保持准确性与实时性。  相似文献   

针对变电站内可能出现的火灾、SF6泄露、入站盗抢等情况,设计了一种基于SPCE061A单片机,通过通用无线分组业务(GPRS)发送手机短信完成变电站警报的物联网智能安防系统。该安防系统主要由3部分组成,主控单元(凌阳单片机SPCE061A)、采集(温度、烟雾、门磁传感器)单元和无线GPRS(MC35)网络报警单元。SPCE061A是主控部分,并利用温度、烟雾、门磁等传感器采集信息,内置A/D完成数据采集,并支配MC35完成无线传输,把险情以手机短消息的形式及时发送报警信息到多个人,实现手机多点自动互联。实验结果表明,该系统响应速度灵敏、警报无时延、可靠性高、布线简单,且价格低廉,应用前景广泛,不仅可以用在变电站,还可以用在居民楼、商场、仓库等一系列场合中。  相似文献   

The uncertainties surrounding the health implications of lowlevel ionizing radiation may seem puzzling considering that "there are probably more studies on the harmful effects of [ionizing] radiation than for any other toxic or noxious agents in the environment." However, it helps put in perspective the difficulties inherent in this kind of risk-assessment. In particular, it is easier now to understand the following cautious GAO assessment of the safety of nonionizing radiation from cell phones: "The consensus of the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health Organization, and other major health agencies is that the research to date does not show radiofrequency energy emitted from mobile phones has harmful health effects, but there is not yet enough information to conclude that they pose no risk."  相似文献   

针对户外光缆交接箱无人值守、难以管理的问题,给出了一种基于短信通信的电子门禁告警系统的设计方案。该系统将PTM100型GSM模块集成于单片机系统,并设计告警终端;以GSM为网络平台,用VC++编写客户端管理软件,通过告警终端采集电子门禁状态信息,以短信形式将告警信息发送至PC和手机,实现对光缆交接箱门禁的无线远程集中监测管理。该系统结构简单、可靠性高、成本低廉,可广泛应用于工业控制、安防监控等方面的无线远程实时监控。  相似文献   

本文针对废旧手机的产生量、再利用或资源化价值、回收市场现状进行了分析.废旧手机再利用与资源化价值高,具有巨大的市场潜力,但正规回收率低,"非正规化"回收处理市场发展迅速,带来严重的环境问题.本文进一步提出了实现废旧手机正规化回收处理关键技术的需求,希望对促进废旧手机的资源再利用起到积极作用.  相似文献   

基于WinCE的移动警用GIS软件的研究设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了一种基于WinCE平台的移动警用GIS软件的设计与实现。论述了软件结构、工作原理,着重阐述了移动数据库的建立、数据存储的实现以及GPS定位信息的获取。该系统实现了警用GIS在智能手机上的移植,将地理信息融入到警务日常工作中,提高了信息共享度与应用层次。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及,越来越多的行人在街上行走时使用手机。已有研究表明步行时使用手机会降低行人的环境感知能力,从而导致各类行人安全事故的增加。本文通过建立行人步行的需求能力模型,分析了手机使用者和其步行环境之间的“障碍”关系,提出了以降低环境需求来提高手机使用者感知能力的技术路线,并通过297份结构化问卷调查了视觉环境补偿措施的可行性。调查结果表明,照明和视觉补偿措施比智能手机技术或公共管理措施更有前景。在照明与视觉环境补偿措施中,人们普遍认为LED灯光类警示措施能够更有效地提高行人安全。  相似文献   

针对某些对手机使用有特殊规定的场所时常面临难以准确、高效地识别手机违规使用的问题,提出了一种基于改进的SSD模型来检测手机的违规使用.利用SSD模型获取初次目标位置及区域分类,并利用改进的DenseNet模型对初次目标框进行判定,从而获得精确的手机检测边界框.为改进数据预处理流程,采用了数据扩增与图像质量改善相结合的策...  相似文献   

研究了基于GIS的无线传感网架构方法,建立了适用于大规模广域无线传感网的软件体系,开发了GIS服务、数据库服务、可视化与分析服务,形成了数据采集、汇聚、存储、与地理数据的融合、展示的完整流程,实现了无线采集的海量数据与GIS平台的动态融合,用户可以通过计算机、安卓智能手机等各种网络化终端设备由Internet访问传感系统,获取实时采集数据。最后对基于GIS的无线传感网系统进行了性能综合测试,结果表明系统能满足铁路轨道广域快速监测等重大工程需求。  相似文献   

移动通信技术在照明监控系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍的照明监控系统是一个综合利用GSM网络移动通信技术、计算机网络技术、自动检测与控制技术等构成的无线监控系统。以GSM网络作为监控系统数据传输通道,管理人员通过手机或PC机可以随时随地对路灯照明系统重要设备的工作状态、运行参数、安全因素及运行环境等实行远程无线监测、控制。实现了路灯照明系统运行维护的智能化、现代化。  相似文献   

基于J2ME/Mobile SVG开发平台在移动GIS中应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍一种基于Mobile SVG的移动GIS的应用.首先分析Mobile SVG 在移动设备中的优势,继而着重阐述SVG Tiny在Mobile GIS设计中的设计思想.该技术利用J2ME实现手机上网功能,将互联网与地图服务器进行交互所得到的GIS数据在客户端进行解析,在终端屏幕上实时显示,由手机键盘实现便捷的地图浏览功能.该方法解决了地图在放大或缩小时会产生模糊失真的现象,并且数据流量较小,在以后的无线传输中有着广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a CTI client/server coordination system exclusively for use with a smart phone. The system makes use of a CTI client, performing combined functions of a SIP phone and a Web browser. The proposed CTI client/server coordination system comprises SIP servers and Web servers, both of which are installed in enterprises, and CTI clients that run on smart phones in a mobile environment. Furthermore, the CTI clients perform the function of SIP phone by communicating with SIP servers. In addition, CTI clients can display telephone directories and logging of phone calls stored in Web servers. They can display screens of ordinary Web browsers. Here, one might switch between a SIP phone function and a Web communication screen with merely a single touch of the tab key. Consequently, smart phones in the mobile environment make it possible to conduct telephone meetings while browsing with a Web screen.  相似文献   

利用当前最先进的物联网及云计算技术,通过Internet将分布在所有农业大棚里面现场的终端控制系统(数据采集系统、控制器、灌溉设备、传感器)和视频监控系统、中央控制系统、管道变频恒压系统组成一个人机交互便捷、功能强大、使用方便的智能水肥一体化灌溉及控制系统。同时在传统控制设备上通过过简单的软硬件的改造可以实现原有设备联网智能控制和监测,节约成本,设计的的系统支持多终端包括PC机、手机、平板电脑等远程分权限管理、控制和访问。  相似文献   

Are cell phones so harmful that a cautious approach of risk management especially in relation to children should be taken? Are the brains of children more susceptible to the radio frequency (RF) fields emitted by cell phones than those of adults? Some fear any disturbance to brain activity in children could lead to impaired learning ability or behavioral problems. Moreover, any lasting biochemical effects could have important consequences, especially in the young who still have years of development ahead of them. This paper report the results of test conducted to young users of cellular mobile telephones.  相似文献   

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