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This report describes a case of retinal vasculitis which occurred in hairy cell leukaemia and was localized only in the right eye. An immunogenetic study investigates the possible genetic association between vascular uveitis and hairy cell leukaemia.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of genetic and/or environmental factors in the development and shaping of the human peripheral T cell repertoire the authors studied the T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta usage in 10 adult monozygous (Mz) and nine dizygous (Dz) twin pairs living in a Plasmodium falciparum endemic area in West Africa. The TCR repertoire was determined using a small panel of anti-V beta specific monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) using conventional immunofluorescence assays. The results revealed that the V beta repertoire was similar to that recently described for a Caucasian population using a similar panel of antibodies. The frequencies of particular V beta genes tested were influenced neither by anti-malarial antibody titres nor by parasite densities, indicating that the P. falciparum parasite is not a dominating factor in determining the peripheral T cell repertoire. All donors were human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II typed; no association was found between the expression of any V beta genes and MHC haplotype. The V beta usage was more concordant within the Mz than within the Dz pairs. For a group comprising four HLA class II identical individuals, the average within-pair difference was significantly greater than for the whole Mz group, but similar to that seen for the total Dz group. Thus, the data suggest that genetic, rather than environmental, factors have a profound effect on the shaping of the human circulating T cell repertoire and that the major genetic factors are encoded by non-HLA class II genes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After recently published own investigations on subjective and objective cyclorotatory changes following inferior oblique recession for inferior oblique overaction, it was our aim to determine and to compare subjective and objective cyclorotatory changes following a modified Harada-Ito procedure for acquired trochlear palsy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients suffering from acquired uni-(n = 3) or bilateral (n = 5) trochlear palsy were investigated before surgery and 1 day, 3 days and 4 months after surgery. Subjective cyclodeviation was assessed by Harms' tangent scale. Objective cycloposition was measured by means of fundus cyclometry using an infrared Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope. RESULTS: The immediate postoperative incyclorotatory effect was 12 degrees in the unilateral group and 18 degrees in the bilateral group. Subjective and objective changes were nearly equal in both groups, with a subjective over-effect of 1 degree. After two days of binocular stimulation a marked regression of the surgical effect was found which still increased after four months. The long term incyclorotatory effect was subjectively and objectively nearly equal in the unilateral group which showed a relaps of subjective excyclodeviation of 5 degrees: in the bilateral group, the subjective effect was more pronounced than the objective effect, the immediate postoperative over-effect being disappeared. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to our results concerning inferior oblique muscle recession for strabismus sursoadductorius, subjective and objective cyclorotatory changes did not differ grossly following a modified Harada-Ito procedure. Subjective and objective short and long term regression was confirmed which objectively exceeded the amount of over-correction. As the underlying cause mechanical and sensory mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A factor fundamental to bone formation has been identified. Gene targeting shows that core-binding factor alpha 1 (Cbfa1) plays an essential role in bone formation and osteoblast differentiation. Thus, it is now possible to begin examining the molecular mechanism of bone formation--especially osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

There are no reports to date of entire gene sequences coding for chitinolytic enzymes from entomopathogenic fungi, even though these enzymes act synergistically with proteolytic enzymes to solubilize insect cuticle during the key step of host penetration, having considerable importance in the biological control of some insect pests. This paper reports the complete nucleotide sequence and analysis of the chromosomal and full-length cDNA copies of the regulated gene (chit1) coding one of the chitinases produced by the biocontrol agent Metarhizium anisopliae. Degenerated primers, encompassing conserved regions of other fungal chitinases, were used to amplify a 650-bp DNA fragment, which was used to isolate genomic and cDNA clones from M. anisopliae. Albeit at least two different chitinases are characterized in this fungus, only one chit gene was isolated. The chit1 gene is interrupted by three short typical fungal introns and has a 1,521-bp ORF, which encodes a protein of 423 amino acids with a stretch of 35 amino acid residues displaying characteristics of signal peptide. The deduced sequence of the mature protein predicts a 42-kDa protein with pI of 5.8. Southern analysis of genomic DNA indicates a single copy of chit1 in the M. anisopliae genome.  相似文献   

In 1994, as a result of both programme evaluations which identified students' fears and apprehensions about their practical ability, and a review of the literature on skill acquisition, experiential skills teaching was resumed within the faculty. Having invested considerable finance into the reconstruction of a skills centre to teach skills, it is now imperative that its use be formally evaluated. Part of the evaluative process includes a review of the empirical literature on the acquisition of psychomotor skills in nursing. This paper summarizes this review.  相似文献   

Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is a possible treatment for acute or chronic liver failure due to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, but reinfection of the graft can be a serious complication. The aim of this study was to monitor HBV markers, to analyse pre-core-/core-mutations as well as to identify the viral population causing reinfection after OLT, and to investigate the emergence or disappearance of these mutants in patients receiving immunosuppressive treatment. Fifty-four pre-and posttransplant serum samples of 17 patients were analysed. All patients underwent OLT for HBV-related liver disease and had HBV-DNA before and after OLT. Total DNA was extracted from all sera and a 240 bp fragment comprising the pre-core region of HBV was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Pre-core mutants of HBV were determined by direct sequencing of these PCR products and by sequencing of PCR clones. Eight of 17 patients were infected with pre-core wildtype HBV before OLT (group A). Seven of eight patients of group A were reinfected by pre-core wildtype HBV after OLT. In one of eight patients in addition to wildtype HBV a mutant strain (nt. 1899 G-->A) was detected. Nine of 17 patients were infected with pre-core mutant HBV before OLT (group B). Six of nine patients of group B were reinfected with the same mutant population; in one, an additional pre-core mutation emerged; two patients lost pre-core mutant HBV (nt. 1896 and 1899 G-->A). In one of the latter two, a pre-core start-codon mutant (nt. 1816 G-->T), not detectable before OLT, emerged, in the other a nt. 1897 G-->A stop-codon mutant persisted. Five patients of each group were followed-up for more than 24 (25 to 58) months on immunosuppressive therapy. In all five patients of group A, pre-core wildtype of HBV persisted during long-term follow up. Two of five patients of group B were infected stably with a stop-codon HBV-mutant nt. 1896. In three patients, the nt. 1896 stop-codon mutant disappeared during immunosuppressive therapy. However, in one of the latter three, an HBV stop-codon mutant nt. 1897 persisted. In conclusion, most patients who underwent OLT for HBV-related disease were reinfected with the same virus population that existed before OLT. In rare cases, new mutants emerged after OLT or preexisting mutants were lost. During long-term follow-up on immunosuppressive therapy, in the majority of patients pre-core mutants disappeared and wildtype HBV became the predominant virus strain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure demographic determinants of hepatitis C virus (HCV) seroprevalence among blood donors in the United States. DESIGN: Cross-sectional epidemiological study. SETTING: Five blood centers in different regions of the United States. SUBJECTS: A total of 862,398 consecutive volunteer blood donors with one or more nonautologous donations from March 1992 through December 1993. METHODS: Demographic data collection, serological screening with second-generation anti-HCV enzyme immunoassay, and confirmation with anti-HCV recombinant immunoblot. RESULTS: There were 3126 donors with at least one blood donation confirmed HCV-seropositive, for a crude prevalence of 3.6 per 1000. Age-specific HCV seroprevalence rose from 0.5 per 1000 donors younger than 20 years to a maximum of 6.9 per 1000 in donors aged 30 to 39 years and declined in older age groups. There was interaction between age and educational attainment, with 30- to 49-year-olds with less than a high school diploma at highest risk of HCV infection (odds ratio [OR], 33.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 23.0 to 47.2 compared with those younger than 30 years with a bachelor's degree or higher degree). Other independent risk factors for HCV seropositivity included male sex (OR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.8 to 2.1), black race (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.6 to 1.9), Hispanic ethnicity (OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.5), previous blood transfusion (OR, 2.8; 95% CI, 2.5 to 3.1), and first/only time donor status (OR, 4.2; 95% CI, 3.9 to 4.5 compared with repeat donors). Seropositivity for human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II, human immunodeficiency virus, or hepatitis B core antigen was highly associated with HCV seropositivity (OR, 10.4; 95% CI, 9.6 to 11.4 for one vs no marker). CONCLUSIONS: Despite a low overall HCV prevalence in blood donors in the United States, there is a marked variation in HCV seroprevalence by demographic subgroup, even after controlling for prior blood transfusion, a recognized risk factor for HCV. Further study of the prevalence of other parenteral risk factors such as past injection drug use among blood donors is needed.  相似文献   

In patients receiving interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis C, serum hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA often reverts from an undetectable to a detectable form after completion of treatment. Detection of the negative strand of HCV-RNA in liver tissue is regarded as an index of viral proliferation. Therefore, we investigated changes in the hepatic negative-strand HCV-RNA following interferon therapy to determine whether this parameter could predict the long-term response to treatment. The subjects of this study were 27 patients with chronic active hepatitis C. Serum positive-strand and hepatic tissue negative-strand HCV-RNA were detected using polymerase chain reaction. At the completion of interferon treatment, serum HCV-RNA was not detected in 21 patients. One year following treatment it remained undetectable in 14 of these patients but it had reverted to a detectable form in seven. The 14 patients in whom hepatic negative-strand RNA was not detected between 2 weeks and 12 months after treatment, had not relapsed after another year. In the 13 remaining patients, negative-strand RNA was found in liver tissue and serum RNA either reverted to a detectable form or remained detectable throughout. From these findings, we conclude that the detection of negative-strand HCV-RNA in liver tissue 2 weeks after the completion of interferon therapy is useful for predicting the long-term effect of therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Chronic graft hepatitis occurs in 20-30% adults after liver transplantation but the prevalence and causes in children are not known. In adults, hepatitis C virus infection is prevalent prior to transplantation and recurrent infection is a frequent cause of graft dysfunction. The significance of the recently described hepatitis G virus infection remains unproven. The aim of this study was to examine the role of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis G virus infection in chronic graft hepatitis after paediatric liver transplantation. METHODS: The prevalence of graft hepatitis and the role of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis G virus infections in 80 children after liver transplantation have been studied, with a median follow up of 4.4 years (range 0.4 to 10.7), and the persistence of hepatitis G infection in the presence of immunosuppression has been determined. RESULTS: Chronic graft hepatitis was diagnosed in 19/80 (24%) children and was most frequently seen in children transplanted for cryptogenic cirrhosis (71%). There was no significant difference in the prevalence of chronic hepatitis in those transplanted before or after donor anti-HCV screening. Hepatitis C infection occurred in three children transplanted prior to donor screening but in only one was associated with chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis G infection was found in 22/79 (28%) transplant recipients but was not associated with graft hepatitis. In 17/21 children hepatitis G infection persisted for a median of 5.2 years after transplantation. CONCLUSION: Chronic hepatitis occurred in 24% of children after liver transplantation, a similar prevalence to that in adults. Cryptogenic liver disease predisposed to graft hepatitis, but neither hepatitis C nor hepatitis G infection was associated. Hepatitis G virus caused a frequent and usually persistent infection after transplantation.  相似文献   

The genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was investigated in 212 viraemic blood donors from Hong Kong. A subset of the samples was investigated using three different genotyping assays to establish the accuracy of each in this population. These assays were restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of amplified 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) sequences, RFLP of the core region, and a serotyping assay using peptides from two antigenic regions of NS4. Genotypes detected in Hong Kong blood donors were 1a (6.2%), 1b (58.8%), 2a (1.4%), 2b (1.4%), 3a (1.9%), and 6a (27.0%). All genotyping assays produced concordant results. No evidence was obtained for the presence of type 6 group variants recently identified in Southeast Asia, other than type 6a. A serotyping assay based upon the detection of type-specific antibody to epitopes in NS4 produced similar results to the genotyping assays (98% concordance), but a reduced sensitivity (75%) compared with genotyping methods. Sequence variation in NS4 was not the cause of the reduced rate of detection of type 6 antibody in this population. Eighty-four percent donors infected with type 6a were male, compared to 75% donors infected with type 1b. The median alanine transaminase (ALT) level in type 6 infected donors was lower than in type 1b, (43.8 and 51.1 U/l, respectively) although these values were not statistically significant (P = 0.094). There was no significant difference between the ages of donors infected with types 1b and 6a. Risk factors for HCV infection in the blood donors included blood transfusion, intravenous drug abuse, and tattooing. A significantly greater number of donors infected with HCV-6a reported a history of drug abuse (66%) than donors infected with HCV-1b (7%).  相似文献   

Cutaneous necrosis may occur as a complication of treatment with interferon. Here we report the first case of cutaneous necrosis developing in a patient receiving interferon alpha-2b for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C viral infection. The patient developed two necrotic lesions while receiving high doses of interferon. We suggest that discontinuation of treatment may be necessary to permit healing of such lesions. Although the exact mechanism involved in cutaneous necrosis remains unknown, our observations support earlier findings suggesting that intraarterial injection may be a factor.  相似文献   

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