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The Impact of Micro-Hydropower on the Aquatic Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the impact of'run-of-river'micro-hydropower on the aquatic environment, focusing on the Afon Ty'n-y-Ddol in Snowdonia. Hydrological modelling of the abstracted reach shows that up to 50% of the annual flow is abstracted for power generation. A sediment and benthic macro-invertebrate study down the reach showed no significant adverse consequences due to the altered hydrological conditions when subjected to individual taxa, diversity, or quality index analysis. A reduction in'average score per taxa'immediately below the abstraction point may require further research.  相似文献   

燃具产品相关的环保标准和环保指令   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从标准化的角度介绍了与燃具产品相关的国际环保标准化发展现状和环保指令发展动态,以及国内其他行业产品标准中考虑环境因素的发展趋势,探讨了燃具产品标准中考虑环境因素的原则。  相似文献   

The Application of Water-Quality Standards to UK Bathing Waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data for 425 sampling locations in England and Wales, covering the 1987 bathing season, were analysed against a range of six water-quality standards used by European and North American agencies. The following order of relative stringency was established: EEC guide level > US Environmental Protection Agency† > Toronto†> Canadian Federal† > Modified EEC standard > EEC imperative level†.
All European Community (EC) countries, at present abiding by the'imperative'bacteriological standards of the bathing waters Directive, would experience a significant increase in non-compliance for the faecal coliform parameter if standards were altered from the current EEC imperative criteria to any of the existing alternative beach management standards.  相似文献   

An environmental assessment is presented for the 25 most used pharmaceuticals in the National Health Service (NHS) in England in 2000. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) for the aquatic environment were calculated using conservative assumptions and all PECs exceeded 1 ng l−1. The calculation of predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) based on aquatic toxicity data from the literature was possible for eleven of the pharmaceuticals. PNECs were predicted with ECOSAR for 12 of the remaining 14 but no data was available for two of the compounds. The PEC/PNEC ratio exceeded one for Paracetamol, Amoxycillin, Oxytetracycline and Mefenamic acid. Comparisons of the predicted concentrations of the compounds in sewage sludge based on either calculated sludge-water coefficients (Kd), octanol water coefficients (Kow), acid base constants (pKa) or environmental modelling revealed large variations. No toxicity data was available for the terrestrial environment and no assessment was made.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact on the UK water industry of EC legislation which has been adopted and proposed for the control of dangerous substances discharged to the aquatic environment. The main impact arises from the increased monitoring needs, requiring more sophisticated analytical equipment and skilled staff, together with the increased administrative burden to produce reduction programmes and to set and control consents for dangerous substances. The paper also summarizes recent initiatives which have been taken by the UK towards a more precautionary approach to pollution control, by requiring that 'red-list' substances should be controlled by environmental quality standards and limit values whichever are the more stringent.  相似文献   

Small differences in water quality standards can mean huge differences in costs for water treatment; difficulties which are compounded by standards for which the derivation is unclear, such as the EC drinking water Directive. Such situations give no indication of the margin of safety for a parameter or the significance to consumers of exceedances. The WHO Guidelines are being revised and will be presented so that the precise derivation of the numbers is absolutely clear. The scientific and quasi-scientific considerations can be separated and the user given the appropriate information to adapt the guidelines to particular circumstances. In deriving standards for toxicological data the factors incorporated reflect uncertainties in the data and extrapolation from animals to man. Understanding the mechanisms of toxicity or carcinogenicity can reduce the uncertainty and improve the quality of the standard, often allowing higher figures to be used with confidence that public health will not be comprised.  相似文献   

企业的环境责任是企业对社会所承担的环境保护义务。本文通过分析我国目前企业环境责任立法的不足,提出完善该项立法需从明确企业环境责任、健全资源利用法律制度以及注意相关配套法律制度的建设入手,最终促使企业主动采取措施合理利用资源,做到清洁生产。  相似文献   

Technical, environmental, legislative and institutional considerations in relation to effluent re-use are described, with specific reference to experiences gained through the development of a scheme to augment Essex and Suffolk Water's Hanningfield reservoir with effluent from Chelmsford sewage-treatment works. Effluent standards are driven by a number of EU directives associated with protection of fisheries, recreational water quality, eutrophication and nitrate control for designated sensitive areas, and surface-water abstraction. The selection of the most appropriate strategy for re-use needs to consider public perception issues, in addition to technical feasibility and environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Mothproofing is an essential part of the manufacture of wool and wool-blend carpets and until now has usually been combined with another textile wet process, such as dyeing, to save cost.
Environmental quality standards for mothproofing agents in surface waters have recently been introduced. Compliance with these standards will require a reduction of more than 90% in the mothproofing agent content of industrial effluents in parts of the UK where mothproofing activity is most concentrated. In order to achieve such a reduction, it is proprosed that the carpet industry should install new methods of applying mothproofing agents, aimed at source reduction, rather than by adopting end-of-pipe measures.
Two new low-pollution mothproofing technologies are described in detail, and a summary is given of other possibilities.  相似文献   

介绍一个关于生活质量(QualityOfLife)的研究项目。文章在列出这一项目的主要研究问题之后列出了若干指导这类研究的概念模型,并着重介绍该项目在美国底特律大都市区开展情况,讨论了在底特律以及世界若干参与这一项目的城市正在进行的研究活动。最后总结了生活质量研究对政策制定、学术研究和设计所带来的益处。  相似文献   

于敬 《建筑创作》2007,(5):146-149
以可持续发展、节约资源与环保作为根本原则的绿色建筑(生态建筑)设计已经成为一种趋势,环境保护部门需要制定相应的政策促进其发展,而环境政策的制定又会给建筑师提出新的创作理念。  相似文献   

研究了水生植物凤眼莲、美人蕉和黄花水龙的水质净化功能,以及这三种水生植物与生态型多孔混凝土复合应用时对被污染水质的净化效果.试验结果表明,从整体上看,当这三种水生植物分别与多孔混凝土复合应用时,其水质净化效果均有明显提高,其中黄花水龙对水质净化效果最好.  相似文献   

集对分析及在地下水环境质量评价中的应用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
集对分析是处理不确定性问题的新的系统理论方法 ,本文利用该理论 ,以水质为主要评价因子 ,提出了地下水环境质量评价新方法。  相似文献   

The polluting effects of fish farming have been well-documented, but the scale of the problem and the difficulty in effectively controlling the industry are less well known. In approximately twenty years, production by this industry in Scotland has increased by two orders of magnitude and it has been estimated that the population equivalent of fish farming effluents is as high as 1.5 million.
The development of a pollution control policy for both land-based and floating-cage farms is described. The role of other controlling agencies is discussed and legislative weaknesses are identified. In addition, the industry's reaction to pollution control is highlighted.
Polluting discharges are not controlled only through the issuing of consents, but effective monitoring is also required. Resource constraints resulted in a policy which includes the requirement of certain fish farmers to self-monitor their activities.  相似文献   

建设工程环境质量问题正在危及人类生存环境和可持续发展,治理建设工程环境质量问题正在逐步引起各级政府和公众的共识,本文从建设工程环境质量的定义着手,分析了其环境质量形成的过程、影响因素和主要症状,揭示了环境质量问题的本质是其质量行为和活动结果不能满足规定需要的综合要求能力的表述,阐明了建设工程环境质量问题的五个基本特征,以提高人们对建设工程环境质量问题的认识。  相似文献   

黄谦 《城市建筑》2014,(11):41-41
随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人们物质生活水平的不断提高,对于居住建筑的要求也在不断提高。为了满足人们日益提高的生活要求,建筑设计也开始朝着生态环保方向发展。  相似文献   

暖通空调系统给人们的工作和生活创造了舒适的条件,但是给环境造成了很大的影响。怎样更好的减少暖通空调系统自身的能源消耗,实现节能环保,是众多技术人员和设计人员都面临的问题。  相似文献   

李淑  林金沙 《建筑节能》2009,37(8):60-61
以湖北武汉地区为例,在夏热冬冷地区建筑家居环境艺术设计中应采取一些节能与环保技术手段。具体来说,在建筑住宅室内环境设计中的节能与环保应处理好选材、施工工艺及设备的安装问题。  相似文献   

以深圳市茅洲河治水提质综合治理项目为例,基于多个子项目的实地调研和问卷调查,分析和总结出治水提质项目的特点,阐明了治水提质项目施工过程中的环境问题及影响,评估了相对应的管理措施和成效;同时还总结了项目施工过程中环境管理方面的先进经验;并针对城市治水提质项目,提出了切实可行的环境管理对策及建议。明确城市治水提质项目施工过程的环境问题并强化施工过程中的环境管理,能够有效避免施工过程中的环境污染,并能更好地实现治水体质项目的综合目标。其结论可为其他城市治水提质项目施工过程中的环境管理提供参考和借鉴  相似文献   

秦军旺 《城市建筑》2014,(26):61-61
近年来,房屋建筑施工中存在着施工安全等方面的问题。不仅影响了建筑企业的发展,还威胁到人们的生命和财产安全。本文就房屋建筑施工中存在的主要问题提出了加强房屋施工质量、安全及管理的措施,以供读者借鉴。  相似文献   

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