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The primitive notions in rough set theory are lower and upper approximation operators defined by a fixed binary relation and satisfying many interesting properties. Many types of generalized rough set models have been proposed in the literature. This paper discusses the rough approximations of Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets in crisp and fuzzy approximation spaces in which both constructive and axiomatic approaches are used. In the constructive approach, concepts of rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets are defined, properties of rough intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are examined. Different classes of rough intuitionistic fuzzy set algebras and intuitionistic fuzzy rough set algebras are obtained from different types of fuzzy relations. In the axiomatic approach, an operator-oriented characterization of rough sets is proposed, that is, rough intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are defined by axioms. Different axiom sets of upper and lower intuitionistic fuzzy set-theoretic operators guarantee the existence of different types of crisp/fuzzy relations which produce the same operators.  相似文献   

Generalized rough sets over fuzzy lattices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies generalized rough sets over fuzzy lattices through both the constructive and axiomatic approaches. From the viewpoint of the constructive approach, the basic properties of generalized rough sets over fuzzy lattices are obtained. The matrix representation of the lower and upper approximations is given. According to this matrix view, a simple algorithm is obtained for computing the lower and upper approximations. As for the axiomatic approach, a set of axioms is constructed to characterize the upper approximation of generalized rough sets over fuzzy lattices.  相似文献   

On generalized intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In rough set theory, the lower and upper approximation operators defined by binary relations satisfy many interesting properties. Various generalizations of Pawlak’s rough approximations have been made in the literature over the years. This paper proposes a general framework for the study of relation-based intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators within which both constructive and axiomatic approaches are used. In the constructive approach, a pair of lower and upper intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators induced from an arbitrary intuitionistic fuzzy relation are defined. Basic properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are then examined. By introducing cut sets of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, classical representations of intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are presented. The connections between special intuitionistic fuzzy relations and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are further established. Finally, an operator-oriented characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets is proposed, that is, intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are defined by axioms. Different axiom sets of lower and upper intuitionistic fuzzy set-theoretic operators guarantee the existence of different types of intuitionistic fuzzy relations which produce the same operators.  相似文献   

In the axiomatic approach of rough set theory, rough approximation operators are characterized by a set of axioms that guarantees the existence of certain types of binary relations reproducing the operators. Thus axiomatic characterization of rough approximation operators is an important aspect in the study of rough set theory. In this paper, the independence of axioms of generalized crisp approximation operators is investigated, and their minimal sets of axioms are presented.  相似文献   

Soft sets and soft rough sets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, we establish an interesting connection between two mathematical approaches to vagueness: rough sets and soft sets. Soft set theory is utilized, for the first time, to generalize Pawlak’s rough set model. Based on the novel granulation structures called soft approximation spaces, soft rough approximations and soft rough sets are introduced. Basic properties of soft rough approximations are presented and supported by some illustrative examples. We also define new types of soft sets such as full soft sets, intersection complete soft sets and partition soft sets. The notion of soft rough equal relations is proposed and related properties are examined. We also show that Pawlak’s rough set model can be viewed as a special case of the soft rough sets, and these two notions will coincide provided that the underlying soft set in the soft approximation space is a partition soft set. Moreover, an example containing a comparative analysis between rough sets and soft rough sets is given.  相似文献   

Tabu search for attribute reduction in rough set theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we consider a memory-based heuristic of tabu search to solve the attribute reduction problem in rough set theory. The proposed method, called tabu search attribute reduction (TSAR), is a high-level TS with long-term memory. Therefore, TSAR invokes diversification and intensification search schemes besides the TS neighborhood search methodology. TSAR shows promising and competitive performance compared with some other CI tools in terms of solution qualities. Moreover, TSAR shows a superior performance in saving the computational costs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for the study of relation-based (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets by using constructive and axiomatic approaches. In the constructive approach, by employing an intuitionistic fuzzy implicator I and an intuitionistic fuzzy triangle norm T, lower and upper approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy sets with respect to an intuitionistic fuzzy approximation space are first defined. Properties of (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are examined. The connections between special types of intuitionistic fuzzy relations and properties of intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators are established. In the axiomatic approach, an operator-oriented characterization of (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets is proposed. Different axiom sets characterizing the essential properties of intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators associated with various intuitionistic fuzzy relations are explored.  相似文献   

Adaptive multilevel rough entropy evolutionary thresholding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, comprehensive research into rough set entropy-based thresholding image segmentation techniques has been performed producing new and robust algorithmic schemes. Segmentation is the low-level image transformation routine that partitions an input image into distinct disjoint and homogenous regions using thresholding algorithms most often applied in practical situations, especially when there is pressing need for algorithm implementation simplicity, high segmentation quality, and robustness. Combining entropy-based thresholding with rough set results in the rough entropy thresholding algorithm.The authors propose a new algorithm based on granular multilevel rough entropy evolutionary thresholding that operates on a multilevel domain. The MRET algorithm performance has been compared to the iterative RET algorithm and standard k-means clustering methods on the basis of β-index as a representative validation measure. Performance in experimental assessment suggests that granular multilevel rough entropy threshold based segmentations - MRET - present high quality, comparable with and often better than k-means clustering based segmentations. In this context, the rough entropy evolutionary thresholding MRET algorithm is suitable for specific segmentation tasks, when seeking solutions that incorporate spatial data features with particular characteristics.  相似文献   

On the structure of generalized rough sets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we consider some fundamental properties of generalized rough sets induced by binary relations on algebras and show that
Any reflexive binary relation determines a topology.
If θ is a reflexive and symmetric relation on a set X, then O={AX|θ-(A)=A} is a topology such that A is open if and only if it is closed.
Conversely, for every topological space (X,O) satisfying the condition that A is open if and only if it is closed, there exists a reflexive and symmetric relation R such that O={AX|R-(A)=A}.
Let θ be an equivalence relation on X. For any pseudo ω-closed subset A of Xθ(A) is an ω-closed set if and only if ω(xx, … , x) ∈ θ(A) for any x ∈ X.
Moreover we consider properties of generalized rough sets.  相似文献   

The covering generalized rough sets are an improvement of traditional rough set model to deal with more complex practical problems which the traditional one cannot handle. It is well known that any generalization of traditional rough set theory should first have practical applied background and two important theoretical issues must be addressed. The first one is to present reasonable definitions of set approximations, and the second one is to develop reasonable algorithms for attributes reduct. The existing covering generalized rough sets, however, mainly pay attention to constructing approximation operators. The ideas of constructing lower approximations are similar but the ideas of constructing upper approximations are different and they all seem to be unreasonable. Furthermore, less effort has been put on the discussion of the applied background and the attributes reduct of covering generalized rough sets. In this paper we concentrate our discussion on the above two issues. We first discuss the applied background of covering generalized rough sets by proposing three kinds of datasets which the traditional rough sets cannot handle and improve the definition of upper approximation for covering generalized rough sets to make it more reasonable than the existing ones. Then we study the attributes reduct with covering generalized rough sets and present an algorithm by using discernibility matrix to compute all the attributes reducts with covering generalized rough sets. With these discussions we can set up a basic foundation of the covering generalized rough set theory and broaden its applications.  相似文献   

多重粗糙集模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于多重集合,对Z.Pawlak粗糙集的论域进行了扩展,提出了基于多重粗糙集理论,并给出了该理论相关内容的完整定义、定理和性质,其中包括多重论域定义、论域对象及其状态与重要度的定义与标识、多重粗糙集对象与Z.Pawlak粗糙集对象的相互转换方法、多重近似集的定义及其性质的证明、多重等价类及其成员关系的定义与性质的证明、多重粗糙集的属性约简与决策分析等内容。这些定义、定理和性质与Z.Pawlak粗糙集既有区别又有联系。多重粗糙集可充分反映知识颗粒间的重叠性,对象的重要度差别及其多态性,可以很方便地实现对象状态间的各种运算,这些特性可为挖掘潜藏在关系数据结构中的知识提供方便。  相似文献   

The notion of rough sets was originally proposed by Pawlak. In Pawlak’s rough set theory, the equivalence relation or partition plays an important role. However, the equivalence relation or partition is restrictive for many applications because it can only deal with complete information systems. This limits the theory’s application to a certain extent. Therefore covering-based rough sets are derived by replacing the partitions of a universe with its coverings. This paper focuses on the further investigation of covering-based rough sets. Firstly, we discuss the uncertainty of covering in the covering approximation space, and show that it can be characterized by rough entropy and the granulation of covering. Secondly, since it is necessary to measure the similarity between covering rough sets in practical applications such as pattern recognition, image processing and fuzzy reasoning, we present an approach which measures these similarities using a triangular norm. We show that in a covering approximation space, a triangular norm can induce an inclusion degree, and that the similarity measure between covering rough sets can be given according to this triangular norm and inclusion degree. Thirdly, two generalized covering-based rough set models are proposed, and we employ practical examples to illustrate their applications. Finally, relationships between the proposed covering-based rough set models and the existing rough set models are also made.  相似文献   

This paper presents some roughness bounds for rough set operations. The results show that a bound of the set operation can be determined from their operand’s roughnesses. We prove also that this bound is not determined under some special operations.  相似文献   

从集合间的包含程度出发,构造了一种基于包含度的变精度软粗糙集模型。提出带参数的变精度近似算子的定义,得到了它的基本性质和定理,并给出了证明;定义了双精度软粗糙集的近似算子,研究了其性质;讨论了该模型与其他粗糙集模型的关系以及退化条件;举例说明了在信息处理中的应用。  相似文献   

Fuzzy rough set theory for the interval-valued fuzzy information systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of the rough set was originally proposed by Pawlak as a formal tool for modelling and processing incomplete information in information systems, then in 1990, Dubois and Prade first introduced the rough fuzzy sets and fuzzy rough sets as a fuzzy extension of the rough sets. The aim of this paper is to present a new extension of the rough set theory by means of integrating the classical Pawlak rough set theory with the interval-valued fuzzy set theory, i.e., the interval-valued fuzzy rough set model is presented based on the interval-valued fuzzy information systems which is defined in this paper by a binary interval-valued fuzzy relations RF(i)(U×U) on the universe U. Several properties of the rough set model are given, and the relationships of this model and the others rough set models are also examined. Furthermore, we also discuss the knowledge reduction of the classical Pawlak information systems and the interval-valued fuzzy information systems respectively. Finally, the knowledge reduction theorems of the interval-valued fuzzy information systems are built.  相似文献   

覆盖粗糙直觉Fuzzy集模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
考虑到经典粗糙集模型中等价关系过于严格的缺陷和直觉Fuzzy集在处理不确定信息时所具有的表达力,建立了覆盖粗糙直觉Fuzzy集模型,并给出了该模型下的一些性质;接着引入了覆盖粗糙直觉Fuzzy集模型的粗糙度和粗糙熵的概念,讨论其不确定性度量;最后给出了算例。  相似文献   

变精度模糊粗糙集的一种定义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
模糊粗糙集模型同经典粗糙集模型类似,容易受到噪音数据的影响.针对该问题,受变精度粗糙集模型的启发,提出了变精度模糊粗糙集的概念.针对现有变精度模糊粗糙集模型尚不能满足一些基本性质的缺陷,重新定义了模糊近似空间中某一模糊集的β-下近似和β-上近似,该定义方式能够满足上述的基本性质.  相似文献   

为了扩大粗糙集理论的应用,特别是在模糊环境中的应用,基于模糊软集和模糊蕴涵算子,主要研究基于软模糊近似空间的乐观多粒化模糊软粗糙集模型。该模型将参数集根据客户的不同要求或目标进行重组,只选择若干相关参数集参与计算上、下近似,这样定义的上、下近似不再由整个属性集决定,而是根据重组后的多个属性集一并生成,从而使结果更加符合实际需求。另外,还定义了乐观多粒化模糊软粗糙集模型的截集并讨论了其相关性质。最后给出了算例。  相似文献   

基于粗集理论的含噪图像边缘检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章提出了一种基于粗糙集的图像边缘检测算法。首先,利用粗集理论将一幅图像划分为不同的子图,然后对子图分别去噪,再将两个去噪子图叠加得到最终去噪图像,最后,利用边缘条件属性对去噪图像做边缘检测。实验结果表明,该方法能满足对噪声图像进行边缘检测的要求。  相似文献   

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