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DSP HPI口与PC104 总线接口的FPGA设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对TI公司TMS320C5000系列DSP HPI总线和PC104总线时序的分析,以VHDL语言为工具,使用Altera的FPGA芯片EP1K50,设计完成PC104总线和DSP HPI总线之间的通信接口,并在一款以TMS320VC5409 DSP为数据采集处理器、研华嵌入式工控主板PCM-5825为系统主板组成的嵌入式数据采集系统中得到了运用;给出与整个接口设计相关的VHDL源代码和在PCM-5825上验证接口设计的X86汇编语言程序。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the complex rationales—both transparent to us and, at times, made visible—underneath the instructional spaces in which we work and teach. To do so, we first situate space analysis in the larger, national conversations about instructional spaces and then through the work of computers and writing scholars. We conclude with an analysis of instructional spaces at our institution. These are spaces specific to our locale, but spaces we think are quite common at most institutions of higher education. Perhaps more importantly, we situate this space analysis on issues these spaces pose—issues of restricted movement, impaired ability to collaborate, sensory disruption, limited leadership ability, and functional/material constraints. We attempt to return to the roots of hacking and to situate hacking as a particular tool for negotiating and, at times, disrupting the assumptions built under, within, and across instructional spaces.  相似文献   

该文介绍了Lotus Domino/Notes与关系型数据库的一种通用连接方法。通过在浏览器端的动态配置,提取关系型数据库中的数据,可以协助开发人员或系统管理员在WEB方式下实时地发布信息。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of designing icons for the Graphical User Interface by exploring what design rules have evolved from established graphic design principles and, of these, which can be successfully adapted for the Graphical User Interface. By going towards a design criterion for computer icons it must be recognised that any change from one medium to another will alter the design possibilities. In order to establish what those design possibilities are, computer icons can be gauged against how other elements of design are used and their design criteria. Magazines direct the reader around the page by creating a positive reading order. Conflict, contrast or harmony can alter the relationship between design elements without altering their size, also optical and not mathematical centres decide the balance of elements used in any design. Computer icons are rarely designed as individuals, but as families. These families of icons are compared against other systems to establish what their requirements are and how this impacts upon icon design.  相似文献   

This paper presents the use of video parsing and video analysis techniques to attain a radical change in Content Analysis processes. Content Analysis provides frameworks for a better understanding of information, mass media information in particular. The goals of the work presented in this paper are to assess the feasibility of designing Content Analysis processes under much faster and much less manpowered conditions, to prove the power and usefulness of some video parsing and analysis techniques under current inexpensive and widely available software and hardware platforms, and to emphasize that the characteristics of a given situated use of a technological artifact often provide radical simplifications to the system requirements, and make it feasible today.  相似文献   

对于当今全球生态危机的产生和不断扩展,很多学者都在探究其根源,并提出了解决思路.在分析多种生态危机的根源与对策观点的基础上,提出产业技术生态化的概念及基本内涵,认为解决生态危机问题必须按照生态学原理与产业发展规则构建生态化工艺和生态化产业技术群落.  相似文献   

Application of the principles of graphic design can bring friendly and effective communication to the Human/computer interface.  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何使用普通声卡录制清晰语音,常用的声音处理软件,在制作多媒体片头时如何保证多媒体片头声音和动画的同步播放,语音和光标位置的同步播放,最后讲述了实现在Authorware中声音的压缩、语音的播放和实现背景音乐的一种简单方法及UCD文件的获取途径.  相似文献   

总结PCI快速以太网适配器设计实现中总线界面的关键性技术问题。  相似文献   

基于COTS软件系统的包装器及其接口设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于COTS的软件开发(COTS-BasedSoftwareDevelopment)方法日益受到重视,文章针对COTS软件的特点,提出了一种抽象的包装器模型,并给出了这种包装器模型的接口的设计方法。这种包装器模型进一步具体化可以把COTS软件包装成COM组件、CORBA组件以及JavaBean组件,通过包装器接口的组织还可以实现COTS软件功能的增加和屏蔽。  相似文献   

随着舰艇作战系统的发展,传统的作战系统接口协议制订方法会造成协议数量众多,不同协议之间内容重复,管理维护困难等问题。文章利用XML技术,基于数据模型模板的思想设计实现了一个辅助作战系统接口协议设计的软件,提供作战系统接口协议相关信息的提交和管理功能,建立元数据注册库,并通过可扩展样式表转换技术生成接口协议文档,或者生成报文数据模型等有用的内容。该软件可以应用于作战系统接口协议的设计过程和接口信息的仿真等方面。  相似文献   

User-interface design lacks expertise in designing nonvisual user interfaces. This is surprising as there are various domains where auditory interfaces have already been proved to be helpful, such as railway information services and reading support for blind persons.

We present a case study concerning the design of a telephone-based interface (TBI). It was realized within the development process of an interaction concept for a modular home automation system. The design was based on requirements gathered in user focus groups and on general guidelines for the design of TBIs. The TBI's evaluation revealed some minor (i.e., easily solved) usability problems. Questionnaires showed a positive ergonomic quality as well as a positive overall appeal. Interestingly, the evaluation indicates a potential to improve hedonic quality (i.e., non-task-related quality aspects). It may be induced by the addition of nonspeech sounds, thereby enriching user experience.  相似文献   

由于连接简单、真正的即插即用以及热插拔等特点,使用USB接口的设备越来越普遍。Cypress半导体公司的CY7C63001 USB控制器整合了USB SIE、通用I/O口以及USB优化RISC内核,它满足了USB的低价格、高性能两方面的要求,采用它能为不间断电源快速设计出低成本、高性能的USB接口。  相似文献   

该文从网站的界面设计出发,以视觉艺术为理论基础,从图形化界面、网站风格确立和创意设计三个角度,探索了网站设计的内在联系,认为网站的界面设计是设计艺术与网络技术的交叉学科,界面美化是有章可循,可以对照实施的。  相似文献   

王力 《计算机仿真》2004,21(1):90-92
将可视化部分与仿真系统分离,形成独立的可视化平台,可以提高可视化系统开发效率和使用效果。该文研究了仿真系统与可视化平台的接口,提出了可视化数据的基本要素,并通过扩充、VRML的网络支持功能实现了一个简单的通用可视化平台。  相似文献   

该文以生产企业物流系统为研究对象,在分析其系统结构的基础上,将仓储及分销管理系统有机结合,提出了第三方物流EDI系统,为物流企业提供了更加详尽的信息、资源,使物流业能迅速对市场变化作出反映,并及时作出调整。  相似文献   

We present a novel method to design shells with artistic cutouts in a manner that produces a stable final result. The process of stenciling, removing material with a fixed shape, is a particularly appealing way to introduce a decorative pattern into the design of architectural structures, furniture, or household objects. However, removing material can easily weaken an object to the point where its integrity is compromised, while purely functional distributions of cutouts lack the desired aesthetic component. We tackle this problem by combining aesthetics, stability, and material efficiency in an optimization that determines the distribution and scaling of these stencils in a way that complies as much as possible with both pattern and stability objectives. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system on examples from architecture, furniture design, and decorative items, and show how user interaction can be integrated to guide the aesthetics of the final result.  相似文献   

该文以生产企业物流系统为研究对象,在分析其系统结构的基础上,将仓储及分销管理系统有机结合,提出了第三方物流EDI系统,为物流企业提供了更加详尽的信息、资源,使物流业能迅速对市场变化作出反映,并及时作出调整。  相似文献   

PLC的人机接口与编程   总被引:28,自引:57,他引:28  
本文根据作者的PLC应用实践,借鉴高级语言的编程方法,从人机接口入手,自顶向下的分析程序结构,对PLC的结构化编程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The growing interest in multimodal interface design is inspired in large part by the goals of supporting more transparent, flexible, efficient, and powerfully expressive means of human-computer interaction than in the past. Multimodal interfaces are expected to support a wider range of diverse applications, be usable by a broader spectrum of the average population, and function more reliably under realistic and challenging usage conditions. In this article, we summarize the emerging architectural approaches for interpreting speech and pen-based gestural input in a robust manner-including early and late fusion approaches, and the new hybrid symbolic-statistical approach. We also describe a diverse collection of state-of-the-art multimodal systems that process users' spoken and gestural input. These applications range from map-based and virtual reality systems for engaging in simulations and training, to field medic systems for mobile use in noisy environments, to web-based transactions and standard text-editing applications that will reshape daily computing and have a significant commercial impact. To realize successful multimodal systems of the future, many key research challenges remain to be addressed. Among these challenges are the development of cognitive theories to guide multimodal system design, and the development of effective natural language processing, dialogue processing, and error-handling techniques. In addition, new multimodal systems will be needed that can function more robustly and adaptively, and with support for collaborative multiperson use. Before this new class of systems can proliferate, toolkits also will be needed to promote software development for both simulated and functioning systems.  相似文献   

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