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HIV-1 gag p17 protein is an attractive target for molecular intervention, because it is involved in the viral replication cycle at both the pre- and postintegration levels. In the present experiments, we targeted p17 by intracellularly expressing a cDNA encoding an Ab to p17. cDNA from a hybridoma-secreting Ab to p17 was cloned, sequenced, reconstructed as a single-chain Ab fragment (scFv), and expressed in the cytoplasm or nucleus with appropriate retention signals. The expressed scFvs had no effect on T cell growth or CD4 expression and bound specifically to HIV-1 p17. Human CD4+ Jurkat T cells that expressed scFvs and were infected with HIV-1 showed a marked reduction in virus replication compared with cells expressing vector alone. The inhibition of virus replication was more pronounced when scFvs were expressed in the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus. From these studies, we conclude that the intracellular expression of a single-chain Ab to p17 inhibits HIV replication; in addition, the degree of inhibition is related to the intracellular targeting site.  相似文献   

Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) mutants that lack the apoptotic suppressor gene p35 cause apoptosis in Spodoptera frugiperda SF21 cells. To identify a viral signal(s) that induces programmed cell death, we first defined the timing of apoptotic events during infection. Activation of a P35-inhibitable caspase, intracellular fragmentation of host and AcMNPV DNA, and cell membrane blebbing coincided with the initiation of viral DNA synthesis between 9 and 12 h after infection and thus suggested that apoptotic signaling begins at or before this time. Virus entry was required since binding of budded virus to host cell receptors alone was insufficient to induce apoptosis. To therefore determine the contribution of early and late replication events to apoptotic signaling, we used the AcMNPV mutant ts8 with a temperature-sensitive lesion in the putative helicase gene p143. At the nonpermissive temperature at which viral DNA synthesis was conditionally blocked, ts8 caused extensive apoptosis of the SF21 cell line p3576D, which dominantly interferes with anti-apoptotic function of viral P35. Confirming that apoptosis can be induced in the absence of normal viral DNA synthesis, parental SF21 cells also underwent apoptosis when infected with a ts8 p35 deletion mutant at the nonpermissive temperature. However, maximum levels of ts8 p35 deletion mutant-induced apoptosis required a temperature-sensitive event(s) that included the initiation of viral DNA synthesis. Collectively, these data suggested that baculovirus-induced apoptosis can be triggered by distinct early (pre-DNA synthesis) and late replicative events, including viral DNA synthesis or late gene expression.  相似文献   

Matrix (MA), a major structural protein of retroviruses, is thought to play a critical role in several steps of the HIV-1 replication cycle, including the plasma membrane targeting of Gag, the incorporation of envelope (Env) glycoproteins into nascent particles, and the nuclear import of the viral genome in non-dividing cells. We now show that the entire MA protein is dispensable for the incorporation of HIV-1 Env glycoproteins with a shortened cytoplasmic domain. Furthermore, efficient HIV-1 replication in the absence of up to 90% of MA was observed in a cell line in which the cytoplasmic domain of Env is not required. Additional compensatory changes in Gag permitted efficient virus replication even if all of MA was replaced by a heterologous membrane targeting signal. Viruses which lacked the globular domain of MA but retained its N-terminal myristyl anchor exhibited an increased ability to form both extracellular and intracellular virus particles, consistent with a myristyl switch model of Gag membrane targeting. Pseudotyped HIV-1 particles that lacked the structurally conserved globular head of MA efficiently infected macrophages, indicating that MA is dispensable for nuclear import in terminally differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Taurine is a very important organic osmolyte in most adult cells. Because of this property it has been proposed that large changes in the intracellular content of taurine can osmotically stress the cell, causing changes in its size and shape. This hypothesis was examined by measuring cell dimensions of taurine deficient cardiomyocytes using confocal microscopy. Incubation of isolated neonatal rat myocytes with medium containing 5 mM beta-alanine led to a 55% decrease in intracellular taurine content. Associated with the loss of taurine was a reduction in cell size. Two factors contributed to the change in cell size. First, there was a shift in cell shape, favoring the smaller of the two cellular configurations commonly found in the myocyte cell culture. Second, the size of the polyhedral configuration was reduced after beta-alanine treatment. These same two events also contributed to size reduction in cardiomyocytes incubated with medium containing 30 mM mannitol. Nonetheless, some qualitative differences exist between cells osmotically stressed by increasing the osmolality of the incubation medium and decreasing intracellular osmolality. The results support a role for taurine in the regulation of osmotic balance in the neonatal cardiomyocyte.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 5A(eIF-5A) is a cellular cofactor require d for the function of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) Rev trans-activator protein. The majority of a set of eIF-5A mutants did not support growth of yeast cells having an inactivated genomic copy of eIF-5A, indicating that the introduced mutation eliminated eIF-5A activity. Two nonfunctional mutants, eIF-5AM13 and eIF-5AM14, retained their binding capacity for the HIV-1 Rev response element:Rev complex. Both mutants were constitutively expressed in human T cells. When these T cells were infected with replication-competent HIV-1, virus replication was inhibited. The eIF-5AM13 and eIF5AM14 proteins blocked Rev trans-activation and Rev-mediated nuclear export.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that the T-cell reactivity to environmental allergens underlying expression of allergic disease in adulthood, develops initially during childhood. However, there is little information available on the kinetics of these early responses, or on the patterns of cytokine production during this period. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was twofold: to obtain further information on the reported differences between responses to food versus inhalant allergens during early childhood, and to ascertain the age-range over which T-cell responses to inhalant allergens become polarized towards the TH2 cytokine profile, in potentially atopic children. METHODS: In vitro cytokine responses to house dust mite (HDM) and egg (OVA) were assessed by semiquantitative RT-PCR in panels of 2- and 5-year-old children and adults; lymphoproliferative responses to OVA were subjected to epitope analysis. RESULTS: At age 2 years IL-4/IL-5 responses to HDM grouped with positive atopic family history, and by age 5 years cytokine responses correlated strongly with individual SPT reactivity to HDM. In contrast, OVA responses were restricted to weak and transient IL-5 signals in the 2-year-old family history positive group. Lymphoproliferation assays performed in parallel indicate a log-scale greater postnatal expansion of T-cell reactivity to the inhalant allergen; preliminary epitope analysis of OVA responses indicate that the number of OVA epitopes recognised decrease during early childhood. CONCLUSIONS: Inhalant allergen-specific in vitro cytokine production associated with positive skin-prick test (SPT) reactions, one of the hallmarks of adult atopy, manifests in children at or before 5 years of age; additionally, cytokine responses in SPT negative 5 year-olds are restricted to IFNgamma, as per normal adults. In contrast, T-cell responses to a typical food allergen appear to be deleted during early childhood.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection has been shown to elicit strong CTL responses in some infected persons, but few data are available regarding the relationship between targeted epitopes and in vivo viral quasispecies. In this study, we examined the CTL response in a person infected for 15 yr with a CD4 count persistently >500 cells/microl. The dominant in vivo activated CTL response was directed against two overlapping Gag CTL epitopes in an area of p17 known to be essential for viral replication. The 9-mer SLYNTVATL (amino acids 77-85) was recognized in conjunction with HLA-A2, whereas the overlapping 8-mer TLYCVHQR (amino acids 83-91) was recognized by HLA-A11-restricted CTL. Analysis of in vivo virus sequences both in PBMC and plasma revealed the existence of sequence variation in this region, which did not affect viral replication in vitro, but decreased recognition by the A11-restricted CTL response, with maintenance of the A2-restricted response. These results indicate that an essential region of the p17 protein can be simultaneously targeted by CTL through two different HLA molecules, and that immune escape from CTL recognition can occur without impairing viral replication. In addition, they demonstrate that Ag processing can allow for presentation of overlapping epitopes in the same infected cell, which can be affected quite differently by sequence variation.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of perceived problem-solving ability (self-identified effective and ineffective) operationalized by Heppner and Petersen's Problem Solving Inventory (PSI) and random feedback (success vs. failure) on participants' attributions. A total of 30 female and 30 male teacher trainees who had scored in the top and bottom distribution of the PSI dealt with three unexpected classroom disruptions during a lecture presentation. After their presentation, they received randomized feedback concerning their performance during disruptions. Following feedback, they completed Baumgardner's Attribution Questionnaire (AQ). Results indicated a significant PSI x Feedback interaction for ability and effort but not for task difficulty and luck. Perceived efficacious problem solvers' internal attributions depended on whether they received success or failure feedback. Similar to the self-enhancing tendency reported in the literature, this group attributed success versus failure more to ability and effort. The perceived ineffective problem solvers' attributions did not differ based on the feedback they received. Results are discussed in terms of prior research and theory.  相似文献   

The physiological processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) by a protease called alpha-secretase gives rise to APP alpha, a C-terminally truncated fragment of betaAPP with known neurotrophic and cytoprotective properties. Several lines of evidence indicate that protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated events regulate this physiological pathway. We show here that the proteasome multicatalytic complex modulates the phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate-stimulated APP alpha secretion at several levels in human kidney 293 (HK293) cells. Two blocking agents of the proteasome, namely, Z-IE(Ot-Bu)A-leucinal and lactacystin, elicit a dual effect on PKC-regulated APP alpha secretion by metabolically labeled HK293 cells. Thus, short periods of preincubation (2-5 h) of the cells with the inhibitors trigger a drastic potentiation of APP alpha recovery, whereas long-term treatment of the cells (15-20 h) with the blocking agents leads to an overall decrease in the secretion of APP alpha. Such a dual effect was not observed on constitutive APP alpha secretion and intracellular formation generated by HK293 cells, which both only increase upon inhibitor treatments. Similar effects on the constitutive and PKC-regulated APP alpha secretion were observed with PC12 cells. Altogether, these data suggest distinct mechanisms underlying basal and PKC-regulated APP alpha production, indicating that this multicatalytic complex appears as a key contributor of the alpha-secretase pathway.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of glutathione on the replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in chronically infected macrophages, a known reservoir of the virus in the body. We found that exogenous GSH strongly suppresses the production of p24gag protein as well as the virus infectivity. This is related to a dramatic decrease in both budding and release of virus particles from chronically infected cells (either macrophages or lymphocytes), together with a selective decrease in the expression of gp120, the major envelope glycoprotein, rich in intrachain disulfide bonds and thus potentially sensitive to the effect of a reducing agent such as GSH. Overall data suggest that GSH can interfere with late stages of virus replication. This would be in agreement with data obtained in cells exposed to herpesvirus type 1 (a DNA virus) or to Sendai (an RNA virus), showing that the suppression of virus replication by GSH is related to the selective inhibition of envelope glycoproteins. These results suggest a potential role of GSH in combination with other antivirals in the treatment of virus-related diseases.  相似文献   

Recreationally abused substances include both legal and illegal agents, broadly classified as opioids, psychostimulants, sedatives, cannabis (marijuana), hallucinogens, inhalants, dissociative anesthetics (phencyclidine), anticholinergics, ethanol, and tobacco. These substances are associated with an array of neurological emergencies resulting from overdose, withdrawal, and other medical and neurological complications.  相似文献   

To understand what processes affect the cell-cycle timing of mitotic events in early cleavage cycles of sea urchin embryos, a study was made on the effects of (a) reducing protein synthesis with emetine and (b) DNA replication with aphidicolin, on the timing of nuclear envelope breakdown, anaphase onset and cytokinesis. When protein synthesis was slightly inhibited by administration of emetine, the delay in the mitotic events increased, with an increase in the delay in accumulation of proteins up to the levels to which cells must synthesize the proteins to execute the cleavage. This indicated that protein synthesis affects the timing of mitotic events. The delay in cleavage cycles caused by a slight inhibition of DNA replication with aphidicolin was in proportion to the concentration of aphidicolin administered, suggesting that DNA replication also affects the timing of mitotic events. Furthermore, it was confirmed that accumulation of the proteins to the levels required for execution of the first cleavage precedes completion of DNA replication as a requirement for execution of the first cleavage. These results imply the existence of process(es) affected by protein synthesis that are included in a feedback control system which prevents the initiation of mitosis until after the completion of DNA replication; it is the characteristic of a cell-cycle control system that has been predicted theoretically.  相似文献   

Food additive intake has been estimated in Finland by means of a stepwise system using simultaneously two different methods. The first method, based on food consumption and food control analysis, can be classified into the group of Estimated Daily Intake methods (EDI). The second method, a questionnaire to food manufacturers concerning the use of food additives, has been employed five times. Estimates have been timed to reflect legislative changes and their influence on the intake. The intake of most food additives and sweeteners by Finnish diabetic adolescents was well below Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs). The average nitrite intake, especially by children and adolescents, was greater. Estimates of nitrite intake by children varied between 39% and 89% of ADIs depending on the method used and the new ADIs given by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Diabetic children's and the mothers' daily intake of nitrite was shown to be greater when compared with that of non-diabetics and the results of that other Finnish study gives support the evidence that dietary nitrites may be associated with the development of Type I diabetes. New estimates of additive intakes, based on a nationwide control project carried out in 1994, will be worked out. The results will reflect the situation in Finland before EU membership.  相似文献   

The colon adenocarcinoma cell line WiDr expresses the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR). In order to deduce possible functions of calretinin in these cells we decreased its concentration by antisense techniques. Treatment of WiDr cells with phosphorothioate antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODNs) led to a drop in calretinin expression, as evidenced by immunohistochemical staining of WiDr cells and Western blot analysis of cytosolic cell extracts. The morphology of these epithelial cells changed from polygonal to spherical and they formed dense cell clusters. Cells displaying morphological alterations typical for apoptotic cells were observed after incubation with AS-ODNs, as evidenced by phase-contrast and electron microscopy. The mitotic rate of AS-ODN-treated cells dropped significantly, as demonstrated by mitotic labeling and time-lapse microcinematography. Furthermore, an accumulation of cells in phase G1 and a reduction of [3H]thymidine-labeled cells was observed in antisense-treated cells. The basal level of [Ca2+]i was not influenced by the down-regulation of calretinin. WiDr cells incubated with the nonsense, reverse-sense, or with an oligodeoxynucleotide with a totally unrelated sequence did not show any significant differences when compared to control cells. We conclude that calretinin levels have an impact on the progression of the cell cycle of WiDr cells.  相似文献   

The E1B 55-kDa oncoprotein of adenovirus enables the virus to overcome restrictions imposed on viral replication by the cell cycle. Approximately 20% of HeLa cells infected with an E1B 55-kDa mutant adenovirus produced virus when evaluated by electron microscopy or by assays for infectious centers. By contrast, all HeLa cells infected with a wild-type adenovirus produced virus. The yield of E1B mutant virus from randomly cycling HeLa cells correlated with the fraction of cells in S phase at the time of infection. In synchronously growing HeLa cells, approximately 75% of the cells infected during S phase with the E1B mutant virus produced virus, whereas only 10% of the cells infected during G1 produced virus. The yield of E1B mutant virus from HeLa cells infected during S phase was sevenfold greater than that of cells infected during G1 and threefold greater than that of cells infected during asynchronous growth. Cells infected during S phase with the E1B mutant virus exhibited severe cytopathic effects, whereas cells infected with the E1B mutant virus during G1 exhibited a mild cytopathic effect. Viral DNA synthesis appeared independent of the cell cycle because equivalent amounts of viral DNA were synthesized in cells infected with either wild-type or E1B mutant virus. The inability of the E1B mutant virus to replicate was not mediated by the status of p53. These results define a novel property of the large tumor antigen of adenovirus in relieving growth restrictions imposed on viral replication by the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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