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蒸馏装置炼制高酸值原油的腐蚀与控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我国部分石油炼制工程中的加氢技术还存在着一些安全隐患,同时还具有不节能的特性.设备、试剂等都有着或多或少的毛病,所以必须要对其开展一定的升级、完善以及更新工作,来降低其能源的消耗,保障石油炼制工程的效率与品质.本篇文章将分析石油炼制中应用加氢技术的必要性以及其化学原理,同时对其实际应用与存在的问题进行了一定的分析与探讨...  相似文献   

中国的石油资源相对稀缺,石油炼制过程中对轻质原油的需求相对较高.石油的裂解过程主要基于加氢催化和加氢裂化.加氢催化技术可以提高轻质油品的产量,在满足市场需求,提高中国石油工业经济效益的同时,还能尽可能减少环境污染,实现"绿水青山就是金山银山"的社会要求.加氢裂化技术可直接将高硫蜡油等劣质原料转化为优质石脑油,喷气燃料,...  相似文献   


加氢技术能够有效降低油品对环境的危害。成为石油清洁生产的重要手段。  相似文献   

经济的发展和社会的进步推动了我国化工行业飞速发展.面对环境日益恶化的现状,国家加大环境保护力度,为石油、冶炼等高能耗、高污染行业带来挑战.因此,石油化工行业烟气脱氯脱硝、废渣废气处理以及能源回收后综合利用工艺等,成为行业关注的重点.本文主要对化工工艺与石油炼制进行分析.  相似文献   

2003年中国石油炼制技术大会上,权威专家提出我国炼油工业面临着竞争加剧、环保压力、资源制约三大挑战。  相似文献   

This article introduces the situation related with the increasingly deteriorating crude quality, the demand for cleaner transportation fuels and clean production processes that the world's petroleum refining industry is faced with. This article also suggests that the trend for future development of global refining industry is focused on the economy of scale for the refineries and the oil processing units, the refining structure readjustment, integration of the oil refining and chemical production and formation of oil refining bases. The oil refining industry will uninterruptedly rectify its industry allocation and processing unit configuration and strive for the reduction of production cost through technical progress and management innovations to reduce the production cost, boost the profitability and sharpen the market competitive edge.  相似文献   

China has formed a complete and packaged system of domestic petroleum refining industry. Till 2020 the demand for petroleum products in China will record a sharp growth. However, China is currently confronted with a shortage of oil resources, unsatisfactory quality of petroleum products, a widening gap between demand and supply of steam cracking feedstocks, and a stern situation in environmental protection. In this context the petroleum refiners of China, while taking into account the actual conditions, should seek for the way of deep processing to produce transportation fuels and chemical feedstocks that can hardly be replaced by other energy forms, continue to bring into full play FCC process as core process for making finished oil products, speed up the development of hydrocracking to achieve integration between refining and chemical production, adopt measures that can combine feedstock pre-treatment, novel FCC technologies and after-treatment of products to improve the quality of finished products, as well as realize the recycling of wastewater and control over air pollution caused by SOx to accelerate the development of petroleum processing industry in China.  相似文献   

满足绿色燃油产品规格的炼油工艺技术进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对我国环境保护国策对石油工业日益严格的要求和世界石油产品质量规格“绿色化”的趋势,通过分析我国炼油工艺技术和产品构成的现状,提出通过采取环境友好技术,调整产品结构等措施,满足生产绿色石油产品的要求,以实现石油工业的环境保护和可持续发展的战略目标。  相似文献   

炼油助剂新进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
介绍了近年来炼油助剂的进展情况。随着原油重质化、劣质化和清洁燃料需求量的增加以及环境法规的不断严格,一些新的炼油助剂如降低汽油烯烃助剂、降低汽油硫含量助剂、加氢阻垢剂等不断涌现,对新的炼油助剂进行了评述,对今后该领域的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

石油产品馏程的测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
馏程是石油产品一种重要的质量指标,它的测量在石油产品的炼制和使用过程中都具有十分重要的意义。简单阐述在线测量馏程的基本方法和原理,着重介绍两种馏程测量仪器的特点、构成和在镇海炼油化工股份有限公司的运行情况。  相似文献   

可视化技术在石油行业的应用及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
可视化是近年来新发展起来的一个研究和开发十分活跃的技术领域,它将计算机图形、图像处理和计算机视觉等技术应用于科学计算领域,目前已在各个学科中得到广泛的应用。文章主要探讨了可视化技术的概念、发展、系统组成及其在石油行业中的应用和前景。  相似文献   

石油炼化企业的专业技术培训,要实现与国际化的接轨,必须加深对国际石油炼化技术发展状况和趋势的了解,掌握我国炼化技术的发展方向,围绕国际化这个目标,把国际上先进的技术内容和研究方向纳入到培训内容中,融入国际化培训的新理念、新模式,紧密结合我国炼化企业实际需求,拓展新的培训领域和课程内容,为炼化技术与国际先进技术的接轨拓宽道路,推进中国石化的国际化进程。  相似文献   

Molecular distillation process is an efficient way to separate complex residues to obtain improvement and a more complete characterization of crude oils. It presents advantages such as to generate distillation products that can be experimentally characterized, and the operation conditions of this process generate distillate cuts with an atmospheric equivalent boiling point (AEBP) above 650°C without risks of thermal degradation. The aim of this work is to carry out the separation of two vacuum residues (VR) within the process temperature range from 550 to 670°C, using the Brazilian Molecular Distillation equipment. As a result, five distillate cuts and five residues from molecular distillation processing were generated. The molecular distillation (MD) technique provided a gain in distillate yield of about 10% over the conventional methods. The efficiency of the technique was verified through the vapor pressure osmometry experiments and the extension of true boiling point (TBP) curves of petroleum. The extended TBP curves by the molecular distillation process demonstrated that this alternative method is appropriate to extend the TBP curves to temperatures above those of the conventional methods.  相似文献   

蔺爱国 《石油化工》2012,41(12):1341
近年来,随着国民经济的快速发展和石油需求的大幅增长,作为国内最大油气公司的中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中国石油)的炼化业务得到持续发展,炼化技术自主创新能力不断提升。简要介绍了中国石油炼化业务的发展概况以及取得的重大科技成果及进展,分析了当前面临的机遇和挑战,提出了推进重大战略布局调整、加快汽柴油产品质量升级、抓紧产品结构调整、开拓新兴发展领域、加大科技保障等下一步发展思路。  相似文献   

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