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Fractal geometry involves a recursive generating methodology that results in contours with infinitely intricate fine structures. This geometry, which has been used to model complex objects found in nature such as clouds and coastlines, has space-filling properties that can be utilized to miniaturize antennas. These contours are able to add more electrical length in less volume. In this article, we look at miniaturizing wire and patch antennas using fractals. Fractals are profoundly intricate shapes that are easy to define. It is seen that even though the mathematical foundations call for an infinitely complex structure, the complexity that is not discernible for the particular application can be truncated. For antennas, this means that we can reap the rewards of miniaturizing an antenna using fractals without paying the price of having to manufacture an infinitely complex radiator. In fact, it is shown that the required number of generating iterations, each of which adds a layer of intricacy, is only a few. A primer on the mathematical bases of fractal geometry is also given, focusing especially on the mathematical properties that apply to the analysis of antennas. Also presented is an application of these miniaturized antennas to phased arrays. It is shown how these fractal antennas can be used in tightly packed linear arrays, resulting in phased arrays that can scan to wider angles while avoiding grating lobes  相似文献   

The past decade (1990-2000) has witnessed substantial advances in speech recognition technology, which when combined with the increase in computational power and storage capacity has resulted in a variety of commercial products already or soon to be on the market. The authors review the state of the art in core technology, large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, with a view toward highlighting recent advances. We then highlight issues in moving toward applications, discussing system efficiency, portability across languages and tasks, and enhancing the system output by adding tags and nonlinguistic information. Current performance in speech recognition and outstanding challenges for three classes of applications (dictation, audio indexation, and spoken language dialogue systems), are discussed  相似文献   

Feedforward transparent tone-in-band: its implementations andapplications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Implementation of the transparent tone-in-band (TTIB) spectral manipulation technique is described, with particular attention given to the mechanism of feedforward subband recombination. It is shown that transparency of TTIB can be maintained for a wide variety of input signal types. Extremely rapid and accurate subband recombination can be achieved by correct choice of filter shape. Application of TTIB are discussed, ranging from inband signaling on public telephone lines to DC offset compensation for direct conversion transceivers  相似文献   

The very broad bandwidth of low-loss optical transmission in a single-mode fiber and the recent improvements in single-frequency tunable lasers have stimulated significant advances in dense wavelength division multiplexed optical networks. This technology, including wavelength-sensitive optical switching and routing elements and passive optical elements, has made it possible to consider the use of wavelength as another dimension, in addition to time and space, in network and switch design. The independence of optical signals at different wavelengths makes this a natural choice for multiple-access networks, for applications which benefit from shared transmission media, and for networks in which very large throughputs are required. Recent progress in multiwavelength networks are reviewed, some of the limitations which affect the performance of such networks are discussed, and examples of several network and switch proposals based on these ideas are presented. Discussed also are critical technologies that are essential to progress in this field  相似文献   

In this paper, we shall briefly present some recent works done on lithium niobate fibers and waveguides. There are two major parts. The first part introduces the fabrication techniques for LiNbO3 fibers and waveguides, which include the growth of lithium niobate fibers by laser-heated pedestal growth method and the fabrication of high aspect ratio submicron lithium niobate waveguide by focused ion beam lithography. The second part focuses on the application of lithium niobate fibers and waveguides, which include holographic storage in lithium niobate fibers, fast speed wavelength tunable filter, subpicosecond true time delay line, and low crosstalk microchannel plate spatial light modulator. Finally, a brief summary is provided  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a deembedding technique and a direct on-substrate measurement technique for fast and inexpensive characterization of miniature antennas for wireless applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. The technique is demonstrated by measurements on a tapered slot antenna (TSA). The measured results at Ka-band frequencies include input impedance, mutual coupling between two TSA's, and absolute gain of TSA  相似文献   

We analyze the basic principles of the spread-space holographic code division multiple access (CDMA) technique. We describe the structure of the encoder and decoder and present a basic mathematical analysis based on spatial harmonic decomposition for the receiver's processing module, which is comprised of a Fourier transform lens and a holographic matched filter. Subsequently, we study two applications of optical holographic CDMA, namely, free-space holographic CDMA photonic switch and free-space (wireless) multiaccess optical (infrared) indoor communications. For both techniques, we describe the two-dimensional imaging techniques, namely user's code transmission, and highlight the basic parameters and components that need to be optimized. To obtain the bit-error rate (BER) of the proposed application, we first evaluate the probability density function of multiuser interference and then evaluate the BER as a function of the processing gain, number of users, the received power, and the optimum threshold. For BER ≈ 10-9, the result shows an extraordinary number of users that can be supported via holographic CDMA, for both applications  相似文献   

There are many methods for performing neural network inversion. Multi-element evolutionary inversion procedures are capable of finding numerous inversion points simultaneously. Constrained neural network inversion requires that the inversion solution belong to one or more specified constraint sets. In many cases, iterating between the neural network inversion solution and the constraint set can successfully solve constrained inversion problems. This paper surveys existing methodologies for neural network inversion, which is illustrated by its use as a tool in query-based learning, sonar performance analysis, power system security assessment, control, and generation of codebook vectors  相似文献   

A discussion is presented of diagnostic and dosimetric optical measurements in medicine and biology. Topics covered include: tissue optical properties, tissue boundary conditions, and invasive versus noninvasive measurements. Clinical applications of therapeutic dosimetry and diagnostic spectroscopy are discussed. The principles of diffuse reflectance and transmittance measurements are presented. Experimental studies illustrate reflectance spectroscopy and steady-state versus time-resolved measurements  相似文献   

We study a combinatorial invariant of codes which counts the number of ordered pairs of codewords in all subcodes of restricted support in a code. This invariant can be expressed as a linear form of the components of the distance distribution of the code with binomial numbers as coefficients. For this reason we call it a binomial moment of the distance distribution. Binomial moments appear in the proof of the MacWilliams (1963) identities and in many other problems of combinatorial coding theory. We introduce a linear programming problem for bounding these linear forms from below. It turns out that some known codes (1-error-correcting perfect codes, Golay codes, Nordstrom-Robinson code, etc.) yield optimal solutions of this problem, i.e., have minimal possible binomial moments of the distance distribution. We derive several general feasible solutions of this problem, which give lower bounds on the binomial moments of codes with given parameters, and derive the corresponding asymptotic bounds. Applications of these bounds include new lower bounds on the probability of undetected error for binary codes used over the binary-symmetric channel with crossover probability p and optimality of many codes for error detection. Asymptotic analysis of the bounds enables us to extend the range of code rates in which the upper bound on the undetected error exponent is tight  相似文献   

The least squares (LS) estimation criterion on one hand, and the total LS (TLS), constrained TLS (CTLS) and structured TLS (STLS) criteria on the other hand, can be viewed as opposite limiting cases of a more general criterion, which we term “extended LS” (XLS). The XLS criterion distinguishes measurement errors from modeling errors by properly weighting and balancing the two error sources. In the context of certain models (termed “pseudo-linear”), we derive two iterative algorithms for minimizing the XLS criterion: One is a straightforward “alternating coordinates” minimization, and the other is an extension of an existing CTLS algorithm. The algorithms exhibit different tradeoffs between convergence rate, computational load, and accuracy. The XLS criterion can be applied to popular estimation problems, such as identifying an autoregressive (AR) with exogenous noise (ARX) system from noisy input/output measurements or estimating the parameters of an AR process from noisy measurements. We demonstrate the convergence properties and performance of the algorithms with examples of the latter  相似文献   

This paper presents the modeling, design, experimental results and applications of integrated optical elliptic couplers. An approximate analytical model is presented and the design procedure is described. Some elliptic focusing and collimating structures have been experimentally tested and the results are in good correspondence with the design. The couplers have low losses, are polarization and lateral index contrast insensitive, compact, and easy to design and fabricate. The potential and limitations of the device are evaluated. Some applications of the elliptic couplers are also presented  相似文献   

The authors developed a calibration procedure for imaging radar polarimeters and applied it to a set of images acquired by the NASA DC-8 multifrequency radar system. The technique requires the use of ground reflectors of known cross-section for absolute calibration, that is, solution for σ0; however, the image data themselves can usually provide all information necessary for phase calibration and for antenna crosstalk correction. The accuracy of the approach, as measured by calculating the cross-section residuals of known targets in each calibrated scene, is on the order of ±1-2 dB at the P- and C-band, but improves to ±0.5 dB at the L-band. The authors present the results of applying this technique to radar scenes of lava flows of varying roughness, temperate and tropical rain forests, and ocean water surfaces. They also present several example applications which are feasible with calibrated data but which would be difficult to implement with uncalibrated data  相似文献   

Computational neuroscience is emerging as a new approach in biological neural networks studies. In an attempt to contribute to this field, we present here a modeling work based on the implementation of biological neurons using specific analog integrated circuits. We first describe the mathematical basis of such models, then present analog emulations of different neurons. Each model is compared to its biological real counterpart as well as its numerical computation. Finally, we demonstrate the possible use of these analog models to interact dynamically with real cells through artificial synapses within hybrid networks. This method is currently used to explore neural networks dynamics.  相似文献   

This article compares input impedances and radiation characteristics of half wavelength Koch fractal V–electric dipoles having included angles 60°, 90° and 120°. The study considers three structures. In the 1st structure the Koch arms open into the V-region, in 2nd structure they open away from the V-region and in the third structure, one arm opens into and the other away from the V-region. A first iteration, structure 1 of V-Koch electric dipole antenna with included angle of 120° was fabricated and the experimental return loss was in good agreement with simulation. At their first resonances the antennas’ gain and input resistance decrease with decrease in included angles, an observation synonymous to Euclidian electric dipoles. In terms of gain, the first structure is found to give better performance than the other two. For this structure, the pattern distortion at the second resonance was also less compared to the other structures.  相似文献   

Most previous work about the hardware design of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) intended to either improve its inference performance for real-time applications or to reduce its hardware cost. To our knowledge, there has been no attempt to design a hardware FLC that can perform an adaptive fuzzy inference for the applications of on-line adaptation. The purpose of this paper is to present such an adaptive memory-efficient FLC and its applications. Taking advantage of the adaptability provided by a symbolic fuzzy rule format and the dynamic membership function generator, as well as the high-speed integration capability afforded by VLSI, the proposed adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) can perform an adaptive fuzzy inference process using various inference parameters, such as the shape and location of a membership function, dynamically and quickly. Three examples are used to illustrate its applications, and the experimental results show the excellent adaptability provided by AFLC  相似文献   

The finite-difference-time-domain method (FD-TD) is used to characterize complex planar printed antennas with various feed structures, which include coaxial probe feed, microstrip line feed, and aperture coupled feed structures. A coaxial probe model is developed by using a three-dimensional FD-TD technique. This model is shown to be an efficient and accurate tool for modeling coaxial line fed structures. A novel use of a dispersive absorbing boundary condition is presented for a printed antenna with a high dielectric constant. All the numerical results obtained by the FD-TD method are compared with experimental results, and the comparison shows excellent agreement over a wide frequency band  相似文献   

The plane-wave scattering matrix is used to characterize antennas that are located just above a planar interface that separates two media. The plane-wave transmitting spectrum for the field radiated downward into the lower medium is expressed directly in terms of the current distribution of the transmitting antenna. The transmitting spectrum for a reciprocal antenna determines the plane-wave receiving spectrum for the field that propagates upward in the lower medium. A measurement procedure is discussed for determining the plane-wave transmitting and receiving spectra from measurements with a probe that is located in the lower medium.  相似文献   

The author shows how elastic fuzzy logic (EFL) nets make it possible to combine the capabilities of expert systems with the learning capabilities of neural networks at a high level. ANN (artificial neural network) implementations have advantages in terms of hardware implementation, ease of use, generality, and links to the brain, which is still the only true intelligent controller available. Neurocontrol is useful in cloning experts, tracking trajectories or setpoints, and optimization (e.g., approximate dynamic programming). There has been substantial success in controlling robot arms (including the main arm of the Space Shuttle), chemical process control, continuous production of high-quality parts, and other aerospace applications. A review of the basic designs and concepts, with reference to both the applications and future research opportunities, is given  相似文献   

The self-healing mesh network architecture using digital cross-connect systems (DCSs) is a crucial part of an integrated network restoration system. The conventional DCS self-healing networks using logical channel protection may require a large amount of spare capacity for network components (such as DCSs) and may not restore services fast enough (e.g., within 2 s). The authors propose a passive protected DCS self-healing network (PPDSHN) architecture using a passive protection cross-connect network for network protection. For the PPDSHN architecture, network restoration is performed in the optical domain and is controlled by electronic working DCS systems. Some case studies have suggested that the proposed PPDSHN architecture may restore services within a two-second objective with less equipment cost than the conventional DCS self-healing network architecture in high-demand metropolitan areas for local exchange carrier networks. The proposed PPDSHN architecture may apply to not only the centralized and distributed control DCS network architectures, but also asynchronous, SONET and ATM DCS networks. Transparency of line rates and transmission formats makes the PPDSHN network even more attractive when network evolution is a key concern of network planning  相似文献   

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