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The key to good decoding performance in distributed video coding systems lies in the efficient prediction of frames using side information. Previously, this process has been performed without considering the progressive nature of the synthesis of the final frame. Observing the fact that incorrectly predicted areas of the current frame can be detected at different levels of final frame synthesis, an algorithm is proposed for refinement of side information synthesis based on an additional stage of motion estimation. The additional stage is performed on correctly decoded DC frames and is used to significantly improve the motion prediction of the final resolution frames, which leads to enhanced performance of the overall system.  相似文献   

为了提高多视角视频编码系统中运动估计速度,提出了一种基于马尔科夫链模型的快速运动矢量估计算法。该算法充分利用帧间、视角间相关性,建立预测矢量状态集合。通过马尔科夫链模型的状态转移概率,对预测矢量进行提前测试。然后利用提前退出准则,实现快速运动矢量估计。实验结果表明,与单独采用全搜索算法比较,该算法对于多视角视频序列运动估计速度可以提高99%以上,PSNR平均降低0.16dB。提出的算法对多视角视频编码系统的运动估计效率提升明显。  相似文献   

Multi-view video coding (MVC) has been extended from H.264/AVC to improve the coding efficiency of multi-view video. This paper proposes a fast mode decision algorithm which can make an early decision on the correct mode partition to solve the issue of the enormous computational complexity. The best modes of the reference views are utilized to determine the complexity of the macroblock (MB) in the current view, the mode candidates needed to be calculated can then be obtained according to the complexity. If the complexity is low or medium, the search range can be reduced. The threshold of the rate-distortion cost for the current MB is calculated using the co-located and neighboring MBs in previously coded view and is utilized as the criterion for early termination. The motion vector difference in the reference view is applied to dynamically adjust the search range in the current MB. Experimental results prove that the proposed algorithm achieves a time saving of 81.05% for a fast TZ search and 87.85% for full search, and still maintains quality performance and bitrate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an auto regressive (AR) model to generate the high quality side information (SI) for Wyner-Ziv (WZ) frames in low-delay distributed video coding, where the future frames are not used for generating SI. In the proposed AR model, the SI of each pixel within the current WZ frame t is generated as a linear weighted summation of the pixels within a window in the previous reconstructed WZ/Key frame t − 1 along the motion trajectory. To obtain accurate SI, the AR model is used in both temporal directions in the reconstructed WZ/Key frames t − 1 and t − 2, and then the regression results are fused with traditional extrapolation result based on a probability model. In each temporal direction, a weighting coefficient set is computed by the least mean square method for each block in the current WZ frame t. In particular, due to the unavailability of future frames in low-delay distributed video coding, a centrosymmetric rearrangement is proposed for pixel generation in the backward direction. Various experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to achieve a higher performance compared to the existing SI generation methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and compare different distributed video coding (DVC) schemes based on the use of the wavelet transform, which naturally allows for spatial and other forms of scalability. In particular, we propose a hybrid encoder which utilizes channel codes, and evaluate its performance in the absence of a feedback channel. The proposed scheme uses statistical models for the estimation of the required bitrate at the encoder. We also propose a scheme that is based on a modulo reduction procedure and does not use channel codes at the receiver/transmitter. These schemes are compared with more conventional coders that do not or only partially exploit the distributed coding paradigm. Experimental results show that the considered schemes have good performance when compared with similar asymmetric video compression schemes, and that DVC can be an interesting option in appropriate scenarios.  相似文献   

Multiple side information streams for distributed video coding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An improved Wyner-Ziv decoder for distributed video coding (DVC) is proposed, which uses multiple side information streams obtained by using multiple reference frames. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a significant PSNR gain of up to 2.4 dB over the best available DVC codec at the same bit rate  相似文献   

Proposed is a novel side information refinement technique for Wyner-Ziv video frames in distributed video coding using sequential motion compensation with luminance and chrominance information for a given bit plane to update the side information for the next bit plane. Simulation results show that over 3 dB PSNR gain can be obtained with the proposed algorithm over the best available pixel domain Wyner Ziv codec from the literature [Natario et al.] at the same bit rate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a side information (SI) scheme for distributed video coding based on multilayer perceptron. The suggested scheme predicts a Wyner–Ziv (WZ) frame from two decoded key frames. The network is trained offline using patterns from different standard video sequences with varied motion characteristics to achieve generalization. The proposed scheme is simulated along with other standard video coding schemes. Performance comparisons have been made with respect to training convergence, rate distortion (RD), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), number of requests per SI frame, decoding time requirement, etc. In general, it is observed that the proposed scheme has a superior SI frame generation capability as compared to its competent schemes.  相似文献   

信源与边信息之间的相关建模和参数估计一直是分布式视频编码的关键环节。在分布式视频编码中,相关噪声分布是非平稳的,会随着场景序列而动态变化,如何准确地预测和追踪相关参数十分重要。为了充分发挥分布式信源编码的优势,提出一种基于滑窗的自适应相关估计方法。该方法将滑窗的思想嵌入到基于LDPCA码的Slepian-Wolf解码器中,结合边信息和码流在线估计图像信源之间的相关参数,且能够自适应地选择是否进行重估,进而优化联合比特面置信传播迭代译码。实验结果表明,以先进的分布式视频编码方案DISCOVER作为基准,使用所提方法的方案在保持较低编码复杂度的情况下提高系统的率失真性能。  相似文献   

蔡述庭 《光电子.激光》2009,20(11):1511-1516
为了克服Slepian-Wolf编码不存在统一编码以及采用的无记忆信道模型不符合实际等问题,运用交互式编解码(IED)方式,建立了统一编码,构建了有记忆的有限状态信道(FSC)模型,同时设计了一种适合FSC的用于LDPC解码的置信传播算法。实验结果表明,实现后的IED相比非IED具有更低的误码率(BER),且与理论极限码率更加逼近,实际视频序列的测试结果显示,实现的IED分布式视频编码系统较LDPC算法有2dB左右的率失真性能增益。  相似文献   

张维克  龙玄耀 《电视技术》2012,36(Z2):17-19,23
多视点视频编码技术MVC是3D视频技术中的重要技术,而3D视频技术是电视产业的未来。本文针对MVC技术在国内专利库进行了全面检索,并从统计结果初步分析了产业发展趋势、公司战略部署、国内外专利质量和专利保护意识的对比,为业内人士提供了相关信息的普及,在此基础上,进一步对国内产研结合的可行性进行了分析,通过产研联合申请的成功案例介绍,为国内的公司和高校的共同研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Efficient view-temporal prediction structures for multi-view video coding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To compress multi-view video, spatial redundancy between adjacent view sequences as well as temporal redundancy need to be eliminated. View-temporal prediction structures are proposed, which can be adjusted to various characteristics of multi-view videos. The proposed prediction structure achieves better coding performance than the reference prediction structure for the standardisation of multi-view video coding.  相似文献   

In the context of low-cost video encoding, distributed video coding (DVC) has recently emerged as a potential candidate for uplink-oriented applications. This paper builds on a concept of correlation channel (CC) modeling, which expresses the correlation noise as being statistically dependent on the side information (SI). Compared with classical side-information-independent (SII) noise modeling adopted in current DVC solutions, it is theoretically proven that side-information-dependent (SID) modeling improves the Wyner-Ziv coding performance. Anchored in this finding, this paper proposes a novel algorithm for online estimation of the SID CC parameters based on already decoded information. The proposed algorithm enables bit-plane-by-bit-plane successive refinement of the channel estimation leading to progressively improved accuracy. Additionally, the proposed algorithm is included in a novel DVC architecture that employs a competitive hash-based motion estimation technique to generate high-quality SI at the decoder. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical gains and validate the accuracy of the channel estimation algorithm. The performance assessment of the proposed architecture shows remarkable and consistent coding gains over a germane group of state-of-the-art distributed and standard video codecs, even under strenuous conditions, i.e., large groups of pictures and highly irregular motion content.  相似文献   

Distributed video coding (DVC) is a new video coding paradigm based upon two fundamental theoretical results: the Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv theorems. Among other benefits, this new coding paradigm may allow a flexible complexity allocation between the encoder and the decoder. Several DVC codecs have been developed over the years addressing the specific requirements of emerging applications such as wireless video surveillance and sensor networks. While state-of-the-art DVC codecs, such as the DISCOVER DVC codec, have shown promising RD performance, most DVC codecs in the literature do not consider low delay requirements which are relevant for some of the addressed applications. In this context, the main objective and novelty of this paper is to propose an efficient, low delay and fully practical DVC codec based on the Stanford DVC architecture adopting a side information iterative refinement approach. The obtained performance results show that the developed DVC solution fulfils the objectives regarding relevant benchmarks, notably due to the novel side information creation and correlation noise modeling tools integrated in a side information iterative refinement framework.  相似文献   

一种新的视频编码的块运动估计算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文提出了一种连续判别的非线性预测搜索NPSSD块运动估计算法,可以用于视频压缩的一些国际标准,如H.261,H.263,MPEG1,MPEG2,HDTV中。NPSSD算法充分利用了序列图像的实际运动矢量与预测矢量之间的位移的空间分布特性--中心偏置分布特性和时间上的相关特性,并在搜索过程中采用了中止判别和搜索判别,可以明显地减少运动搜索复杂度。仿真表明这种算法减少了搜索次数,提高了搜索效率,降低  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new motion vector (MV) prediction method in multi-view video coding (MVC). In order to exploit the information in adjacent views, inter-view MVs as well as temporal MVs are used in conventional MVC. Since the inter-view MVs are usually uncorrelated with the temporal MVs and most neighboring partitions have temporal MVs only, the conventional DPCM coding gain of inter-view MV is very low and thus the inter-view MVs are seldom selected. In order to increase the probability of inter-view MV selection, we define a virtual inter-view MV which can be generated from temporal MVs. Then, an inter-view MV is predicted using these neighboring virtual inter-view MVs, leading to less prediction error than using the temporal MVs. As a result, bit-rates are decreased by up to 9% for the view-temporal prediction structure.  相似文献   

Multi-view video coding (MVC) uses various prediction modes and exhaustive mode decision to achieve high coding efficiency. However, the introduced heavy computational complexity becomes the bottleneck of the practical application of MVC. For this, an efficient early Direct mode decision for MVC is proposed in this paper. Based on the observation that the Direct mode is highly possible to be the optimal mode, the proposed method first computes the rate distortion (RD) cost of the Direct mode and compares this RD cost value with an adaptive threshold for providing an early termination chance as follows. If this RD cost value is smaller than the adaptive threshold, the Direct mode will be selected as the optimal mode and the checking process of the remaining modes will be skipped; otherwise, all the modes will be checked to select the one with the minimum RD cost as the optimal mode. Note that the above-mentioned adaptive threshold is determined as the median prediction value of a set of thresholds, which are derived by using the spatial, temporal and inter-view correlations between the current macroblock (MB) and its neighboring MBs, respectively. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method is able to significantly reduce the computational complexity of MVC with negligible loss of coding efficiency, compared with the exhaustive mode decision in MVC.  相似文献   

3D-HEVC将HEVC先进的编码工具充分应用到3D视频,随之带来的主要问题是编码的高复杂度.针对3D-HEVC的帧间编码提出了两点改进以降低其编码复杂度.首先,根据相邻帧相关性自适应确定编码单元的划分深度,然后通过判断编码单元的运动活跃度来限定预测单元的类型选择.提出的算法经仿真实验证明,在保持码率、PSNR基本不变的情况下,其编码时间平均可减少30%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a perceptual-based distributed video coding (DVC) technique. Unlike traditional video codecs, DVC applies video prediction process at the decoder side using previously received frames. The predicted video frames (i.e., side information) contain prediction errors. The encoder then transmits error-correcting parity bits to the decoder to reconstruct the video frames from side information. However, channel codes based on i.i.d. noise models are not always efficient in correcting video prediction errors. In addition, some of the prediction errors do not cause perceptible visual distortions. From perceptual coding point of view, there is no need to correct such errors. This paper proposes a scheme for the decoder to perform perceptual quality analysis on the predicted side information. The decoder only requests parity bits to correct visually sensitive errors. More importantly, with the proposed technique, key frames can be encoded at higher rates while still maintaining consistent visual quality across the video sequence. As a result, even the objective PSNR measure of the decoded video sequence will increase too. Experimental results show that the proposed technique improves the R-D performance of a transform domain DVC codec both subjectively and objectively. Comparisons with a well-known DVC codec show that the proposed perceptual-based DVC coding scheme is very promising for distributed video coding framework.  相似文献   

The effect of using downsampling for arbitrary views inside a multi- view sequence on the multi-view coding (MVC) efficiency is explored. A bit rate adaptive approach is proposed to consider downsampling certain views prior to encoding with relevant downscaling ratios. The inter-view references, if any, are downsampled to the same resolution and the decoded view is upsampled back to the original resolution. The results over several multi-view test sequences imply that up to 0.9 dB gain or 20% reduction in bit rate can be achieved, reducing the computational complexity in the encoder significantly at the same time.  相似文献   

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