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在工业生产过程中,特别是化工领域,许多单元属于开环不稳定过程,特别还存在时滞特性;针对此情况,提出了一种二自由度响应控制结构,该结构优点是设定值跟踪与扰动响应完全解耦,分别对设定值跟踪控制器和扰动控制器两个参数进行独立调节,而无需进行折中,保证了系统的稳定性和鲁棒性;最后对一阶二阶不稳定时滞系统的仿真结果表明,所提出的二自由度控制结构能够有效地解决系统的稳定鲁棒性和扰动抑制作用。 相似文献
针对化工过程中典型不稳定时滞对象,基于传统内模控制提出了两自由度控制方案,新增两个控制器分别用于稳定控制对象和抑制扰动,在镇定不稳定过程的基础上,设定值跟踪控制器和扰动抑制控制器可独立调节而无需再取折衷,同时保证系统具有较好的鲁棒稳定性.最后通过仿真实例验证了该控制方案的有效性. 相似文献
不确定时滞系统鲁棒H∞完整性设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究一类不确定时滞系统的鲁棒H^∞完整性综合设计问题。首先将故障执行器输出信息假设为能量有界信号,最终将问题归结为通过求解-Riccati方程得到时滞无关的状态反馈控制律。 相似文献
时变不确定性系统的二自由度最优鲁棒稳态跟踪控制器设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
和最优跟踪性能.仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性和可行性. 相似文献
一阶时滞不稳定过程的复合PID控制 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对一阶时滞不稳定过程讨论了一类复合PID控制及其参数整定公式.该方法基于分步设计的思想,在比例控制器镇定基础上对闭环所构成的广义稳定对象,设计二级PID控制器.在二级控制器设计中,通过引入时滞二阶稳定模型优化PID参数.本文同时讨论了等价的二自由度PID控制器. 相似文献
In this paper, an analytical two‐degree‐of‐freedom‐control scheme is proposed for controlling processes with large time delay. The main contributions of this paper are that a setpoint response controller and an H∞ PID load‐loop controller are developed based on optimal control theory, and control parameters are derived analytically. This structure can also be used to control integrating or unstable processes. 相似文献
In this article, the sufficient stabilisability criteria for unstable time-delay processes by fractional-order controllers are investigated. The process is a high-order system with a single unstable pole, which also has a stable zero. The adopted approach to derive the sufficient conditions for stability is based on the well-known Nyquist stability criterion. Stabilisability is studied by applying fractional-order proportional integral and proportional derivative controllers and the results are given in terms of the maximum allowable value of time delay. Additionally, limitations on the parameters of the controllers which must be taken into account in the controller design are proposed. 相似文献
Cristina I. Muresan Abhishek Dutta Zehra Pinar Anca Maxim Clara M. Ionescu 《International journal of control》2016,89(3):579-593
This paper presents two tuning algorithms for fractional-order internal model control (IMC) controllers for time delay processes. The two tuning algorithms are based on two specific closed-loop control configurations: the IMC control structure and the Smith predictor structure. In the latter, the equivalency between IMC and Smith predictor control structures is used to tune a fractional-order IMC controller as the primary controller of the Smith predictor structure. Fractional-order IMC controllers are designed in both cases in order to enhance the closed-loop performance and robustness of classical integer order IMC controllers. The tuning procedures are exemplified for both single-input-single-output as well as multivariable processes, described by first-order and second-order transfer functions with time delays. Different numerical examples are provided, including a general multivariable time delay process. Integer order IMC controllers are designed in each case, as well as fractional-order IMC controllers. The simulation results show that the proposed fractional-order IMC controller ensures an increased robustness to modelling uncertainties. Experimental results are also provided, for the design of a multivariable fractional-order IMC controller in a Smith predictor structure for a quadruple-tank system. 相似文献
针对用SMITH预估器进行迟延补偿后的控制器设计问题,分析了迟延补偿误差的特性,讨论了迟延补偿后的控制器再设计的依据,提出了按照模型失配程度选择控制器设计的建议.通过仿真试验找出了最大迟延补偿误差产生的条件并证实了折中控制器设计方案的有效性. 相似文献
In this paper, a proportional-integral-derivative controller in series with a lead-lag filter is designed for control of the open-loop unstable processes with time delay based on direct synthesis method. Study of the performance of the designed controllers has been carried out on various unstable processes. Set-point weighting is considered to reduce the undesirable overshoot. The proposed scheme consists of only one tuning parameter, and systematic guidelines are provided for selection of the tuning parameter based on the peak value of the sensitivity function (Ms). Robustness analysis has been carried out based on sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. Nominal and robust control performances are achieved with the proposed method and improved closed-loop performances are obtained when compared to the recently reported methods in the literature. 相似文献
对含有非线性时滞位移的van der Pol—Duffing方程进行了研究,着重研究了时滞参数对van der Pol—Duffing系统Hopf分叉及极限环幅值的控制.首先采用摄动法从理论上推导出极限环幅值与时滞参数之间的关系,分析时滞参数对幅值大小的影响,并着重讨论了不改变振动频率情况下对幅值的控制.通过对零解的稳定性分析,得出Hopf分叉产生的条件.最后用数值计算的方法验证了理论计算结果,数值计算结果与理论结果相当吻合. 相似文献
利用Lyapunov泛函数分析方法研究时滞广义分散控制系统,给出关联矩阵在某种解下的镇定条件及反馈控制器的设计方法,及具有相同时滞的广义分散系统,提供了镇定控制器的设计以保证闭环系统是渐近稳定的。 相似文献