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以南京东花岗保障房片区为例,分析我国现行保障房制度与布局策略下的保障房居民社会融合度方面的三个问题:居住空间分异严重、公共设施配建落后、就业居住空间失配,并从调整布局结构、培育城市次中心、完善交通网络三个方面对我国今后保障房建设中社会融合度的提升提出建议。  相似文献   

随着城镇化的进程加快,保障房建设问题成为了一项重要民生问题。本文通过介绍武汉市现行的几种保障房建设模式,结合武汉市特点进行举例说明和比较,阐述了这几种模式的优缺点和适用性。提出配建模式应当成为武汉市保障房建设主流模式。同时分析了目前的发展中配建模式存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

周榕 《住宅产业》2014,(4):59-62
相对于集中建设的保障房,配建保障房用地选址空间自由度加大,使被保障家庭更加方便地就近居住、就业、就医、就学和出行,降低了生活成本,同时还有利于社会和谐。因此,配建保障房的政策实施很有必要。本文通过对北京市已建成的配建保障房项目调研,总结配建保障房建设和使用中存在的问题,借鉴国内外经验,从空间布局、建设规模、指标控制等方面提出规划对策和政策建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国正在进行大规模的保障性住房建设,如何作好保障房的物业管理,是一个既迫切又严峻的问题。本文通过对保障房物业管理与一般商品房物业管理进行比较分析,梳理保障房物业管理存在的问题,在此基础上探讨我国当前形势下可行的保障房物业管理模式,并对各种模式的优劣势进行了分析,并认为,"准市场化模式"是一种更为有效的保障房物管模式。  相似文献   

吴新坚 《城市开发》2011,(11):46-47
从2009年开始,国家宏观调控政策从关注市场转向市场与保障并重双轨制,“十二五”期间的保障房建设任务变得空前艰巨。目前,广州已提前30天完成了保障房建设8.5万套任务,受到公众广泛关注。在此期间所形成政策先行、双轨储备土地制、限地价、竞配建、多元化的融资平台、政企共建的创新模式也引起了业界热烈的讨论。笔者从广州保障房建...  相似文献   

吴新坚 《城市开发》2011,(22):46-47
<正>从2009年开始,国家宏观调控政策从关注市场转向市场与保障并重双轨制,"十二五"期间的保障房建设任务变得空前艰巨。目前,广州已提前30天完成了保障房建设8.5万套任务,受到公众广泛关注。在此期间所形成政策先行、双轨储备土地制、限地价、竞配建、多元化的融资平台、政企共建的创新模式也引起了业界热烈的讨论。笔者从广州保障房建设经验出发,对国内保障房建设提  相似文献   

刘卫斌  施婷  张振华 《住区》2021,(2):56-63
在城市更新中进行一定比例的配建已成为深圳等“存量发展型城市”供应保障性住房的主要途径,随之带来的商品房与保障房的空间隔离矛盾成为了社会关注的热点问题,但学界和业界尚未及时对这一新型住区形态及其带来的空间隔离形式和空间公平正义问题进行探讨.本文的研究对象为配建型保障房住区,在实地踏勘与观察研究了商品房和保障房之间的空间隔...  相似文献   

摘要 从住房供应结构(Structure of Housing Provision)的理论视角出发,基于广深两城实践,着重论述中国大城市保障房供应的 两种结构,即“政府主导”(大规模建设模式)和“政企联合”(配建模式)。不同的供应结构,根植于不同阶段的社会经济及城 市发展背景,其本质为不同行动主体由于资源动员能力的差异而联合起来以实现保障房供应。“政府主导”的大规模建设模式盛行 于“十二五”期间,主要受自上而下的中央政府压力以及城市扩张期郊区建设用地的相对可获得性所驱动。在“后‘十二五’”时期, 一方面大城市发展阶段逐渐由增量扩张转向存量更新,新增建设用地受限,而存量用地更新涉及复杂的利益主体和高昂成本,在此 情景下“企业化”的政府无法“独自”实现保障房供应;与此同时,大城市的保障房需求日益高涨,实现保障房供应的主体多元化(特 别是开发商)是形势所需,“政企联合”的配建模式成为典型。  相似文献   

费彦  王世福 《规划师》2012,28(9):61-64
用地的保证对于居住区公共服务设施的配置具有实质性的作用.居住区公共服务设施用地可通过独立占地模式和地块配建模式实现,通过比较这两种用地模式在保证设施供给质量、可操作性和经济运作方面的优劣,认为只有在控制性详细规划编制中保证中小学等大型居住配套设施的用地,从源头区分公共性用地和私有化的居住开发的边界,才能切实保障居住区公共服务设施的完善配置.  相似文献   

牡丹江市通过政府主导、市场化运作、棚户区改造和廉租房配建等多种方式相结合,大力推进棚户区改造,取得积极成果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Inclusionary zoning—requiring and encouraging developers to build some affordable housing in market‐rate projects—is a growing but deeply contested practice. We evaluate the experience of inclusionary zoning programs in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, including their structure and elements, effectiveness in delivering affordable housing, and effect on housing markets and supply, to address the debate. We find that the programs vary but are not heavily demanding and include cost offsets. Low in‐lieu fees, however, can be the weak link. Many of the mandatory programs are effective, if effectiveness is measured by comparing the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning with other affordable housing programs. We found no statistically significant evidence of inclusionary zoning's adverse effect on housing supply in cities with inclusionary mandates. We conclude that critics underestimate the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning, and overestimate its adverse effects on housing supply. Nonetheless, inclusionary zoning is no panacea and needs to be part of a comprehensive housing strategy.  相似文献   

In South Africa, recent initiatives to restructure cities towards greater compaction and integration include the formulation of an inclusionary housing policy, where private property developers are expected to offer some affordable housing in their developments. This paper examines policy and practice in the City of Johannesburg where an inclusionary housing policy is intended to work together with a growth management strategy to direct infrastructural investment. However the policy has hardly been used. The paper examines the policy and its development, initiatives to use it, and the challenges it faces. Key constraints include: resistance by the property development industry and middle/upper-income residents; South Africa’s huge income inequalities and hence housing price cliffs; and institutional and legal issues. These concerns have in part underpinned the lack of supportive national policy. In this context, local policies have been confined to specific, deal-driven projects, but these have also been fraught with problems, and have delivered few affordable units. The potential of inclusionary housing policy for reshaping South African cities therefore seems limited, although it could play a small role if national policy with careful attention to implementation were formulated. An alternative form of mixed income developer-led housing seems to have greater potential, although it is focused on low/middle-income housing and relies to a significant extent on government subsidies, in contrast to inclusionary housing proper.  相似文献   

通过对现阶段我国保障性住房建设主要特征与问题的认识,提出保障性住房建设应转变传统的供给方式。转变方式的一个重要方面是,借鉴美国包容性区划实践经验,在城市中心区普通商品房开发项目中配建一定比例的保障性住房。通过对美国包容性区划经验的学习以及中美相关背景的比较,认为我国目前采用与包容性区划性质相似的保障性住房"配建政策"不仅具有重要的现实意义,同时具有较强的政策执行优势。最后,论文提出当前采用保障性住房"配建政策"尚需解决的主要问题和解决建议。  相似文献   

There is in Australia a chronic shortage of decent housing affordable to the income poor. This shortage is exacerbated by increasingly vociferous opposition from groups of residents to proposals for low‐income housing development. The move towards a more inclusionary form of planning in the 1990s, based on an expansion of public participation strategies, often leaves planners torn between satisfying the demands of the vociferous few and a professional desire for ‘balanced’ development which considers a broader, if nebulous, ‘public good’. In urban consolidation debates, far more is heard from articulate middle class NIMBYs who fear that provision of ‘affordable’ housing will allow people of different (i.e. inferior) backgrounds to move into their areas, than from the lower‐income groups who want to realize their assets through subdivision of their property or who simply want the opportunity to afford somewhere to live. However inclusionary the planning process seeks to be, the articulate classes will become more actively and vociferously involved than others in attempting to shape discussion and outcomes. Is anyone able to speak for the poor or ensure their voices are heard?  相似文献   

Inclusionary zoning, commonly known as inclusionary housing (IH), first originated in the United States in the early‐1970s in the wealthy suburbs of Washington, DC. Since then, the epicenter of IH practice in the U.S. has moved west to California. Today, more than 25 % (145) of the state’s local governments have adopted inclusionary policies. These policies vary greatly in detail, but share common characteristics. In contrast, IH in Europe is of newer vintage, emerging mostly in the 1990s as governments began to withdraw from direct provision of social housing and impose affordable housing requirements on private developers. And, unlike Europe, IH in the U.S. is not imposed via national, state, or regional government land use and planning laws, but is, generally, a voluntary election by individual localities. Since 2008, the implosion of the California real estate market and negative court cases have challenged the fundamental assumptions underlying IH and brought the virtual cessation of new IH programs. Some existing programs have been modified, suspended, or repealed. This research discusses the political and ideological debates that inform IH within the American context, profiles the origins and characteristics of these programs, and speculates about the future of IH in view of recent changes in the housing market and the legal environment.  相似文献   

鉴于租赁型保障房建设目前存在的资金缺口以及其他国家保障性住房发展的经验,采用LIHTC 机制运用税收抵免吸引社会资本投资可支付租用住房建设,对解决低收入人群住房问题将发挥重要作用。介绍了LIHTC 机制主体及其运行模式,分析了该机制在经济激励效果、政府负担、有力监管、开发商融资四方面所展现出的优势。提出了创建我国租赁型保障房税收抵免经济激励机制的构想,从宏观经济流动性过剩与地方政府积极性角度分析该机制在我国推行的可能性,同时阐述实施过程中将会遇到的税收抵免分担比例问题。并为构建我国租赁型保障房税收抵免经济激励机制提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

从政府政策、规划建设、居住条件和居民满意度四个维度构建模型;以沈阳市丽水新城小区为例,实证分析沈阳市公租房居民满意度现状和影响因素;针对公租房准入制度和分配方式、公租房所在位置和建筑质量、公租房户型设计和物业服务等关键因素,提出提升居民入住满意度的建议。  相似文献   

民间资本不愿意投资公租房项目的主要原因是项目投资回报率低。为了以BOT模式成功引入民间资本参与公租房投资建设,有必要建立相应的投资激励机制。产权激励是最主要的投资激励手段之一,因此本文在建立公租房项目收益函数的基础上,定量分析产权激励政策的激励效果,为促进我国公租房建设提供政策参考。  相似文献   

Many local governments are adopting inclusionary zoning (IZ) as a means of producing affordable housing without direct public subsidies. In this paper, panel data on IZ in the San Francisco metropolitan area and suburban Boston are used to analyse how much affordable housing the programmes produce and how IZ affects the prices and production of market-rate housing. The amount of affordable housing produced under IZ has been modest and depends primarily on how long IZ has been in place. Results from suburban Boston suggest that IZ has contributed to increased housing prices and lower rates of production during periods of regional house price appreciation. In the San Francisco area, IZ also appears to increase housing prices in times of regional price appreciation, but to decrease prices during cooler regional markets. There is no evidence of a statistically significant effect of IZ on new housing development in the Bay Area.  相似文献   

为解决开发商在保障房建设中推行住宅产业化动力不足的问题,从政府激励机制的角度,通过梳理政府已出台的激励政策,阐释保障房产业化建设的激励机制现状并剖析原因,运用演化博弈论的方法,分析政府和开发商群体的互动行为及策略选择,得出当前政府激励强度不足的结论,并据此提出政府应采用以经济激励为主,多种激励方式并行,分阶段、分地区差异化建立激励机制的建议,以促进住宅产业化在保障房建设中可持续发展。  相似文献   

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