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《Material Religion》2013,9(1):76-87

The now-global presence of Samayapuram Mariyamman, a goddess from Tamil Nadu, has complicated discussions about her identity as a “local” deity of limited influence. This article details the contemporary veneration of the goddess in the urban, island city-state of Singapore. For the past thirteen years, her devotees in Singapore have observed a festival in her honor, christening it the “Sri Samayapuram Mariyamman Kul Varppu Celebrations” (KVC). This goddess festival is framed around the core ritual of kul varppu, a “porridge offering” to the deity, anchoring the event firmly within the votive tradition of devotional Hinduism. While this ritual has persisted in households over time, it has now been incorporated into, and stands at the center of a consciously organized, collective, goddess festival in an urban, multicultural, cosmopolitan context, and has acquired a fresh set of meanings. Its guiding principles rest in a commitment to the “ways of the ancestors,” a set of customary religious practices, which have been largely “forgotten” and that are being revived for the “benefit of future generations.” “Bringing back the old ways” is an idiom through which devotees articulate their revitalization efforts, manifest concretely in privileging ritual attention to folk Hindu deities. The article begins by offering an ethnographic grounding for this project, specifying the research trajectory and recording the methodological routes traveled. Next, the article narrates the form of the festival I observed in 2004 and 2005, followed by a turn to its material dimensions, emphasizing the cooking of the porridge, the reproduction of sacred space, and the movement of the deity within this. Coming to the present, the article ends by charting the shifts that have taken place in the festival's enactment over a thirteen-year period and in the organizing group's portfolio and agenda.  相似文献   

Zipf,Gibrat and geography: Evidence from China,India and Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigate Zipf's Law on the size distribution and Gibrat's Law on the growth of sub‐national populations in China, India and Brazil. We reject Zipf's Law for India, but not for China and Brazil; a log normal distribution also fits Brazil well, but not China and India. Gibrat's Law holds for Brazil; that is, lagged population is the best predictor of current population in Brazil. In China, market potential is an important predictor of population growth, while in India both crop area and market potential are important. Our results show that there is a diversity of experiences across countries, and we speculate that this diversity maybe caused by differences in the characteristics of the three countries.  相似文献   

张宇 《华中建筑》2008,26(7):12-14
该文通过对奥地利格拉茨美术馆的介绍。阐述了建筑电讯的建筑理念。经过40年的时间,随着格拉茨美术馆的建成,人们才终于接受了20世纪60年代初建筑电讯的建筑思想,  相似文献   

位于奥地利城市格拉茨的新艺术馆以“友善的外星客”闻名。它是一个风格进的建筑。向建筑常规提出了多项挑战在文章中作者从四个角度分析了该建筑的独到之处:其一,对于格拉茨城市历史文脉的挑战——该市为联合国教科文组织认定的“世界遗产城”,亦为2003年欧洲文化之都.其二对于博物馆设计传统的挑战.其三复杂的生物几何设计是技术上的挑战.最后,则是给予来访者体验上的挑战——为建筑的惊人外表所诱,人们愿意探索艺术馆里面的奥秘而走进它。  相似文献   

朱氏牌楼位于山西省原平县城西北15公里处的北阳武村,始建于清代咸丰五年九月(公元1855年),是中议大夫、陕西延榆绥道加盐运使衔武芳畴奉敕为其母朱氏雕造石质节孝牌坊。朱氏牌楼由于年久失修,加上人为破坏和风雨侵蚀,石头表面都有不同程度的风化剥落。屋顶构件摇摇欲坠,石檐下垂、断裂,下层南次楼前后外角塌落,明楼前檐二块飞椽从檐桁处断裂掉落。根据上述情况对朱氏牌楼进行化学加固维修,本文介绍各部位的修缮施工情况。  相似文献   

Intense competition existing in the construction market creates an industry that is dominated by the client groups. This paper provides insights into private clients’ needs, wants and expectations from contractor firms in the Northern Cyprus building construction market, by presenting survey findings of 91 clients regarding this issue. Moreover, it presents their perspective related to doing repetitive works with the same contractors in possible future works. The study has clearly confirmed the fact that the clients in the specified market place high emphasis on a wide variety of factors. The importance assigned to these factors varies according to the categories or characteristics of the clients within the private building construction sector. Another striking finding was the responding clients’ willingness to do possible repetitive works with the same contractors assuming that they are fully satisfied with the existing or past projects. This opportunity, if used properly by the contractor firms in this market, may be the key to beating the competition and lead to the easy path to increase a contractor firm's market share. Furthermore, it was found that the responding clients expect much more than quality, finishing on time and within budget for full satisfaction and continuing to do repetitive works. The importance and hence the contribution of a set of criteria related to achieving full client satisfaction, and leading to possible repetitive works is presented. Although it would not be reasonable to determine general strategies on just a single study, the contractor firms in the Northern Cyprus construction market will benefit from the framework given within this paper by recognizing what is important and essential to private building construction clients in particular situations and hence present the capabilities of the contracting or potential contracting organizations in ways that meet this to best advantage. Although the results given are based on input from the Northern Cyprus construction market, we believe that the contractor firms in other countries, who specialize in building works for private sector may also benefit from the findings or at least the approach of this research as well.  相似文献   

常青 《建筑师》2019,(4):19-23
根据2018年教育部对全国专业硕士学位必修课程的设置要求,在被认定的建筑学硕士学位专业必修课中,包含了"建筑历史与理论"课程。本文从因材施教的基本原则出发,针对适应建筑学硕士学位培养目标和学生未来主要职业生涯的特点和需求,在以往相类教学课程的基础上,以理论诸范式及其相互关系为主线,提出了"建筑历史与理论"课程教学大纲,对讲授内容和方法作了新的系统梳理和概括,列出了部分比较重要的教学参考书目,以为日后课程设置在全国各建筑院校的实施提供前期研究和讨论参考。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,城市韧性研究日益兴起,理论累积也达到了一定程度,现如何开展基于生态实践智慧的城市韧性研究,使其从理论探索走向实践研究显得尤为重要。从生态实践智慧的首选研究范式——巴斯德范式的视角出发,通过Web of Science和中国知网两大平台检索城市韧性相关中英文文献,对文献进行研究范式分类统计分析,探讨了城市韧性研究中玻尔范式盛行的现象和原因,并提出了城市韧性巴斯德范式研究的建议。  相似文献   

文章结合国家科学课程标准,以及目前科学与技术教育专业硕士学位教育的基本现状,对科学与技术教育专业学位教育进行分析研究,认为科学与技术专业硕士学位教育主要存在重视不足、缺乏统一课程设置、地区分布不平衡等问题。对此应进一步重视科学教育领域的研究,统一课程体系设置,加快建立科学与技术教育专业硕士点。  相似文献   

在儿童游戏场国际发展史中,中国的儿童游戏场经 历了独特的发展历程。与欧美各国因解决自身城市问题而出现 的儿童游戏场不同,中国儿童游戏场的兴起与发展源自欧美风 景园林思想与本土经济、社会、文化的碰撞。旨在探讨20世纪 上半叶上海、天津和广州3个近代中国最重要通商口岸内儿童 游戏场的发展历程,以期考察中国儿童游戏场和儿童游憩观念 的形成过程。本文指出,在20世纪前,这些通商口岸的儿童常 被视为“缩小的成人”,并采取成人的休闲活动进行游憩;而 随着“安全”“教育”“体育”等欧美思潮在20世纪的传播, 这些城市的儿童游戏场也先后引入了安全舒适的活动场地、增 长见闻的图书馆及锻炼身体的运动器械等一系列游乐设施,并 衍发出促进儿童身心发展、健康成长和社交需求等一系列休憩 功能,使得儿童游戏场成为功能复合的特色城市空间。在此过 程中,城市居民提升了对于儿童游憩重要性的认知,将儿童游 戏场视为能够培养儿童融入社会的重要工具。  相似文献   

本文阐述了对城市特色及历史文化名城特色风貌的认识。分析了银川市的城市特色,论述了保护名城风貌特色和现代化建设的关系及做法。  相似文献   

川西藏羌石砌碉房民居,历经多次地震考验并沿用至今,其营造中必定蕴含科学合理的抗震设计技术。论文通过调研民居营建中的构造设计做法,揭示了石砌碉房民居多种地域抗震构造设计技术;同时为了解决现代建筑与石砌建筑之间风貌延续的矛盾,结合现代混凝土砌体抗震方法,通过创新的抗震构造设计,成功解决风貌保护与抗震设防的矛盾,从而为民居更新和民居修复提供技术支持。  相似文献   

At the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea, Wales, Wilkinson Eyre Architects has united old and new structures, as well as maritime and industrial history. Jeremy Melvin describes the curatorial drive behind the museum's construction, and also how the architects have deftly drawn on their own experience of projects that have some association with industry and science. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large swathes of London's West End remain under the ownership of the Great Estates, with the Grosvenor Estate (Duke of Westminster) owning much of Mayfair and the Cadogan family (Earl of Cadogan) much of Chelsea. Terry Farrell looks at how this long-term custodianship has impacted on the development of the fabric of the city and its strong sense of place. He explains how it is a model that he has tried to draw from in his own Earl's Court masterplan. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

历史园林是一种处于自然周期中的活态型遗产,其 保护具有特殊性。在忒休斯悖论的启发下,以《佛罗伦萨宪 章》为指导,对历史园林保护方法进行梳理与思辨。历史园林 的格局是遗产整体性和真实性的基础,呈现历时特征;要素易 变且部分有生长性,是整体性的必要条件,体现了共时性的特 点,但真实性矛盾尖锐。在此基础上提出格局第一性,要素第 二性的观点,建构了一种基于“格局修复,要素更替”的理论 范式,并以绛守居园池为例,以实证类推理论进行实践检验。 通过总结历史园林的保护方法,探讨历史园林保护、修复与更 新的边界和尺度问题,为相关实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In view of the deep dewatering of landfill sludge (LS) that had been buried for more than ten years in Shanghai, Fenton's reagent combined with a vacuum preloading method was proposed. First, a vacuum filtration test was carried out to study the optimal amount of Fenton's reagent for LS. Then, four filter membranes with different pore sizes were used for a vacuum preloading model box test to study the influence of pore size on the consolidation behaviour of LS. Through particle analysis, SEM and MIP testing, the consolidation behaviour of sludge under different pore sizes was studied from the microscopic perspective. The results show the following: the optimal amount of Fenton's reagent for conditioning LS is Fe2+ 4%, H2O2 12%; the water content of LS with different pore sizes is reduced from 73% to 56%–63%; the unconfined compressive strength is increased from 10 kPa to above 80 kPa; and the volume reduction ratio is approximately 50%, among which the filter pore size of 180-μm has the best performance. The micro-test results show that the pore size of the filter membrane has an important influence on LS's consolidation. The research results can provide significant references for the in-situ treatment of LS.  相似文献   

李婧  韩锋 《风景园林》2017,24(11):93-98
从传统生态智慧的角度,通过现场判读、参与观察、深度访谈等方法,对贵州鲍家屯喀斯特水利坝田景观进行调查和研究。阐述了鲍家屯戍边汉民族独特的社会经济信仰体系(宇宙观、风水信仰、家庭观念、宗族意识、防御心理、民族情感、屯田制、岁修制度、"来会"制度)如何在恶劣的自然条件(土地贫瘠、水土流失、雨水分布不均、旱涝风险)下,延伸出了独特的人地互动方式(空间选址、水资源利用、可调节的自流式灌溉),形成了协调的水利坝田景观。  相似文献   

The borderlands of Notting Hill and Shepherd's Bush – at the very fringes of the Westway – have become the site of London's largest new privately owned artspace. A nonprofit foundation funded by Louise T Blouin MacBain, the Canadian CEO of a global media business and an arts philanthropist, the institute has been designed both as a home for the Blouin Foundation and as an effective showcase for the work of newly emerging and established artists. Jeremy Melvin describes how architects Borgos Dance have used the ‘intriguing’ exterior of an old coachbuilder's workshop to their advantage, in hewing out a ‘compelling’ new interior. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New technologies have enabled architects to develop sophisticated patterning techniques. This is epitomised by the expressive possibilities now available to the building envelope: smooth geometries, tessellation, material textures and layers, such as solar shading. For Alejandro Zaera-Polo of Foreign Office Architects, though, patterns have cultural and political possibilities far beyond mere decoration, enabling new practices to address in the urban context some of the crucial problems posed by globalisation: bridging the dichotomy between tabula rasa and contextualism, and the articulation between the local and global. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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