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Multimedia Tools and Applications - While the RT-PCR is the silver bullet test for confirming the COVID-19 infection, it is limited by the lack of reagents, time-consuming, and the need for...  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Coronavirus (COVID-19) is one of the most serious problems that has caused stopping the wheel of life all over the world. It is widely spread to the extent that...  相似文献   

International Journal of Speech Technology - Researchers and scientists have been conducting plenty of research on COVID-19 since its outbreak. Healthcare professionals, laboratory technicians, and...  相似文献   


Pneumonia is an infection in one or both the lungs because of virus or bacteria through breathing air. It inflames air sacs in lungs which fill with fluid which further leads to problems in respiration. Pneumonia is interpreted by radiologists by observing abnormality in lungs in case of fluid in Chest X-Rays. Computer Aided Detection Diagnosis (CAD) tools can assist radiologists by improving their diagnostic accuracy. Such CAD tools use neural networks which are trained on Chest X-Ray dataset to classify a Chest X-Ray into normal or infected with Pneumonia. Convolution neural networks have shown remarkable performance in object detection in an image. Quaternion Convolution neural network (QCNN) is a generalization of conventional convolution neural networks. QCNN treats all three channels (R, G, B) of color image as a single unit and it extracts better representative features and which further improves classification. In this paper, we have trained Quaternion residual network on a publicly available large Chest X-Ray dataset on Kaggle repository and obtained classification accuracy of 93.75% and F-score of .94. We have also compared our performance with other CNN architectures. We found that classification accuracy was higher with Quaternion Residual network when we compared it with a real valued Residual network.


新型冠状病毒肺炎在全球范围迅速蔓延,为快速准确地对其诊断,进而阻断疫情传播链,提出一种基于深度学习的分类网络DLDA-A-DenseNet。首先将深层密集聚合结构与DenseNet-201结合,对不同阶段的特征信息聚合,以加强对病灶的识别及定位能力;其次提出高效多尺度长程注意力以细化聚合的特征;此外针对CT图像数据集类别不均衡问题,使用均衡抽样训练策略消除偏向性。在中国胸部CT图像调查研究会提供的数据集上测试,所提方法较原始DenseNet-201在准确率、召回率、精确率、F1分数和Kappa系数提高了2.24%、3.09%、2.09%、2.60%和3.48%;并在COVID-CISet图像数据集上测试,取得99.50%的最优准确率。结果表明,对比其他方法,提出的新冠肺炎CT图像分类方法充分提取了CT切片的病灶特征,具有更高的精度和良好的泛化性。  相似文献   

传统多生物特征融合识别方法中人工设计特征提取存在盲目性和差异性,特征融合存在空间不匹配或维度过高等问题,为此提出一种基于深度学习的多生物特征融合识别方法。通过卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)提取人脸和虹膜特征、参数化t-SNE算法特征降维和支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)分类组合进行融合识别。实验结果表明,该融合识别方法与单一生物特征识别以及其它融合识别方法相比,鲁棒性增强,识别性能提升明显。  相似文献   

葛芸  马琳  储珺 《中国图象图形学报》2020,25(12):2665-2676
目的 高分辨率遥感图像检索中,单一特征难以准确描述遥感图像的复杂信息。为了充分利用不同卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)的学习参数来提高遥感图像的特征表达,提出一种基于判别相关分析的方法融合不同CNN的高层特征。方法 将高层特征作为特殊的卷积层特征处理,为了更好地保留图像的原始空间信息,在图像的原始输入尺寸下提取不同高层特征,再对高层特征进行最大池化来获得显著特征;计算高层特征的类间散布矩阵,结合判别相关分析来增强同类特征的联系,并突出不同类特征之间的差异,从而提高特征的判别力;选择串联与相加两种方法来对不同特征进行融合,用所得融合特征来检索高分辨率遥感图像。结果 在UC-Merced、RSSCN7和WHU-RS19数据集上的实验表明,与单一高层特征相比,绝大多数融合特征的检索准确率和检索时间都得到有效改进。其中,在3个数据集上的平均精确率均值(mean average precision,mAP)分别提高了10.4% 14.1%、5.7% 9.9%和5.9% 17.6%。以检索能力接近的特征进行融合时,性能提升更明显。在UC-Merced数据集上,融合特征的平均归一化修改检索等级(average normalized modified retrieval rank,ANMRR)和mAP达到13.21%和84.06%,与几种较新的遥感图像检索方法相比有一定优势。结论 本文提出的基于判别相关分析的特征融合方法有效结合了不同CNN高层特征的显著信息,在降低特征冗余性的同时,提升了特征的表达能力,从而提高了遥感图像的检索性能。  相似文献   

Computational Visual Media - Camera pose estimation with respect to target scenes is an important technology for superimposing virtual information in augmented reality (AR). However, it is...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - At the end of 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported pneumonia that started in Wuhan, China, as a global emergency problem. Researchers quickly...  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - COVID-19 has emerged as a global crisis with unprecedented socio-economic challenges, jeopardizing our lives and livelihoods for years to come. The...  相似文献   

目的 卷积神经网络在图像识别算法中得到了广泛应用。针对传统卷积神经网络学习到的特征缺少更有效的鉴别能力而导致图像识别性能不佳等问题,提出一种融合线性判别式思想的损失函数LDloss(linear discriminant loss)并用于图像识别中的深度特征提取,以提高特征的鉴别能力,进而改善图像识别性能。方法 首先利用卷积神经网络搭建特征提取所需的深度网络,然后在考虑样本分类误差最小化的基础上,对于图像多分类问题,引入LDA(linear discriminant analysis)思想构建新的损失函数参与卷积神经网络的训练,来最小化类内特征距离和最大化类间特征距离,以提高特征的鉴别能力,从而进一步提高图像识别性能,分析表明,本文算法可以获得更有助于样本分类的特征。其中,学习过程中采用均值分批迭代更新的策略实现样本均值平稳更新。结果 该算法在MNIST数据集和CK+数据库上分别取得了99.53%和94.73%的平均识别率,与现有算法相比较有一定的提升。同时,与传统的损失函数Softmax loss和Hinge loss对比,采用LDloss的深度网络在MNIST数据集上分别提升了0.2%和0.3%,在CK+数据库上分别提升了9.21%和24.28%。结论 本文提出一种新的融合判别式深度特征学习算法,该算法能有效地提高深度网络的可鉴别能力,从而提高图像识别精度,并且在测试阶段,与Softmax loss相比也不需要额外的计算量。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Automatic classification of fruit freshness plays an important role in the agriculture industry. In this work, we propose an ensemble model that combines the...  相似文献   

(Aim) COVID-19 is an infectious disease spreading to the world this year. In this study, we plan to develop an artificial intelligence based tool to diagnose on chest CT images.(Method) On one hand, we extract features from a self-created convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn individual image-level representations. The proposed CNN employed several new techniques such as rank-based average pooling and multiple-way data augmentation. On the other hand, relation-aware representations were learnt from graph convolutional network (GCN). Deep feature fusion (DFF) was developed in this work to fuse individual image-level features and relation-aware features from both GCN and CNN, respectively. The best model was named as FGCNet.(Results) The experiment first chose the best model from eight proposed network models, and then compared it with 15 state-of-the-art approaches.(Conclusion) The proposed FGCNet model is effective and gives better performance than all 15 state-of-the-art methods. Thus, our proposed FGCNet model can assist radiologists to rapidly detect COVID-19 from chest CT images.  相似文献   

目的 糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR)是目前比较严重的一种致盲眼病,因此,对糖尿病性视网膜病理图像的自动分类具有重要的临床应用价值。基于人工分类视网膜图像的方法存在判别性特征提取困难、分类性能差、耗时费力且很难得到客观统一的医疗诊断等问题,为此,提出一种基于卷积神经网络和分类器的视网膜病理图像自动分类系统。方法 首先,结合现有的视网膜图像的特点,对图像进行去噪、数据扩增、归一化等预处理操作;其次,在AlexNet网络的基础上,在网络的每一个卷积层和全连接层前引入一个批归一化层,得到一个网络层次更复杂的深度卷积神经网络BNnet。BNnet网络用于视网膜图像的特征提取网络,对其训练时采用迁移学习的策略利用ILSVRC2012数据集对BNnet网络进行预训练,再将训练得到的模型迁移到视网膜图像上再学习,提取用于视网膜分类的深度特征;最后,将提取的特征输入一个由全连接层组成的深度分类器将视网膜图像分为正常的视网膜图像、轻微病变的视网膜图像、中度病变的视网膜图像等5类。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法的分类准确率可达0.93,优于传统的直接训练方法,且具有较好的鲁棒性和泛化性。结论 本文提出的视网膜病理图像分类框架有效地避免了人工特征提取和图像分类的局限性,同时也解决了样本数据不足而导致的过拟合问题。  相似文献   

舌象分析是计算机视觉技术在中医望诊的客观化、定量化应用研究中的一个重要课题,其中2个关键步骤是舌体分割和舌象分类.通过级联分类器在原始图像上实现自动舌体定位,再将分割后的舌体图像在GoogLeNet和ResNet上进行深度迁移学习训练,用得到的深度网络对齿痕、裂纹和舌苔厚薄3种主要舌象特征进行分类.从中医医疗机构中获取...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new approach for fingerprint classification based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and nonlinear discriminant analysis. Utilizing the DFT and directional filters, a reliable and efficient directional image is constructed from each fingerprint image, and then nonlinear discriminant analysis is applied to the constructed directional images, reducing the dimension dramatically and extracting the discriminant features. The proposed method explores the capability of DFT and directional filtering in dealing with low-quality images and the effectiveness of nonlinear feature extraction method in fingerprint classification. Experimental results demonstrates competitive performance compared with other published results.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 virus has fatal effect on lung function and due to its rapidity the early detection is necessary at the moment. The radiographic images have already been used by the researchers for the early diagnosis of COVID-19. Though several existing research exhibited very good performance with either x-ray or computer tomography (CT) images, to the best of our knowledge no such work has reported the assembled performance of both x-ray and CT images. Thus increase in accuracy with higher scalability is the main concern of the recent research. In this article, an integrated deep learning model has been developed for detection of COVID-19 at an early stage using both chest x-ray and CT images. The lack of publicly available data about COVID-19 disease motivates the authors to combine three benchmark datasets into a single dataset of large size. The proposed model has applied various transfer learning techniques for feature extraction and to find out the best suite. Finally the capsule network is used to categorize the sub-dataset into COVID positive and normal patients. The experimental results show that, the best performance exhibits by the ResNet50 with capsule network as an extractor-classifier pair with the combined dataset, which is composed of 575 numbers of x-ray images and 930 numbers of CT images. The proposed model achieves accuracy of 98.2% and 97.8% with x-ray and CT images, respectively, and an average of 98%.  相似文献   

Deep Neural Network (DNN) is widely used in engineering applications for its ability to handle problems with almost any nonlinearities. However, it is generally difficult to obtain sufficient high-fidelity (HF) sample points for expensive optimization tasks, which may affect the generalization performance of DNN and result in inaccurate predictions. To solve this problem and improve the prediction accuracy of DNN, this paper proposes an on-line transfer learning based multi-fidelity data fusion (OTL-MFDF) method including two parts. In the first part, the ensemble of DNNs is established. Firstly, a large number of low-fidelity sample points and a few HF sample points are generated, which are used as the source dataset and target dataset, respectively. Then, the Bayesian Optimization (BO) is utilized to obtain several groups of hyperparameters, based on which DNNs are pre-trained using the source dataset. Next, these pre-trained DNNs are re-trained by fine-tuning on the target dataset, and the ensemble of DNNs is established by assigning different weights to each pre-trained DNN. In the second part, the on-line learning system is developed for adaptive updating of the ensemble of DNNs. To evaluate the uncertainty error of the predicted values of DNN and determine the location of the updated HF sample point, the query-by-committee strategy based on the ensemble of DNNs is developed. The Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategies is employed as the optimizer to find out the location where the maximal disagreement is achieved by the ensemble of DNNs. The design space is partitioned by the Voronoi diagram method, and then the selected point is moved to its nearest Voronoi cell boundary to avoid clustering between the updated point and the existing sample points. Three different types of test problems and an engineering example are adopted to illustrate the effectiveness of the OTL-MFDF method. Results verify the outstanding efficiency, global prediction accuracy and applicability of the OTL-MFDF method.  相似文献   

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