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南方丘陵地区地形起伏,上下游田块及田块内部不同层之间土壤质地差异较大,存在复杂的水分转化关系。为揭示该地区田块内多层土壤水分运动规律,在湖北省漳河水库灌区团林灌溉试验站,开展田块变化水层条件下水分通过犁底层垂直入渗以及通过耕作层侧向入渗试验,观测土壤累积入渗量及各层含水率的变化过程;建立基于HYDRUS-2D的土壤水分二维渗流模拟模型。经验证,模型模拟值和田间实测值基本吻合;试验发现由于土壤性质差异,田块犁底层的存在会抑制水流的垂直运动,减少深层渗漏,但同时增强了水流沿耕作层侧向运动的能力。试验期间,水分沿犁底层平均垂向入渗速率为0.094 cm/min,沿耕作层平均侧向入渗速率为0.138 cm/min;入渗稳定后,渗漏水量占田面累积入渗量的21.11%,其中垂直渗漏水量占0.46%,侧向渗漏水量占20.65%,耕作层侧向渗漏水量占侧向渗漏水量的81.06%。结果表明,土壤侧向渗漏对水量损失的贡献较大,控制田块渗漏特别是耕作层侧向渗漏对南方地区节水减排具有十分重要作用。  相似文献   

杨平青 《西北水电》2007,(4):17-18,21
结合风电机组地基勘察实例,论述盐渍土、软土、黄土和松软砂土等特殊土基本物理力学性质,分析特殊土层的工程地质问题,提出相应的应对工程处理措施。  相似文献   

结合某建筑小区下沉广场项目实例,提出下沉广场雨水泵的流量按进入集水池的雨水设计量确定存在的问题,分析提出采用加大雨水泵坑调节容积,减小雨水泵设计流量,并按最大日降雨量校核的设计方法。  相似文献   

为进一步认识微润灌土壤水分运动规律,进而指导微润灌工程设计,依据非饱和土壤水分运动理论,建立了竖直微润灌土壤水分运动模型,并用SWMS-2D软件进行求解。通过室内试验,对单位长度微润管入渗量、土壤湿润锋运移值和土壤剖面含水率等指标的模拟值进行分析验证。结果表明,模拟值与实测值一致性较好,所建模型能比较真实地反映竖直微润灌土壤水分运动的状况,利用SWMS-2D软件对竖直微润灌土壤水分运动进行模拟具有可行性。  相似文献   

注浆技术在砂砾石土等水利工程的建设中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但是注浆技术存在理论研究滞后于工程实践需要的现象,需要对浆液扩散规律及浆液扩散半径等进行研究。通过设计试验,将拌合水泥浆用的自来水加热并插入温度传感器的方法,来探测水泥浆液在砂砾石层中的扩散过程;并通过正交试验,分析孔隙比e、水灰比m、灌浆压力p等各因素对扩散半径的影响。试验结果表明,浆液扩散过程中其时间t与扩散半径R呈较好的三次函数关系,这与Magg公式基本一致;而在水泥浆液的扩散半径方面,相对于孔隙比和灌浆压力,水灰比起着更显著的影响。本试验工作为砂砾石土灌浆技术提供了有益探索。  相似文献   

东北寒区黑土稻田土壤水分剖面二维运动规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨霞  邵东国  徐保利 《水利学报》2018,49(8):1017-1026
为揭示东北寒区黑土稻田分层土壤水分二维运动规律,选择黑龙江省庆安灌溉试验站稻田土壤开展控制灌溉水层及地下水位条件下分层土壤与均质土壤室内入渗试验。设计装置分层收集侧渗水量,定量识别分层土壤垂直渗漏与侧向渗漏,并基于HYDRUS-2D软件建立水分二维运动模型。结果表明土壤水力特性参数反演效果较好,模型模拟值与实测值吻合;土壤的分层结构抑制了水分入渗,降低了水平侧渗速率及垂直渗漏速率,分层土柱犁底层基本无侧渗输出,耕作层与底土层稳定后的侧渗速率分别为0.007和0.023 cm/h。进行水量平衡分析,分层土柱入渗稳定后侧向渗漏占总渗漏的72.45%,主要通过底土层输出(63.42%);引入"单宽侧渗量"表示不同控制条件下土壤的侧渗输出,灌溉水层的增加显著增大了耕作层与底土层土壤的单宽侧渗量,控制灌溉水层有利于减少侧渗,提高用水效率;犁底层厚度增加主要贡献底土层的单宽侧渗量,反之,地下水位埋深增大则降低了底土层的单宽侧渗量,因此维持稻田适宜的犁底层厚度及地下水位埋深有利于减少深层渗漏损失。  相似文献   

王新明 《中国水利》2006,(20):20-20,22
黄河故道平原风沙区水土流失呈逐步增长的趋势,产生的原因既有自然因素,也有人为因素。水土流失防治要针对地区特点,因地制宜地制定治理对策,加强重点项目的建设和管理以及“三荒”资源开发管理等。  相似文献   

对我国南方某市7座污水处理厂脱水污泥固体组成进行调研,并从污水处理厂进水水质、砂的粒度分布、沉砂池效率及二级处理有机负荷角度进行污泥泥质成因分析。调研结果表明,该市污水处理厂污泥有机质含量整体较低,砂含量偏高,并随季节有一定规律变化。污水处理厂进水含砂量高、砂的粒度小,沉砂池效率低,二级处理污泥有机负荷低是污泥有机质含量低、含砂量高的主要原因。  相似文献   

二维T-S波在壁面局部喷吸边界层流中的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用壁面设置局部法向速度模拟喷吸条件,数值计算获得稳定的三维边界层基本流的数值解。在此基础上,研究不稳定的二维扰动T-S波在空间演化过程的非线性问题;探讨边界层壁面局部无量纲喷吸速度0.004,0.000 6对二维T-S波非线性演化的影响及其对增长率的贡献。数值计算结果表明,边界层平均流剖面的改变促进了扰动波的快速增长,增强了流体运动的不稳定性,扩大了中性曲线的不稳定区域范围,不稳定的二维T-S波获得了更大的增长率;不稳定的二维扰动T-S波在非线性演化过程中,由于非线性相互作用不断增强,逐渐诱导激发出三维扰动速度及高次谐波,其三维扰动基本波的流向波数和频率与二维扰动波的流向波数和频率相同;正、负相间流向涡及强剪切层已初步形成。  相似文献   

根据江苏省辐射沙洲潮流水道21个站位的连续两个潮周期的潮流、含沙量实测资料,利用比较分析和数据回归研究方法,对各潮流水道的挟沙力计算式进行分析,拟合构建了江苏省辐射沙洲海域主要潮流水道相应的挟沙力动力表达关系式。利用4#~15#站位测量数据及相应计算结果计算拟合得出了相应所在潮流水道的挟沙力关系式。同时拟合给出了4#~24#站位所在水道的水流挟沙力计算式,并发现16#~24#站位所在潮流水道的水流挟沙力关系和4#~15#测站所在水道的水流挟沙力关系式有所差别,为此,另外拟合得出了16#~24#站位所在潮流水道相关性更强的实用挟沙力经验关系式。  相似文献   

考虑挡土墙墙体平移的墙后分层填土主动土压力分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
章瑞文  徐日庆  郭印 《水利学报》2008,39(2):250-255
在对挡土墙发生平移时墙后滑裂土体的应力状态进行分析的基础上,建立了作用于墙后滑裂体的墙面间作用力、滑裂面间作用力、土层间剪力以及土层竖向作用力之间的关系式.通过考虑墙后土体分层填筑时沿墙高墙体实际位移量的不同,对墙面摩擦角进行调整,建立了考虑水平土层间剪力作用、每一土层的滑裂面水平倾角和墙面摩擦角变化的土层竖向土压力的逐层渐近的计算方法,以及挡土墙主动土压力合力及其作用位置的计算公式.通过与模型试验结果和库仑解的比较表明:按分层填筑计算得到的挡土墙主动土压力分布与试验结果基本一致;主动土压力合力与库仑解接近;其作用位置较库仑解高,与试验结果相吻合.  相似文献   

根据田纳西干流四个主要测站有1935~1942年的水沙资料分析得出泥沙呈减少趋势,其原因为气候、水利和水保工程影响。根据支流典型测站有1935~1938和1963~1965年水沙资料情况对9条支流进行了平均对比分析,得出泥沙减少是流域内水保工程所致;对有1935~1938,1939~1942和1963~1965年三个时段的支流测站VALLEY河进行了深入的分析,得出在排除降雨条件影响下水土保持措施的减沙效果。另外结合田纳西流域的治理,对我国长江流域的水保提出了商榷性意见。  相似文献   

人类社会的发展使得水资源与水环境问题日益突出,传统水资源单一数量承载力已不能满足水资源规划与管理的需求。本文从水质水量耦合角度构建了量质平衡方程和针对水功能区划水质目标的地表水资源可利用量计算方法,在此基础上提出了以人口数量与GDP规模为表征指标的水资源承载力计算模型。该模型利用人口空间展布的方法将社会经济指标拆分到水资源分区,用承载水平下的生活用水量与Ⅰ—Ⅲ类水资源可利用量平衡关系对结果进行试算检验,考虑了水质水量对水资源承载力的双重约束,也反映了地表水资源可利用量的动态变化特性。模型在沂河流域进行了应用,选用CODcr为污染物控制指标,分析计算了沂河流域不同水平年的水资源承载力,验证了模型计算结果的合理性与科学性。计算结果可以评估和预测流域未来时期的水资源承载程度,为流域/区域经济社会的可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal availability of small fishes, as forage for interior least terns (Sterna antillarum), was compared to the least tern reproductive period during 1993 and 1994 in the lower Mississippi River, Missouri. Timing of forage availability and least tern reproduction was also related to river stage and temperature regimes. Four deep-water habitats (main channel, secondary channel, side channel, and connected slough) and two shallow-water habitats (main-channel interface and side-channel interface) were sampled using a seine and neuston net, yielding 67 245 fish≤10 cm. Catch-per-volume and richness were highest in shallow-water habitats in both years. Highest catches in deep- and shallow-water habitats occurred between 56 and 64 days after peak spring flows in both years. Water temperature was increasing rapidly during the spring flood peak each year. About 80% of total fish catch consisted of taxa known to spawn in floodplain habitats, supporting the connection between the spring flood and the timing and amount of forage available for nesting least terns. Timing of least tern reproduction was related to falling river stages in May and increased forage–fish availability in June. A conceptual model integrates the abiotic factors of hydrology and sand island area to least tern reproduction and small fish availability. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

解极近水面飞行时全机气动力中水波效应的边界元法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以边界元法为基础,在线性水波的假定下,对贴近水面飞行的三维飞行器,提出了一种计算气动力中水波效应的方法。本文共分三部分:I.分析了用边界元法计算非定常压力分布的困难和产生这一困难的原因,指出了对非定常问题,强度分布函数解必须保证唯一性而不能差一个随时间变化的常数。为此对无穷远条件必须有一个正确提法,并在此基础上给出了克服这一困难的方法。Ⅱ.水波效应问题的数学提法,包括各种定解条件和解的最后边界积分形式,导出了在飞行器形成的压力场的作用下波高应满足的微分积分方程,给出了求解的基本方法和步骤。Ⅲ.对于一个包含有复杂外形的机身、机翼、端板、垂尾和平尾的三维机型在贴近水面飞行时,作了包括水波效应在内的全机气动力计算,给出了水波效应随攻角、飞行高度、波幅、波长及波的入射方向等的变化,得到了有意义的结果,同时也证明了本文提出的计算非定常涡强分布函数的方法是正确的。  相似文献   

Successful design and operation of fish passage systems are important to protect fish communities from impacts of hydroelectric dams in the Río de la Plata River basin. We evaluated the performance of an elevator lift system to pass adult fish through Yacyretá dam on the Paraná River between 1995 and 1998, both for mechanical reliability and performance. The elevator lift system was mechanically inoperative 30–38% of the time during the October–December period of greatest fish migration. Target species represented 30% of total fish number in gillnet samples in the tailwater, but constituted only 10% of the total number of fish transferred. Fish collected within the system were dominated by Pimelodus clarias (>69%), although this species represented less than 10% of captures in experimental gillnets set in the tailwater. Prochilodus lineatus, a key species, represented less than 5% of transferred fish, but constituted 22.1% of tailwater samples. Estimated number of fish transferred per year ranged between 1 210 000 (1995) and 3 610 000 (1996) with biomass ranging from 631 to 1989 tons, respectively. We estimated a fish passage efficiency of 1.88% for all species and 0.62% for target species. At this efficiency, transferred species would increase the total fish yield in the reservoir by as much as 4.9 kg/ha/year, but only 0.5 kg/ha/year for target species. We conclude that fish transfer efficiency is inadequate to maintain populations of target species in the Paraná River system. We identify critical research needs to improve the passage of fish at dams. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Range of Variability Approach (RVA) is employed to investigate the variability and spatial patterns of hydrological and sediment changes (1953–2000) induced by intensified human activities, i.e. the implementation of water and soil conservation measures, in nine major catchments of the Loess Plateau, China. Results indicate that: (1) streamflow and sediment load regimes were greatly changed by the implementation of conservation measures; (2) similar spatial patterns of high hydrological and sediment changes resulting from the intensive implementation of conservation measures are observed in most catchments of the middle Yellow River. However, slightly different behaviours of changes exist due to the unique complexity of hydrological and sediment processes in this region and (3) the impacts of various conservation measures on hydrological and sediment processes are closely associated with the extent and types of these measures. Engineering works have a quite immediate impact on streamflow and sediment regimes. Considerable vegetation controls are recognized as additional important driving forces for high hydrological and sediment alterations among various soil conservation measures. In vegetation controls, afforestation is the major factor causing the changes of runoff and sediment processes in these nine catchments. The results of the current study will be greatly beneficial to the regional water resources management and restoration of eco‐environmental system in the middle Yellow River basin characterized by intensified soil‐conservation measures under the changing environment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of a large lowland temperate zone reservoir on chironomid and fish biodiversity was investigated in the same upstream (U) and downstream (D) sites on the same sampling occasions in spring and autumn of several post‐impoundment years. The true/Hill N1 diversity measure was used to construct diversity models of the impact, and partitioning of N1 to reveal the importance of ecological gradients. N1 is unique in being decomposable among multiple levels and easily comparable across ecosystems and animal groups. Chironomids were more diverse than fish in all community sets owing to their probably lower mobility, lower interspecific competition, opportunistic character and much shorter life spans than those of fish. Fish exerted consumption pressure on chironomids upstream by foraging mostly on benthic insects, but not downstream where they fed on microcrustaceans of reservoir origin or on epiphytic fauna (mainly Chironomidae). The reservoir impact on chironomids decreased their diversity in U and increased in D, while much the opposite was true in fish. In D in macroinvertebrates, the impact consisted in advancing over time intensification of seasonal development of submersed macrophytes, while in D in fish in a few species escaping from the reservoir after their populational explosions each year. Partitioning of diversity revealed that the spatial (upstream–downstream) gradient was the strongest factor of diversity change in chironomids as compared with season, and age of the impoundment. No gradient was dominant in fish. Comparisons of observed data with a null model testified to very strong intraspecific aggregation in both chironomids and fish. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

小流域是三峡库区入库泥沙的策源地,研究其侵蚀产沙状况对正确预测三峡水库来沙变化趋势非常重要。以三峡库区典型农业小流域--斑竹林小流域为研究对象,通过137Cs示踪技术,研究了土地利用变化对流域侵蚀产沙空间分布的影响。结果表明:旱地退耕的其他林地和水田改的旱地的侵蚀堆积情况与土地利用变化前相差不大;在土地利用变化后的短期内,该流域侵蚀产沙变化较小,旱地是流域主要的侵蚀产沙源地,水田是淤积区。  相似文献   

Knowledge of regional factors influencing zooplankton structure in a semiarid river must include both the main channel and any tributaries in order to identify spatial and temporal patterns along with the main factor that affect the zooplankton community. Accordingly, seasonal samples were taken during 1997–1999 at 15 stations in the Salado River basin, where 172 species were identified (53 protozoans, 88 rotifers and 31 crustaceans). Conductivity and temperature optima and tolerances were calculated for the evident taxa. Different assemblages were recognized by cluster analysis, on the basis of their temperature and conductivity preferences. With respect to the zooplankton assemblages, three zones can be distinguished along the longitudinal axis of the basin: (1) the headwaters (the effluent from large saline shallow lakes), (2) the inter‐tributaries, and (3) the lower basin and associated shallow lakes. The spatial distribution of the assemblages was a result of the combined action of factors always promoting the dominance of rotifers. The influence of floodplain waters (backwater ponds, waterlogged depressions, flushing lakes) was attenuated progressively downstream, thus producing disadvantages for the crustaceans. The food availability and high nutrient concentrations related to land use in the headwaters favoured the co‐dominance of cladocerans and copepods along with the rotifers in that region. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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