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Recently, we proposed that the higher stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (Q) of endurance-trained (ETR) versus untrained (UTR) individuals are attributable primarily to the enhanced diastolic filling of ETR consequent to a larger blood volume (BV). To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of manipulating BV on the cardiac function of six ETR and six UTR males. Both groups were examined in the control BV condition (BVctl), then ETR were examined immediately following a 500 mL reduction in BV (BVred) and UTR were examined immediately following a 500 mL expansion of BV (BVexp). In BVctl, compared with UTR, ETR had significantly greater BV (16%), maximal diastolic filling rate (47.4%), maximal ventricular emptying rate (24.6%), SVmax (31.6%), Qmax (29%) and VO2max (54.5%). Following BVexp in UTR, there were immediate significant increases in maximal diastolic filling rate (22.5%), SVmax (9.1%), Qmax (8.9%), and VO2max (12.7%). Following BVred in ETR there were immediate significant decreases in maximal diastolic filling rate (27%), SVmax (14.3%), Qmax (14.7%), and VO2max (7.0%). Maximal systolic emptying rate did not change significantly following BVred or BVexp. We conclude that changes in SV and Q consequent to alterations in BV are attributable primarily to changes in diastolic function, and the majority of the higher diastolic filling rate of ETR is due to their larger BV.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that during exercise at maximal O2 consumption (VO2max), high demand for respiratory muscle blood flow (Q) would elicit locomotor muscle vasoconstriction and compromise limb Q. Seven male cyclists (VO2max 64 +/- 6 ml.kg-1.min-1) each completed 14 exercise bouts of 2.5-min duration at VO2max on a cycle ergometer during two testing sessions. Inspiratory muscle work was either 1) reduced via a proportional-assist ventilator, 2) increased via graded resistive loads, or 3) was not manipulated (control). Arterial (brachial) and venous (femoral) blood samples, arterial blood pressure, leg Q (Qlegs; thermodilution), esophageal pressure, and O2 consumption (VO2) were measured. Within each subject and across all subjects, at constant maximal work rate, significant correlations existed (r = 0.74-0.90; P < 0.05) between work of breathing (Wb) and Qlegs (inverse), leg vascular resistance (LVR), and leg VO2 (VO2legs; inverse), and between LVR and norepinephrine spillover. Mean arterial pressure did not change with changes in Wb nor did tidal volume or minute ventilation. For a +/-50% change from control in Wb, Qlegs changed 2 l/min or 11% of control, LVR changed 13% of control, and O2 extraction did not change; thus VO2legs changed 0.4 l/min or 10% of control. Total VO2max was unchanged with loading but fell 9.3% with unloading; thus VO2legs as a percentage of total VO2max was 81% in control, increased to 89% with respiratory muscle unloading, and decreased to 71% with respiratory muscle loading. We conclude that Wb normally incurred during maximal exercise causes vasoconstriction in locomotor muscles and compromises locomotor muscle perfusion and VO2.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of walking or standing on hepatic blood flow of horses after brief, intense exercise. ANIMALS: 6 adult Thoroughbreds (4 mares, 2 geldings). PROCEDURE: Horses were preconditioned on a treadmill to establish uniform level of fitness. Once fit, treadmill speed causing each horse to exercise at 120% of maximal oxygen consumption was determined and used in simulated races at 14-day intervals. In a three-way crossover study, horses were exercised at a speed inducing 120% of maximal oxygen consumption until fatigued or for a maximum of 2 minutes. Three interventions were studied: resting on the treadmill (REST), exercised then standing on the treadmill for 30 minutes (MS), and exercised then walking at 2 m/s for 30 minutes (MW). At 60 seconds after completion of exercise, bromsulphalein (BSP) was infused IV, and blood samples were collected every 2 minutes for 30 minutes for analysis of BSP concentration. Hematocrit and plasma total solids concentration were measured. Pharmacokinetic parameters were derived, using nonlinear regression, and were compared, using Friedman's repeated measures analysis on ranks. RESULTS: Plasma BSP concentration was higher after exercise. Median hepatic blood flow (BSP clearance) decreased significantly from 23.8 (REST) to 20.7 (MS) and 18.7 (MW) ml/min/kg. Median steady-state volume of distribution of BSP decreased from 47.6 (REST) to 42.7 (MW) and 40.2 (MS) ml/kg. Differences among trials were not significant when horses walked or stood after exercise. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatic blood flow and pharmacokinetics of BSP are markedly altered immediately after exercise. Limiting movement of horses during this period did not affect hepatic blood flow.  相似文献   

According to the Balke treadmill protocol, 39 healthy male USAF volunteers were subjected to maximal exercise. The subjects as a group passed the anaerobic threshold by the end of exercise since average venous lactate concentrations increased from 11.2 +/- 1.6 mg% (95% confidence limits) to 93.0 +/- 8.5 mg% (95% confidence limits), and the average gas exchange ratio (R) at the end of the exercise was greater than unity (p less than 0.0005). Tests for correlations showed weak but statistically significant (p less than 0.05) relationships between change in venous lactic acid concentrations and R (r = 0.44) and maximal heart rate (r = 0.34). Maximal oxygen consumption was correlated with time of exercise (r = 0.70) and subject weight (r = 0.33). Subject age and initial plasma lactate concentrations were not significantly correlated with any other variables. Multiple linear regression yielded an equation for prediction of maximal oxygen consumption which included terms for time of exercise and subject weight. Although the multiple correlation coefficent (r = 0.75) was statistically significant (p less than 0.05), it was considered insufficient for accurate prediction of maximal oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of increased blood glucose availability on glucose kinetics during exercise. Five trained men cycled for 40 min at 77 +/- 1% peak oxygen uptake on two occasions. During the second trial (Glu), glucose was infused at a rate equal to the average hepatic glucose production (HGP) measured during exercise in the control trial (Con). Glucose kinetics were measured by a primed continuous infusion of D-[3-3H]glucose. Plasma glucose increased during exercise in both trials and was significantly higher in Glu. HGP was similar at rest (Con, 11.4 +/- 1.2; Glu, 10.6 +/- 0.6 micromol . kg-1 . min-1). After 40 min of exercise, HGP reached a peak of 40.2 +/- 5.5 micromol . kg-1 . min-1 in Con; however, in Glu, there was complete inhibition of the increase in HGP during exercise that never rose above the preexercise level. The rate of glucose disappearance was greater (P < 0.05) during the last 15 min of exercise in Glu. These results indicate that an increase in glucose availability inhibits the rise in HGP during exercise, suggesting that metabolic feedback signals can override feed-forward activation of HGP during strenuous exercise.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine what effect physical training has on heart rate and stroke volume responses to exercise stress and to determine if exercise altered the distribution of uterine blood flow. Measurements were made in ten pregnant ewes at rest and immediately following exercise on a treadmill. Five ewes underwent physical training for 3 wk prior to measurement. An increase in heart rate with no change in stroke volume was observed following exercise in both trained and untrained ewes. Total uterine blood flow was not changed following exercise, but distribution was altered in favor of the placenta. Blood flow was evenly distributed within the placenta before and after exercise. The redistribution of flow to the placenta that occurs after exercise. tphe redistribution of flow to the placenta that occurs after exercise might represent a compensatory mechanism for the fetus.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence and risk factors of the disease among under five children in a rural community. Three villages were randomly selected from the Ghoraghat thana of Dinajpur district. All under five children were followed once a month for consecutive four months and all the target variables were checked and recorded in the questionnaire. 566 out of the total of 965 under five children had ARI episodes during the study period. The prevalence of ARI in the community was 58.7%. However, the incidence in both sexes were 14.7%. It was 14.9% and 14.4% in male and female respectively. The mean number of episodes of ARI was 1.75 per child per year. Among studied risk factors, malnutrition (63% vs. 37%), illiteracy (64% vs. 36%), poverty (62% vs. 38%), overcrowding (62% vs. 38%) and parental smoking (61% vs. 39%) were found in significantly higher proportions in ARI victims compared to those without ARI. These observations emphasize the need for research aimed at health system to determine the most appropriate approaches to control acute respiratory infection and thus could be utilized to strengthen the ARI control programme.  相似文献   

The authors discuss briefly the main lesions produced during intensive therapy in 500 patients who died under treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of Padova during the period Dec. 13, 1971--Sept. 9, 1974. Specifically 36 cases of pneumothorax induced by automatic respiration are analyzed from a clinical and pathological viewpoint.  相似文献   

The effect of voluntary exercise on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) was studied in young female Fischer 344 rats. After 10 weeks of wheel-running training, the absolute VO2 max and VO2 max relative to body mass increased without a decline in body mass. The running speed eliciting VO2 max, heart and soleus muscle mass, and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity in the soleus muscle also increased. These results suggest that voluntary exercise is an effective means of increasing the aerobic exercise capacity of young female Fischer 344 rats.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas flavescens strain B62 (NCPPB 3063) is a recently described bacterium isolated from walnut blight cankers. This strain has been designated as the type strain of a Pseudomonas rRNA group-I species. Strain B62 produced a mixture of two exopolysaccharides, differing in weight average relative molecular mass and composition. Only the most abundant exopolysaccharide (90% by mass), corresponding to the one with the lower molecular mass, was investigated by use of methylation analysis, partial acid hydrolysis, and NMR spectroscopy. The polysaccharide was depolymerised by the action of the cellulase produced by Penicillum funiculosum and the oligosaccharide obtained, corresponding to the repeating unit, was characterised by NMR spectroscopy and ion-spray mass spectrometry. The repeating unit of the B62 exopolysaccharide is [structure in text] where X is glucose (75%) or mannose (25%), and Lac is lactate. The O-acetyl groups are present only on 75% of the repeating units, and they are linked to the C6 of the hexose residues in non-stoichiometric amounts.  相似文献   

The present study was an investigation of the regulation of anion secretion across cultured mouse endometrial epithelium by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) using the short-circuit current (ISC) technique. The cultured endometrial monolayers responded to both apical and basolateral application of PGE2 with a sustained rise in ISC in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the potencies of apical and basolateral addition of PGE2 were different, with apparent EC50 of 200 and 4 nM, respectively. Replacement of Cl- or HCO3- in the bathing solution significantly reduced the ISC responses to both apical and basolateral addition of PGE2; however, the apical response exhibited greater dependence on HCO3- . Pretreatment with diphenylamine 2,2'-dicarboxylic acid, a Cl- channel blocker, significantly reduced both PGE2-induced ISC responses, while pretreatment with amiloride, a Na+ channel blocker, did not exert any effect. Forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator, and 3-isobutyl-dihydro-testosterone-1-methyl-xanthine, a cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, mimicked the ISC response to PGE2 while MDL12330A, an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, completely abolished the PGE2-induced ISC. The results of the present study indicate that the anion secretion across the mouse endometrial epithelium may be regulated by PGE2 involving a cAMP-dependent mechanism predominantly. The differential responses to apical and basolateral challenge with PGE2 also suggest that PGE2 of different origins may play different roles in uterine function.  相似文献   

A friction loaded cycle ergometer was instrumented with a strain gauge and an incremental encoder to obtain accurate measurement of human mechanical work output during the acceleration phase of a cycling sprint. This device was used to characterise muscle function in a group of 15 well-trained male subjects, asked to perform six short maximal sprints on the cycle against a constant friction load. Friction loads were successively set at 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65 and 0.75 N.kg-1 body mass. Since the sprints were performed from a standing start, and since the acceleration was not restricted, the greatest attention was paid to the measurement of the acceleration balancing load due to flywheel inertia. Instantaneous pedalling velocity (v) and power output (P) were calculated each 5 ms and then averaged over each downstroke period so that each pedal downstroke provided a combination of v, force and P. Since an 8-s acceleration phase was composed of about 21 to 34 pedal downstrokes, this many v-P combinations were obtained amounting to 137-180 v-P combinations for all six friction loads in one individual, over the widest functional range of pedalling velocities (17-214 rpm). Thus, the individual's muscle function was characterised by the v-P relationships obtained during the six acceleration phases of the six sprints. An important finding of the present study was a strong linear relationship between individual optimal velocity (vopt) and individual maximal power output (Pmax) (n = 15, r = 0.95, P < 0.001) which has never been observed before. Since vopt has been demonstrated to be related to human fibre type composition both vopt, Pmax and their inter-relationship could represent a major feature in characterising muscle function in maximal unrestricted exercise. It is suggested that the present method is well suited to such analyses.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the plasma to red blood cell (RBC) lactate concentration ([La]) gradient and RBC:plasma [La] ratio during 30 min of steady-state cycle ergometer exercise at work rates below lactate threshold ( LT. Blood samples were taken from a heated forearm vein, immediately cooled to 4 degrees C in a dry-ice ethanol slurry, and centrifuged at 4 degrees C to separate plasma and RBCs. RESULTS: During >LT, plasma [La] rose to 8.8+/-1.1 mM after 10 min and remained above 6 mM. RBC [La] (4.9+/-0.7 mM) was significantly lower than plasma [La] at 10 min and remained lower throughout exercise. As a result, there was a sizable [La] gradient (approximately 3.5 mM) from plasma to RBC during most of >LT. In LT, the ratio of RBC [La]:plasma [La] was the same for both (0.58+/-0.02) and not significantly different from rest. CONCLUSIONS: These results refuted our hypothesis that the RBC:plasma [La] ratio would decrease at the onset of >LT exercise because of muscle lactate release exceeding the ability of RBCs to take up the lactate. Instead, there appears to be an equilibrium between plasma [La] and RBC [La] in arterialized venous blood from a resting muscle group as evidenced by the constant RBC [La]:plasma [La] ratio.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of AIDS is a complex and prolonged process that is affected by a variety of cofactors, including the abuse of both intravenous and smoked (crack) cocaine. The exact mechanisms by which cocaine facilitates this disease are yet to be proven, but likely include a combination of increased risk due to cocaine-related social behaviours, a wide-ranging capacity for cocaine to suppress the immune system, and an effect of cocaine on the infectivity and replication of HIV. While sometimes contradictory, both human and animal studies document that cocaine alters the function of natural killer (NK) cells, T cells, neutrophils and macrophages, and alters the ability of these cells to secrete immunoregulatory cytokines. In addition to these effects on the immune system, cocaine also enhances the infectivity and/or replication of HIV when tested using human cells in vitro.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that adenosine is involved in regulating substrate metabolism during exercise. Seven trained cyclists were studied during 30 minutes of exercise at approximately 75% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Lipid metabolism was evaluated by infusing [2H5]glycerol and [1-13C]palmitate, and glucose kinetics were evaluated by infusing [6,6-2H]glucose. Fat and carbohydrate oxidation were also measured by indirect calorimetry. The same subjects performed two identical exercise tests, but in one trial theophylline, a potent adenosine receptor antagonist, was infused for 1 hour before and throughout exercise. Theophylline did not increase whole-body lipolysis (glycerol rate of appearance [Ra]) or free fatty acid (FFA) release during exercise, but fat oxidation was lower than control values (9.5 +/- 3.0 v 18.0 +/- 4.2 micromol x min(-1) x kg(-1), P < .01). Glucose Ra was not affected by theophylline infusion, but glucose uptake was lower (31.6 +/- 4.1 v 40.4 +/- 5.0 micromol x min(-1) x kg(-1), P < .05) and glucose concentration was higher (6.4 +/- 0.6 v 5.8 +/- 0.4 mmol/L, P < .05) than in the control trial. Total carbohydrate oxidation (302.3 +/- 26.2 v 265.5 +/- 11.7 micromol x min(-1) x kg(-1), P < .06), estimated muscle glycogenolysis (270.7 +/- 23.1 v 225.1 +/- 9.7 micromol x min(-1) x kg(-1), P < .05), and plasma lactate concentration (7.9 +/- 1.6 v 5.9 +/- 1.1 mmol/L, P < .001) were also higher during the theophylline trial. These data suggest that adenosine may play a role in stimulating glucose uptake and restraining glycogenolysis but not in limiting lipolysis during exercise.  相似文献   

Total and regional myocardial blood flow was measured in miniature pigs at rest and during two levels of treadmill exercise, including maximal exercise. Exercise increased the myocardial blood flow in a linear manner with heart rate (r = 0.87). At rest the endocardial/epicardial blood flow ratio was significantly greater than unity with flow favoring the endocardium. Exercise failed to appreciably alter the distribution of coronary blood flow. Thus the myocardium was capable of further dilatation and perfusion of blood without compromising endocardial flow even during the most severe level of exercise when maximal heart rates were attained.  相似文献   

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